Recently, the Lord revealed a particular way the enemy was 'punking' me. It was startling to see how I'd succumbed to the devil's schemes because the mode of attack was not glaring. I pray that this message will help you look a little closer at some of the things you're going through so that you can pinpoint where the enemy has planted itself to create the problem. This way, through faith and the name of Jesus, you can send it packing.
I've been working on a project with a client. The work isn't new to me. Frankly, I could do it in my sleep. However, I'm working with a business that is new to the space and doesn't quite understand what is expected to ensure a successful outcome. There has therefore been a learning curve for them and I've had to patiently counsel them. Now, when I landed this client, I was very excited. This is because I'd prayed that the Lord would send me clients and in two weeks, He'd answered with a few. I understood that each was to be handled as if I was dealing with the Lord Himself per 1 Corinthians 10:31 - So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
So, why was it that a while later, this particular project became so hard for me to do? Suddenly, reading the documents was tiring. My entire body would resist having to glance at this particular client's work. Thankfully, I would pray for God's grace and each time, I'd receive it to produce good product. Yet, the issue of my uncharitable attitude persisted and I didn't know why.
Then one day, I got a slew of messages from the client and they needed assistance. What they wanted fell within the scope of our contract but once again, I just couldn't find it in me to do the work. In irritation, I grumbled and frankly, I was atypically ungrateful.
Somehow, and I thank the Lord for intervening, I had a moment of clarity. Surprisingly, certain questions ran through my mind: Why am I complaining about an opportunity I prayed for and God gave? I then said out loud, "The devil knows this will bless my family and I". And just like that, I knew I'd been under attack from the enemy. As realization dawned, I made a simple declaration - "I break all agreement with that spirit of discontentment and lies that doesn't want me to finish this project." Instantly, it felt like a cloud lifted and the world looked different. I went on to take care of the issue in less than an hour and once done, I lay out on my floor to praise the Lord. As I sat up, I realized my prayer had worked. I'd broken agreement with the enemy and it couldn't stop me anymore.
The sad thing is that I would have spotted this in someone else, but for some reason, I was ignorant of how the devil attacked me. Nevertheless, the Lord used this incident to teach me to pay closer attention to my emotions and to guard my heart even more. He also reminded me that opening my mouth to proclaim in faith will always remain a powerful weapon. I wasted so much time entertaining a spirit that wanted to curtail my progress. Seven hours to be precise! Yes, I spent seven hours in resentment instead of just doing what needed to be done. Plus, when I finally settled down to do the work, I learned so much from the client's experience and was better for it.
Many of us don't realize that satan sends its evil spirits to attack us similarly. An enemy sent to put pressure on you at work and on the drive home so that instead of smiling at your neighbor's kids when you arrive, you growl at them to get off your lawn. An enemy that wants you to complain about what God has blessed you with instead of recognizing the grace you received and thanking Him for His kindness. The great thing is that Jesus died on the cross to set everyone free and once a person understands the weight of that freedom, they can command the devil and its minions so that they all flee. Jesus Himself said in Luke 10:19 - I have given you the authority to trample snakes and scorpions and to destroy the enemy's power. Nothing will hurt you (GWT). The devil has no power for those who believe in Christ and live to please the Lord. This is why believers can freely declare "satan has no hold over me," just as the Savior did.
I want to encourage you to look at whatever issues you are dealing with. Ask the Lord to identify the spirit(s) working in the darkness to cause these problems. Then, break agreement with the enemy. You're wondering how you could have possibly agreed with it. Well, in my case, as I didn't realize I was under attack, I did what the enemy wanted - I grumbled, I wasted time, and I became resentful. That was all it took. Could you have done the same? If so, today is the day to no longer agree with what satan wants for you. Today is the day to open your mouth, declare, and start making choices in thoughts and actions that no longer agree with the enemy.
God bless you!
PS: I applied this approach to another issue and in less than 24 hours, God sent victory. Plus, I'd been struggling with a personal project and having prayed, I got understanding and zeal to tackle things in a few hours. I trust the Lord to bring more victory on the other matters I'm waiting on.
From DR14U - GLORY TO GOD !!!!!! Sister this came at the right time as I am dealing with the same insecurities of being able to do my job and letting the adversary keep me intimidated and stressing....NO MORE !
This REALLY got my attention:
"Why am I complaining about an opportunity I prayed for and God gave? "
My God, WOW...Thank You & God Bless !
Praise be to You Heavenly Father! Once again, You've faithfully brought us to the end of another Praise & Pray (for others). We are grateful for bringing us together despite our being on different continents, time zones, and states.
You are our great and mighty God. Bigger than the biggest. Stronger than the strongest. You who put all others to shame.
Remember them for serving You this day through their praises and petitions. I pray their lives glorify You and that You will be pleased with them. IJMN, Amen. Hallelujah!
Similarly, I lift up those who will fellowship at a later time. Cover them in Your grace, great King. Surround them with Your loving kindness, IJN, Amen.
Today we learned that the enemy will sometimes attack in a way we couldn't anticipate. In such instances, we need the grace of God to highlight how to vanquish the devil so that we walk in the Lord's freedom.
I pray that you have taken some time to prayerfully look at your life to identify where the devil is earning chap points. God will surely reveal the places where the enemy has a foothold as well as what you must say and do to kick it out.
