Back in the day, children understood that their choices could impact the reputation of their family. They lived in close-knit communities where, if a child got into trouble outside, their parents would already know before they got home. All because everyone was talking about what they'd done. This reality discouraged many from misbehaving too much. They knew that they had a responsibility to not shame their family members or the family name. No matter what.
We don't tend to focus on this concept of bringing shame to others nowadays. This is partly because shame no longer carries the same weight it once did in our society. There are no limits to what people will do anymore and everyone is blatant about the wrongs they carry out. There is no concern that their behavior will potentially put others to shame. Instead, individuals are more self-centered than ever, focused on doing whatever they feel as long as it pleases them, regardless of the consequences to others.
Alas, things are no different for modern Christians. Even in the Body of Christ, people have forgotten that their behavior reflects upon their brothers and sisters in the faith. Many of us don't feel any form of responsibility to the rest of God's family. We are ignorant of the fact that the Bible speaks about us not putting others to shame. Specifically, the concept arises in scripture when it speaks of those whom God was not ashamed to be associated with, because of their good choices. Hebrews 11:16 - Instead, they were longing for a better country - a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.
What sort of people were these and how do we become like them?
These were individuals who put their faith to work and remained heaven-focused. These men and women moved forward with God and did not allow their desires and the things of the world to dictate their decisions. They were not perfect and made mistakes, but they repented and allowed God to get them back on track. Abraham and Sarah serve as an example. They left their homeland for a future they knew little about all because God told them to. They erred in creating an Ishmael but in repentance, they allowed God to steer them toward His promise of an Isaac. And God was proud to call Abraham His friend and share knowledge of the future with Him and His wife.
If they could do it, so can we by the grace of God. After all, they also faced the challenges that we Christians experience today. There were pressures to take matters into their own hands instead of waiting on the Lord. Many had to hold onto their faith for years, waiting on promises that either took long to materialize for them or would only be fulfilled long after they were gone. It is these sorts of people - individuals and groups who doggedly held on to their faith and their hope in a heavenly home - that did not put our Lord to shame.
It is easy to listen to the lie that we can't achieve what these people did but we must not believe satan. Praise God that there is grace available at the Father's throne to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 tells us "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Therefore, God is willing to help us become the people He will be proud to say, "I am their God." And this is despite our struggles and sins, all because of Jesus whose sacrifice bought us grace.
Hebrews 2:11 - Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.
This promise is for those who have received Jesus as their Savior and submitted to His authority. Christ died to ensure that those who believe in Him and obey His instructions are the very ones who will not bring shame to the Father and the family of believers. He, Himself, will help them and He will do it because they have become His brothers and sisters. His family members. This is why we are told in Romans 8:1 - Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Those who remain submitted to Christ, following His lead and thus, the lead of the Father, will not be condemned but shall be renewed and refreshed in their spirit. They will not look back toward the world but look forward toward their heavenly home. And the Lord Almighty shall not be ashamed to be called their God. Indeed, He will say, "These ones are Mine" (Isaiah 43:1).
We are those ones by the grace of God. The people He has reserved for Himself. Those He is not ashamed to be associated with. Hallelujah!
PS: Father, I thank You for bringing Your daughters together on Tuesday to honor You in fellowship. I was unable to participate like normal, but You oh Lord glorified Yourself. You will always preserve a remnant for Yourself and I am grateful! Thank You, God, IJMN, I pray, Amen.
PPS: I want to thank everyone for holding it down on Tuesday. May the Lord bless you all for showing up to worship and intercede with zeal.
From M22 - Happy Weekend Folks!!! May we continue to rest in our Father in Heaven. Amen
From LIH - Thank you if you don’t mind can you also pray for a sound mind and hedge of protection please
From LIH - Amen I honestly love this thank you
Thank You Sovereign Lord for another gathering to Your glory and at Your command. To You be all the glory and praise!
Thank You for all the familiar faces, the unfamiliar, and the lurkers who have come before You today.
I pray that all will submit, choosing to be Your children that they get Your very best and step into Your perfect will. God, I call on You to transform them. I ask You to lift the veil and pour Your Spirit into them.
May we live, by Your grace, to gather next week to learn at Your feet, worship Your name, and petition for others, IJMN Amen.
Let us join hands to give God praise for the promise of today's message -
Father, it is a wonder that despite our being unworthy, You love us greatly. That love translated to the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf. A sacrifice that bought grace for each of us. And today, we are recipients and products of Your grace. Our works are nothing but filthy rags before You, Almighty King. Yet, You continue to be mindful of us - a people made from mere dust.
Thank You, Lord. Thank You that it is by Your grace that any of us can and do become the ones You are not ashamed of. Those You are proud to be their God. It is not by our power or by might but by Your Spirit, oh Lord and we give You glory. Continue to usher us more and more into the character of those who make You smile and please You. Those who, like David, You say are men and women after the heart of God. Hallelujah!!!! We are grateful, God. Thank You!!!
From AW - Father God, please heal the people of Houston, Texas, impacted by the devastating storm. Bless those who lost loved ones and provide them comfort and strength. I also pray for those who sustained damage to their homes and businesses. Father, provide them with the resources to rebuild and restore what was lost. IJMN, Amen.
Great God, the Sovereign Lord, I exalt You. For You are King of kings and Lord of lords. The Upright One who is forever steadfast and faithful.
Lord, You have promised in Your word to not deprive Your righteous ones of any good thing. (Psalm 84:11).
As such, I come before You today praying for Your daughters in whom You have planted the seed of a godly marriage and family. Lord, it is from You the families of the world originate so it is to You I lift this issue (Ephesians 3:15).
