God has called us to freely give to others from what we have no matter how tiny it seems. Jesus Himself taught His disciples that it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). And we are also expected to give generously per 2 Corinthians 9:6 - Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. How exactly do we do this during these times of economic uncertainty and inflation? And how do we give cheerfully as we are told in 2 Corinthians 9:7, which states that "God loves a cheerful giver"?
Generosity is the capacity to give more than what is expected even when this puts the giver at a disadvantage. Jesus is a perfect example. When He fed 5000 men with the miracle of the five loaves of bread and two fish, He ensured all were satisfied (Luke 9:17). He could have simply given people a little to eat. Instead, He ensured their bellies were full and that there was plenty extra for anyone who needed more.
Similarly, there's a wonderful example of generosity in the Old Testament. When the Israelites were contributing items for the building and beautification of the Tabernacle, they brought so much that Moses told them to stop. Exodus 36:5 - “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done.”
There are many benefits to being generous. One is listed in Proverbs 11:25 which states, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." To prosper is to be successful at all one puts their hands to. Prosperity goes beyond wealth and reflects God's favor and glory in every aspect of a person's life. All God's children should desire such blessings.
Therefore, when praying for others, do so tirelessly. Our prayers may need to continue for weeks or even years. Generously intercede for people, praying with zeal for as many as possible and as regularly as possible. When you give from your finances, give what you can and do so cheerfully. Pray that no matter how small the amount, that same multiplication power that allowed 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed thousands will turn the little into plenty. And when the Lord calls you to give of your time to someone, something, or even to Him, ignore the itch to quit so you can get back to your regular schedule. Happily give your time to the things God has placed in your heart to do.
The devil will discourage your giving. It will lie, saying that praying for a particular person won't help because their issue is too far gone. It will note all the bills you are yet to pay when you want to give of your finances. And when you want to sacrifice your time to others in need, it will remind you of your never-ending 'to-do' list. Silence the devil with God's word. Remember that your giving honors the Lord per Proverbs 3:9 - Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. It is therefore best to honor God by giving Him what He wants and never honor satan by doing what it wants, which is to not be a giver. Talk less of a cheerful and generous one.
The Lord will help us all to emulate what is godly and righteous in our giving, IJMN Amen.
Praise be your God who brought us together to worship Him and pray for others. Glory be to His Holy Name.
Father, please keep us safe, surrounded by Your grace, and secure in Your secret place. IJMN Amen.
Galatians 1:3 - May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.
Have a blessed weekend everyone.
From M22 - Abba I pray for regions affected by war, natural disasters and famine. I pray Abba that you will send your deliverance and restoration upon these regions. I pray that you uproot every curses and factors that are causing these regions to wither IjMN. I pray that you will continue to cleanse and restore these regions. I pray that you will comfort people that are grieving their departed loved ones. I pray you accept their loved ones in your bosom and give them comfort, love and rest. I pray that you will restore in thousandfolds what they have lost IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling in their walk with you. Help them to be reminded that you have preserved their salvation. Uproot every spirit of distrust that may arise from the struggles they are facing. I pray that your promise in Isaiah 40:31 will materialize in their lives IJMN amen.
Today's reminder on generous giving is a challenge for each of us to make a commitment. A commitment to give more. However, just 'giving' isn't enough. As Christians, we must ask for and receive the Lord's guidance so that our giving glorifies Him. We must do this to give the Lord His due place in our lives as our God. Indeed submission is a form of giving, it enables us to give honor and respect to our Heavenly Father.
So, let's join in prayer to ask God as individuals and as a group for His direction on how to give generously and who/where to give that will please Him.
Sovereign Lord. You are the God of everything and Your authority is eternal. So, it is to You we come, Almighty King for Your instructions on how we can become generous givers and give to those You choose. God, we submit to Your leading and pray to hear and/or see clearly that we may obey and do what pleases You, IJN, Amen.
Now, be sure to put what you learn into practice.
From M22 - Abba I think you for the month of February. I bless you for ushering us Peppers into this powerful month. I pray that we will achieve much more than we did in the month of January. I pray that we will continue to be burning vessels for your infinite glory. I pray that you will bless us continually extend our generosity no matter the season. I pray that you will continue to fight our battles and supply our needs IjMN amen.
