The administrative work of every government is carried out by ministries which are staffed to the brim with individuals. For instance, we have the Department of Education in the United States. This ministry's objective is to ensure that Americans receive an education that meets certain outlined metrics.
The Kingdom of God on earth is no different in that it also has ministries. These were established by Jesus Christ to ensure the sound administration of God's work. Ephesians 4:11-13 provides even more details, saying, So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Apostles travel from place to place planting churches and organizing them. Because of the Spirit of the Lord in believers, almost anyone can prophesy and should seek this gift according to 1 Corinthians 14:1. However, some people are singled out by the Lord to hold the office of prophet and these ones receive God's word about what is to come to steer His people aright. God uses evangelists to speak to non-believers, sharing the good news of Christ and the grace provided through His sacrifice. Pastors act as shepherds who feed and water God's flock so they grow in Christ with sound scriptural knowledge. And, last but never least, are the teachers who receive deep insights about God's word and share them with His people so believers learn and are strengthened spiritually.
This is the five-fold ministry God has established for the edification of His people and the expansion of His kingdom on earth. This structure took the early church from a small group to what is now known as the Body of Christ today. It played a significant role in why you are reading this message today and will continue to impact the lives of people until God establishes His New Earth and New Heaven (2 Peter 3:13).
And the question we each must answer is this - do you know which one of these ministries you belong to? We each need to figure out where we fit into the administration of God's kingdom on earth. Has God called you to share the story of Christ with those who have either never heard it or who turned away from the good news? Has God called you to the office of prophet, giving you words of wisdom and knowledge about a person or situation's past and future? Do you have a special grace to hold the hand of your fellow believer and speak God's word over them in their good and bad times? Or are you the one who receives God's deep insight into His word and shares it with your loved ones?
If you believe in Christ and are allowing Him to guide your life (no matter how difficult that might seem), then you need to ask God how to play a role in His kingdom while you walk the earth. No position is too small, and indeed, starting small is one way God does things with His servants. Remember the story of Phillip in Holy Spirit is the Secret Sauce? He started as a food server at the church in Jerusalem, then he became an evangelist whom God miraculously transported from one location to another (Acts 8:39). Further readings of the New Testament reveal he continued to rise in God's Kingdom, becoming a well-respected man of God who was blessed with four daughters who also prophesied (Acts 21:8-9). Philip kept walking with God, and the Lord continued to advance Him from one position to another.
Every believer has a role to play and needs to know what ministry they belong to. This is how the Lord has determined that His people will grow from one level to another, glorifying Him and doing His works here on the earth. Therefore, if you don't know where you fit in, be sure to come back for fellowship as we will worship and intercede before praying during the last 10 minutes for the Lord's light so we learn how we are to best serve Him. And if you know already, praise the Lord! Be sure to return anyway so we can pray for those who need to know their calling.
God bless you.
Since M22 reminded me...
And for you single gals planning on doing thangs for Valentine's Day, may I gently remind us all that the word of God has called on everyone to keep the marriage bed undefiled (Hebrews 13:4). That means, don't fornicate, i.e. have xes with someone who isn't your husband. You are somebody's wife and it is your job to keep your future marriage bed undefiled today, even before you formally step into the covenant of marriage.
Please do not do what is displeasing to God - xesual immorality tends to be expected by many on February 14th. Keep ya legs closed, cover them knees with a prayer cloth, and love up on God to receive His best!
Just a thought from your big sis, FFJ. God bless you!
And yes, I am speaking from experience.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling with homelessness and poverty. I pray that you elevate them to a better and quality standard of living. I pray that you send destiny helpers and men of influence to uplift them and help them. May their lives never remain the same after they encounter you Abba. I pray that you open them up to your divinely selected opportunities for them. I pray for limitless provision and abundance for them IJMN amen !
From PBS - God bless you all—may His Purpose for our lives be revealed and renewed to His Glory in Jesus name, Amen!
