Let's be honest, most of us don't like our employers. Our opinion of our bosses is even worse in most cases. We think very poorly of them because they think we're machines without feelings.
And as a result, we give them the quality of work we believe they deserve for the quality of treatment they give us. I mean think about it. People barely get pensions anymore and the prospect of retirement means working at Walmart or elsewhere for many.
Thus, there are several logical reasons why so many are quiet quitting - doing the bare minimum for a paycheck. Or, hustling employers by working multiple jobs at the same time when they were hired with the expectation that they'd dedicate their work hours to one company only.
As believers we have to ask ourselves a simple question - what does God expect from us at our workplace?
Ephesians 6 makes it clear that we are to do our job as if we were working for Christ himself. We are to treat our jobs as if we were hired by the Savior and give it our best. We are to do so knowing that "the Lord will reward each one for whatever good he does..." (Ephesians 6:8).
Our emotions are irrelevant. Meaning, even if our human bosses and employers are the worst, the Lord still expects us to work for them as if we are employed by Him. If you are scratching your head wondering how such is possible, that's understandable. How can you give your best to someone/something you can barely tolerate in some cases? The answer lies in focusing on the fact that you serve a God who tells you to thank Him under all circumstances, whether good or bad. He calls on us to give before we receive. The point is, God's ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). He tends to do things in a manner that's confusing to us mere mortals, but we still have to obey Him. Therefore, ask God for help and change your behavior for the better.
God's instructions seem impossible because we've been conditioned to put our needs and desires first. If, however, we put God's desires first then we'll realize that no matter how horrible our employers, bosses or others are, we must be and give our best. Thank God, we can do so while searching for a position elsewhere if need be. And if that's God's will, He will move you.
Will this be easy? Sadly no. Yet, it is in our weakness that God's power is revealed mightily. I've shared my testimony of how the Lord helped me when I once dealt with a disrespectful coworker. It was hard to not express myself as I would have in my Before Christ Days. I opted to take my grievance to God and in less than 48 hours, the coworker was gone.
Doing things God's way can be a challenge but if we trust Him and sincerely call Him into the matter, He will always rise to the occasion. He will do this for you in your work environment, bringing you favor before your higher ups and peers. That you may obey His instructions and work at your earthly job as if unto the Lord, IJMN Amen.
*From GH* - Father God I stand in agreement with all the above prayers posted today. I pray for the deliverance and salvation of all of humanity. I pray for true repentance and people to seek you. I know that you are so faithful, my testimony is in my deliverance. I’ve never felt so free since I’ve been water baptized.
Jesus you are my best friend. I can tell you anything. Please help me to be more like you every day. So that I can shine my lamp post out into the world, plant seeds and spread the gospel of your divine love!
I pray for those who do not know you, to come to you, and get to have a relationship with you. The relationship I have with you is the most precious thing in my entire life, and I know I will be with you for eternity! I want that security for everyone else who is struggling right now! In Jesus Christ holy name I pray! Amen amen amen
*From HC* - Father I lift up in prayer a mother at my child’s school who hasn’t been able to walk since she had an accident last year. I pray for miracles on her behalf. You Father can do anything, even cause the lame to walk. I ask that you speak the word and completely heal her so she can mother her daughter fully. IJMN Amen
Thank You Father for being so concerned with us and how we behave. This despite the fact we came from dust and are mere mortals. Thank You for taking the time to teach is so we can become more godly and thereby be a better representation of you in our workplaces. For indeed the word says we are Your ambassadors, and through our lives we make the case for others to choose Christ (2 Corinthians 5:2).
Lord, continue to help us, IJMN Amen.
As we go our separate ways, cover us in Your grace and mercy. May Your blessings preserve us and may all go well with us till we meet again on Tuesday, IJN, Amen.
Let's be honest one more time. This time, be honest with yourself.
Have you ever been the type of employee who didn't give their employer their best? Have you ever knowingly not given your boss the quality of work or service you should have, considering what you now know of God's expectations?
Or, are you in a leadership position and have you also failed to remember that God is watching you as you dealt with your lesser? For just as God instructs employees, He equally commands those in authority to similarly treat their staff with respect, sincerity of heart and in the fear of the Lord.
Now is the time to ask the Lord for forgiveness and commit to doing better.
Lord, I have failed to honor Your command in how I behave in my workplace. I am sorry and repent for this sin. Father, I confess it is hard to do what is expected of me but I call on You to guide me. Let Your Holy Spirit speak to me so I make choices that align with Your word. IJMN Amen.
Let us praise God and trust Him to send us the necessary help. It might be a bumpy start but never forget, we are "being built" for Him. Therefore, we just need to endure the construction phase, knowing that through Him, we'll do things better with time.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
Thank You Loving Father. Thank You for absolutely loving Your children. Thank You for looking at us mercifully. You are more merciful to us than we are to ourselves.
