A few months ago, I used the following scripture to pray for you guys and realized I needed to carry you along in this prayer request.
2 Corinthians 9:9 - As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”
I used this as the foundation to seek God's blessings over Peppers and prayed for righteousness that will last forever. I quickly realized that for this to come to pass, Peppers have to be like those who have "freely scattered their gifts to the poor." On this point, the Lord helped me understand how liberal this category can be. It isn't just about giving money. The mere act of petitioning for others qualified. Hence, for those who freely intercede for others, He shall forever make them righteous and they shall, therefore, enjoy the blessings that spring forth from that privilege.
Now, for those of us who've been in this fellowship for a while, freely praying for others is something we are used to. Yet, can we confess it isn't always easy? Nevertheless, through consistency, intercession can become easier and more instinctual. The Lord will help us all.
As a result, I want to encourage you to give freely in intercession. The rewards are immeasurable but even if righteousness alone was the trophy, then the consequences should be enough to compel us all to pray even more for people.
These benefits include physical health, spiritual strength, financial freedom, success and more. We've done a thorough review of righteousness and its rewards so I won't rehash the details. However, I will say, please, don't come to P&P and recommend that others pray on a subject. Instead, drop a prayer on the topic, no matter how brief.
Let me explain why. The reason why you're asking others to pray on an issue is most likely because the Lord placed a burden on your heart. Don't relinquish that opportunity to somebody else or you relinquish the blessing you would have received for obeying God's nudge to cover someone with prayer. When this happens, you aren't "freely" giving to others in a way that will make the promise of 2 Corinthians 9:9 a practical blessing in your life.
Also, if you are going through a problem and want others to pray for you, simply turn that problem into a prayer point for others and watch how Peppers will take the mantle from there. This way, you bless others by praying for them and you would have blessed Peppers by allowing them to pray on something they wouldn't have thought to address otherwise. Additionally, you would have received the prayers of others and all you needed to do was pray for someone else with that issue. Finally, by being concerned for the needs of another, you would have shown God's love and practiced the Royal Law - treat others as you want to be treated.
May the grace of the Lord guide us whereby we give freely of the gifts He has given to us. May we each use our prayers and other aspects of our being to honor God and help His people. That we may receive from Him a righteousness that will endure forever, IJMN Amen.
Here are some related posts on intercession:
Intercessors: Daniel - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) November 12, 2021
Intercession Ministry - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) November 23, 2021
Intercessors: Esther - Friday Praise & Pray November 26, 2021
Intercessors: Abraham - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) November 30, 2021
Intercessors: Isaac - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) December 3, 2021
Intercession in the news - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) December 7, 2021
Intercessors vs Prayer Contractors - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) November 1, 2022
Intercede More - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) December 2, 2022
Praise be to You Heavenly Father! Once again, You've faithfully brought us to the end of another Praise & Pray (for others). We are grateful for bringing us together despite our being on different continents, time zones, and states.
You are our great and mighty God. Bigger than the biggest. Stronger than the strongest. You who put all others to shame.
Remember them for serving You this day through their praises and petitions. I pray their lives glorify You and that You will be pleased with them. IJMN, Amen. Hallelujah!
Did you read today's message? How can you intercede more?
Do you have a list of people you regularly pray for? That's a good start.
How about getting into the habit of turning those news segments you watch into prayer points? All those things you see that trouble your spirit are likely one way God is nudging you to pray for someone.
Consider taking 1 day where you only pray for others and don't mention your needs. Ask God who to pray for and what scripture to use.
May the Lord guide and bless you in this endeavor. IJMN, Amen.
Now pray for somebody in this group before fellowship ends, okay?
*From M22* - Heavenly Father, my body is your temple. Strengthen me Abba and remove every from of anemia from my system. My body is your temple and I know you will provide me and mine with more than enough to nourish and nurture our bodies IJMN amen.
*From M22* - Abba I pray for sis @FFJ that you continue to bless her and her loved ones. I pray that you continue to strengthen her in every ramifications. I pray that you increase her IJMN amen.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Father, we pray for good leaders who give You glory in their positions of authority. We call on You for leaders at all levels of society who are guided by You and strive to serve You. You want us to live in societies that have good government so as to live quiet lives that are godly and holy, and so others become saved and come to know You.
Please hear and answer this petition to Your glory and by Your grace, IJN, Amen.
*From MFC* - Dear God, our Defender, we pray a hedge of protection around childen at school. Shield them from bullying and spiteful remarks. We pray You block any negative comments regarding their appearance, their intelligence, their way of speaking, their race, or anything else. We pray against those who might engage in physical and emotional bullying or violence.
My God, who gives discernment, I pray for the school teachers and leadership. As they are facing many difficult challenges, may the administration make the best decisions for the teachers and students. May they have the trust of the students and their families as well as the teachers. Through their expertise and wise leadership, may the schools continue to improve and help the next generation grow. Amen.
*From M22* - Heavenly Father, my body is your temple. Strengthen me Abba and remove every from of anemia from my system. My body is your temple and I know you will provide me and mine with more than enough to nourish and nurture our bodies IJMN amen.
