Imagine two young girls - Sade and Jenny. Sade is new to the neighborhood and Jenny takes it upon herself to welcome her. They become fast friends over the summer break, going to the mall together, having sleepovers, and staying up late to watch cheesy 80s movies.
Summer comes to an end and the first day of school arrives. Sade somehow spends lunch with the popular girls, ignoring Jenny. This hurts Jenny deeply as she'd looked forward to hanging out with her new bestie. The weeks go by and the friendship they had evaporates almost as if it never existed.
As Christians, we don't realize how easy it is to be a 'Sade' when it comes to our relationship with the Lord. Keep in mind the word as stated in Titus 1:16 - They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. Could you fall under this category? A person whose actions deny the God they claim to know?
It is not enough to proclaim that we know or love the Lord. Many of us do this on our social media handles, for instance. Calling ourselves Proverbs 31 women or distinguishing ourselves with some scripture or another. However, does our behavior reflect a knowledge of the Lord? Do the choices we make display the fruits of the Spirit? Can others look at us and see God at work?
Or, do we deny God through our actions? Do we fail to reflect our Kingdom Identities? Do we neglect our call to be ambassadors for the Kingdom through the things we say and do when we think nobody is watching?
We don't want to be like those who say they are Christians but don't live like it. They don't allow the Holy Spirit to change them and thereby squander the grace that is available to them. It doesn't matter if you're the first one at church and the last one out if you are always fighting with your neighbors. And if you don't pull your weight at work but claim to believe in Christ, you jeopardize your role as an ambassador of God's Kingdom and put Him to shame.
Peter made the mistake of denying Christ. He did so three times, pretending that he never knew the Savior (John 18:15-18; 25-27). Praise God that upon His resurrection, Jesus redeemed Peter by having him acknowledge his love for Him three times (John 21:15-25).
Christ wants to do the same for anyone who has denied God through their behavior. Have you denied God through disbelief? Or maybe you've spoken falsely about Him? Have you forgotten to represent the Kingdom in a heated moment and lashed out in a way that wouldn't please the Lord? Whatever the shortcoming was, the Son of God is ready to wash us clean and set us on the right path so we walk stronger and able to resist the tactics satan has used to make us fall short in the past.
If you are unsure how you have denied the Lord through your actions, prayerfully ask Him to reveal this to you. Then beg for His forgiveness and repent, choosing to not repeat the misstep. God is in the business of helping all who cry out to Him (Joel 2:32). You are no different, so cry out to Him for mercy. Remember that Titus 1:16 speaks of those who deny God as being "detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good." We never want to be in that category and must be mindful that satan lays traps to ensnare God's children. But God's grace will help us. His mercy shall speak for us. And as we strive to be consistent in what we proclaim about God and how we behave when others aren't necessarily watching, He will help us to be consistent and pleasing to Him.
From M22 - Father I commit couples waiting on the fruit of womb to you. I pray that you will turn their waiting into fruitfulness. Father I pray that you will answer their cries and the wait will be worth it. Lord you remembered Rachel, Hannah and Manoah's wife. I trust you to bless them at the right timing. Father please put an end to negative cycles of failed IVFs, miscarriages and difficult adoption processes IjMN Amen.