Arguably, almost everyone on the planet has seen a bird at one time or another. Many of us are fortunate to hear birds tweet as we wake in the morning. Some even have birds as pets. Like every other creature or thing made by the Lord, they exist for His pleasure. Birds are also mentioned several times in the Bible. There is the dove that returned to Noah's ark with an olive leaf in Genesis 8. That was an indicator that the global flood was truly over and there was dry land somewhere. Then there are the ravens that fed Elijah in the wilderness (1 Kings 17). God used them to ensure His servant did not go hungry. And of course, there is the dove - the embodiment of the Holy Spirit - that descended on Christ during His water baptism in the Jordan River (Matthew 3).
These examples show birds as having a positive connotation in the Bible. However, some birds are negatively portrayed in the Word of God. And we need to pay attention to the lessons they contain for believers.
Consider the birds that attempted to eat Abraham's sacrifice in Genesis 15. God had promised to give the very land Abraham was traveling through - a foreign land - to his descendants. Stunned, Abraham questioned how such would be possible and we are told in Genesis 15:9 - So the Lord said to him, “Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” Abraham obeyed, preparing the animals for sacrifice. However, some birds tried to destroy what he had done for the Lord. Genesis 15:11 - Then birds of prey came down on the carcasses, but Abram drove them away.
Another example of birds doing something negative in the Bible involves the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8. Jesus taught His disciples that there would be different types of people they would meet as they evangelized. One such group is described in Luke 8:5 - A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. Here, the birds signified tools used by the devil to prevent God's word from taking root in people. A person is thereby left empty instead of experiencing a deepening in their relationship with the Almighty.
As we can see, some 'birds' are used by satan to prevent a person's progress with the Lord. In the case of Abraham, they arrived to steal what he had presented to God. The animals he'd sacrificed were his part of an agreement that would ultimately bless his generations. Had he neglected to chase the birds away, he would have failed to produce what God had asked him for. And billions would have suffered the consequence, including Christians who according to Romans 11 have been grafted onto the vine of Abraham's family through Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
And as for the birds from the Parable of the Sower, they were also sent for an evil purpose. Unlike in the case of Abraham, they succeeded in stealing the seed - salvation - before it could send out shoots and benefit the person who was to be blessed. And this can adversely impact countless others because Christians are called to share the good news. Therefore when the seeds of salvation are stolen, the person they were stolen from might never have the impact they were to have on others.
As noted above, birds, like everything else, were created for His pleasure. However, we now understand that certain birds are sent to steal, kill, and destroy by the enemy of God. Mark 4:18-19 gives some insight into what these dangerous birds look like in a person's life,. They are "the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful." The 'birds' can therefore be the troubles of life, an ungodly attitude toward riches, as well as other desires such as the intense need for fame.
Nevertheless, we Christians need not fear the evil 'birds' seeking to derail us. As long as we obey God's instructions and study His Word, we will be empowered through His Holy Spirit and the name of His Son to keep them at bay. They will have no way to peck at our sacrifices of good works, intercession, praise, meditation, service, and worship to the Lord. And they will be unable to take God's blessing and His word from us.
From T93 - 2 Timothy 3:2 "For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable ,slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people."
God, may you bring all of us who believe and have faith in Your love out of whatever trials and tribulations we may face in this time. To those who may live in abusive familial home environments, unhealthy toxic relationships or marriages, those being abused by siblings, and the likes. Please bring them up and out of the darkness and into Your light. Your light holds everlasting love and grace that can warm in the coldest times. Please bring miracles to those doing what is right, keep them safe in these times. Amen.
(originally shared on July 14, 2023)
Back in April of 2022, I remember the Lord clearly telling me to mention to all of us that there was a need to pray for our mothers. I would regularly put our mothers in prayer and call on God for His mercy and grace.
I got a similar message on Tuesday this week (July 11, 2023) but with everything going on, I neglected to share it. Lord, please forgive me because a couple of things have happened this week to Peppers that reminded me of the need to not just share this message to individuals but with the entire group.
Ladies and gents, the Lord wants us to seat ourselves by the well of living water so that when the dry season arrives we are already well-positioned to draw and drink. What does this mean? If you are already in right-relationship with Jesus, then when the challenges of life come, you are well-positioned to lean on Him for the solutions.
