Have you ever heard of the term "enemies of the cross"? What do you think it means? One might imagine the term refers to those who tried to crucify Christ centuries ago. Or maybe those who opposed Christianity in the past as well as in the modern era.
Fortunately, the Bible provides context in Philippians 3:18-19 - For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.
This scripture refers to self-professed Christians who, over time, go from faithfully living by God's word and grace to living a life that negates the sacrifice of Christ. These are brothers and sisters who have become carnal. Carnality starts in the mind and happens when, over time, a person's focus and drive are for the things of this world instead of heaven-minded. Jesus warned believers of certain ways this could happen. He said in Mark 4:18-19 that the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth, and desires for other things can cause a person to turn away from the Lord. When that happens, a person who once was a fervent follower can become an enemy of the cross.
If one is to be honest, it is hard to not allow the trappings of life to distract from the word of God. After all, narrow is the way that leads to a godly life and eternity (Matthew 7:14). Plus, there are bills to be paid, children to be fed, and other realities of the world that demand attention. We also live in a world where the big house, the fancy car, and exotic trips are held in high regard. Those who do not display their wealth are looked down upon and that creates pressure to go out and get the money that will purchase a lifestyle envied by the people of the world.
However, the followers of the Way - believers - cannot afford to take their eyes off God, His word, and expectations. We must remember what Christ taught in Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (NLT). For us, the primary goal is to focus on what God desires instead of our desires. When Christ prayed that He would not have to go to the cross, He nevertheless knew that God's purpose was more important than His feelings, ending His petition with "yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). When we put God first, He will give us the things the world desires but, in our case, they will come with ease instead of the soul-crushing sacrifices others have to make for success. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 10:22 - The blessing of the LORD brings [true] riches, And He adds no sorrow to it [for it comes as a blessing from God] (AMP).
We need to add patience to our faith in increasing measure (2 Peter 1:6). That is the only way we will stand firm as the Lord works things out for our good while ensuring that we are spiritually mature when we step into the fullness of life that is His promise (John 10:10). This will keep us from becoming enemies of the cross of Christ. The types who are ruled by their stomach and therefore, by their desires, which is contrary to God's expectation that we apply His spirit of self-discipline in all things (2 Timothy 1:7). We must be on alert because such enemies will experience destruction, which means the wrath of God.
The Lord will help us to live in a way whereby Christ will call us His friends, just as He did His disciples in John 15:15. We will not be enemies of the cross, IJN, Amen.
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From Diamondjubilee - Awesome OP, per usual. God bless you!!!
From CD - Praise God for allowing me to realize that in order to focus on issues means that I had to take my eyes off Him!! Dear God, Thank You for tapping me on the shoulder and reminding me what is important (You) and that frustration comes when I put whatever is frustrating me before You!!
Heavenly Father, I ask that you visit each and every Pepper and bless him / her abundantly, surround him / her with Your Army of Warring Angels to fight for them and with them. Help us to always remember, less of us and more of You. May we not grow weary in our well-doing. May we be surrounded by spirit-filled Christ followers who will pour into us as we pour into others and may we remain steadfast in sharing You with those we encounter.
IJN Amen.
The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with you, all your days, IJMN, Amen.
By His grace, we will gather again on Friday.
God bless you all.
Today, we learned about enemies of the cross and the need to never become one of these types of people. Let us pray and hereby commit ourselves to the path of righteousness the Lord wants us to walk on.
Father, thank You for being so concerned about us that You would teach us how to live lives worthy of You. We call on You, Mighty Redeemer to help us. That by Your sweet grace, we will be friends of our Savior and never enemies of the cross of Christ. Thank You for kindly hearing our prayer. And because You have taken full responsibility for us and our walk on this earth, we trust that You have also heard our petition. For the word tells us that all who call on You will be saved (Joel 2:32). IJMN, we have prayed, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you will supernaturally increase, deliver and restore us on all sides. May we be active participants of everything beautiful you have assigned for year 2024. Help us obey your word in Matthew 6:33 diligently and consistently. And if we ever talk short, Abba I pray that your mercy will speak for us IJMN amen.
From M22 - Father Lord please bless couples expecting the fruit of the womb. Abba turn their waiting into fruitfulness. You remembered Rachel and Hannah and I trust you that you will remember these couples as they wait on you. Abba Father olease put an end to infertility, failed cycles of IVFs, miscarriages and difficult adoption processes. Thank you Abba! Amen.
