Do you ever feel bad when you do something wrong? If you do, praise the Lord because you have a conscience. Those are long gone from the hearts of the wicked so there's hope for you.
But on a serious note, there should be a tug in your chest when you stray from God's instructions. Yet, that feeling should not devolve into lingering guilt - the kind that leaves you destabilized and unproductive whereby you feel you can't pray, praise, or study God's word because you feel shame.
The Lord has not called us to dwell in guilt, self-condemnation, or shame. This is why He sent Jesus to bear the burden of our sins. As a result, our job as believers who have given their lives to Christ (if you haven't, this post is not for you but you can learn why here) is to quickly repent and prayerfully make choices (aided by Jesus and the Holy Spirit) to not return to the sin we repented for. The process may not be instant but the Lord will help us with each passing day.
All of this is possible because Jesus cleansed the children of God when He died on the cross (Ephesians 5:25). Before that, He cleansed His disciples by washing their feet in John 13, telling them, "[u]nless I wash you, you have no part of me" (John 13:8 BSB). He also told them, "[y]ou are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you" (John 15:3). And in John 17:17, he prayed to the Lord, "[s]anctify them by your truth, your word is truth" (BSB).
That cleansing is available to all who would believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to die for the sins of the world. However, you have to accept that it is yours for it to play its appointed role in your life.
Unless you accept and appreciate that Christ cleansed you with His word, you will never break free from guilt and shame. It is a choice each believer must make. Christ understood that His disciples needed the ceremonial act of their feet being washed by Him. He knew they needed that act to receive the truth that they had been set free from every burden satan wanted them to carry.
Judas did not believe and so he submitted to the will of satan (as had been prophesied per John 17:12). Instead of being one who sold the good news to souls hungry for God's light, he sold out the light of the Lord to those hungry to impose darkness on mankind. His guilt and shame led to his eventual self-destruction.
Each of us is in a position to make a better decision. We have the opportunity to agree with God that His word sanctified us and that the blood of the Lamb provides redemption for sin. God is patient and He wants us to believe in His character, His word, and His Son, Jesus Christ. If you have given your life to Christ, have received the Spirit of the Lord, and are allowing God to build you up despite your imperfections, then hold onto John 8:36 - So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free (NLT). You are a new creature, set free from guilt, shame, and every lie the devil wants you to believe to your detriment.
To learn more, please read:
From C8 - Thank you Lord for waking me up. For forgiving me. For loving me even with my endless imperfections and sinful heart. I pray for a heart of obedience. I pray to love what is good and hate what is evil. Forgive me for my short comings and help me love people the way that you do.
In Jesus name.