When last did you read the Book of Titus? I have to confess it's a part of the Bible I need to study more. Like the rest of the Good Book, it has practical instructions that, if applied, serve to make life more straightforward and enable me to serve the LORD as He requires.
Consider Titus 2:7-8 - In everything, show yourself to be an example by doing good works. In your teaching show integrity, dignity, 8 and wholesome speech that is above reproach, so that anyone who opposes us will be ashamed, having nothing bad to say about us.
The bolded section jumped out at me recently as it highlighted a responsibility that is easily ignored by most of us Christians. We are expected to carry ourselves a certain way so that others will have nothing bad to say about us as well as the larger body of Christ.
You're likely thinking that even if you behaved like a saint, someone would find something bad to say about you. You're right. The reality is that people who do not believe in Jesus, and who do not submit to God, cannot have anything good to say about those who follow the Lord. We need only look at the experience of Jesus who was without sin and yet the people of His day chose to save a murderer from death instead of the Son of God.
Yet, a responsibility remains. We Christians must not behave in a way that gives others ammunition to accuse us and thereby, insult the Lord. In Romans 2:24, Paul lamented saying, As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” He was talking to believers who failed to observe God's instructions. We cannot claim to be Christians and not even try to behave in a Christ-like manner. Remember that the first Christians earned that title because of how they carried themselves. They didn't call themselves Christians, it was non-Christians who had heard the story of Christ that looked at His believers and could identify them as such.
Can someone randomly look at you and tell from your behavior that you believe in Christ Jesus? When you do the things you do ordinarily, are they Christ-like? When you speak to or about people, do you speak from a place of love or otherwise? When you leave comments online, are your words salted with grace as we are commanded in Colossians 4:6? Or, are they peppered with gossip, insults, ungodly ideology and vile language?
There is a standard God wants His people to keep. The question is do we? Or are we content to live no differently from unbelievers? Are we happy to ignore God's word and then give ammunition to those who then dismiss the Lord when they look at our behavior?
We each need to look at ourselves and be honest, do the things we do give Jesus, God and our faith a bad name? Don't worry about what others are doing or not doing as this is not the time to point fingers at others. This is about you and I and how we carry ourselves.
May the Lord help each of us to be honest and introspective. In childlike humility, may we see our flaws and allow God to help us overcome them, so we lead holy, blameless lives that give Him glory and cause others to praise Him, IJMN Amen.
Almighty God, You are the Alpha & Omega. The Beginning and the End. The One who is ever-present and knows all. Thank You for the blessing and privilege of being able to join with others to honor You this way today.
Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus, I call on You to help each of us who participated today and those who will encounter this message at a later time to be the people who do not contribute to the blaspheming of Your name. Grace Lord to behave in a way that reflects well on You and the faith. That we may carry ourselves forever mindful of the sacrifice of Jesus and all that was done to bring salvation to this world. Help us, Lord, Amen.
Our God of Vindication and Divine Retribution;
"as when a hungry man dreams he is eating, then awakens still hungry; as when a thirsty man dreams he is drinking, then awakens faint and parched. So will it be for all the many nations who go to battle against Mount Zion (Isiah 29:8)"
God, the enemy is accusing Your children, who are made in Your image, filled with Your glory, and carriers of Your light.
Arise, my God. Defeat the slanderer. Remember the Accusers, the men of depraved minds. Let their folly be made clear to all. (2 Tim 3:8)
But God, I do ask that in Your mercy, You would convict Your children if in any way their own choices gave room to the devil, or if they are the reason that Gentiles mock (Romans 2:24).
I trust You God to rescue Your children. Put their accusers to shame. Not for our own pride, but for the sake of Your light that we carry. Amen in Jesus name.
May my accusers perish in shame; may those who want to harm me be covered with scorn and disgrace. -- Psalm 71:13
There is a lot of talk about how our faith in God is under attack. That is indeed a fact. Yet, each of us has a role to play as Titus 2:7-8 illustrates. Are you part of the reason why the faith is being attacked? Are you contributing to God being blasphemed by others as Apostle Paul decried in Romans 2:24?
Honoring God and living in a way that reflects our commitment to Him can surely seem difficult. Christ-like behavior is oftentimes demeaned and insulted. Yet, we are no different from the first Christians. They were a small group of believers surrounded by a majority of people who had no idea who God was and did not understand the blessing of Jesus.
Sound familiar?
