We live in a world where the need to be liked and approved by others is incessant. Some are focused on how many likes they receive on their comments and pictures. It seems normal to do whatever it takes to get attention and be accepted by others. This desire is not a new phenomenon and didn't just begin in the age of social media. It has been a part of human psychology for a very long time.
It even created problems among some of the early disciples. For instance, the Lord used Apostle Peter at Cornelius's house to teach that even Gentiles could be part of the church. Yet, he eventually stopped fraternizing with them. Galatians 2 tells us this was because he succumbed to peer pressure from Christian Jews who wanted to hold on to the old way of thinking - that uncircumcised Gentiles were unclean and thus should not be among them. Peter's choice to agree with that group of believers caused Apostle Paul to chastise him publicly. Why did Peter ignore what the Lord had taught him? One could argue that the need to be liked by others played a role.
This highlights a question that today's believers must address: Who are you living to please? Are you focused on receiving approval from people or the Lord?
In Galatians 1:10, Apostle Paul wrote, "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
Paul knew he couldn't appease human beings and remain a true servant of Jesus Christ. This must have been hard to do because people are social beings but he nevertheless stuck to his principles. He understood that his focus had to be on God and not on man. Similarly, James 4:4 warns that "friendship with the world means enmity against God." And as Christians, we can't ignore these scriptures because they speak directly to our relationship with God. After all, both James, the brother of Jesus, and Paul believed that to be servants of the Lord He must be the priority.
We therefore must be more concerned with how God sees us than how the world sees us. We must live our lives seeking to please Him and not be acceptable to people. This can be very difficult in our world where we are encouraged to put our principles to the side to be accepted by others.
Still, we must remember that God will help us once we commit. When He is the priority, what is normal for the people of the world will no longer be normal. Checking the news or social media won't be the first thing we do in the morning, for instance. Opening the Bible and praying will become the better alternative. Using foul language and listening to such will no longer feel appropriate. Rather than arguing and fighting, walking away from tense situations becomes the norm.
The choice to please God instead of man may seem hard to put into practice, but the rewards will always be worth it. Paul noted that the choice meant he could serve Christ. James said it meant not being an enemy of God. Are we willing to make the same choice so we can also enjoy these and other benefits? Will we focus on living lives that please people or will we aim to please the Lord?
To learn more on this topic, please read these related messages:
From M22 -Abba I commit my last application to you. I admit the waiting season has not been easy for me especially since last week's rejection. I admit my faith is wavering and I am not proud of it. Let your will be done over it. I know I have been worried about what some of my recommenders said to me last year when I had rejections last year and that fear has been affecting me since 2024 started. Help me Lord to focus on you no matter the outcome.
Thank you fellow Peppers for your prayers! I don't know whether to wait for the last application or just move on. It's been radio silence. I commit it to God almighty. Amen.
Mighty One, I thank You for another successful fellowship. Thank You for everyone who participated and those who will at a later time.
I pray that the meditations of our hearts and the words from our lips were pleasing to You, Lord. Please, take all the glory! Let Your name be praised through our gathering. May others who don't know You yet, come in here and experience Your presence and Your grace. May they be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth.
All glory be onto You, Almighty God! We look forward to gathering again on Friday to honor You, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Thank you Abba Father that we can find our acceptance and validation in you. Help us to blur out the noise and judgement of the world and focus on walking with you. Thank you blessed father for continually pruning us and strengthening us! IjMN amen.
From SN - Father, the thing that I am waiting to receive and the issue that currently looms over me, let them be resolved immediately. Let me wait no more and let Your blessings and abundance overtake me, in Jesus' name. Amen.
I need to use this opportunity to thank the Lord once more. I've talked about a bill that became burdensome and the Lord's promise to ensure that it gets paid.
He did it again but different from what He'd done the last few months. I had no clue how it would happen but held on to what He'd told me, which was that everything would be taken care of without stress.
Somehow, I held my peace. That didn't stop the devil from trying to spook me with its lie that the Lord wouldn't do it. I was able to reject each lie with God's word and reminded myself of how He'd tackled other issues. The enemy wanted me to dwell on disappointments as well, including a recent one that forced me to remember that God will do things His way but because His plans for me are good, there are no disappointments, just lessons on the way to the promise.
I've noticed that with each passing month, my faith is increasing and I just want to thank the Lord for doing this for me.
The lesson I learned this month is to expect the unexpected. God has too many ways to do what He wants to do and will always surprise His own.
From AW - Father God, I seek your divine intervention for my dear friend "L " recently laid off from her job. I pray that you grant her the strength and resilience to navigate this challenging time and find the perfect opportunity that aligns with her skills. Father God, please provide my friend with the courage to remain steadfast in her faith during this period of uncertainty. Please give her the wisdom to discern the right opportunities and make sound decisions about her future career path. IJMN, Amen!
