Fear is a complex concept for us Christians to understand. We are told not to be afraid, but how is it possible not to worry? Is all fear from satan? And how does fear affect our spiritual walk?
God gave us a fear response, and it is a healthy one. For instance, it is why we jump when there's an explosion. It keeps us from sticking our hands into a flame. This type of fear helps us understand when danger is present and to avoid it.
However, there is the fear that satan tries to saddle us with. This kind of fear does not help people. Instead, it causes us to forget that God is King over our lives and will work things out for us. It is specifically crafted to rob us of our faith as was the case when the evil messengers came with bad news for Jairus.
Such fear can be camouflaged as rationality. It influences a believer to forget that there is healing in God's word (Proverbs 4:20-22). Or, a child of God, thinking they are unqualified for a promotion, will not pray on the matter. They'll forget that God does not operate by the rules of man (Isaiah 55:9).
Conquering fear requires knowing the word of God and that's where the problem is. Believers don't read anymore! So many of us want to depend on what a pastor says at the pulpit or in a book, but the truth is we have to read the Bible and know the word of the Lord for ourselves. When we know His word, we know His promises, we know His warnings, and we know what to say to resist satan and its lies.
We need God's word for everything. The Bible is our manual for life. Without it, we will be afraid of the very things God placed under our dominion (Luke 10:19). We also will not see our prayers answered because our lack of knowledge will allow fear to destroy our faith. James 1:6 states, "When you ask for something, don't have any doubts. A person who has doubts is like a wave that is blown by the wind and tossed by the sea" (GWT).
If we fear God and God alone, we'll understand that He will answer when we call, never leaving us at the mercy of our enemies. Fearing anything else, frankly, makes no sense. He has all the power and He loves us. Plus, when we know God's word more, scriptures will bloom in our hearts and minds, causing fear to shrink back.
Many do not believe they have enough faith, but the Lord has given each one a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). We therefore have to apply that faith, remembering that a mustard-seed amount is enough to do great things (Luke 17:6). As we put the faith we have to work in the situations that confront us, our relationship with God deepens and our faith increases. Our resilience strengthens for the next challenge that comes our way, and the cycle of godly growth continues.
We cannot successfully serve as God's weapons against the kingdom of hell if we try to skip the faith training we need. Often, we don't want to deal with the suffering and struggle that comes with it, so we step out of God's plan and timing to do our own thing.
In reality, we need to let God have His way with us. We need to submit to His training. We must allow Him to build us up to become the vessels of honor He created us to be. If not, we will become trapped in cages of fear that debilitate us and make us useless for His kingdom purpose on earth.
(Inspired by a response originally shared on August 17, 2021)
Do you have any scriptures you hold on to when fear comes knocking?
Please share and bless the rest of us.
To learn more, please click the hyperlinks included in the message. God bless you.
God, Your people have been praying for Church 2819 and its leadership.
Thank You for being the God of miracles.
Thank You for being the God who never ignores the cries of His people.
Thank You that monies have been raised to assist the church.
Thank You for we know that every other thing that is needed to ensure a smooth transition shall come miraculously.
Thank You, Lord, for we can't wait to see the many ways You will put the devil in its place. My God who always proves Himself Mighty! Hallelujah!!
I'd like to implore us to look at the prayer points people listed today. If you can take some additional time over the weekend to return to them and lift up prayers for those in need, I would really appreciate it. Even if just a few.
I'm also certain the Lord will bless you for your labor of love.
The extra time to pray for these ones is so necessary.
God bless you and please have a wonderful weekend!
Father, I thank You for Your loving kindness. Thank You for the privilege to join others to honor You this day. Thank You for this opportunity. It could only have happened because of You. Hallelujah!
Lord, You don't have to do it, but please reintroduce Yourself to Your children. Let them experience You in a completely new way. May this encounter, this new thing You are doing, take hold of their hearts, removing them from fear's stronghold. Let Your love calm their fears and reignite their zeal for You and all that concerns You.
Bless Your people. Cover them in Your great grace. Sit at Your mercy seat where it concerns them and be Thou glorified now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Let the people of God shout, HALLELUJAH!!
The church of God is marching on. The Ekklessia may be but a remnant but the power of God makes it mighty.
Glory be to the Lord!
Lord, You created us for Your glory. Your word states that we will thresh and turn the enemy to chaff, not the other way around (Isaiah 41:15). Besides, Jesus prayed against the enemy's desire to sift us like wheat (Luke 22:31-32).
Today, God, we thank You for the power and the Holy Spirit that You placed in us (Micah 3:8). We, therefore, have no reason to fear or submit to the spirit of fear sent to deceive and destabilize us.
We stand as those whom You have already given victory. Those who are recipients of Your salvation. Those to whom You are their great reward and shield. Thank You, Father. We reject every arrow of fear sent our way. We stand firm in the knowledge that we need never be afraid of smoldering firewood which has no impact on us even if it looks like it is raging.
Glory be to the God who has created us for exploits. Glory be to the God who has given us authority over all the power of satan. We accept, and we wield this authority to Your glory, and by Your grace, IJN, Amen!
Lord, I am praying to break the spirit of fear that has settled into the world. I decree your light descends upon the weary, freeing them from concern. Let them see you as the source of all things good, You the Most High and our everlasting help.