We arguably have things better than they did. The name of our Savior is widely recognized around the world. The difference is that while the early Christians were identifiable by their behavior, in this day and age, modern Christians look no different from unbelievers, atheists, and even satanists.
How can you become a person who reflects Christ and His love to the world? What changes in your lifestyle and patterns of behavior can you make? It can be as little as not leaving your shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot but instead taking it back to the collection spot. Or being the person who cleans up after themselves when you go to eat so you don't give the cleaners more work than they need to do. Can you be the person who stands up and walks away when your coworkers begin to bash your boss or that person that they just don't like? Can you be the person who doesn't insult your leaders but instead prays for them?
Many of these behaviors are very 'quiet' and will not be recognized by others. However, those little choices are louder than you realize. There could be that one person who sees you and that would be enough to confirm to them that indeed there are not just good people in the world, but Godly people. And this is the point. Our lives should minister to people around us. This doesn't mean we won't make a mistake but when we do, it will not be the norm. We'll recognize the misstep and not repeat it.
God is calling His people to shift their perspectives. He has called individuals to become part of the Body of Christ. He is looking at individuals and how they behave. Each of us needs to be an individual who tries to look like Him here on the earth.
Lord, thank You for making me in Your image. Thank You for when I gave my life to Christ, I became a member of Your Holy Household. Father, I call on You for more grace, that I may reflect You as I walk on this earth. That my behavior, not just my words, will be Christ-like and minister to those looking for light in a dark world, IJMN, Amen.
Redeemer of Destinies, The King of Spirits, Creator of All;
I exalt You. I thank You that in Your mercy You are compassionate and able to rescue souls from death.
1 Sam 2:8
- He raises the poor from the dust And lifts the beggar from the ash heap,
- To set them among princes And make them inherit the throne of glory.
- “For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,
- And He has set the world upon them.
Abba I pray over the souls that belong to You, those that You have marked as your own. (John 6:44 -- No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day)
Remember Lord the traps the enemy has set for Your children, to prevent them from fulfilling their destinies. But God, You are the Almighty, He who opens doors that no one can shut. I lift up the blood of Jesus over their souls, the blood that speaks a better word than that of Abel (Hebrews 12:24). I nullify the evil weapons and strategies the enemy is using to keep Your children in darkness. Thank You for rescuing them IJN, amen.
Heavenly Father, I give You all the praise. Thank You for being the God who has good plans for His children. Thank You for being the God who blesses all people, even those who don't acknowledge You. You are king and merciful and You deserve all the glory!
Lord, I lift up people seeking accommodation. Father, Your word tells us in Psalm 127:1 - Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. There is nothing that a person seeks that they should not look to You to provide.
So for those in search of accommodation, I lift this issue to You and call on You to honor Your word in John 3:27 - To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. Father, lead them to Your promise as contained in Isaiah 32:18 - My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.
Settle the living situations of those looking to You on this issue, IJMN, Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
*From BI* - Lord, I lift up the grieving to You to heal their broken hearts. Heavenly Father, You are near the broken-hearted, surround them with Your transcending peace and may they feel the warmth of Your love. Be their strength and guide. Remove all anger from their hearts and replace it with a greater acceptance of Your Will. Renew their thoughts and spirit and show them that with You, they are never alone. Bless them with more of You IJN Amen.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your kindness and mercy. Thank You for being the God whom we come to. The God who hears and answers our prayers.
Lord, I lift up the issue of poverty. People are starving around the world, unable to find resources for their immediate needs such as food, medicine, housing. God, I call on You in accordance with Your word in Psalm 12:5 - But you, LORD, tell them, "I will do something! The poor are mistreated and helpless people moan. I'll rescue all who suffer." (CEV). Dear God, move on behalf of these ones. You see their suffering and their pain. You are the God who has promised to show mercy and compassion to those whom You will show mercy and compassion. May these ones be recipients of this grace, IJMN, Amen. IJN, I break the spirit of poverty in any form upon these ones. For Jesus died to set every captive free and thus anyone stuck in a structure of poverty and lack has access to the abundance and provision of the Lord through the name of Jesus in which I pray. Amen.
Remember Your word in Psalm 22:26 - The poor will eat and be satisfied; those who seek the LORD will praise him— may your hearts live forever!
Make a mockery of the enemy and its plans to keep people in deprivation, my King. For the word states and I believe it to be true that for those in need, My God will supply their need according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). You are not a stingy or lacking God, so Father, pour out upon those struggling in poverty, IJMN, Amen.
