Last Friday we began our series on not breaking faith with God by looking at Moses and Aaron. Today, we look at Ezra. He was a priest and a teacher of God's laws to the remaining Israelites when they were a conquered group scattered within the Persian Kingdom. His experience teaches us that when we speak about the goodness and power of God, we will need to back it up with our actions and words.
As a leader of his people, Ezra had the task of bringing some of them back to Jerusalem. Although he was respected by the Persian King and could have requested soldiers to accompany him and his people during the four month journey, he didn't. This, despite the fact that they would be traveling with precious gold, silver, and other items that had been carted off from the Temple when Jerusalem fell decades before. Ezra explained why he couldn't request an armed escort in Ezra 8:22 - I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.” What did he do instead? He called for the people to fast and ask the Lord for a safe journey. We are told that God answered the petition, keeping the group of travelers and their possessions safe from marauding bandits (Ezra 8:23).
Ezra had spoken highly of God to the king and when the time came, he had to prove that he believed all that he'd said. He couldn't speak about how powerful his God was only to then ask a man, albeit a king, for soldiers to provide protection. No, he had to put his mouth where his money was - as the saying goes - and show through his choices and not just his lofty words that he trusted in this God he'd spoken so highly of.
God expects those who believe in Him to do the same. Remember, the scripture taught us that breaking faith with God means to dishonor Him in what we say and do in the presence of others. Therefore, we must honor the Lord by standing in our faith and even when everything looks wrong. We can't forget that the choices we make can influence how others see our God. This is why Paul said of believers in 2 Corinthians 5:20 - We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. Additionally, the Lord has said of His people in Isaiah 43:12 - First I predicted your rescue, then I saved you and proclaimed it to the world. No foreign god has ever done this. You are witnesses that I am the only God,” says the LORD. (NKJV).
We are to attest to His might and power. We do this by sharing our testimonies, fellowshipping with believers and by sharing the Gospel with non-believers. And when in the midst of unbelievers, we are to speak about the Lord with the reverence He deserves - no matter how others bash Him. Even when we have some gripes of our own, we are to respectfully carry them to the Lord, laying them at His feet because He has instructed each of us in 1 Peter 5:7 - "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
It's not easy to share our worries with Him without becoming disrespectful. People have been conditioned by the world to talk recklessly about people and God is no exception, unfortunately. Yet, we must allow the Lord to build us up in Him where we learn how to honor Him in good times and bad. That's exactly what Ezra did. A potential challenge arose - the need for safe journey to Jerusalem over a span of months. He stood in his faith in God, understanding it would be a shameful thing to make God look small before the king. He understood that doing so would constitute relying on man instead of the Lord Almighty.
Let us learn from Ezra to make the choice that honors God and His personality. The Lord will help each of us to do so more and more so that we shall never break faith with Him in any way, IJMN, Amen.
Thanks so much for joining in today, folks. I pray that you have learned a little something from the experiences of Moses, Aaron, and Ezra.
I also shared a little bit about how I recently made a mistake that revealed the enemy could create a sense of pressure that made me make a choice that seemed small but in truth, it broke faith with the Lord.
My experience has taught me to be ever mindful of remaining in a position of praise and prayerfulness. Of calling on the Lord to guide my steps - even those that seem insignificant.
I want to encourage all of us to do the same. This is why being seated at the well already is a crucial position to be in. I've mentioned this before and will keep saying it - set up shop at the well so you regularly draw from the living water. That way, when the drought comes, you're well put to keep drawing. Others may not be familiar but you'll be able to help them and yourself.
I have to thank God for His grace and mercy, that He took the time to point out to me what I did wrong. That He gave me the opportunity to repent - what if I'd passed away before this chance? I am grateful for the privilege to receive His forgiveness and share my error with others. We often only want to hear the beautiful testimonies but we must also learn from each other's mistakes. It is my prayer you will learn from mine and stand tall knowing that Your God is always able.
God bless you and do come back on Friday as we'll be learning from the experience of Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego on this same topic of not breaking faith with our God.
Till then...
Glorious God, thank You for bringing us to another conclusion of fellowship. Thank You for bringing Your children together to worship and intercede for others. Hallowed be Your holy name!
Lord, thank You for the lesson we learned from Ezra's experience. He had access to the best military resources to protect himself, his people, and the items being returned to Your Temple. Instead of choosing to rely on man, he chose to rely on You. And You did not disappoint. You brought them from Persia to Jerusalem safely.