Glory be to Your Holy Name. Step into the lives of our brothers and sisters. Call to them, Father. Let them hear your quiet voice but let it sound like a rushing wind that propels them to move toward You for their security and salvation. (Isaiah 12:2).
I pray for the sick, wherever they may be my Lord. Thank You for meeting their needs and providing health. You are the Balm in Gilead. (Jeremiah 8:22). Our Creator and Healer. Thank You for reassuring us with Your word. Glory be to Your name.
Thank You for your mercy upon the brokenhearted. Lord, fill them with Your joy. You have told us not to grieve, for the joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10).
From JIR - I pray for those going through hardships right now. I pray that You comfort them Lord and shield them from any further troubles. Please Lord bless them with the peace and strength they need to pick theirselves up. Please draw them to You Lord so that they may experience Your love and feel Your comfort. Please bless them with the garment praise for the spirit of heaviness so that they might be uplifted to lean on You for further guidance and counsel. Please heal their hearts Lord and bless them to overcome their troubles. IJMN. Amen.
Lord, I lift up PG and J, as well as others in mourning to You. Father, the Bible lets us know that You give and You take away. May Your name be praised (Job 1:21).
I worship You for Your mercy and goodness.
I call on You, dear King of kings to please grant peace, rest and strength to those enduring loss in this season. Yet, God, there are many crying in pain, hearts broken, minds clouded by the pain felt from the death of a loved one.
Mercy Lord, Help these ones in their pain. Please give them cause to rejoice and smile, IJMN, Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - Lord I pray for all of the migrants and their children being separated by ICE. Please Lord watch over them and their families and cover them during these tough times. I pray that they are comforted by Your love and protected by Your strong, mighty hand. I pray that You unite them with their families swiftly and that You give them the strength needed to bounce back and recover from this quickly. IJMN. Amen.
I pray for all who struggle to read God's word. For all who do not have zeal for the Bible. For those to whom the Bible is confusing.
God, for those who want to know Your word, but there is something standing in the way, I come against the obstacle that is interfering.
Almighty God, Your Son said that a mustard seed of faith was all we needed to shift mountains if we believe. I believe in the power of His name and Your word to do the impossible. Therefore, I come against every interfering spirit - be it social media, be it distraction, be it confusion, be it intruding thoughts, or people - standing in opposition to people knowing God's word for themselves. The Lord said, touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. Those who were predestined, foreknown, and called belong to God, and any assault upon them in any way is not in accordance with God's word and does not have the light of dawn. It, therefore, shall not stand.
Father, these ones whose minds or behaviors were captured by the enemy to keep them from engaging with Your word are set free in the name of Jesus Christ. For He entered the depths of hell, arresting the strongman there, to set the captives free. He did not need permission then, and we who believe in Him do not need permission now to do the greater things than He did. As the captives are set free, I thank You God. I thank You for being He who watches His word to ensure it is fulfilled. For You said, open Your mouth and I will fill it. Ask and it will be done. Hallelujah, Sovereign Lord. It is IJN, I pray, and say, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for my aunty B. Lord, I pray that You place Your healing hand over her from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet and heal her to fully recover from her stroke. You raised Lazarus from the dead which pales in comparison. I pray that You bless her to walk and talk again. I pray that You stir her heart so that she hears and understands me when I talk and plead with her to repent and ask You for forgiveness. Please Lord bless my aunt to bounce back and fully regain her motor skills so that she is able to walk in Your purpose for her life. IJMN. Amen.
Over the next 25 minutes, let's intercede for others because we are instructed to pray, give thanksgiving, petition and intercede for people in 1 Timothy 2:1.
As a believer in God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, who fears and obeys the Lord, you have authority to pray about the things happening in the world. Your authority extends past praying to impacting these issues and the people affected.
Wield your authority in the name of Jesus. Be strong and courageous. Call on God with boldness to help people, to reverse bad reports, to shift the atmosphere.
He is listening. Let us go to God as the children He has sired and loves. We are not illegitimate, we are not step-children, we are HIS.
Please pray and put satan to shame.
From JIR - “Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
Psalms 150:1-6 NIV
To the God who goes ahead of me in every battle, I say thank You.
To the God who raises a standard when the enemy gathers like a storm, I say I am grateful.
To Him who owns my life and thus preserves it, I glorify You.
To the Sovereign and Mighty God whom I serve, I bow in worship to You and You alone.
From JIR - Lord I thank You for sis @FFJ. Thank You for using her to lead this fellowship zealously and faithfully. Thank You for using her to edify my soul in many ways through her messages and lessons. Thank You Lord for using her for Your glory. IJMN. Amen.
Lord, I thank You for sis JIR Thank You for all You are doing in her life. To You be all the glory and praise for what You are doing is marvelous in our sight.
From JIR - Thank You Heavenly Father for Your gentleness, kindness and compassion. Thank You for Your patience and being slow to anger. You are who I look to. I thank You for wrapping me in Your love. IJMN. Amen.
Psalm 16:2 - I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”
Psalm 16:5 - Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.
Psalm 16:7 - I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:8 - I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:9 - Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure,
Psalm 16:10 - because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
Psalm 16:11 - You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Glory be to God!!!
From JIR - Thank You Lord for being perfect in all of Your ways! IJMN. Amen.