Ephesians 4:11-13 - So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
This has been our anchor scripture the last 2 times we gathered and it continues to guide us today. We have discussed the need to step into our positions as administrators of God's kingdom here on earth. We now know that doing enables each member of the Body of Christ to help their individuals and the entire group of believers to grow in spiritual maturity. As everyone in the Body grows, God also provides blessings to those who accept the responsibility of their Kingdom Position.
Keep in mind that those who step into their role become servants of the Lord whom He uses to fulfill His purpose on the earth. The Bible is full of additional benefits and promises for such individuals. According to Psalm 35:27, God is concerned and takes delight in the prosperity and well-being of His servants. This is why the Lord ensured that Isaac reaped a hundredfold of what he planted after he obeyed the instruction to not leave for the greener pastures of Egypt when a famine struck the land in which he lived (Genesis 26:12). Unfortunately, all around him, others suffered because they did not His God. He, on the other hand, enjoyed wealth and power.
God's commitment in 1 Samuel 2:9 is that He will guard the feet of His faithful servants. They will not experience the sudden disaster that comes upon the wicked (Proverbs 3:25). This was the case for Prophet Jeremiah, who having served God even in the face of ridicule, was not carried off to Babylon as a prisoner when Nebuchadnezzar's army conquered his people. Instead, he was given the privilege and respect of a dignitary who could choose whatever he wanted to do and wherever he wanted to go (Jeremiah 40). Even Jeremiah's scribe, Baruch, received a heavenly promise that his life would be protected (Jeremiah 45:5).
Paul repeatedly experienced the blessings that stemmed from serving God. On multiple occasions, his opponents tried to kill him but couldn't succeed before the time the Lord had appointed for him to pass on. Some conspired to kill him in Damascus, but he was lowered through the city's wall in a basket before they could find him (Acts 9). A plot in Jerusalem was foiled when his nephew learned of it (Acts 23). A poisonous snake bit him on the island of Malta, but instead of dying, he was miraculously healed. The people came to believe in God and Paul healed several sick people. It is no wonder that Paul could write, "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen" (2 Timothy 4:18). He could speak that way because he'd experienced the power and protection of the Almighty.
This is not to say that God's servants will not face trials and tribulations. However, the Lord will inform His servants before they experience the obstacles that typically come upon those who have committed to serve Him. Amos 3:7 - Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. This is why Jesus knew what His end would be. Even Paul was told by the Lord how and when he would die. Such advance information is not shared with those who are not God's servants and in fact, the receipt of such knowledge changes an individual's standing. Jesus acknowledged that because He'd shared what He knew with his disciples, He could no longer call them servants. Instead, He had to call them friends (John 15:15). Another person who was called "a friend of God" was Abraham (Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23). He too received advanced notice of things that were to come as was the case when the Lord revealed the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah to him (Genesis 18).
Being a faithful and genuine servant, though not always comfortable, comes with several perks. They are worth the price because God is faithful and will always get His servants through every challenge that they face. I pray you will take seriously the need to discover your calling and live it for God's glory. This way both the Body of Christ, other believers, and yourself are edified and strengthened to achieve the Lord's purposes here on earth. God bless you.
To learn more, please read the following related posts:
Exploring the Role of the Five-Fold Ministry in the Christian Faith: How Do You Fit In? (The Five-fold Ministry 1)
Unveiling the Crucial Role of the Five-Fold Ministry: How Do You Contribute to the Body of Christ (The Five-fold Ministry 2)
Embracing the Five-Fold Ministry: Unlocking Personal Benefits of Serving God (The Five-fold Ministry 3)
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling with their mental health and how to navigate their lives. I pray that you will purify their hearts, minds, bodies, spirits and souls. I pray that you will empty them of every form of anxiety, doubt, insecurity, fear and depression and fill them up with your your supernatural peace in Phillipians 4:7 and I pray that you will bless them with a sound mind according to your word in 2 Timothy 1:7. Thank you Abba for Supernatural deliverance and restoration IJMN. Amen.
Thank You, great and mighty King for bringing us together. We gathered from different continents, time zones, and still, we could honor You this way today.
We lift You higher Lord!!!
Lord, my prayer for those who fellowshipped is simple.
Ephesians 6:24 - Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.
IJMN, I pray, Amen.
God, I use this opportunity to pray for those who You have selected to act as Your instruments here on earth. Those whom You have selected to act as a divine helper for specific or multiple purposes. Father, I cover these ones with the grace and protection that only You can provide. I decree over their lives that every attempt by the enemy to thwart Your purpose and plan from being actualized through Your servants is foiled, IJMN, Amen.
For Father, Jesus already made a public spectacle of the enemy on the cross in Colossians 2:15 and as victory has already been obtained, all that remains for us to praise. So thanks be to You, the God who watches over His word to ensure it is fulfilled. You will usher Your servants to perform the tasks assigned with special grace and anointing from You that satan cannot gainsay or resist, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Thank you Jehovah Jireh for your will over our lives. Help us to seek you diligently as we go through each day. Set us on higher ground heavenly Father. May we never grow weary IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I used sis L's testimony as a point of contact for others seeking gainful employment. I pray that you will direct them to companies and corporations where their input will be valued, their mental health will be prioritized and they will be given amazing benefits that will impact their lives positively moving forward IJMN amen!