Lord the enemy is accusing Your children before Your great throne, trying to condemn those who you have not condemned. there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (romans 8:1). Remember Your great mercy oh Lord, as I appeal to Your mercy seat (heb 4:16).
Let Your mercy triumph over judgement (james 2:13).
In Jesus name, amen!
🎶 song: Moon by Jeremiah Paltan
*From GH* - father God I lift up prayers for my niece who is visiting New York City for the first time this weekend. Please keep her and her family safe. Please look after the wedding reception of her uncle who is getting married, and bless their marriage to be long lasting under Your will. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen
*From K* - Good afternoon!!!! Thank you GOD for fixing our systems at work so I am able to join in P&P!!!!
From AC - I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 9:1
Thank You Almighty God!! Our Alpha and Omega! The Most High God!! I just received word not too long ago that my Aunt's report came back with NO cancer! Praise Him!! Thank You for the prayers on Tuesday, family!
Lord, I pray for employees everywhere. In many cases, they have been taken advantage of and feel defenseless. This causes them to take steps they feel are necessary for self-preservation and sanity.
Oftentimes, those steps are contrary to Your word.
Father, I call on You to have mercy and forgive them.
I also call on You to touch them and help them see that You are working for their good even when it doesn't look or feel like it.
Also God, please stand up for the oppressed at workplaces. Remove those who bring wickedness into those environments. Change the hearts of those whose greed and selfishness leads to the bad treatment and under-compensation of the hardworking. Remember Lord that You have promised to stand for the oppressed against the oppressors. After all, You committed to contend with those who contend with us, IJMN Amen.
Faithful Father, I praise You for Your honorable character. You are faithful in keeping Your word. Remember those who have listened to Your word and seek to act on it.
(Matthew 5:16 -- “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”)
I pray for Your servants/ministers: musicians, actors, and anyone who is serving You in their field.
Lord, please help them. keep them covered in the blood of Jesus and "unspotted from the world (james 1:27). let Your light shine through them so others will see that they are Yours.
protect them from evil attacks, let the shield of faith (eph 6) extinguish every attack of the enemy against them and theirs.
thank You father, who sees and knows all things, and seeks to preserve the honor of His name.
in Jesus name I have asked this, amen!
Type up who or what you are praying for. Pray for your employers that the word of God will prevail in the midst of decision makers. Pray for your coworkers that God will replace their hearts of stone with hearts of flesh that beat for Him.
Pray for your friends, that their issues will be resolved promptly by the Lord.
We've only got 25 minutes, so let's go.
*From AA* - Happy friday Family!
I love today's message because i was in bed last night thinking how i don't want to go in to work due to the extended hours i have to work.Also because i have to work weekends and i feel like i'm missing out on socializing. But i have peace knowing this is all God's olan for my life.
God really did give me this job, it's a miracle how it happened for me. So I will continue to fix my thoughts and mood whenever i feel lazy and remind myself to be thankful and show gratitude always. I will do the work to the best of my ability.
Glory be to God in the highest. He who preserves our lives. He who stands by our side and has promised that even the fire will not set us ablaze just as it failed with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
Praise the Lord!!!
My Lord, thank You for keeping me happy and protecting my mind from sorrow (phil 2:27). Thank You that even when I do feel stressed, You give me a solution to get back to a state of "peace that surpasses all understanding" (phil 4:7)
Glory be to God in the highest. He who preserves our lives. He who stands by our side and has promised that even the fire will not set us ablaze just as it failed with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
Praise the Lord!!!
*From AC* - Happy Friday y'all!
Thank you for today's word Plunderer It's another one of those hard ones lol but it's an important one, that we give thanks to God for. It bears repeating that His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are His ways our ways, even when we don't understand. God is always in control.
Thank You, Abba for getting me through this week. Thank you for the 3 healing blessings I have witnessed this week! When doctors and science said "No", You said "Yes"! I give You all glory and praise my Yahweh Ropheka! Thank You! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
MFC shared this song last week and I have been really blessed by it. Thank you sis
Thank You Lord for success in our earthly and spiritual endeavors (ecc 11:2). Praise be to You for giving us divine ideas, motivating us to act on them, and then blessing the works of our hands (deut 28:12). We appreciate it very much! Let us remember the original godly motivation always.
*From GH* - Heavenly Father, Let me express my absolute gratitude for how you take care of me every day. I am so sorry I doubted you earlier this week. I am so sorry that my faith was not strong. You never need to prove yourself to me. You always take care of my needs exactly on time. Thank you for your grace and mercy on me while I continue to learn how to be more patient and faithful. I love you with my entire heart, all of my soul, everything I have is for you.
From DR14U - Prayer For Today
Father, I have to THANK YOU for loving me UNCONDITIONALLY.
Forgive me when I fail to Love others in the same way.
Give me eyes to see the needs of the difficult people in my life, and show me how to meet those needs in a way that pleases YOU.
In Jesus' name, AMEN !