God, You are great. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Almighty who does as He pleases. I praise You, Lord.
Proverbs 20:28 - A king will remain in power as long as his rule is honest, just, and fair.
Faithful God, I know satan wants evil and wicked to remain in power. It wants us to think this is and will always be the portion of people everywhere. Yet, I believe what is said in Daniel 6:26 - ..._For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end._
God of dominion, I thank You for having all authority. I call on You, the God who does not ignore the cries of the afflicted, to remember those who are leaders that are not honest, just, or fair. Remove their yoke from those under them. IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you answer all of our unspoken prayers. There are sometimes where we feel overwhelmed or feel too stressed out to pray. Father Lord I pray that you will search our hearts, test our anxious thoughts and answer our prayers IjMN amen.
Glory be to God Almighty! The King of kings. The Lord of lords. He who is above every other god.
Heavenly Father, Christ died on the cross to set everyone free. Yet, the devil has found legal bases upon which to hold so many captive.
But, Your word tells us that the captives will be set free. Isaiah 51:14 - Soon all you captives will be released! Imprisonment, starvation, and death will not be your fate! (NLT)
Additionally, we are taught that "_if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed_" (John 8:36).
Lord, I stand on Your word therefore, and speak to the state of backsliders in the faith and those who are yet to come to a knowledge of the Truth. I declare that their freedom shall come in accordance with Your word. I pray that they will open the door when You knock and welcome You into their hearts. That You will free them completely from sin and death, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I commit sis @FFJ into your loving hands. We bless you Lord for using her as a vessel to create great impact through your word and prayer in this community. I pray that she will never grow weary, I pray that you will continue to strengthen and expand her. I pray that you will bless her, her family, her businesses and interests IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people in the waiting season. I pray Abba father that you touch their hearts and minds to patiently wait on you and not take matters into their hands. Help them know the wait will be worth it even beyond their expectations. Thank you Abba for holding them by your mighty right hand as they wait! Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I commit myself and my siblings into your hands. Help us Lord to focus on you every moment of our lives. Help us to not drown in the worries and concerns of this world. Help us take care of everything that wants us to stress or overthink. We trust you will continue to do your will in our lives IJMN amen. We pray that you will continue to transform, prune and renew us for your glory! Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people struggling in their prayer lives. I pray Abba that you strengthen them in every way. I pray that you strengthen their character and faith. May they have cause to rejoice and testify beyond their expectations as they pray amen!
Marvelous God, Thou alone are worthy to be praised. None is greater than You. None compares to You and none ever will.
Psalm 139:5 - You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
Lord, there is so much going on in the world today and it is inducing fear and stressing people.
I pray that Your people will stand confident in Your word from Psalm 139:5. That their eyes will open to know that their protection and safety is in You. That they will know in their hearts that You provide never-ending love which translates into You surrounding those who will believe.
May they believe, Lord, and receive the protection You provide them for free, IJN, Amen.
From M22 - Father I thank you for continually shielding and preserving children from harm, violence, abuse and intimidation. Thank you for guiding and instructing their parents and caregivers to nourish and nurture them in your ways. Abba Father I pray for children in war-torn regions, I pray that your hand of protection will continue to be over them and their families. I pray Abba that you will send help and resources their way to better their lives and help them move on from the adverse effects they have been struggling with. Thank you Abba! Amen.
This was shared by sis @Dahright14u back in 2023 -
From M22 - Thank you Jehovah Jireh for every single Pepper both online and offline. Thank you for your grace, mercy, forgiveness and love over everyone of us. Thank you for taking care of our needs and worries. Thank you for transforming, renewing and pruning us for your glory. Thank you for being more than enough for us. Thank you Abba for strengthening us in faith and character. We bless you Father! Amen.
Think about your friends and the things they need God's help with.
Pray for them. Ask the Lord to turn things around for them.
Pray for your neighbors, coworkers, leaders and even others gathered here today.
He has His hands on you
He said He'll see you through
When you cry, He's holding you
So just lift your hands up high
For He will provide
Thank You that not one thing or person has entered this world without experiencing Your love and mercy. Thank You that I enjoy that privilege. Not because I am so holy or worthy but because You are holy and worthy of it all.
Praise be to You, oh Lord, now and always!