Isaiah 42:20 - You have seen many things, but you pay no attention; your ears are open, but you do not listen.
Take a good look at this verse. Does it apply to you? Don't worry about whether you can name other people who are guilty of this. Focus on one thing - does it apply to you?
I know it applies to me. I have seen God do ridiculously wild miracles in my life and that of others. He has proven Himself capable over and over. Yet and still, I am one of those people today's anchor scripture speaks of - one who has seen but failed to pay attention and that's heard but closed my ears so as not to actually hear.
Think about it. If you've seen the wonders of God in your life or someone else's then how can you doubt that the same God is capable of doing the incredible again? And if you've heard Him speak to you personally or through the Bible, then how could it ever be possible for you to not apply what you heard and learned in your life?
These are questions we all have to wrestle with in an effort to put our faith, no matter how small, to work so we avoid the pitfalls of those who have eyes but don't see and have ears but don't hear. These are the sort of people that Jesus spoke to in parables according to Matthew 13:13. They didn't have access to the deeper revelations and understandings that He shared with those who obeyed Him and submitted to His authority.
How do we avoid this? We have to be more intentional in our walk with the Lord. We have to look for and recognize miracles, no matter how big or small they seem, and rejoice for them. The fact the bus was still there though you got there late is cause to glorify God. That there was one last box of the item you went to the store for is reason enough to thank the Lord. See what the Lord has done for you and praise Him for it. If you are grateful for the little, He will surely give you more.
And as for the hearing, when the Lord teaches or tells you something, don't just think, "Oh, that's neat!" Create time to think about what you've learned and how to apply God's lesson in your life. Then, put it into practice. We recently learned about staying away from gossip, for instance. How many of us remember that lesson while we peruse our favorite online 'watering holes' or when we get comfortable with friends, family or coworkers? Or, how many of us are putting God's Royal Law into action in our life on a regular basis?
Becoming a person who pays attention to what God shows us and applies what He tells us requires us making choices to achieve those goals. We'll do great on certain days and not others, sadly. Nevertheless, our God who sees all, will acknowledge how we are putting our faith to work and reward us for doing what pleases Him. We'll grow in the ways of the Lord and become more like David, a person after God's own heart.
May the good Lord continue to help us as we learn to appreciate what He shows and tells us. And may we go stronger in our faith and usefulness to the Kingdom of God, IJN Amen.
See you at Noon EST for P&P time.
To read more:
Trust God - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) June 30, 2020
Rely on God, Not Man - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) July 21, 2020
Rely on God - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) March 9, 2021
Faith vs Trust - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) September 10, 2021
Listen, Obey, Trust - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) August 12, 2022
Focus on God's Works - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) September 6, 2022
Praise be to the Lord Almighty! Everlasting King and our Great and Mighty Father!
You have done it again. Bringing us to the end of another hour of fellowship all to Your glory. Thank You God for this privilege.
Psalm 19:14 - May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. This is our humble prayer to You, dear God. I pray it will extend to today's participants as well as those who will take part in today's fellowship at a later time.
Glory be to Your Holy Name, IJN we pray, Amen.
From PBS - Thank you Lord—You alone are Worthy of all Praise! :heart:
Father in the Name of Jesus, we lift before you all who are bound and in situations that are oppressive. In the Name of Jesus, we command every devil, enemy, persecutor, abuser, stronghold, oppressor, opposition, dictator, and everything and anyone abusing their position of power—to bend their knees and be destroyed right now.
For at the Name of Jesus, every knee must bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and we exercise our authority to speak His Name.
Every deceitful weapon used to physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually bind, we declare that they are removed and broken up in Jesus name. We declare that the Lord and His Will take over and heal those who have been victims.
Father, please hear both the loud and silent prayers of those needing escape and breakthrough. Cover them with the wings of your protection. Comfort and lead them out.
Lord, set up ways of escape into Your safety. Send the angels out to unshackle the chains and lead your beloved and those needing your salvation, out of their imprisonments.
Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy! Thank you for the new lives of peace, prosperity, and salvation that have opened up. Thank you for sending Your Light, which overcomes all darkness.
In Jesus Name, Amen!
This issue of seeing and hearing is very crucial for our walk with God. Here's some scripture to hammer home how important it is for us to pay attention to what the Lord is showing and saying.
Matthew 13:16 - But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.
John 8:47 - Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
Psalm 81:13-14 - “If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!
