Fear is a complex concept for us Christians to understand. We are told not to be afraid, but how is it possible not to worry? Is all fear from satan? And how does fear affect our spiritual walk?
God gave us a fear response, and it is a healthy one. For instance, it is why we jump when there's an explosion. It keeps us from sticking our hands into a flame. This type of fear helps us understand when danger is present and to avoid it.
However, there is the fear that satan tries to saddle us with. This kind of fear does not help people. Instead, it causes us to forget that God is King over our lives and will work things out for us. It is specifically crafted to rob us of our faith as was the case when the evil messengers came with bad news for Jairus.
Such fear can be camouflaged as rationality. It influences a believer to forget that there is healing in God's word (Proverbs 4:20-22). Or, a child of God, thinking they are unqualified for a promotion, will not pray on the matter. They'll forget that God does not operate by the rules of man (Isaiah 55:9).
Conquering fear requires knowing the word of God and that's where the problem is. Believers don't read anymore! So many of us want to depend on what a pastor says at the pulpit or in a book, but the truth is we have to read the Bible and know the word of the Lord for ourselves. When we know His word, we know His promises, we know His warnings, and we know what to say to resist satan and its lies.
We need God's word for everything. The Bible is our manual for life. Without it, we will be afraid of the very things God placed under our dominion (Luke 10:19). We also will not see our prayers answered because our lack of knowledge will allow fear to destroy our faith. James 1:6 states, "When you ask for something, don't have any doubts. A person who has doubts is like a wave that is blown by the wind and tossed by the sea" (GWT).
If we fear God and God alone, we'll understand that He will answer when we call, never leaving us at the mercy of our enemies. Fearing anything else, frankly, makes no sense. He has all the power and He loves us. Plus, when we know God's word more, scriptures will bloom in our hearts and minds, causing fear to shrink back.
Many do not believe they have enough faith, but the Lord has given each one a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). We therefore have to apply that faith, remembering that a mustard-seed amount is enough to do great things (Luke 17:6). As we put the faith we have to work in the situations that confront us, our relationship with God deepens and our faith increases. Our resilience strengthens for the next challenge that comes our way, and the cycle of godly growth continues.
We cannot successfully serve as God's weapons against the kingdom of hell if we try to skip the faith training we need. Often, we don't want to deal with the suffering and struggle that comes with it, so we step out of God's plan and timing to do our own thing.
In reality, we need to let God have His way with us. We need to submit to His training. We must allow Him to build us up to become the vessels of honor He created us to be. If not, we will become trapped in cages of fear that debilitate us and make us useless for His kingdom purpose on earth.
(Inspired by a response originally shared on August 17, 2021)
Do you have any scriptures you hold on to when fear comes knocking?
Please share and bless the rest of us.
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God, Your people have been praying for Church 2819 and its leadership.
Thank You for being the God of miracles.
Thank You for being the God who never ignores the cries of His people.
Thank You that monies have been raised to assist the church.
Thank You for we know that every other thing that is needed to ensure a smooth transition shall come miraculously.
Thank You, Lord, for we can't wait to see the many ways You will put the devil in its place. My God who always proves Himself Mighty! Hallelujah!!