If, however, our walk with the Lord is lax, then when the problems arrive, we start scrambling to get right with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We start listening to the devil's lie that 'it's been so long since you took the Lord seriously so He won't take you seriously.'
Such lies are immediately eradicated and powerless if we are already walking with God and going to Him daily, doing the things He wants us to do. If we are spending time in His word and being intentional to create time to hear Him speak to us. Not just talking at Him all the time. I mean think about it? Who likes that person who's always talking at them but never slows down to ask and hear what you think or want to say?
Let's get into the habit of investing in a relationship with God so we're not scrambling when the storms of life hit us.
That said, I praise God that He is happy that you come to Him period. Be it before or after the issues arise. He will help you. Nevertheless, it is always best to be prepared than to have to react to things. God is happy to give us that opportunity so let's take advantage of it.
God bless you!!! If you've got questions on how to achieve this, please don't hesitate to ask. No inquiry is stupid - we are all at different stages in our walk with the Lord and we need one another to grow.
God, You are wonderful. Thank You for another hour of fellowship with Your children. Thank You for the blessing of this gathering and all who attended.
Lord, my prayer for Your children is based on the promise in 1 Corinthians 1:8 - He will sustain you to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (BSB).
Heavenly Father, lead Your children to that day of Christ. I pray that they will take Your hand and walk confidently, knowing that Your plan for them is an expected end with You in eternity, IJMN Amen.
From JIR -
I would like to share my favorite gospel song by Mahalia Jackson. It has given me the encouragement and strength that I needed during all stages In my journey.
Glory be to Him! In Jesus Mighty Name!
From M22 - Father we thank you for sis @FFJ . Thank you Lord for strengthening her to steer this community forward. I pray that you will continue to answer her hear desires and petitions. May she never grow weary of serving you and spreading your word. Bless her, her family, loved ones and the works of her hands! Amen
From T93 - 2 Timothy 3:2 "For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable ,slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people."
God, may you bring all of us who believe and have faith in Your love out of whatever trials and tribulations we may face in this time. To those who may live in abusive familial home environments, unhealthy toxic relationships or marriages, those being abused by siblings, and the likes. Please bring them up and out of the darkness and into Your light. Your light holds everlasting love and grace that can warm in the coldest times. Please bring miracles to those doing what is right, keep them safe in these times. Amen.
During our last 10 minutes, we shall return to a prayer our sister @CD prayed on our behalf. If you missed it, not is the time to agree with her in prayer by opening your mouth and saying the following petition -
Thank You Father for the word that birds were created for You and just like anything else, can be used to try to usurp Your will. Father, let us also remember that even pretty birds can be destructive. Increase our discernment that we are able to see with our spiritual eyes that which is sent to feed and that which is sent to try to destroy. Continue to remind us Dear Father that to ignore Your direction means we forfeit Your protection.
All praises to the most High God ❤️❤️
IJMN, Amen.
Only God can help us discern between the various 'birds' that show up in our lives so we know which ones to praise Him for and which ones to beware. The Lord will help us.
Great and Mighty God. You are the everlasting God. The Beginning and the End. You are the great Judge and Vindicator.
Praise the Lord.
Father, I lift up this gathering and call on You for Your kind mercy to rest upon us. Lord, the devil wants us to think that we cannot access the mercy of our God. However, You are He who will have mercy upon whom You choose (Exodus 33).
And so I plead with You to consider us as recipients of Your blessed mercy. It is not because we are righteous. It is not because we pray enough or do good works. I call on You to be seated on Your mercy seat regarding the members of this fellowship based on Your holiness and Your kindness. You are the perfect Lord, and have instructed us to pray in accordance with Your word.
Thus, I lift up the words of Your servant David in Psalm 57:1 - Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
Please pour out Your mercy and forgiveness upon us for the sins we have committed against You. In Your loving kindness, overlook our iniquities as we seek Your forgiveness and mercy. IJMN, Amen.