Let us never forget and acknowledge the Greatest Love of All…
From M22 - Happy Valentine's Day Peppers! Incase we need scriptures to meditate on in honor of God's everlasting love for us and ours.
In Honor of Valentine's day
✓Study the scriptures
✓Meditate on them day and night
✓Thank God for loving you and ask him how you can love him more and please him.
✓Scripture 1 - Isaiah 54:5
✓Scripture 2 - Romans 8:38-39
✓Scripture 3 - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
From M22 - Abba I pray for children across the world that you will continue to shield and preserve them from harm, violence and abuse. I pray that you will continue to nourish and nurture them to be Kingdom Representatives. Increase them in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and the anointing of the holy spirit. Uproot every negative influences in form fo media, friendships and situations around them IJMN amen.
If you missed Friday's P&P, I want to encourage you to please take a look at the message. Then I also encourage you to read the Last 10 minutes and pray the included prayer earnestly.
That prayer has impact. Please don't miss an opportunity to receive God's insight and break agreement with things that seek to keep you bound in cycles of failure and deprive you of the fullness of life that is your right through Jesus Christ.ound in cycles of failure and deprive you of the fullness of life that is your right through Jesus Christ.
Glory be to God in the highest! Exceptional King. The wondrous One. The Lord above all lords. He whose dominion is eternal. Whose authority never ends and will never fail.
Hallelujah to You Almighty!
Thank You for another day in Your presence. Thank You for the opportunity to do so with others who love You. Thank You for the privilege and blessing of people to fellowship with. There are many in the world praying for a group to share their love for You with. And here we are, recipients of that great grace. Thank You, Father! The Provider of every good and perfect gift.
I pray over Your children who participated today that they shall experience Your light in every area of their lives. That they shall testify to Your grace and mercy all their days. I pray that they shall relish Your kindness and speak of You with gladness. And for those who will partner in fellowship at a later point, thank You for them as well, Sovereign Lord. Messiah, touch their live sin new ways. Let them have wonderful encounters with Your power and presence.
IJMN, I pray, Amen.
If you are yet to read today's message, please do so before reading the rest of this post.
God has a glorious plan and beautiful purpose for everyone and it is His desire that we each step into it.
However, God is not like satan who tries to manipulate or force people into things. He is the ultimate gentleman, He gives each of us the choice.
So, will you choose to have Him usher you into your kingdom position so you discover the role you are to play in His ministries?
If the answer is yes, then let us pray -
Father, I thank You for being my God. I thank You that I am not an accident waiting to happen. You knew me before I entered my mother's womb and ordained me for Your purpose. Lord, I accept Your great plans for my life and want to know how I can play a role in the administration of Your kingdom here on earth. Please Glorious God, open my eyes to where I fit in. Use me for Your purpose. Help me to always remember the revelation I am about to receive, especially when the enemy tries to challenge my calling. I thank You that I already have the victory over satan in Christ and know that You will strengthen me all the days of my life. Thank You for wanting me. For deeming me worthy. For loving me before I even knew what love meant. IJN, Amen.
We'll talk some more about this topic on Friday, so please spend time with God, lowering the noise around you so you catch with clarity what He's telling you. It may be through a song, a dream, or a comment from someone He sends to you. Feel free to ask for confirmation and trust that the God you called on will answer.
God bless you!
From M22 - Abba I pray for people job hunting. I pray that you direct them to companies that are in alignment with your will for them. I pray that you take care of them as they transition into these workspaces and I pray that you help them align with your principles in Colossians 3:23-24 as they settle into their roles IjMN amen.
Good God, I pray for Your restorative grace upon Your people.
At Ziklag, David and His men lost everything. But You told David to pursue that He would get everything back and that He did.
God of restoration. Restore to Your people what the locust worm and every other worm has eaten. See Your people. See their heart. Declare that the time of their suffering has come to an end. Remember that You are the God who will show mercy and compassion to whom He chooses.
