When I was much younger, debates were civilized affairs. One person would express their ideas while the person on the opposing side would wait patiently to share their thoughts. Nowadays, civilized debate is all but non-existent. People argue for sport, screaming at each other on television, social media, and in person. The latter situation tends to involve course language and in some cases, physical violence. Also, nowadays, no topic is out of bounds.
The Body of Christ has sadly not escaped the changing times. Christians readily argue over all manner of topics and the resulting 'discussions' aren't always Christ-like. They run the gamut from the debate on who is an Israelite to whether churches should play secular music during service. Then some argue women should not wear pants or makeup. Others staunchly disagree on whether Jesus was white or black, ignoring that He was born in the Middle East and likely had the physical characteristics common to that region. The list of potential divisions and debatable issues is endless.
However, Christians are to focus on advancing God's kingdom here on earth. We are His ambassadors, after all. The Bible instructs us to advance God's work through faith, not arguments about myths, genealogies, and other controversial speculations (1 Timothy 1:4). We cannot forget that believers have been cautioned against "meaningless talk" (1 Timothy 1:6). Plus, we are told in 2 Timothy 2:23, "Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels".
The Lord wants us to trust Him to guide us in our interactions with both believers and unbelievers. He wants us to submit to Him so His Holy Spirit can work through us to achieve His purposes. This could, at some point, involve a robust discussion where a Christian faces questions that challenge their worldview. If that believer is led by the Spirit, they will do so with a dose of love and peace, avoiding sharp disagreements. Faith, not the ability to argue and win, is what God desires from His ambassadors as they walk in their Kingdom Identity.
Think about it, when God called Moses to serve Him, the man worried that others wouldn't believe him (Exodus 4:1). The Lord responded by teaching him to have faith, showing him that the very shepherd's staff in his hand could be transformed through His power. Moses went forth and did God's work in the land of Egypt and elsewhere. Similarly, when Jeremiah was called to serve, he worried he was too young and nobody would listen to Him. God told Him that He'd placed His words in his mouth (Jeremiah 1:9). Therefore, all that was required from Jeremiah was faith that God would see him through. And that was exactly what happened as the prophet spoke God's word, advancing the kingdom, in the midst of stubborn people who eventually witnessed his prophecies come to pass.
God's approach was no different in the time of Jesus Christ. God's Son spoke about the kingdom to everyone who would listen. Though firm in His stance, he showed love to people and led them back to the Lord. He had faith that God would use Him as a vessel. He healed many, raised the dead, and miraculously fed thousands. These acts transformed lives for the Lord's glory and increased people's faith. They continue to have that impact today.
As we interact with others. we must remember to put our faith to work believing that the Lord will help us advance His good works on the earth. There is no need to rely upon our intelligence because God will show us how to behave and speak in a way that reflects well on His kingdom. The Royal Law also serves as a guide to treat others as we want to be treated and the more we study the word, the more we will learn how to carry ourselves. The good Lord will help us to advance His works and His kingdom through the faith we have, as we grow in Him, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for me and my siblings. Thank you for being our father and strength always. Thank you for transforming and renewing us. Thank you for developing our character and strengthening our faith. Thank you for what you have done, you are doing and will continue to do in our lives. May your purposes for our kives be fulfilled in Jesus name Amen.
(originally shared on July 14, 2023)
Back in April of 2022, I remember the Lord clearly telling me to mention to all of us that there was a need to pray for our mothers. I would regularly put our mothers in prayer and call on God for His mercy and grace.
I got a similar message on Tuesday this week (July 11, 2023) but with everything going on, I neglected to share it. Lord, please forgive me because a couple of things have happened this week to Peppers that reminded me of the need to not just share this message to individuals but with the entire group.
Ladies and gents, the Lord wants us to seat ourselves by the well of living water so that when the dry season arrives we are already well-positioned to draw and drink. What does this mean? If you are already in right-relationship with Jesus, then when the challenges of life come, you are well-positioned to lean on Him for the solutions.