From T93 - I pray for "S", as she is going through the loss of her car which helped her to use the skills you blessed her with to get to and from work Lord. Please help her to remain steadfast in her love and praise of You. Father God, she isn't living in a stable environment, bless her with a miracle that she may find a safe home and a new car to continue working and making her way. Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for couples waiting on you for the fruit of the womb. Abba Father I pray that their waiting will turn into fruitfulness. I pray that you will put an end to miscarriages, failed IVFs and failed adoption processes IjMN amen!
From JIR - Thank my Lord, my Protector, my Redeemer. I am slowly coming to the realization that without You I am nothing. You have always been there for me during my darkest moments and have never left my side. Everyone should be praising You for the gift of being able to wake up everyday. You are Supreme and Power yet Humble and Compassionate. You are Love. Love that I didn’t know I needed until I found You. Thank You for never leaving me and being patient with me, every step of the way. Glory be to You! In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen.
Almighty God. I exalt You my King. You are Yahweh, the only God. You are He who gives and He who takes away. Praise be to Your Name.
We are warned in Amos 8:11 - Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord GOD, when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD (BSB).
Father, many have not experienced the beautiful gift of hearing Your words. The devil uses chaos and confusion to dull that gift, that inheritance that rightly belongs to Your people.
However, You are the God who isn't limited. For the devil is less than nothing. Its acts are utterly worthless (Isaiah 41:24, 27).
As Jesus came to destroy the works of satan, I call on You to help Your people apply the gift of hearing Your word. May they submit and receive the Holy Spirit who acts as Your voice to us mere mortals. May Your sheep indeed hear their Shepherd's voice and not that of a stranger, IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for your protection and security over Christians persecuted across the world. I pray that you will surround them with your might and power. Abba Father I pray you contend with people contending against them. I pray that you will continue to shield them and provide for them! May they emerge victorious at the end IjMN amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for countries afflicted by war. I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of every leader and parties involved. Father I pray that you put an end to the bloodshed and war in these regions. I plead your protection and preservation over citizens in these regions. I pray that you will restore everything they have lost in thousandfolds. I pray for those who lost their lives that you will accept them in your bosom IjMN amen.
From AW - Father God, today I'd like to lift up my dear friend "A" in prayer. Please grant her the strength and courage to finally break free from her toxic relationship. Remind her of her worth and power as a child of God. Show her that she is strong and mighty in Your eyes and capable of overcoming any obstacle or challenge that comes her way. I pray you guide her to a new path of self-love and growth. IJMN, Amen!
From M22 - Abba Father I commit this community into your hands. I pray that you will supernaturally deliver, restore and increase us in every ramifications. Abba Father I pray that where we are found wanting, your mercy will stand for us. Abba Father I pray that you will have mercy on us as we walk with you. Abba Father I pray that you will continue transform and renew us for your glory. Father I pray that you will help us stand firmly in our Kingdom positions and use our Kingdom gifts for your glory IJMN amen.
Great God. You are the Upright One. The Sovereign Lord who has all control over everything and everyone, yet You give people choice. You are confident in Your power and Thy will shall be done on earth as in heaven, IJMN Amen.
Psalm 40:13 - Be pleased to save me, LORD; come quickly, LORD, to help me.
Father, the devil wants people to think that they have no help. Or that their helper is a person. However You are Ebenezer, the Helper. All one needs to do is call and maintain an attitude of trust for the Lion to show up.
And so, I lift up Your word for all those waiting on You for help. Arise oh Lord, be their Ebenezer. May they in turn remember Your word in Hebrews 11:6 that You are the Rewarder of those who sincerely seek You.
Send them help, oh Ebenezer! IJMN, I pray, Amen.
From T93 - "if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he will also deny us" Thank you God for your continuous love and grace despite moments when we may go astray. Thank you for always being there for us who believe and have faith in your love and guidance. You are an amazing Father who loves us and sees beauty in us even when we may find it hard to find beauty in ourselves. You continue to bless us with miracles even in waking us up today. I thank you Father for being the amazing, loving, kind, perfect, all-knowing, forgiving Father.
From M22 - Thank you Abba father for another P&P day. Abba Father I pray that you help us to rest in your comfort and authority according to your word in Matthew 11:28-30. Amen!!!