Talking about sëx is uncomfortable but the reality is that as long as there have been human beings on this planet, sëx has existed. You should thank God for it because, without sëx, you would not be alive. That is unless you are like Jesus who was the product of immaculate conception.
Sex was mostly reserved for the confines of marriage, meaning it was an act that only a husband and wife engaged in with each other. And according to the Bible, that is how God wants it. The New Testament, which was given to the writers by the Holy Spirit, teaches that fornicators (those who have sëx before they marry) will not get to heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9). Those who have sëx with someone other than their spouse - adulterers - share the same fate.
Nowadays, however, the unmarried are encouraged to engage in sexµal acts long before marriage and to do so with multiple partners over time. Nonetheless, just because something is common does not mean that it meets the approval of the Lord or agrees with His word. And as a self-proclaimed believer, you are called to obey the word of God. Doing so displays your trust in Him and shows that you love Jesus who said in John 14:15 - If you love me, keep my commands.
For those who gave their lives to Christ but have fornicated, the Lord is gracious and will erase that sin from your life. God does not want anyone to perish in hell (2 Peter 3:9). Therefore, through genuine repentance, forgiveness is received. And by not repeating the sin, forgiveness and its resulting redemption are preserved. When this happens, the promise of 1 John 1:7 is fulfilled - But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. Christians are thus continuously cleansed from sin when they walk in the light through righteous living and having fellowship - relationship - with their fellow believers.
If any have not repented for fornication, consider this message an alarm set to wake you up from this 'slumber'. Hear its ring and break free from the consequences of fornication by repenting and prayerfully creating a plan to not return like a dog to its vomit as described in 2 Peter 2:22. Plus, fornicators are placed on the same level as the wicked in 1 Corinthians 6:9. God has made it clear that he despises and punishes every wicked person (Psalm 101:3).
Being locked out of heaven is not the only problem fornication creates. It leads individuals into relationships they should not be in. Those relationships result in unnecessary grief and heartbreak. These cause a person's soul to fracture. They then seek out people and things to fill the missing parts of them that were lost when they had sëx with someone else. And the cycle continues making things worse.
Do not think that masturbation or the consumption of pornographic material is any better than the act of fornication. Hebrews 13:4 - Let marriage be held in honor by all, and let the marriage bed be kept undefiled; for God will judge fornicators and adulterers (NRSV). Honoring one's marital bed begins before marriage, in my opinion. The future marriage is kept unblemished by avoiding masturbation, pornography, sex hotlines, steamy movies/music/books/content, and other things that trigger the desire to participate in immoral sexµal activity. Where these things have happened or are happening, repenting and stopping the sin are crucial. Submitting to God's help makes both possible.
The Bible teaches people to guard their hearts (Proverbs 4:23). It also warns that human bodies belong to God and should not be used for unholy things. 1 Corinthians 6:13 - ... The body, however, is not meant for sexµal immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. Furthermore, we are told in 1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee from sexµal immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexµally, sins against their own body. Imagine how such a sin impacts the Holy Spirit living within each born-again Christian. His presence would be stifled in the face of repeated and unrepented sin because He represents the Lord who cannot abide the unholy, which is what sexµal immorality is.
God gives everyone the choice to live by His commands or not. People must choose whether to give Him what He wants or do what satan wants, which is for human beings to disregard God's ways and go to hell. May all who gave their lives to Christ make choices they won't need to repent for later. I pray they will "[f]lee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart (2 Timothy 2:22). I pray they will steer clear of anything that seems evil and could lead to wicked behavior or thoughts, not waiting to confirm its evil nature (1 Thessalonians 5:22). I pray they will discipline their bodies and minds so they are not disqualified from the prize of eternity because of something so fleeting as immoral 'pleasures' (1 Corinthians 9:27). After all, the blessings of God await the righteous here on earth as in heaven.
The good Lord will help us all.
