The Christian must be very careful how they live. This includes making intentional choices about what they watch, what they hear, and what they think. The Christian, over a period of walking with the Lord, should see these areas of their lives transform, becoming less as it was in their Before Christ (BC) days. The Christian is also called to be careful of what words they let pass through their lips. The Bible teaches that words have great weight and the power to determine not only one's destiny but the future of others. As such, there is a responsibility to speak those words with godly wisdom.
A chief way to achieve this is to recognize that the tongue, which is one of the chief occupants of the mouth, may be small in size but mighty in effect. James 6:3 - The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
It is easy to naively ignore the capacity of a small tongue to set a person's entire life astray. The scripture, nevertheless, highlights a progression. Hell sets a tongue on fire, producing flames that spring forth to burn its targets. And that sets a person's life on fire. The whole body follows into this evil flame, becoming corrupt.
This is what satan wants. It wants a Christian's tongue to be a weapon it uses to spread gossip or slander another's character, blaspheme God, and insult leaders - all things the Bible has stringently warned God's children to avoid.
Beyond this, there is a more sinister objective that satan has in getting people to lose control of the rudder of life that is their tongue. James 6:9-10 - With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
The devil is powerless, having lost authority over humanity, hell, and death when Christ died and resurrected. As a result, it desires to use people to achieve its goal of stealing, killing, and destroying (John 10:10). And one way this is achieved is when Christians allow hell to set their tongues afire, discharging flames that not only engulf the target of such indiscipline but also the person who submits their tongue to satan's devices. The person who speaks this way speaks against a person whom God, in His wisdom, decided to create in His image. A person whose flaws God knows. A person God is likely reaching out to and patiently molding for His purpose. And instead of cooperating with God's plan for that person, a Christian will allow their tongue to become a weapon of attack that only serves the devil's plans.
We often say, "I didn't know" or "I didn't mean it that way" after using our tongue unwisely. However, if you are reading these words, you do know better from this day. You also now understand the following: we are all going to give account for every word we've spoken on the day of judgment. Matthew 12:36 - But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken (BSB).
Jesus taught this to His disciples thousands of years ago. We Christians are His disciples today and we must put His teachings into effect in our lives, no matter how tough it is. Don't worry about what others are doing or not doing, focus on yourself and your need to obey Christ by guarding your tongue. The Lord will help you as you do.
From ND22 - amen
From THO - Thank you so much for the time and effort you’ve put into this thread, sister (if I may). I enjoy reading your words and how you apply scripture to everyday life. The post about being careful with words really spoke to me. At work this past month God convicted me about this spirit of gossip that I have particularly in work settings. Never anything super malicious - I just like to know what everyone else knows lol. But after spending time with God I feel like I don’t want to know ANYTHING except that which pertains to me. Now my daily dose of gossip comes from this site and even then I try not to comment anything salacious or mean.
From GCVA - i was absolutely going to post something related to this. thank you for thread and timely message
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Father, another hour has flashed by and we thank You that You brought us together to fellowship at Your feet.
Lord, be glorified. Father, increase while we decrease. Let all eyes settle on You as we each strive to be better children. Continue to guide us and help us to hear and receive Your instructions in obedience and with zeal.
Please take care of today's participants and those who will swing by later. Sanctify them with Your truth Lord, for Your word is the truth. Hallelujah!
Keep each of us safe until You bring us together again at the end of the work week, IJN, Amen.
Did you know that Apostle Peter, the one Christ called 'The Rock', once taught the following: If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God... (1 Peter 4:11a).
We're so used to saying whatever comes to mind, ignoring that as Christians our words should be filled with salt and the wisdom of God. This requires regular Bible study and communion with the Lord.
I'm no different from any of you. Each day, I have to be careful to remember that God may want to use my mouth to bless someone, so I need to be careful to never use my mouth to say foolish and idle words instead. You have to think the same as a believer because you were created to achieve God's plans on earth.
Our tongues can be dangerous, but why don't we intentionally commit that tiny part of our body to God today? Why don't we agree with God that we will submit our tongues to achieve His goals for others and the world as a whole?
Lord God, I thank You that somehow You have deemed me a part of Your plan to bless people and to bless the very earth itself. I thank You that as a believer in Christ, You have endowed me with power to speak Your word in the name of Jesus Christ and produce good fruit that myself and others will enjoy.