*From M22* - Heavenly Father I pray for people struggling with their mental health. I pray that you grant them strength to overcome every negative emotions and energies in their lives. Heavenly father still the battles in their minds and restore their self worth, confidence and esteem ijmn amen.
Breaker of the iron bars,
Strong and powerful King,
I lift up all the hearts/minds of Your people all over the world. Your promise for them is that "you have not given them a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." Let soundness of mind be released in the air now in the mighty name of Jesus! Let it arrive and impact souls around the world, with no hindrance from satan. amen!
Almighty God, how great You are! You who have an everlasting dominion over all that we see and don't see. Praise be to You, my Lord!
Father, Your word tells us that with You nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26). Indeed, the word tells us in 2 Kings 3:18 - This is an easy thing in the eyes of the LORD; he will also deliver Moab into your hands. With You, God, everything is a little thing.
And so, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Ropheka, the Great Physician, I declare that the enemy's evil plans for the health of Your children are rendered powerless. Indeed, the weapons used against their health destroy the enemy instead, IJMN, Amen.
Your word tells us to ask that we receive (Matthew 7:7-8) and to come before Your throne boldly to receive help (Hebrews 4:16). I therefore proclaim healing over Your Peppers. You know who they are. Remember them for honoring You with praise and petition on behalf of others, for in this they gave freely. You cannot forget the good they have done for others and continue to do according to Hebrews 6:10.
IJMN, Amen.
*From HC* - Bless the school teachers. Give them wisdom on how to teach the children in ways that they may learn. Keep all forms of evil out of the school buildings. Create an environment of peace for the sake of the little ones. Give them patience and let them know Father they are appreciated. IJN
*From M22* - Heavenly Father, grant the family of the 2 Americans slain in Mexico closure and strength. Help them through this hard time. Strengthen them Father and accept the souls of their children in your bosom ijmn amen.
Glory be to God in the highest. King of kings. Lord of lords. He who fills mouths with rejoicing. Hallelujah!!
Isaiah 60:17 - Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler.
Lord, the wealth of this world is Yours to do with as You will. This despite the fact too many of the devil's acolytes seem to hold onto it.
However, You have declared that the wicked will hoard and You will disperse their wealth to those who are pleasing to You.
Therefore, Lord, let the wealth of nations come to Your own. Great Provider, open doors of provision for Your children. Provision that they understand as Yours to be used for Your purpose and not their desires, IJMN Amen.
Powerful God:
the drop of water that breaks bridges;
the mighty fist that subdues our enemies;
the great Mastermind with every solution;
I cry out to You on behalf of Your children, who need You to divinely move something in their lives.
"For thou oh Lord are a shield for me, my glory, You lift my head."
"Arise, oh Lord, let Your enemies be scattered!"
Your "wisdom is profitable to direct"
See and remember, God of retribution! See what the enemy is saying of Your children: that "there is no help for them in God".
Foil the enemy's crafty schemes and let it be known that You are the Lord, the great God, who is moving in their lives. IJN amen
Thank You God:
- Mighty Creator who is worthy of worship
- Beautiful Savior who is loving and king
- Perfect King who is flawless and just in all His judgments
I praise You, my great King!
Thank You for
- the situation I'm going through right now. Because I have shown up to the fight, You will make me win
- the new gospel music we discovered
- miraculously providing two items we needed at the shop this week
- increased spiritual authority at work -> effective performance
- more discipline with social media apps
*From M22* - Heavenly Father I commit @k, @B2 and every other folk that is sick in your loving hands. I pray that your healing powers permeate their cells, organs, nerve endings, systems and blood vessels. I pray that you eliminate every infirmity from their bodies IJMN amen.
*From MFC* - As Winter Storm Ricardo begins, we lift up in prayer those in it's path from the Great Lakes to the Northeast. Father God, thank You for being our Protector. Please keep eyes on You through this furious storm. My soul trusts in You, and I know it will be well. I ask You to protect homes and families from the elements. Please watch over the homeless so they may shelter safely. We rely on Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love. I ask that You will stretch forth Your hand and break the power of this mighty storm, for the wind and waves still know Your name, AMEN!
*From HC* - Father help those who are being taken advantage of due to their kindness and weakness. Remove strongholds so they may live free in you. IJN
Father, thank You for Your mercy and grace! You are the great and mighty God. The Alpha and Omega. Jehovah Overdo. The Upright One!
Lord, I lift up Your daughter and cry out to You to help her. May she be filled with Your joy for Your word states that the joy of the Lord is her strength (Nehemiah 8:10). May Your strength therefore come upon her.
Philippians 4:13 - For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. (NLT).
May she accept that strength for it is available to her. Open her eyes to receive from You what she needs. Jehovah Jireh, the Provider. Jehovah Addereth, the glorious God. Shine that glory on Your child, IJN, Amen.
Set your timers - we've got 25 minutes to pray with zeal for others.
Don't waste time.
Remember, this is a chance to give freely to others and reap the rewards of God's righteousness forever.
P&P allows us to get into the habit of intercession so, let's get to it.