None of us is perfect, so we'll make mistakes along the way. God, nevertheless, is very merciful. He knows we are nothing but dust and we are easily distracted. His grace speaks for us and we must tap into it often, calling on Him for mercy as we acknowledge our failures to pay attention.
I think the prayer sis @AlexisC lifted up is so very apt for all of us to pray at this moment -
May our Lord help us to open our ears to listen, and our eyes to see and to be more intentional in our walk with Him. Amen.
Say this prayer with faith and keep in mind God's promise from Joel 2:32 - But all who ask the LORD for help will be saved. As the LORD has said, 'Some in Jerusalem will escape; those whom I choose will survive.'"
God bless you!
My King, I come before You to intercede for those who are being treated unfairly.
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. -- Hebrews 4:16.
Lord even if the people might not know how to come before you for such help, I ask for it on their behalf. You are a capable God, please send help in whatever way possible. Let Your will be done, whatever You have to do for these people to be freed.
Oh God, please arise and defend them. Let the angels that You dispatch be strong and mighty, and let nothing obstruct them as they go forth, "to serve those who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14).
"the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” (Matthew 4:16). I decree light and the hope it carries into the places where these people are. They are free, in Jesus name, amen.
Lord, I pray for the captives of the mighty. The Bible says that even the lawful, deserving captives of the mighty shall be set free and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered. Lord, for as many of Satan's captives as you would, I pray you would shepherd them out of the dark and into the kingdom of the son you love. I pray Lord that though they deserve death, in your mercy, you would still help them. For you are gracious and you long to be compassionate. Thank you God for your love, which has blessed me and so many others. Blessed be your name forever, in Jesus' name, amen.
Abba, I intercede for AJ. Abba, remember the good that You have used this minister to do in the life of my family. Please Lord, just as he 'sowed' sound encouragement and accurate prophecies into our lives, let him also reap help in his time of need. After all, "he who waters others shall himself be watered" (Proverbs 11:25). I praise You for restoring everything he's lost. Thank You for remembering Your word for ministers like him, that You are not unjust, and You won't forget their labors of love (Hebrews 6:10). Thank You for having mercy on AJ. In Jesus name I have prayed, amen.
Lord, I lift up the communities and victims of the recent bad weather events across the world.
Dear God, Your understanding is unlimited and only You know why such things happen.
My prayer for all the affected is contained in Numbers 6:24-26 - “’"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."’
Father, satan wants people to suffer, but I know You are the God of kindness and mercy. Please turn Your face toward victims for good as the search for survivors continues and people strive to recover. Let Your grace and kindness touch lives, to Your glory and by Your grace, IJN, Amen.
Lord, I am praying for the families of P&P members today.
Good God, You are the one from whom all families on earth get their name and so I thank You for the families of Peppers. Nobody has a perfect family, but in Your wisdom, You chose to make all of us a part of a family, be it by blood or otherwise.
Father, cover these families in Your mercy. I pray that the blood of Jesus flows into these family groups and cleanses them of all that seeks to stand against the harmony and peace You intended families to embody. I come against all unrighteousness and all the schemes of the devil to create disunity and division in these units. I decree in the name of Jesus, that God has authority over these groups. No matter what has happened or failed to happen, I decree that the Lord's will, and not that of satan, be done in these families, IJN, Amen.
From AC - Mighty God of grace and compassion. Thank You for Your graciousness and Your mercy which renew each morning. Thank You for establishing Your plans and for giving us a hope and a future. Thank You that what the evil one meant for harm, You turned it around for our good. I magnify You and exalt Your name through Jesus Christ, Amen!
Thank You for this timely message @FFJ It spoke deeply to me. May our Lord help us to open our ears to listen, and our eyes to see and to be more intentional in our walk with Him. Amen.
From DNAD - ❤️Thank You, LORD JESUS, for LOVING us!!!❤️
Here's an old prayer from sis @AutumnShadow. May it be a blessing to us all today.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You right now thanking You. Lord, I thank You for waking us up this morning. I thank You for watching over us as we slept last night. Thank You for watching over our loved ones. We come to you, in the mighty name of Jesus asking that You provide. Provide healing, provide strength, provide comfort, Oh Lord. Wherever there is a void or feeling of lack, I ask that You fill it now. You know what we are standing in need of. Help us to exercise our faith. Remove all feelings of fear and doubt from our bodies, minds & hearts as we lean and trust in You. Guide us as we move in the direction You are leading us down & give us the wisdom to know that all we have to do is move and You will align things to fall into place.