Today, Lord, I repent for wrongly speaking about the people and things you created for Your pleasure. Please forgive me for idle and sinful words that deprived You of Your glory. I henceforth submit my tongue and every part of me for Your purpose. That I will speak blessings, kindness, and love. Strip my tongue of coarse, foul and cursing speech by Your miraculous grace and to Your incredible glory, IJMN Amen.
Praise God! I pray that from this day, you will be more conscious of what you say. The Lord will help you to guard your very heart for out of it stems the issues of life and when that is under God's power, your mouth will speak more blessings for His glory, IJN Amen. God bless you.
Father, I worship You, for You are the only God and You alone deserve my praises!
Good Lord, in my worship, I come to You on behalf of those who have not experienced You yet. Those who have not tasted to see how sweet You are. Lord, please pour out Your compassion on them. Surround them with Your love and kindness. Give them no room to escape from Your warm embrace.
God, let them come to know what love truly is. May they rise anew in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit open their mouths to speak Your word and deprive the enemy of another tool it once used for destruction, IJMN, Amen.
Father of compassion, thank You for Your great might and mercy upon this world.
Lord, I lift up the poor, the oppressed, the brokenhearted, the sick, the foreigner, the orphan and widow, the weary, the homeless and all those suffering.
Dear God, You have told us to ask that we may receive from You. Your word also tells us to approach Your throne of grace with boldness to receive Your help.
As a result, I come to You on behalf of others that they will receive Your merciful help. Lift the poor from poverty and lack. Pull the weary and brokenhearted from their pain. Please fill the belly of those who are hungry and thirsty. Place your hand upon the sick and suffering to break them free from illness and the oppression that breaks bone and spirit. Be the defender and vindicator of the oppressed, the foreigner, and those treated unfairly. Stand for the orphan and widow, do not leave them defenseless in a world that targets those deemed to have no protection.
Mighty One. Holy One. The Shepherd of our souls. Please do not look upon these who are considered the least and close Your eyes. Lift them up, oh God. Let the last be the first as Your word states. Ascribe righteousness and the blessings that come with this great gift. Turn things around for them. And let it be known that you alone are God over all the earth. The only One who can turn things around for the least and pull them from the miry clay to set their feet upon the rock.
IJMN Amen.
From CD - I just had to come add that I love how God gives us what we need even before we know we need it. I have been standing 10 toes down on today's message. To make a short story even shorter, I have composed and deleted an email to one of my direct reports at least 4 times and saved another response in my drafts...the take away, sometimes the best response is not to respond at all because while we'll intentioned, the response would not be speaking life into her or the situation.
Draft deleted respectfully
From T93 - "Hell sets a tongue on fire, producing flames that spring forth to burn its targets. And that sets a person's life on fire. The whole body follows into this evil flame, becoming corrupt." This right here! Father God, I want to say thank You so much for us being here together to praise You today. This word is definitely something we need to be constantly aware of as a believer and daughter of Yours.
The power of the tongue. God how blessed we are for the power of our words. However, that power can easily be misused as stated in the OP. I thank You Father God for blessing us with this power, and I ask You God to please keep us mindful of every word that we speak, no matter what emotions we are feeling in the moment when we speak them.
It is not easy Father God. And I know many have or are experiencing this as well. The testing of our character by the use of our words. Some people may say things to trigger or to test us, sometimes it can be so frustrating. Going about your day, minding your business, then someone or something comes along that brings upset and you may want to scream, yell, or say things not so nice. In those moments God, I ask that You please continue to keep us strong and uplifted in Your love and guidance.
We are having a human experience, and we have moments of weakness, as we are not perfect like You are God. But You Father God, You have created us in Your perfect image, to represent You and what You want us to be. So in moments of upset, I ask You Father God, please allow us to remember You, remember the power of our tongue, remember You love us Father God, and when anything may be going left, You are always there for us to keep us right and righteous. Father God, You see and hear everything, no matter who says it, including Your children who believe in You. May we be blessed with the power of patience, quicker to listen than to speak. Quicker to speak life over ourselves and others instead of stooping to the enemy's low level. May you forgive us for moments we fell victim to the tricks of the enemy and restore us in Your love and forgiveness. May we meditate on Your word to uplift us and bring us right back into Your divine essence and energy so we can continue to love others and ourselves the way You do.