From CMC - I read this last night and thought it was very powerful:
Lord, I repent for times when I searched for earthly solutions to spiritual problems. I pray that You sharpen my discernment when it comes to spiritual matters. I pray You will heighten my awareness of spiritual attacks and of the resources that You have equipped me with to fight and win spiritual battles. Thank You that no weapon formed against me shall prosper! I pray that You intervene on my behalf and the behalf of my loved ones. I pray against any attack of the enemy over my mind, my health, and my spirit. I am claiming victory and protection in Jesus' name I pray, amen!
From M22 - Abba I pray over my siblings that you continue to cultivate the fruits of the spirit within their hearts. I pray that you will continue to transform them. I pray that you will supply all of their needs. I pray that you shift their focus from the storms of life to you Abba. Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for regions affected by war, natural disasters and famine. I pray Abba that you will send your deliverance and restoration upon these regions. I pray that you uproot every curses and factors that are causing these regions to wither IjMN. I pray that you will continue to cleanse and restore these regions. I pray that you will comfort people that are grieving their departed loved ones. I pray you accept their loved ones in your bosom and give them comfort, love and rest. I pray that you will restore in thousandfolds what they have lost IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling in their walk with you. Help them to be reminded that you have preserved their salvation. Uproot every spirit of distrust that may arise from the struggles they are facing. I pray that your promise in Isaiah 40:31 will materialize in their lives IJMN amen.
Oh Lord, I pray for Your people gathered here today. You are their God. Their Creator. The One who takes responsibility for each of them.
Dear God, I pray that You will strengthen their inner man in accordance with the word in Ephesians 3:16 - I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.
Father, let hearts of stone become hearts of flesh, receiving Jesus and the Spirit of God who will strengthen them with power. For those who know their God will be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32).
Help Your children to remember that He who is in them is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Take all the glory and the praise, IJN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling in their walk with you. Help them to be reminded that you have preserved their salvation. Uproot every spirit of distrust that may arise from the struggles they are facing. I pray that your promise in Isaiah 40:31 will materialize in their lives IJMN amen.
Father, thank You for being the God that You are. Thank You for being Almighty, and ever capable.
Please help us to be more generous and more selfless in our giving. We see how Jesus set an example for us. Even the Widow gave her Widow's Mite from a place of poverty and was praised (Mark 12). Help us to not believe the lie that we don't have enough to be generous givers. That we may glorify You and honor You in obedience. All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJN, Amen.
From sis ML - We thank God for today's message. Thank you sis for always @ FFJ. I pray for everyone that God shall continue to bless and help us in every aspect that we are required to give.
From M22 - Abba I pray for single sisters seeking their kingdom spouse. I pray that you help them wait on you and help them serve you as they wait. I pray that when you are ready for them, you'll bless them with the most amazing men that will not derail them from serving you IjMN. I pray you bless them with God fearing , ministry-minded and generous men that are filled with the fruits of the spirit IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling with homelessness, lack and poverty. I pray that your promise in Phillipians 4:19 comes to pass in their lives. I pray that you send them help to elevate them into better standing spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. I pray that your glory will manifest over their situations IjMN. I pray that you shift their focus from their circumstances to you because you will never leave them they way they are IjMN amen.a
From M22 - Thank you Abba for children across the world. I pray that you will continue to preserve and shield them from harm, violence and abuse. I pray that they will fulfill your purpose over their lives here on earth. I pray that they will advance your kingdom here on earth IJMN. I pray that you will increase them in wisdom, knowledge and understanding IjMN amen.
Let us pray for others, remembering that this is a form of generosity.
Ask the Lord to help people.
From M22 - Abba thank you for seeing me through this week despite spiritual struggles. Thank you for holding me up when my faith starts to waver. I want to appreciate everyone that prayed me for me in my waiting season. I got a rejection from an application on Tuesday after I finished P&P. Sis @FFJ (I already informed you ahead through the usual medium). It took a while to process my emotions but I made sure to thank God for the rejection which I never do.
I am left with one application and I pray that God's will be done over it. I ask for prayers over this remaining application. God bless you Peppers. Amen.
From CMC - Happy Friday Family!
Todays message really resonates with me.
This week I had to constantly be reminded of how important it is to give to others. My time and my energy are really important to me, and I was put into a lot of situations this week that honed in on that. I learned to step back and take a look at what God put in front of me, I learned to put others first (genuinely) and not because I knew it would benefit me in the ending.
I thank Him fervently for his love always. I hope you guys have a great weekend. Love and Blessings.
Lord, thank You for everyone who is gathered here today out of reverence and love for You.
Thank You that they didn't listen to the devil's lies to not come and gather in fellowship as Your word instructs.
Take all the praise, Yahweh!