We've learned about the importance of living to please the Lord.
Some have even shared their experiences and how God is guiding them toward this grace so that they honor Him.
Let's take some moments to think about some of the things we do in order to appease people. The things we should instead do in accordance with God's word.
Is it unforgiveness? Take the time to forgive all who have hurt you now.
Is it going to places He's told you to avoid? Commit to not returning to that place and start thinking about the steps you can take to keep this commitment.
Is it watching certain types of shows or content that you know displeases God? Seek His forgiveness and take the steps to make it very difficult to do what you shouldn't.
Today's lesson requires we each take a close look at ourselves and the ways we opt to please men instead of our Heavenly Father.
I pray over each of us, that in Jesus name, we receive strength in our inner man via the power of His Spirit to be bold and courageous in serving our God and putting Him first in our lives. We shall live to please Him, honoring His word and moving in alignment with Him, Amen!
Heavenly Father, I lift up everyone in this fellowship seeking (a change in) employment.
Father, You are the God who we call on to bless the works of our hands. Psalm 90:17 - May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.
Although satan claims it has authority, we know from reading Matthew 28:18 that all authority is in the hands of our Savior Jesus Christ. We also know that You have complete power over all that is in the Earth (Psalm 24:1).
As such, dear Lord, I call on You to show favor to Your children in their endeavors and to bless the works of their hands as they seek employment. Guide them toward the place You want them to be in and may they submit to and receive Your directions, to Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for couples seeking the fruit of the womb. I pray that you will turn their waiting season into fruitfulness. I pray Abba that you will bless them with healthy beautiful babies that they will nurture in your ways. I pray that you will put an end to miscarriages, failed IVFs and difficult adoption processes IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for children across that world. I pray that you shield and preserve them from violence, harm and abuse. I pray that you will help them fulfil their God-given destiny and potential here on earth. I pray that you will continue to nourish and nurture them. I pray that they will continue to be burning vessels as they continue to walk in your glory IJMN amen.
God, many people are struggling and have turned to substances, things and even people for comfort.
Father, I pray against every spirit of addiction that holds Your people captive. I pray in the name of Jesus, that individuals will come to know that all they need is You. That they will turn from substances, things and people that serve as idols in their lives. That they will relinquish and break all agreement with the spirit of addiction and dependency, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling in their walk with you. Silence every voice in their life that is not yours. I pray that you help them to focus on walking with you no matter how tough life gets. Search them and know their hearts, test them and know their anxious thoughts. Point out anything in them that offends you and lead them in the everlasting path IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people struggling with their mental health. I pray that your peace will guard their hearts and minds. I pray that you conquer every battlefield in their minds. I pray that start to refocus their gaze on you Abba and not the storms of life. I pray that you restore and transform them from the inside out IjMN amen
From sis AW - Father God, I seek your divine intervention for my dear friend "L " recently laid off from her job. I pray that you grant her the strength and resilience to navigate this challenging time and find the perfect opportunity that aligns with her skills. Father God, please provide my friend with the courage to remain steadfast in her faith during this period of uncertainty. Please give her the wisdom to discern the right opportunities and make sound decisions about her future career path. IJMN, Amen!
From SN - Lord, let us pray for those who are weary and struggling in their faith. Please constantly remind us that You keep all of Your promises, that Your Word is good, and that we can rely on You always. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
From sis FJ -
God I thank You for the timely and significant scholarship and tax refunds I'm getting which will be helpful for upcoming expenses
God thank You for helping me to drive on new roads more confidently. thank you for keeping me safe when I drive this past week, free of accidents whether in the night or the day
Think about the people in your life. What are they struggling with?
Take a moment to pray for them.
We've only got 25 minutes, so let's go.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for your love over us. Romans 8:38-39 is a strong testament of how much he loves us. I pray that we learn to rest in his comfort and authority. I pray that we learn to obey God even when we feel like it's uncomfortable. I pray that God helps us focus on him and not our feelings IjMN amen!
Hallowed be Your name, Redeemer!
Sovereign Lord, Your dominion is everlasting. Nobody can ask You what have You done for You have all authority over everything.
Thank You for being my God. The lover of my soul.
From AW - Pulling up late to Praise in Pray like:
Father God, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and awe at the blessings you have bestowed upon me. Your presence in my life has filled me with hope, love, and strength, guiding my path and lifting me up during times of struggle. Thank you for your grace that has sustained me through each challenge, reminding me that I am never alone. Your abundant blessings have provided me with food on the table, shelter over my head, and warmth in my heart. And for these things, I am eternally grateful. IJMN, Amen!