I praise You Father God. I thank You Father God. You are the perfect Father and I thank You for Your love. I thank You Father God for your forgiveness. I thank You God for Your protection. I thank You God for loving us no matter our mistakes and allowing us to redeem ourselves, every second of every day. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Father, You are the great and mighty God! Jehovah Sabaoth. El Kadesh. The Mighty Man of War!
I place stirrers of conflict before you. Your word states that these kinds will be suddenly destroyed and unable to receive remedy from anyone, anywhere (Proverbs 6:14-15)
The devil creates chaos and in many cases, uses humans to spread descension and division.
God, I come against those spirits of descension and division. I render them powerless in the name of Jesus. I pray that those who have submitted to this evil will be transformed by Your word and love. I pray, good God, that the yoke of the strongmen break and cast them to the pit of hell. Protect people from these evil ones according to Psalm 140:2, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for the terminally ill and sick. Please Lord place Your healing hands upon them and remove whatever ails them. Please bless them with compassionate doctors and surgeons. Please bless those doctors and surgeons with wisdom and knowledge, a supportive team, steady hands and sharp eyes to provide their patients with the treatments and surgery needed to heal them. Please bless those affected by severe conditions to be able to live full lives and put their illnesses behind them. IJMN. Amen.
God calls on us to stand in the gap for others. Therefore, we must turn our attention to the needs of others and pray with zeal on them.
Remember to put your personal prayer needs to the side and war for other people.
If unsure what to pray about, consider the latest news headlines where you live. Over here, there are baby formula shortages that put infants in jeopardy and create even more stress for their parents. Lord, we know that You have a special love for the innocent. We lift up babies to You. We call on You for Your compassion and favor to find these children and bring forth what they need by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
Okay, let's get to interceding so we honor the Lord in all righteousness.
Ezekiel 22:30 - “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.
From CMC - Praise you Father today for your gifts. I praise your mighty name for the good work. I bow down to you and willfully give you all the glory. Thank you Father for your sacrifice, your mercy and your love. You are sovereign, the head of my life, and the one I will seek. Please continue to cover me in your Holy Spirit. Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Job 37:23 - The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress.
Thank You Lord! Nobody else can have the power and authority You have without becoming an oppressor.
You, however, have all dominion and yet, You are kind, loving, generous, patient, forgiving. You lift the poor from the ash heap instead of crushing them into it. You look out especially for the weak and the vulnerable, doing everything to free them from the clutches of satan.
Thank You for being so exalted. Thank You that nobody can testify to how You became or when You became. Thank You for making me a witness of Your grace, mercy, and power.
Praise be onto You, my God!
From CMC - Hi Family!
Jesus, thank You for Your life on earth. Thank You for giving us access to Your wisdom, guidance, and teachings. As Your followers go through life together, help us to encourage and remind each other of Your Word. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to worship and praise You together.
Thank You for the hearts and minds You are transforming to better reflect Your purpose and plan. You are the God who arrested and convicted Saul on his way to Damascus. When You were done with him, he was known as Paul, the Humbled, a zealous apostle of Your Word.
You continue to do that today, taking people set in their ways and giving them a taste of Your goodness. You turn them into new creatures to Your glory.
Thank You for there is nobody beyond Your touch. Incredible God! Praise be to Your Holy Name!!!
From JIR - Thank You God for all that You do. Thank You for loving us unconditionally. We would be nothing without You. You stick by us through the good and the bad. When we need comforting You are our Rock. Lord, we thank You for creating us as Your special treasure. We did nothing to deserve it. We owe You our entire being and we submit to You and Your will. We are here to serve, praise and worship You! This is Your world and we are just living in it. All things revolve around You Lord. What a privilege it is to know You. We love You and we magnify Your name. Glory is Yours! IJMN. Amen.
Job 37:5 - God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.
Thank You Father! The One whose voice makes all tremble. You whose presence weakens knees. Mountains shrink before You. Demons flee.
And yet, those who You call onto You worship in joy and reverence before You!
Hosanna in the highest!