It's time to transition from worship to prayer. Be sure to lift up people who are in need. Many are going through troubles, even some in this thread have raised a prayer request or two.
Whatever you do, pray for people. Do not pray for yourself right now.
Jesus told us it is better to give than to receive and this is our opportunity to be Christ-like and do just that via praying for others.
The Lord will help you.
God, I thank You for this timely message. God, I also thank You for the burst of faith You gave me today. Truly, the One who calls me is faithful, and He will do it.
Thank You for wisdom at work. Thank You for giving me favor and blessing in the eyes of others.
You are very kind to me, Abba! Thank You for even healing Mr L -- he looked much better when we saw him yesterday.
Thank You also for giving us enough for our needs, and extra unexpected provisions
Lord, I thank You for this ministry and all who are a part of it. They will be done in their lives and may we all rejoice in You for the answered prayers that are coming their way, IJN, Amen.
Jehovah Jireh! I want to thank You for being my Provider. I have prayed with Psalm 23 for years and indeed, You have been my Shepherd and I have not lacked.
You give good gifts, Lord and I want to say thank You. Thank You for the moments when I get to laugh. Thank You for always reminding me of Your love and that You want me to smile.
Thank You that even in the tough moments, You aren't silent and You ensure I know that You are by my side. My Ever-present Help and Helper.
Thank You for everything.
*From BI* - I praise You my Heavenly King. You are faithful, righteous, loving, forgiving, kind, merciful, wise, wonderful and so much more. A million tongues are not enough to thank You for all that You do. I approach Your throne of grace with praise and a grateful heart. Thank You!
Glorious God, You are worthy of all the praise.
Thank You for this beautiful day and all that You are doing. Thank You for grace and love from You. All undeserved but given happily.
Praise be to Your Holy name!!!
Alright Peppers, it's that time again.
Time to pepper the atmosphere with our praises to God Almighty.
Lift up your hands and your voices. Stomp your feet and glorify Him with a dance.
He is worthy of all the praise so don't delay.
Worship the King of kings!
*From T1983* - Thank you God for everything!! For always making a way and for answering my prayers! If I can get prayers for my mom,she has a mild case of pneumonia and seems to get bad overnights… about to go get a chest X-ray shortly at the hospital… may you heal her God! And I thank you for covering her and never leaving her!!!! IJN AMEN!!
*From C* - Blessed be God and all His mercies
I want to praise God for my sister and her graduation with her BA it wasn’t easy, but God!!!
Thank You for all the prayers
*From M22* - Thank you Lord for another P and P. May God's name be praised!
Thank you for today's word sis @FFJ. Today's teaching is a reminder for introspection. It is easy for us to point at others and judge them and pick apart their bad behaviours when infact we should focus on ourselves. I know this world is programmed to make people develop strong herd mentalities but it is okay to stand out and not follow the crowd in their behaviours and principles especially if it doesn't glorify God.
God is the beginning and the end of our lives and no matter how the world discriminates us for following him diligently, we should hold on to him to help strengthen his values in us.
I pray that everything we say and do will continue to glorify God. I pray we continue to focus on what is above and not the spirit and cares of this world. IJMN amen.
*From BI* - Thank You my Almighty King for letting me see this great day that You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I don’t deserve even a fraction of the mercy You show me. You alone are worthy of all praise.
Thank you for today’s word sis @FFJ. I certainly do not do enough good works. I thank my Abba for sending His son as the best example of righteousness. Thank You Lord for not treating us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. I pray that we all choose to honour God in everything that we do. May God grant us strength and courage to live boldly in accordance with His Word and Will. May we strive to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind so that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God IJMN Amen.
From AA - Glory to God and thanks for this post.
This is what i always feel conviction in my heart about. So many people are quick to throw around "God" when it suits them but their actions, lives, hearts and behaviors do not reflect Jesus and the word. It gets me upset especially seeing entertainers do it because of the influence they have. It annoyed me so much i started doing inner reflection like "miss do you yourself represent Jesus well?" And i was like ooh yeah, as much as i think i'm a good example there was more i had to change about me. Little things like making certain jokes, foul language, entertaining inappropriate coversations / topics with people. The music and media i've been consuming. That one has been tough!
I've been watching clips of "the truth behind hip hop" and i've gained so much insight.
By the grace of God i'm slowly getting rid of the desire to even want to listen to r&b and all the secular songs.
I do have a question though, attending family parties, events, weddings knowing what i know about the music it'll be a struggle to vibe out when you know what is behind these songs. How do you deal with this?