If, however, our walk with the Lord is lax, then when the problems arrive, we start scrambling to get right with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We start listening to the devil's lie that 'it's been so long since you took the Lord seriously so He won't take you seriously.'
Such lies are immediately eradicated and powerless if we are already walking with God and going to Him daily, doing the things He wants us to do. If we are spending time in His word and being intentional to create time to hear Him speak to us. Not just talking at Him all the time. I mean think about it. Who likes that person who's always talking at them but never slows down to ask and hear what you think or want to say?
Let's get into the habit of investing in a relationship with God so we're not scrambling when the storms of life hit us.
That said, I praise God that He is happy that you come to Him period. Be it before or after the issues arise. He will help you. Nevertheless, it is always best to be prepared than to have to react to things. God is happy to give us that opportunity so let's take advantage of it.
God bless you!!! If you've got questions on how to achieve this, please don't hesitate to ask. No inquiry is stupid - we are all at different stages in our walk with the Lord and we need one another to grow.
Great and Mighty God. Thank You for this blessed opportunity to gather. Thank You for giving us reasons to worship You. Thank You for pointing us to who to pray for and call on You to help.
God, Your word assures us in Joel 2:32 that all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. You have also old us in Matthew 7:7-8 that if we ask, we shall receive. You the God who has promised never to forsake us.
As such, we thank You in advance of seeing the fulfillment of our petitions. We trust You, Lord that You have gone ahead and tackled the issues we prayed about. We look to You to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could have imagined or asked. We thank You for being the God who is more than capable. To You be all the glory, IJMN, Amen!
God's face shine upon you all. Thank You for showing up to participate. May the gracious hand of the Lord be upon You. May He be a shield of salvation for you. I pray that You will choose to live in accordance with His will and thereby be blessed. IJN, Amen.
From M22 - Thank you Precious Jesus for your resurrection power has saved us from the sting of death. Thank you Lord for finding us worthy to die on the cross for our sins. Help us to continue to all steadfast in you and continue to honor you in all we say, do and think IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father we commit this Easter week in to your hands. This is a very special week for us believers. Abba I pray that the resurrection power will continue to wax strong in our lives. I pray that you will resurrect everything you have assigned to us that we may have lost through sin and distractions. I pray that as we celebrate from Friday through Monday, that you will bless us, protect us, fill our bellies and help us celebrate joyfully with our loved ones IjMN. Amen.
From Carlisssa - Lord I come to praise you for every prayer lifted up in this place, I also pray over every single prayer warrior who’s stepped in this community past and present that you continue using them as a beacon of hope and light wherever they are, I pray over the people in Baltimore affected by the bridges fall, thank you Lord
Sis AlexisColby shared a wonderful prayer with us and I think it is more than apt for us to return to it at this point. If you would like to pray for God's grace to serve Him the way He desires, please join me in saying:
Abba, thank You for today’s message, reminding us that as ambassadors of Your heavenly kingdom, we are called to a higher standard. Help us to prioritize faith over fruitless arguments, and allow our faith to guide our interactions with others. May we strive to emulate the examples set by Jesus, Moses and Jeremiah in order to advance Your kingdom and achieve Your higher purpose. We give You thanks in all things and in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Glory be to the Lord!!
Give Him all the praise for indeed He has heard and answered our prayers! Hallelujah!
Mighty God, I lift up the community of Baltimore and all those impacted by collapsed Key bridge. Comfort them and surround them with Your Spirit and envelope them in Your love. May You grant wisdom to first responders and to those providing aid and assistance. Guide their efforts and provide them with the resources and the support they need. In Your mercy, hear our prayers and bring healing and restoration to all those affected by this catastrophe. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
Father, You are our Capable God. The Wonder Working God. Lord, I thank You for being everything we could ever need.
You have told us to bring our burdens to You, Lord. So, I also bring up the issue of the Key Bridge collapse. God, I thank You that the accident happened at night when there were few vehicles on it.
Nevertheless, men were working on the bridge and six of them are still missing. Thank You for the 2 who were rescued.
