Israel gets a lot of negative press. What with the ongoing tensions related to how people in the West Bank and Gaza are treated. Then there's also the reports of how black Israelis are discriminated against. Finally, the newly elected government has taken steps many say are aggressive and negative for many subsets of that society.
The list of issues could go on and on but let us ask ourselves what God has said about Israel. This is important because what God has said about that nation should guide how you act toward, speak and think about the place.
Last year, many of us were shocked (and even mildly embarrassed) when we were confronted with God's word on how we are to discuss our leaders. Even those we strongly disagree with.
It is time to once again be confronted with God's instructions. In this case, the issue of how we are to treat the nation and people of Israel.
Psalm 122:6 - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure.
Numbers 24:9 - The nation is like a mighty lion; When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed." (GNT)
These scriptures make it clear that we are to bless Israel and not curse it. We are to pray for its success and not the opposite. This should caution how we think of the place and its people as well.
The Bible also shows what happened to those who chose to curse or fight Israel outside of God's will. Notice, I said outside of God's will? This is because there were some who God used for His own purposes to trouble Israel. A primary example was King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and this was because the people failed to acknowledge Him.
As for those who stood against God's will of peace and blessings for Israel, let us consider the Ammonites. God promised them total destruction. Why? Ezekiel 25:8 - ...Because you cheered when my Temple was defiled, mocked Israel in her desolation, and laughed at Judah as she went away into exile.
The Philistines were also warned of impending punishment because they "acted against Judah out of bitter revenge and long-standing contempt." (Ezekiel 25:15 NLT).
God's word is that He will deal with those who attack and oppose Israel. Deuteronomy 30:7 - The LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies who hate and persecute you. This scripture should put the fear of God in everyone, taming not just our tongues but our thoughts as well when it comes to Israel.
And if you are wondering why Israel is treated so special by God then it means you have not realized the exemptive grace you have at your disposal as His child. If you believe in Jesus then you are God's child and the Lord has spoken over you that anyone who opposes you will submit to you (Isaiah 54:15). The Lord has also said you are the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10). He has promised to keep you from harm (John 17:15). In fact the very power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to you if you believe and let Him build you into who He created you to be (Ephesians 1:19-20).
So there is no need to be jealous of Israel or hateful toward its people, particularly if you claim to believe in the God of Abraham, who also happens to be the God of the Jews. Many of us are experiencing trouble we don't need simply because we don't understand the consequences of our choices when we speak, think and act. How we treat Israel has severe consequences for our lives and those we care for.
This is not to say that you will agree with everything Israel's government or citizens do. Nevertheless, how you address those concerns is crucial if you are a believer who aims to live in accordance with God's word.
If you don't like what you're hearing about Israel, call on God to handle the situation. Let Him be the judge rather than you using your actions, thoughts and words to do the judging. Pray for the leaders and people of that nation that they will align with God's plan for them. Also pray for others in the region, cry out for peace.
Having all manner of opinions is very much in vogue and many of us love to share our thoughts, unhinged, about almost every topic. However, God has called us to be very careful how we communicate about others and Israel falls into that category.
I pray that the Lord will guide you on how He wants you to treat Israel so that you and yours will be blessed, IJMN, Amen.
See you at Noon EST for P&P. God bless you.
Abba Father, thank You for this time of fellowship. Take all the glory for our gathering to worship and intercede today. Thank You for kindly teaching us about how to act toward, think and speak of the children of Jacob. Thank You for helping us understand that those who belong to You are special.
We lift up Israel. Its people and its land. Thy will be done there as everywhere here on earth as is heaven. Take all the glory. You who watch to ensure that Your word is fulfilled.
Help us to remember to live according to the Royal Law in how we treat everyone and not just those we like. As we go off to focus on other things, may we be mindful of how You want us to live that we may please You and experience more of Your favor, IJMN, Amen.
God bless you all. Have a wonderful weekend. The lord keep you till we meet again, IJN, Amen.