To learn more, please read:
Holy, holy, You are good You are good
Holy, holy, You are good You are good
From the highest heights
To the earth below
There's no greater love I know
Hmm holy, holy, You are good You are good
Hallelujah! Amen!
Another hour has passed and You get the glory, Redeemer. Thank You for teaching us today. Thank You for creating an atmosphere where we could praise and intercede for others. Thank You for the time to reflect on the issue of sexµal immorality and how You see it versus how the world presents it. Thank You for the opportunity to pray for Your help and grace as we grow in righteous living so we please You.
Lord, I pray for today's participants that You will unlock the knowledge they need to grow in You. I pray they will earnestly seek You to receive this privilege. I also pray that as each one enters the weekend, today's message will not be lost on them but they will instead nurse it all by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
By now you should have repented for the sin of fornication/adultery. Please see Sis Mimz's prayer above if you are unsure how to pray for yourself. And check out sis @Cookie Doe post to see her honey pot analogy for more understanding of how serious this issue is.
sexµal immorality is a big deal to the Lord and is deadly to your eternal soul.
Now, support others by praying for those burdened by this iniquity. Call on God to send them help and to protect them from the temptation satan will surely send their way.
Remember, we do not war alone, so please pray!
Pray that they will receive supernatural strength and wisdom to maintain their commitment.
The Lord bless you as you do.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for the sick and recovering. I pray that your healing power permeates every inch of their bodies. I pray that you use science, medicine and technology to perfect your healing within them I pray that you coordinate the eyes and hands of operating surgeons to carry out successful surgeries. I pay Abba for those that do not have access to quality healthcare. That you touch thr hearts of leaders, governments and health ministries to rollout schemes that will enable these individuals to easily have access to quality healthcare IJMN Amen
Hands up
Eyes open wide
As we cry
We lift Your name high
Open the eyes of Your children, dear Lord, that they may see what You want them to see.
Open the ears of Your children, good God, that they may hear what You want them to hear.
Open the mouths of Your children Almighty Redeemer, that they may say what You want them to say.
Guard the sheep and keep them, marvelous God, from the wolves in sheep's clothing. Lead them to the True Shepherd that will lead them and keep them in You. Just as Jesus did for the disciples, keeping them safe, save for the one that was prophesied to fall.
IJMN, Amen.
Abba Father, thank You for sending Jesus Christ to illustrate what it means to be a good shepherd of the flock.
Lord, Your word states in Ezekiel 34:10 that You will rescue Your flock from the mouths of false shepherds and that Your sheep will no longer be their prey.
Dear God, I know that the devil plans to lock people up behind 'shepherds' and movements not ordained by You but I pray for the release and rescue of Your sheep from the teeth of the wolves. You who have promised to have mercy on the flock, please have mercy and let the flock be recipients of Your great compassion, that they be restored in right standing to You where they have been led astray, IJMN, Amen.
fROM m22 - Father Lord I thank you for sis @FFJ . Thank you Father for strengthening her to always share your word with us. I pray that you will continue to bless her, her loved ones and everything that concerns us. I pray that you will continue to increase her in supernatural wisdom, knowledge, favour and strength. IjMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for me and my siblings. I pray that you continue to work on us in every aspects of our lives. I pray that you repair our foundations and remove every strongholds over our lives. I pray that you continue to transform, prune, renew and strengthen us for your purpose and glory. I thank you for what you have done, what you will do and what will you continue to do in our lives. I submit our needs and desires at your feet, I pray that you fulfil them according to your will IJMN Amen
Lord, the earth belongs to You. Everything we see and don't see is subject to Your dominion. Hallowed be Your Name.
Dear God, the United States is hurtling forward toward presidential election day. Lord, I submit the nation to You and say the word of Your Son - Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
Father, give us the leadership You choose at every level of authority. It is by You that kings reign and create just rules. We need leaders who serve and honor You. Those who fear You.
I pray for leaders who put You first. Who will be like David that strove to care for His people out of a desire to please and serve You. I pray for leaders who are not swayed by ego, pride and the plans of the devil. I pray for leaders with godly wisdom who believe in justice and will not surround themselves with or strive to unduly benefit the wicked.