God, please remember the 6 missing. Remember their families and loved ones. Please, IJMN, work a miracle. I pray for their rescue. There is absolutely nothing hard for You and I pray that You will spare them and especially spare their worried families the additional grief of burials. Lord, I pray, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father thank you for sis @FFJ . Thank you for increasing her in supernatural wisdom, favour and the anointing of the holy spirit. Thank you Abba for helping her stay consistent in leading this community. I pray that you will bless her, her family, her loved ones, her job, business and interests. May she never grow weary of her kingdom assignment IjMN amen.
From C - Heavenly Father I come to you to thank you for your mercy and for your presence in our lives, for protecting us from all the evil that plagues our human existence, Lord we are mere mortals and you’re the one who gives and takes, heals and renews and compels a change of heart, Lord I want to uplift to your mighty and powerful hands the life and health of Mrs K’s husband as he battles cancer an advanced and aggressive cancer Lord be with her and the family in this time, pour healing into that man’s life, I pray over Bella and over the A family and their wayward child I pray that you change that child’s life and that they straighten their path, they will not win anything by disobeying their parents help them understand and free them from the clutches of Satan, Lord I lift up my Lab and the projects there, I pray over every single one of them and over that man whom everyone is scared might do something to us, free him and free us of him as well IJN. Thank you Baba for all you’ve done and will continue doing in our lives Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you put an end to war and conflicts in regions affected by this situation. I pray that you restore peace to these regions. I pray that you will restore their people, land, properties, livestock and all they have. I pray that your peace will never depart from these regions IjMN amen.
Praise be unto You, Almighty Father. Thank You for Your word in 1 Timothy 4:7 - Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.
Glorious God, You are teaching us Your children to stay clear of things that may seem normal to the world but will hamper our relationship with You. Thank You for that grace.
God, help us to avoid godless myths and fairytales that serve to create arguments and fruitless debates all to to satisfy human egos.
Help us to instead strive to be godly, allowing You to guide and teach us how to live lives worthy of You and the high calling You have for us, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you will continue to provide for us as this inflation crisis looms. I pray Abba that you touch the hearts and minds of world leaders and governments to better the global economy. Abba Father I pray that your word in Deuteronomy 28:12 and Phillipians 4:19 is fulfilled over the world. Amen.
From Amanda Woodward - Father God, I pray for the families who lost loved ones in the concert hall attack. Father God, these families need You more than ever right now. Please wrap Your loving arms around them and give them comfort in this time of grief. Show them that they're not alone, remind them that You're always by their side no matter what happens. Bless those who were taken too soon in that attack and shower their families with strength to go through this difficult period. IJMN, Amen!
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for everyone of us Peppers. I pray that you will continue to transform, prune and renew us. May we never grow tired of Kingdom business and our responsibilities as intercessors. Abba I pray that your dismantle and destroy every strongholds hindering us in any areas of our lives. I pray that we receive supernatural wisdom, favour strength, provision deliverance and restoration in our walk with you. IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people struggling with homelessness and poverty. I pray that you will bless them with better shelter, good food and streams of opportunities. I pray Abba that you will lift them up from that space into a better quality of living. I pray that you will move them from "surviving" to "Thriving" IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for believers in this world that they will not be distracted or worn out by the worries and concerns of this world. Help us to stay grounded and rooted in your love and promises for us. Helo us to advance your kingdom here on earth. May we never grow weary of running our heavenly race IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for couples expecting the fruit of the womb. I pray that you will turn their waiting into fruitfulness. You answered Hannah, Rachel and Manoah's wife. Abba I pray that you will bless them with beautiful healthy babies that they will nourish and nurture in your ways. I pray Abba that you will put an end to failed cycles of IVFs, miscarriages and difficult adoption processes IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I commit the Baltimore bridge collapse into your care. Abba I pray that rescues efforts will not be in vain. I pray that every person that was involved in this mishap will be found safely and unharmed. Abba I pray that you restore the city of Baltimore and their transport economy. Abba I pray that this event will not occur again IjMN amen.