The Savior came to destroy the works of satan and thus every stumbling block and obstacle erected by the devil against Your purpose for these women is dismantled and destroyed, IJMN Amen (1 John 3:8).
As to any obstacle created by the choices of these women, I plead for Your compassion and mercy in accord with Exodus 33:19. You are the God for whom nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37). Please show to Your children the changes they need to make in order to receive this blessing into their lives (Psalm 81:8). May they listen and obey You, IJMN Amen.
Lord, we thank You for being the Balm of Gilead and our Jehovah Ropheka. Glory be to You and You alone.
God, Your word states in Jeremiah 30:17 - But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD,...
And so, good God, though satan seeks to steal good health, we trust You for You are able to do all things and Your purpose will not be thwarted (Job 42:2).
Therefore, we call on You to touch those seeking Your healing. We trust in You to bring about the healing they seek. The mystery behind their illness, Lord, we call it into the light that it be quickly eliminated and they return to the life they are to enjoy by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for me and my siblings. I pray that you will continue to teach, renew, transform and orunebus for your glory. I pray Ebenezer that you will continue to increase us in character and faith. Abba Father we submit our heart desires, ambitions and goals for 2024 at your feet. We pray for answered prayers IjMN. May we have every reason to rejoice this year IjMN Amen.
From JIR - Please bless the mentally, the oppressed and the afflicted. Please rebuke depression, despair, negative thoughts and negative outlooks on life from their hearts, Lord. Please bless them all with peace, comfort, love, hope, belief and faith in You, Lord. Please bless them with a way to break free of their bondage. Please bless them to put their faith, hope love and trust in You, Lord so that they call on You at all times as well as in their times of despair. Please cover them with Your love and bring them comfort and protection. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for children across the world and those in war-torn regions. I pray that you will continue to shield and preserve them from violence, harm and abuse. I pray that you will touch the hearts and minds of their caregivers to nourish and nurture them in your ways. I pray that they will fulfill your purpose and will for their lives IJMN Amen
From JIR - I would like to pray for my aunt who suffered 2 strokes within 2 months. Please bless her to heal Lord. Please place your mighty hand of healing on her from the crown of her head to the bottom of her feet, Lord. Nothing is impossible when you are in the midst! Please bless my aunt to recover and bless her to talk and walk again. You have been so good to her as you were able to stop her seizures while improving her motor skills little by little bit. Please continue to work Your miracles on her as you see fit. It is all in Your hands Lord. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for countries that are affected by war and natural disaster. Father Lord I pray that you restore this countries to peace and normalcy. I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of their leaders to make the right decisions for the citizens. I pray that you restore everything citizens have lost and I pray you accept the souls of the departed in your loving arms. IjMN Amen
From AW - Father God, please guide LS toward a new, better paying job that will provide financial stability and bring her joy and fulfillment. Help open doors for her where she can grow professionally and personally. May this new job bring her closer to achieving their long-term goals and dreams, allowing her to live comfortably. Father God, I know you have something great in store for her. Thank you for always listening to our prayers and guiding us in the right direction. IJMN, Amen!
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for single women waiting on you for their kingdom spouse. I pray that you will guide their hearts and minds to make the right decisions. Help them marry the men you have sent to them. Father Lord I trust you that this year will be a year of wonderful kingdom marriages IjMN. Amen
Father, I thank You for being He who has called His people to spread the Gospel of Christ. Thank You for providing the capacity and ability to do just that by Your grace and loving-kindness.
Lord, I want to pray for persecuted Christians.
It is easy to think that it was only the believers of the early church that faced persecution, but even in this day and age Your people are maltreated and in some cases killed around the world because they have chosen to stand firm in the faith of You.
God, I plead the blood of Jesus upon those who are in dangerous locations. I pray that You will surround them with Your horses and chariots of fire. I pray that their eyes will open, like those of Elisha's servant, to see that those who are with them are more than those who stand against them. I pray that all who come seeking to harm your people will experience the fate of the army that came to kill Elisha. Let them lose their sight and have bigger problems to deal with, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people in the waiting season. Father Lord as they wait on you, I pray that you will renew their strength, I pray that they don't grow weary and give up in the process. Help them know it's not just about the answered prayers or that dream destination but the way you will build their character and process in the waiting. Thank you Father for answering their prayers and also building their faith IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I want to thank you for this wonderful community. Thank you Lord for teaching us and helping us grow in character and faith. Thank you Lord for holding us by your mighty hand of righteousness. We exalt your name. We submit our needs, desires, ambitions and expectations at your feet. Father Lord we pray that you answer us IjMN. Father Lord I pray that your plan will continue to prevail in our lives IJMN Amen
From JIR - God You are more than worthy to be praised! I am in awe of You and delight in knowing that You love and are here for all of us. Words can’t be used to express how greatly my respect and adoration are for You Lord. I am no genius with a degree from Harvard or scholar with a vernacular for fancy big words. I am far from those things, but You know my heart and although I try to express my veneration for you in words it always falls short. Thank You God for knowing me better than I know myself! Thank you God for Your magnificence and excellence in everything You do. Your way is perfect! Thank You Lord! IJMN! Amen.
From AW - Thank you, Father God, for blessing me with another day. I am grateful for the opportunity to lift my voice in worship and praise to You, for You are the source of all goodness and light. I also want to thank you for the chance to attend college, a privilege not everyone can afford. Thank you for providing me with the means and resources and allowing me to expand my knowledge and further grow as an individual. I pray that You continue to guide me on this last year of my journey IJMN, Amen!