I pray for everyone in this prayer thread. You know everyone's hearts desires. I thank You for this prayer family that shows up consistently and pray for and on each other's behalfs when we sometimes cannot find it in us to pray for ourselves. I thank You Lord that You have heard our hearts and answered our prayers the moment they left our hearts.
In the mighty name of Jesus I pray,
Jesus is an intercessor. Let us, therefore, imitate Him in accordance with Ephesians 5:1.
Take the time to pray for others who need a miracle from the Lord. Not sure who would qualify? Believe me, almost every believing Christian you know is waiting on God for something big. Therefore, call on the Lord to answer the needs of the people you know - your friends, siblings, co-workers. How about praying for the minister under whom you learn from at church? We don't pray enough for God's servants, if you ask me.
Pray for your employers. You can pray for the stores you frequent and call on the Lord to protect the staff there. Stores (big and small) are closing around the country and the world, bowing to economic pressures. Pray for the sick and the hungry, the suffering and struggling.
Whatever you do, pray for somebody else. God will bless you for it.
Thank You God for:
- the grace you showed me this morning; you helped me to get back on track and take care of things
- an easy start to the week
- the thing I'm looking forward to getting
- the food that's being cooked
- letting us gather in this fellowship
Ohh God I almost forgot: thanks SOO much for the miraculous and super unexpected provision yesterday :) You really came through just in time
God, we are very grateful for what You have done for us. You have walked with us in the fire, shut the mouth of lions in the lions den, and brought us, in praise, to victory.
Glory belongs to You and You alone!
You are the only God. There is none other and there will never be another. From the beginning You were and to the end You will be.
From LB - I just want to simply Thank God for breathing in new life into me today. I also want to Thank Him for the fellowship of this group and pray that everyone will continue to be blessed, for their prayers and their desires to be answered, and for their hearts to be healed and made anew again.
I have an upcoming cardiologist appointment concerning my chest pains and upcoming work travel so I ask everyone to continue to keep me in prayer as I go on these journies to not only perform my job duties well but to also provide understanding and healing with my heart health. I know God's protection and guidance are over me each and every single day so I know I will come out in the end even better.
May God continue to keep you all and bless you all! In Jesus name, Amen!
Here's a praise point shared by sis Justa some years back.
Thank you Lord for your forgiveness and for cleansing us. I pray that you reign victorious in our minds, hearts, words, actions and more. Thank you for bearing our shame. Above all, thank you for your love and the sense of worthiness you are imparting into our lives.
From M22 - Thank you Lord for bringing us together again to praise and pray. We surrender all to you and let you Abba. We hold on to your word in Isaiah 41:10,13 that you will hold us by our hands and you will always be with us. Abba father, we pray that your will be done in our lives IJMN amen
Praise be to the Lord God Almighty!!!
He is worthy of all our worship.
Lord, thank You for bringing us together. Thank You for the familiar 'faces'.
Thank You for all You are doing in the lives of those present. Glory be to You oh Lord!!!
It is time to catch an attitude. Satan wants you to feel sad. It doesn't want your spirit to feel light, the way it feels when you turn your attention to praising the Lord.
So, yeah, you need to look at satan right in the face and say -
Now, don't make Eve's mistake and engage in a full blown conversation with the devil.
Just go straight into praising the Lord and giving Him the glory for what He's done, for who He is, and how He never changes.
Get your praise on!
From AW - "We have to be more intentional in our walk with the Lord. We have to look for and recognize miracles, no matter how big or small they seem, and rejoice for them."
Yes! This is where I am in my walk with Christ. Oftentimes it's so easy to focus on "Lord, I need this" or "Lord, why haven't you answered my prayers?" I have been taking the time to sit back and appreciate all He's done for me. Yes, even small things.
A while ago, I heard a pastor say (and I'm paraphrasing) we should stop focusing on only the big blessings, the landmarks in our life that we've been praying for. He used a famous football player as an example. That player was hyper-focused on winning the Super Bowl. For years, it's all he thought about, dreamed about, and prayed about. Once he finally won, he was happy, but the victory was short-lived. It was like, now what? He reached his goal, but he didn't enjoy the journey.
Thanks for the word@FFJ!
Father God, please help me to slow down and appreciate my life and everything you've done for me, big and small. Please forgive me for putting my desires on an altar. Show me where I need improvement so I can continue to get closer to you. IJMN, Amen!