Lord, I want to thank You for what You did for Ezra and all those who fasted and then traveled with Him. Thank You for proving Yourself more than capable. Just as You did it for them, so are You more than capable in our lives. Help us, Lord and grant us grace when we forget. Guide us to remember what You have done so we make the right choices and give You the glory always. Thank You though, that when we've made such a mistake You haven't held it against us and instead, through this series are teaching us to be mindful and repentant. This way we shall walk with You and reap the bounty You have laid out for us on Your path of righteousness. Thank You so very much, faithful Father!
Take all the glory. Take all the praise. For You alone are worthy! Hallelujah!
I don't know about you but I've failed to back up my testimony of God through my actions and words. This despite knowing not to. In fact, it happened yesterday. I was in a bind and made a choice that did not reflect my prayers and God's promises to me. Why? Because I was under pressure at the time.
Sometimes, we think the trigger will be anger as was the case with Moses and Aaron, or fear. However, satan is sneaky. If it knows neither of those overtly negative emotions will get you stepping out of God's plan and timing, it will try a different approach.
I'd gone to bed knowing something was wrong - that I'd messed up in some way - and as I woke, the Lord kindly highlighted the error. All I could do was seek His forgiveness. The choice I made seemed so small but it was contrary to what I know and believe. It limited God's power and frankly, made a mockery of my knowledge of what God can do in my life. Yet, it all seemed so innocuous in the moment.
Maybe I'm the only one who has made such a mistake. If so, this message isn't for you. However, if you know you've made a similar error or suspect you have, how about you join me in seeking the face of the Lord on the issue?
God, You are the Almighty and we thank You for being the I Am that I Am. You hold everything we need in Your hands and yet, there are times when we forget and seek to take matters into our own hands. We seek to trust in man - even if that be ourselves - instead of relying fully on You. Lord, for this we repent and express sincere apologies. For in so doing, we hurt You and fell short of Your glory. We are sorry Lord.
Dear Father, please find it in Your magnanimous heart to forgive us for this. Please remember Your word in Isaiah 54:9 where You stated You would never again be angry with us mere mortals and that You would not rebuke us again. Have mercy, and be the voice that speaks loudly to us so when the challenge arises and we are faced with a decision, we shall choose to be like Your servant Ezra who knew it would be foolish to diminish You and all he'd confessed about You, IJMN, Amen.
I pray we all receive God's gracious forgiveness and use Ezra's example to make the choices and say the things that honor the Lord, IJN, Amen.
From LB - Lord I just want to say Thank You so much for your Grace and Mercy in my life and Thank You for bringing this group into my life as well. I would not be here today if it wasn't for God's love and care in leading me out of the abyss. Sometimes I find myself frustrated and impatient and even find myself questioning God but I know that he brings me back to where I need to be and shows me miracles in ways that I cannot imagine. God is real and God is an awesome God!
God, continue to bless these ladies in the P&P circle and to bring blessings to them. And God, continue to guide me throughout many seasons I will face in my lifetime and continue to comfort me and guide me through valuable lessons and bring people that will enrich my life in a positive way. Thank You God for your Grace and Mercy! In Jesus' name, Amen!
From BI - I pray for JO, MW, TB, PC, PM and any pepper in need of healing. Lord, show Your healing power in their lives. Stretch forth Your mighty hands over them and deliver them from whatever is tormenting them. Open their hearts so they see the love You have for them. Fill them with confidence in the power of Your healing hands, mercy and grace. I pray that they are completely restored and may they return with praise reports all to Your glory IJMN Amen.
Good God. You who made the earth and all that is in it. Praise be to You, God who owns everything. Thank You Sovereign Lord for being almighty and all-sufficient. To You be all the glory, IJN, Amen.
Ezekiel 36:29-30 - I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will summon the grain and make it plentiful, and I will not bring famine upon you. I will also make the fruit of the trees and the crops of the field plentiful, so that you will no longer bear reproach among the nations on account of famine.
Father, the land suffers because of our wrong choices and the devil is pleased. It taunts and mocks that our God cannot bring the rains and cannot bring from the ground what is needed to feed the nations. Lord, for the sake of Your Holy and precious name, we call on You to preserve the greatness and honor of Your name. To not allow the enemy to gloat and claim that it could create famine and the chaos that stems from it.
Therefore, Lord, we call on You to do as You promised in Your word. Cleanse Your people and cleanse the land, IJMN, Amen. In Your mercy and because You protect Your very name, bring about harvest where the land has been written off. Bring food of all kinds to the hungry. Break apart that which serves to prevent food provision. All things hampering food getting to those in need are destroyed now, IJMN, Amen.
Take all the glory, Lord. Thank You for bumper harvests and miraculous provision. Hallelujah!
