Have you been praying for God to be with you? Have you asked Him to not leave your side? Well, Jesus has given us a sure-fire way to get that petition answered. It is to always do what pleases the Lord. Specifically, He said in John 8:29 - The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.”
It makes sense to wonder how one can manage to always do what pleases God. Your mind has likely gone to the list of your recent sins and there's a voice telling you that you are incapable of accomplishing that feat. That only Jesus could have done so.
That line of thinking is a lie engineered to discourage you from trying to please the Almighty King. Keep in mind, that David was a mere mortal who God said was pleasing to Him because he did what God wanted. As such, the devil attacks this way because it knows that by pleasing God, you will enjoy His constant presence and receive His peace, healing, wisdom, understanding, strategy, and much more (Ecclesiastes 2:26). Your enemy has a vested interest in keeping you from such blessings.
That said, we must remember that God hates sin and those who commit it (Psalm 5:5). In fact, sin acts as a barrier to our prayers (Isaiah 59:2). After all, we are warned that having God's grace is not permission to continue living in iniquity (Romans 6:15). Thankfully, Jesus came to cleanse believers from their sin and help them live a life that is pleasing to God. Therefore, through Jesus Christ, it is possible to please the Lord. When we let Him into our hearts, we invite Him to teach us and help us walk on the earth as those who make God smile. It isn't always easy, but He is patient and desires to see us succeed.
The key is to not fall for satan's lie but to remember that Jesus restores and saves. He washes away the sin and the pain, clothing people in glorious garments that show they belong to God. Plus, never forget that the Bible provides different ways that each person can please Him. For instance, we are told in Micah 6:8 - He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]? (AMP). Plus, remember Cornelius who helped the poor and prayed? That was enough to please God whereby He sent an angel, then an Apostle, and finally, the Holy Spirit to transform him, his household, and his guests.
Another way to please the Lord is to have faith according to Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him. (AMP). Taking care of one's parents and grandparents, particularly when they are widowed also pleases God as stated in 1 Timothy 5:4 - The children or grandchildren of a widow must first learn to respect their own family by repaying their parents. This is pleasing in God's sight. (GWT). Apostle Paul also instructed that when we petition, pray, intercede, and give thanksgiving for all people (including our leaders), we please the Lord (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
We must desire to please God and commit to doing so. Jesus will help because God made it so. Hebrews 13:20-21 tells us that through Jesus Christ, God will equip us with everything good for doing His will, and to please Him. Praise God!
To learn more on this topic, please read these related messages
From M22 - Thank you Abba for today's P and P, I pray Abba that we will continue to please you in every thing that we do. I pray that you will continue to transform us inside out as we work towards a stronger relationship with you Abba. Amen.
From M22 - Abba I thank you for sis @FFJ for bringing us together today. Thank you for her testimony and for always showing up for her. I pray Abba that you will continue to bless and expand her, her ministry, her business, her family and loved ones ijmn amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray that the holy spirit continues to cultivate the fruits of the spirit within us, it is only by this fruits that we can continue to please you Abba. I pray that your word will continue to take root in our lives and we reap an abundant harvest IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people that do not know you. I pray Abba that you open their hearts and minds so that they come to find refuge in you. I pray that you uproot whatever doesn't align with your will in their lives IJMN amen.
I'd like to share a prayer I got from listening to a sermon from the late Minister Derek Prince. He shared this as a declaration his wife and himself used regularly to reclaim the forgiving grace of the blood of Jesus and testify to how Jesus had freed them from satan's clutches.
Why don't you speak this declaration with me -
Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of satan. Through the blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven. The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. Through the blood of Jesus, I am justified, made righteous, just as if I'd never sinned. And through the blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God. I am no longer in satan's territory. In Jesus name, Amen.
Praise the Lord!
We are free to do what pleases the Lord and the devil can't stop us!!! Praise God!!!!
Thank You Lord for wanting to be by our side at all times. Thank You Lord for making it possible that we, sinners, can be pleasing to You and experience Your never-ending presence. Lord, thank You for this reassurance today.
Father, thank You as well for bringing us together to honor You and experience Your presence all because we obeyed Your instruction for the faithful to gather. I pray for all who participated on this day. Please remember them for worshiping You. Remember them for praying for the needs of others. I pray to You, the All-Powerful God, to bless these ones and give them miracles big and small. Spoil them, my Father and get all the glory!!!
Keep us all safe until we meet again and may we gather once more with rejoicing on our lips. Hallelujah!
It is imperative to remember that each of us can and will be pleasing to the Lord when we take those steps to be so. It is just as crucial to remember that when we make the commitment to please God, we have a helper - Jesus Christ. He has a vested interest in helping us become pleasing to His Father and will go to any length to ensure we achieve it.
Please do not let the devil think it is impossible to please God. We are children of the Lord, made in His image, with His blood running through our veins.
And so, I want to encourage us all to thank God that we too can be pleasing to Him. Thank Him that despite your flaws, He wants to spend all His time with you and to bless you more than you can ask or imagine.