If you are yet to pray for this revelation, why don't we do it together?
Lord, thank You for being my Protector. The God who covers and keeps me. Dear Father, I come before You today to ask for Your spirit of wisdom and revelation. Help me to see what You see. Highlight where satan is attacking me and fill my mouth with what must be said to break every agreement with the enemy. You alone are my God and You alone have authority and dominion in my life. That is what I want and I pray for Your grace and strength to walk victoriously over the enemy of my soul, IJMN, Amen.
Now, please pay attention and watch how the Lord spotlights the issues to you. As you wait for revelation, please make time to study your word and spend time with God in worship. He who called you unto Himself is faithful. He will do it (1 Corinthians 1:9).
From M22- Father I commit my siblings into your hands. I pray that they will continue to walk with you and experience your perfect peace. I pray that the fruits of the spirit will continue to make their home in their hearts IjMN. I pray that they will be evidences of breakthrough, testimonies, manifestation of your glory Abba IjMN amen.
Father, I want to thank You for my neighborhood. You are the God who places us where You want us to be and You guide and protect Your servants whenever they go as You have instructed. Hallelujah!
Lord, Matthew 7:7 tells us to ask that we receive, seek that we shall find and knock, that the door be opened.
Dear King, the enemy is on a rampage seeking to negatively impact this neighborhood by inflicting confusion, disease, financial lack and other challenges in the community.
But, I serve a living God. The God who is eternal. He who is the I Am that I am. The God who never fails and who answers when we call!
Thus, Lord, I lift up my neighbors. I place each before You committing their lives and families and concerns unto You. Great and Mighty God, You who possess Your possessions. Come into the homes, bringing peace and Your blessed presence. You who satisfy the needs of people, Lord, satisfy their needs, to Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling with their mental health, thought patterns and emotions that they will experience your powerful peace in Phillipians 4:19 and your perfect peace in Isaiah 26:3. I pray that any time the enemy tries to belittle them, that they are reminded of their identity in you and they shut down the attacks of the enemy IjMN amen.
God, I pray Your protection over the body of Christ.
The bible says "the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into Him and are safe". In the powerful name of Jesus, the name which is above every other name, and by the power in us, which the same power that raised Christ from the dead -- let angelic protection and guidance be with my brothers and sisters in Christ. This I pray, in Jesus name.
Be exalted Oh Lord, above all the earth!
Almighty God of war, El Gibbor, the Lord of Hosts, I invoke Your covenant names and I lift You high. Almighty God, I call on You to send "help from Your sanctuary" and answer by fire the cries of Your servants. Send understanding and wisdom; send healing and deliverance; send provision and miracles. Arise oh Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered. Let Your answer push past every barrier posed by any evil spirit prince. I rebuke evil obstacles that are posed against us because Your word says "no weapon formed against you will prosper". "Lift up Your heads oh ye gates" (ps 24) in the spirit, and let God's help come through to His children without delay! In Jesus name I pray, amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I lift up children across the world into your care. I pray that you shield them from violence, harm and abuse. I pray that they will fulfill their density and purpose here on earth. I pray that they will continue to advance your kingdom here on earth! I pray that you will increase them in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and retentive memory IjMN amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I bless you for Peppers both online and offline. I thank you for sis @FFJ's victory over the enemy , Mamaspet Mom's hospital discharge and everyone else testifying. I thank you for blessing us beyond our expectations. Thank you Abba for strengthening our faith as we walk everyday with you Abba. We bless you for what you have done, what you are doing and you are yet to do in our lives IJMN amen.
Put your needs to the side for the next 25 minutes. Let us pray for others.
There are so many in the world who need us to pray for them. Some are too sick to pray for themselves. Others don't know how, burdened by pain and sadness. Many more don't even know our God, and are unaware they can talk to Him the way we do.
Would you please pray for someone? Any one?
Lord, thank You so much that Mama MFC is finally home from the hospital. God, we are grateful for this great kindness and expression of love for our sister and her family.
Take all the glory, Lord!!!
Almighty God, I thank You for everything You've done! Thank You for finishing the good work You started a few days ago. Thank You for giving us favor everywhere we go. Praise the Lord for His good works!
Psalm 18:49 - Therefore I will praise you, LORD, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name.
Glory be to the God who watches over His word to ensure it is fulfilled. Faithful God. He who holds us by the hand and leads us. Thank You for Your patience and mercy upon all of us.
Deuteronomy 32:3-4 - I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.
Has God given you reasons to praise Him? Then, it's time to hop to it!
Pull out your reasons and exalt His name!
We must enter His gates with thanksgiving. We must enter His courts with praise.
Let us all say that this is the day that the Lord has made. Let's rejoice for He has made us happy!!!!!!
From DDS - Can someone pray for my recovery from my wisdom tooth removal? It's still painful post removal. It's better than it was before but it had ya girl out. My ear hurts so I haven't even done my Bible study for the week. I read and listen.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for another beautiful fellowship day. Thank you for today's insightful message about how the devil covertly attacks us through familiar avenues. We thank you Abba for sabotaging his plans and triumphing on our behalf. We thank you Abba for uprooting what you didn't plant in our lives. We thank you for being our Way Maker, our light in the darkness, our Mighty man in Battle. We bless you Ebenezer! Amen!!!