From BI - Lord, I lift up into Your capable hands the two women assaulted by a mob in Manipur India. Lord, heal them in mind, body and spirit. Remove any false shame they might feel. Help them to let go of any burden they are carrying. Surround them with people that will show them love and care for them. Lord, grant unto them comfort, strength, restoration and Your transcending peace. Let Your light pierce any darkness and depression they are going through. Vengeance belongs to You Lord and I pray that the perpetrators of this sickening acts are brought to justice IJMN Amen.
We have honored God with our praises. Now we must honor Him with our prayers for others.
Be sure to pray with zeal. Imagine the effort you'd put in if you were praying for yourself.
Let us intercede for the needs of others.
From BI - Because of You Lord, I sleep and wake.
Because of You Lord, I can hear, talk and walk.
Because of You Lord, I have something to eat and drink.
Because of You Lord, I have a roof over my head.
Because of You Lord, I have job and wages.
Because of You Lord, I am protected and loved.
Because of You Lord, my sins are forgiven.
Because of You Lord, I have Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Because of You Lord, I have my showers of blessings.
Because of You Lord, I exist.
Thank You my Abba Father for all You do for me.
Revelation 7:12 - saying: “Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”
Praise be to You oh Lord. You alone have the glory, wisdom, honor, power, strength and thanks always. Hallelujah!
From BI - Because of You Lord, I sleep and wake.
Because of You Lord, I can hear, talk and walk.
Because of You Lord, I have something to eat and drink.
Because of You Lord, I have a roof over my head.
Because of You Lord, I have job and wages.
Because of You Lord, I am protected and loved.
Because of You Lord, my sins are forgiven.
Because of You Lord, I have Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Because of You Lord, I have my showers of blessings.
Because of You Lord, I exist.
Thank You my Abba Father for all You do for me.
Isaiah 6:3 - And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Praise be unto You God. Thank You for being holy. Radiant in splendor. Beautiful God You are glorious!
From BI - Baba God, thank You for my joyful days. Thank You for reversing all negativity and handing me blessings after blessings. Thank You for Your mercy and grace which I do not deserve. There is no other Father like You. My way-maker, promise-keeper, chain-breaker, my love, my Abba Father. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Revelation 5:13 - ...“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
Matthew 21:9 - The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
Psalm 97:1- The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.
It is time to set aside our concerns seriously and the distractions. Let us join the earth in gladness of our God who is Holy. Let us join the distant shores to rejoice in the Lord Almighty.
For He is good and His mercy endures forever!!
From DJ - Thank you for the TAG. God BLESS!!!!
From CD - Amen, Amen, Amen
Praise His Name Family, Praise His Holy Name!!!
From PBS* - IJN—Have a blessed and safe day and week, Peppers and everyone! Amen! :heart:
From PBS - Praise you Most High Father—
-for the tearing down of strongholds
-for conquering Satan and his agents
-for loving me and saving me
-for healing and delivering me
-for protecting and guiding me
-for forgiving and correcting me
-for prospering and favoring me
-for always making a way of escape
-for breakthroughs and miracles
-for your beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness
-for Your goodness, grace, and mercy
-for making me righteous and your child
-for wisdom, discernment, and understanding
-for authority and power
-for your Word and Will
-for being Lord over my household and family
-for your confidence and boldness
-for patience and perseverance
-for faith, hope, and love
-for your good reports
-for your Strength when I am weak
-for every victory Christ Jesus has given me, giving to me now, and will always give me
-for welcoming me into eternal life and right standing with you on earth and in Heaven
-for loving me unconditionally
-for the fruits of the Spirit
-for the armor of the Lord
-for the Blood of Jesus
-for love, power, discipline, and a sound mind
-for peace in every situation in an unstable world
-for Your Light
-for your glory, honor, and holiness
-for my angels
-for all that you do known and unknown
-for never leaving me nor forsaking me
-for making me whole in You
-for worship and your Word
-for Jesus and the Holy Spirit
-for You
This list is endless Father God—forgive me for not thinking of it all right now!
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
Praises to the Most High, the great I AM!
He is the ONLY God, the only Truth, the only Way, the only Life!
May you rain down your punishment on the wicked and the enemy! May those who mock and despise you fall on their own swords and into the pit!
In the Name of Jesus!
The Lord God Almighty is great and deserves all reverence and fear!
He who destroyed the Tower of Babel, all oppositions, even demolished Pharaoh’s army—He who raised Jesus up from the dead—He who is the Author of all Life!
He who knows all time and every season!
The Alpha and the Omega! Emmanuel, Bright Morning Star, Savior, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!
Praise, glory, and honor to you!
Bless the Name of the Lord!
For He is Worthy to be Praised!
Hallelujah, in Jesus Name, Amen, Amen, Amen!!!