By the grace of our Savior Jesus Christ, we shall do what pleases our Heavenly Father and reap the reward of His continuous presence in our lives, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling with their mental health and trauma. I pray Abba that you hold their hand and help them heal. You know what truly troubles their hearts and minds and I pray Abba that you will restore their sense of safety, trust, confidence and self esteem IJMN amen. I pray that you break every chains of mental bondage and generational trauma in their lives IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for couples seeking the fruit of the womb. You heard Hannah and Rachel's cries, I pray Abba that you will hear their cures and give them healthy babies of their own. I pray Abba that you will nourish and nurture them so they can grow in your ways and never depart from you IJMN amen.
God. You are great. You sit high above. Nobody is close to You.
I pray, dear Lord, for the overflow of Your provision, Your covenant promises and blessings, to become tangible in the lives of Your children.
You created us for so much more and today, Lord, let that be the transformation Your children experience. Let them rejoice at Your grace. Let them dance because of Your favor upon their lives. Expand their boundaries and let them expand their tents.
IJMN, I pray over Your people Jabez's prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:10 - Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.
Thank You so much God! Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray that you put an end to the conflict going on this world. I know the devil thought he started something but he has failed woefully. Abba I pray that your peace in Phillipians 4:7 touches the hearts and minds of every conflicting parties so they can come together to settle their conflicts. Abba I pray that there will be no more bloodshed and war IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for children around that world, you said children are special and your kingdom belongs to them. You even said we as believers should adopt their curiosity and openness. So Abba I pray that you protect every child in this world. I pray that you nourish and nurture them. I pray that you protect them from harm, violence and abuse. IJMN amen.
From sis FJ - Abba, I want to thank You for the favor we have experienced so far. My prayer for my fellow Peppers and all believers around the world, is that they would experience Your hand of blessing in their lives. I ask this because Your word says that "you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth" and also "God will provide all Your needs according to His riches in glory" please help them in Jesus name, amen
From M22 - Abba I pray for everyone waiting on you for healing, @AlexisColby and many others. Abba I pray that your healing power radiates every part of their body from the crown of their head to the sole of their foot. Abba I pray that you guard the hearts and minds of the medical staff to use the right drugs, technology and everything neccesary for your healing to take place IJMN amen.
Father, we come before You in great humility and call on You to silence the enemy trying to slander and accuse Your children. Give Your children rest on all sides as You gave King David.
God as Your children, we speak Your words in Isaiah 41:1 - "Be silent before me..." Father, You have given us "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy" and you declared over us that "nothing will harm you" (Luke 10:19).
As such, we speak with confidence and cry out to You to silence the destroyer for the sake of Your great name. Silence the distraction it sends and the chaos it creates. Strengthen and empower Your children against the thief which "comes only to steal and kill and destroy" for You Lord "have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10).
You, oh Lord, have the final say. Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people mourning the loss of a loved one/loved ones, I pray that you comfort, console and help them through the grief. I pray that you help them rest in your comfort knowing their loved one(s) is in your care IJMN amen.
From PBS - Oh Righteous Lord, You are the only God of the breakthrough!
In the Name of Jesus, mighty and righteous Father, please remove RIGHT NOW—every mountain to be cast out and destroyed. May Your Power continue to break through and set the captives free.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—Let the blind now see, let the deaf now hear, let the door knocks now be answered—to Your Glory.
Every need that’s been prayed for and faith stood upon to be released to receive the answers—financial, healing, security, protection, love, favor, wisdom, understanding, joy, peace, comfort, goodness, mercy, forgiveness, wholeness, discernment, release from bondages, deliverance from generational trauma, employment, housing, justice, provisions, etc—breakthrough and rain down DOUBLE PORTIONS on Your children right now, in Jesus Name, amen!
From M22 - Abba I thank you for Peppers. Thank you for bringing us together to praise, pray and intercede. I pray Abba that we will continue to please you in everything we do, say and think IJMN amen.
Here is a prayer from our sister Justa-
Dear Lord, today I pray for those who are hurt and in pain who have been on the receiving end of other people's angers. Is there a way they can be liberated from such situations? We pray for protection, emancipation, deliverance, and healing for them. It's not fair for them to experience such acts as we know how damaging it is to the psyche, emotions, health and more. We speak blessings and favor upon these individuals that you will lift them with the palm of your hand to a better and loving environment. Please bring people their way that will show them the love and help you've shown us. We rebuke disgruntled people who are irresponsible with their words and actions. Vengeance is yours. Your love is our armor and protection. Amen and Amen.
From BI - Lord, I lift up to You in prayer sis @AC, JO, IS, JI, JB, MM, RG, DK and anyone else connected to P&P in need of healing. I pray that they receive divine visitation and healing. It is Your will that Your children have good health. Lord, our greatest physician, stretch Your mighty hands over them and deliver them from whatever torments them. Be their strength, comfort and peace. I pray that the mantle of good health and long life rest upon them. Lord, turn their tests into testimonies all for Your glory IJMN Amen.