May Your people here be among that number. May they experience Your restoration in every area where they lost, or where Your blessings were stolen. Even that which was not retrieved by their ancestors. Those things the enemy has gotten its hands on. I decree in Jesus name that Your children's blessings and anointing are off limits to the devil. Satan, let go now, IJN, Amen. I declare and establish here on earth as in heaven that satan can no longer sit on what it has stolen. The thief must return seven times what was stolen and I decree that this is the case for all whom are recipients of Your restoration.
All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for sis @FFJ. Thank you Abba for guiding her to steer this community forward. I pray you continue to increase her in supernatural wisdom, favour and the anointing of the holy spirit. I pray that you continue to bless and protect her, her family, her business and interests IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba father I pray for singles that you help us to wait on your divine timing to connect with our kingdom spouses. I pray that as we pray for what we ant our spouses to be, that you prepare us to be individuals that merit these people we pray for equally IjMN. I pray Abba that you dissolve any relationships that don't serve us or will derail us in our relationship with you IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I thank you for this beautiful community. I thank you Abba for bringing us together bi weekly to praise, pray and intercede. Thank you Abba for helping us show up despite the challenges we experience. I pray Abba that you will continue to increase us as we continue to intercede. I pray that we will continue to rest in your comfort and authority. I pray that we can lean in your promise in Matthew 11:28-30 and focus on seeking you . IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for orphans and widows across the world. I pray that you will continue to comfort them and grant them your peace which surpasses all understanding. I rosy that you fill up that good in their heart Abba. I pray that you will continue to guide, direct and help them. I pray that they will continue to find their strength and solace in you IjMN amen!
From M22 - Abba I pray for couples seeking the fruit of the womb that you will turn their waiting to fruitfulness. You answered the prayers of Rachel and Hannah and I pray you will answer their prayers. I pray that you will bless them with healthy beautiful babies that that they will nurture in your ways. I pray that you will put an end to failed IVFs, miscarriages and difficult adoption processes IjMN amen.
From CMC - Thank you Father for continuing to lead me here with these wonderful people. I pray that you always intercede in my life and fill my heart with your words.
Thank you for @FFJ and her beautiful devotionals, that always seem to come on time. I also thank you for @Mimzy22 and her strong prayers. This time here is precious and so encouraging and I am grateful for always being able to share in it.
May God bless everyone who has walked into here today.
From CMC - Hello Family!!
Blessed to be here today with you all!
Lord, I thank You that Your joy is my strength. I thank You that by remaining in a relationship with You, I have access to Your joy at all times. Even during a trial, I can count it joy because You are with me and for me. I thank You that I can carry Your joy wherever I go. In Jesus’ name, amen!
And now, we turn our attention to the plight of others. Let us pray for their needs and call on God to bless them remarkably.
No prayer is too small to sow a mighty seed in someone's life.
Not sure what to pray about? Think back to the prayer requests your fellow Peppers mentioned on Friday. Get to praying for them. Or, lift up the needs of your employer, your favorite supermarket - pray that employees maintain their jobs.
There are so many people in need of your prayers. Now is the time to honor the Lord, in obedience to His word in 1 Timothy 2:1 and call God into someone's matter.
Thank You, Father, for being the God who has a great plan and purpose for each of His children.
Thank You, that nobody born of You and in Your image can ever be considered the runt of the litter.
Thank You for being the God whose word to our prayers is 'Yes.'
We look forward to Your word and direct guidance as You usher us into our rightful Kingdom Position.
All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJN, Amen!
Lord, I am grateful for the opportunity and privilege to come before You this day with my praises.
I appreciate Yo for preserving me from birth till now.
I give You my praise in advance for many more days of life You have promised and thank You that I will be able to serve You as You please.
Thank You for calling me onto Yourself.
Thank You for giving me a purpose.
Praise be to You, wonderful King!