*From M22 - Abba I pray for medical staffs working around the clock to take care of the sick and recovering. I pray that you will continue to strengthen them as they work diligently to improve the lives of patients. I pray that you will strengthen them and rid them of very form of fatigue or stress. I pray that you will bless their families and everything that concerns them IJMN amen.
From AW - Father God, I come to you today with a heavy heart, thinking of the families who are feeling the impact of rising inflation. I know there are many parents out there struggling to put food on their children's plates. I pray that you would provide for them in abundance and ease their financial burdens. Give them hope knowing you are watching over them and will provide for their needs. IJMN, Amen!
From M22 - Abba I pray for financial breakthrough for everyone in this economic crisis. You promised us in Deuteronomy 28:12 that we will lend to nations and we will not borrow. Father we hold on to that promise that we will never lack. We thank you God for your immeasurable provision in our lives IJMN amen.
We've been learning about God's five-fold ministry and how each of us have a role to play in it.
By now, you should have prayed to receive the Lord's guidance on what area He has called you to step into. Does He want you to enter apostleship or the prophetic? Maybe He wants you to become an evangelist like Philip? Or could it be you are being led to pastor souls or provide sound scriptural teaching to believers?
Whatever the case, we now understand that obedience to God's call will not only lead to blessings for the greater group if believers, but also for us as individuals.
We, however, have to choose to obey and submit to God. That way, each of us can be used for His purpose here on earth.
Let us pray -
God, You are my Heavenly Father and You want the best for me. Thank You for revealing some of the blessings awaiting those who step into the Kingdom Position You want them to serve in.
Help me God. Grant me grace to be who You have called me to be. Help me to always remember that You will never assign a task I'm incapable of completing because as Your child and servant, I am anointed with Your spirit of excellence.
I pray to put my skills and every aspect of who You created me to be into serving You wholeheartedly. IJMN Amen.
Lord, I pray for children dealing with illness.
Your word is that You have given children to be godly offspring. A heritage from You.
As such, Father, when children suffer from disease, we know that Your plan is for their healing. I hereby stand on the word - by His stripes are we healed. I decree the healing of the children tied to this group. I declare that every stranglehold depriving them of Your good health break now, IJMN, Amen. I state that every spirit of disease leaves now and never returns. For the name of Jesus cannot be resisted. Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I thank you for your grace upon me and my siblings. Thank you for being our father and mother, our hiding place, our safe haven and sanctuary. I pray Abba that your glory will continue to manifest in our lives. I pray that we will continue to seek you genuinely and diligently. I pray that we will not be overwhelmed by life's worries and concerns and focus on seeking you according to Psalm 63. I pray that your will be done in our lives IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people struggling with their faith and hearing from you. I pray that you will comfort them and put them at ease. I pray that you will open their eyes, hearts, ears and minds spiritually to be more aware of your presence in their lives. I pray that you strengthen their faith beyond measure. I pray that you will blur our every external and internal noise and I pray that you help them recognize and discern your voice so they can follow your instructions IjMN amen.
Father, I lift up the poor and the needy to You. Lord, Your word tells us that all fruitfulness comes from You.
While satan wants people to live lives that are unsatisfactory, You, oh Lord, came to bring people life to the fullest. Praise be to You Holy Name!
God, I call out to You to please feed the hungry. Provide them nourishment in the physical and spiritual. I pray for the strengthening of the weary that they experience Your promise in Isaiah 40:29, where You committed to bring power to the weak. I pray for the foreigner and the stranger that in accordance with Your word in Psalm 146:9, You oh Lord will meet their needs. Lord have mercy and lift the hearts of the brokenhearted and disappointed that they experience Your joy and salvation.
IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I open up today's prayers by asking that your presence fills up every space we have individually taken. I pray that you open us up to soak in your presence. I pray that you increase us spiritually as we pray and intercede. Amen.
From sis FJ - God, of justice, I pray that You would continue to work miracles for those who are treated unfairly. Arise and defend the helpless and abused. Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus name I pray, amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you help us to be reminded by your Word in Matthew 6:33 when life's worries and concern want to overwhelm us. Help us focus on you no matter how challenging life gets. Help us look at past miracles and triumphs you have made happen in our lives while we wait. I pray that you grant us clarity and Discernment as we go through each day. I pray that you help us to lean on you and not our understanding IjMN amen.
From sis FJ - Almighty God I praise You. Thank You for being faithful to me and mine. Thank You for helping us find the missing earring backing that we were looking for.
Dear Lord, we have obeyed Your instruction to enter Your gates with thanksgiving and praises.
Now Lord, we turn our attention to the needs of others. Kindly guide our prayers that we may cover those who need intercession.
All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN Amen.
Merciful God thank You for the Body of Christ. We are far from perfect but thank Your nevertheless for the family of believers.
This family helps many because of Your instructions. Remember us for the good they have done and show mercy for where we have failed to follow Your leading.
Thank You for Your grace. IJMN Amen.
From AW - Father God, I want to take a moment to thank you for all the ways you have looked out for me and my father since my mom’s passing. It hasn’t been easy, but your presence has provided comfort and strength for us both. Your love has carried us through the darkest days and given us hope for the future.
I am especially grateful for the stable income that my business has provided. It’s not just about the money but about the sense of purpose and fulfillment it brings. Thank you for blessing me with this opportunity to support myself while I attend school. Your provision is evident in every sale made and every success achieved.
Please continue to watch over us and help us to remember we are never alone because you are always with us. IJMN, Amen!