Lord, still, not my will but Yours be done in this land. IJMN I pray, Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for singles waiting on you for relationship and marriages. I pray that as they wait on you, they put you first and not idolize the concept of love and relationships. Help them find their love and satisfaction in you knowing you'll connect them to their ordained spouses in your due timing. I pray as they wait you will build them in every way possible even beyond their understanding. I pray Father that you silence the voice of the accuser and destroy every stronghold of fornication, pornography and every avenue the enemy wants to use to distract them from waiting on you IjMN Amen
From CMC - Thank you, Father, that you are Love and that all good gifts come from you. Thank you for my loved ones and church. Thank you that you love them with infinite, divine love.
Please be with those who don’t know you as Lord and Saviour. In Jesus’ name I ask for you, Holy Spirit, to convict them of their need for Jesus.
Please be with those who are struggling with their mental health.. In Jesus’ name I ask for relief from torment and dark valleys; lift the burden of mental, spiritual, emotional and physical oppression.
In Jesus name, amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for youths of this generation that you continue to work on their hearts and minds. I pray Lord that you help them to focus their hearts and minds on causes and issues that honor and please you. I pray that you destroy every stronghold of the media, trends and alternate movements that seek to distract them and ruin their lives. I pray Father that more souls will be won to your kingdom and I pray that more and koee of them will come to know you are God. Thank you Father for intervening in their lives and being them closer to you that they may experience your might and power IjMN Amen
From CD - Heavenly Father, I uplift every Pepper graced to be here today and that will grace this thread in the future. Have Your way in their hearts and minds Lord, may they be encouraged to have conversations with You that they may not want to have publicly. May this very topic be shared in homes and friend groups far and wide because there is no shame with You and together we can expose the lies, distractions, and fallacies of the evil one and it's minion. Lord thank You for trusting Sister @FFJ with planting this seed and fellow Peppers to water it, this like everything else, is in Your hands Lord, Thank You Great God that You are!!!
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for regions ravaged by natural disasters especially those impacted by the hurricanes. I pray Father Lord that you restore eveything they have lost in thousandfold. I pray for those that have lost a loved one or loved ones that you accept their loved ones in their bosom. I pray Father that you give them strength and peace as they grief. I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of the leaders, governments and evacuation agencies to work according to your will to rescue and rehabilitate the affected citizens. I pray that affliction will not rise again in their lives IjMN Amen
Glory be to You Heavenly Father. You are He who created all things and with just a word the world came to be.
Lord, we call on You to once again speak a word for those who are waiting on You for their marital destiny. Lord, guide Your children into Your marital will and purpose for their lives. Father shield them from the counterfeits. I decree that every counterfeit will be blinded just as the Aramean army was blinded when they came looking to attack Prophet Elisha (2 Kings 6).
God, with a word, direct and position Your children for Your perfect will for them (Romans 12:2). That they will join with equally yoked and holy spouses, birth and raise godly offspring, and serve in the ministry of marriage for Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I thank you for this wonderful community of Christ. I thank you for bringing us here biweekly to pause and intercede in your name. I thank you for how you are continually transforming every one of us. Thank you for what you have done, you are doing and yet to do within us. I pray Father that we continue to seek you diligently and to put your first in everything we do. I submit all our needs and desires at your feet, I pray that you fulfil them according to your will for us. I pray Father that you will continue to prosper us and ours IJMN Amen
Pray for other people.
Remember, do not pray about your own issues.
Great and mighty God!
Thank You for mercy. Thank You for Your forgiveness.
Thank You for being so concerned about my life that You teach me to right my wrongs and You help me to do better.
Thank You for Your grace and mercy and patience.
I am grateful to You alone.
From CMC - God, thank You for giving me a way to know Your character, nature, and will.
Your Word is truth, and nothing can compare with it. I don’t ever want to take Scripture for granted. Help me to prioritize meditating on Your Word, because it has the power to change my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.