God is in the business of fulfilling His word and He will do so in the most incredible ways you couldn't imagine. My family and I recently experienced this aspect of God's character and we remain amazed at how He does things. (Fine, I'm still amazed).
A few months ago He gave some family members the same word about a situation we have faced for years. The family fasted, prayed and moved in faith. Alas, the result was the opposite of what we expected and we wondered whether we'd done something wrong.
However, God soon reminded us that His thoughts and His ways are far above ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). What we thought worked against us actually worked out for our good. It also confirmed another word the Lord gave about the situation.
Remember how He had the Israelites backtrack in the desert to make Pharaoh think they were lost (Exodus 13-14)? Well, God is still confusing the enemy today. He told us to take a step that triggered a reaction which brought the exact result we'd prayed for. That could not have happened without Him directing our steps.
And because we listened and obeyed, He kept His promise in Isaiah 54:15 - Whoever attacks you, does it without my consent; whoever fights against you will fall (GNT).
We had no idea what we were doing. Had we taken the time to think longer than we did, we would not have followed the Lord's instruction. All we had was faith and the conviction that God would work things out for us. Initially, it seemed we'd made a mistake because things didn't go the way we'd expected. However, thanks to God's mercy, we soon realized that our leap of faith paid off.
God wants to give each of us the strategy needed for victory. That strategy might seem illogical or produce initial results that are contrary to your goals. But, if you received the word from God, then you need only wait to see His promise fulfilled.
While this message lacks many details, I pray that the lessons will stand out. First, go to God for His word about every situation. Second, when He gives that word, hold onto it for dear life. Third, recognize that you don't know how God will fulfill that word so, expect the unexpected. Fourth, when God confirms His word, praise Him and testify about His greatness.
I want to encourage everyone to stay at the feet of the Father. He will never steer you wrong. Even when the trials seem overwhelming, remember that you serve the God of Strategy, the Mighty Man of War. He will not allow the enemy to have victory over His own. And never forget that He loves you. Your miracle is on the way. Luke 8:50 - Don't be afraid; just believe...
PS: Prayers, fastings, night vigils, and tears made several appearances in the situation discussed above.
PPS: Obedience was key and it wasn't always easy.
PPPS: Regular fellowship with others was also important. Remember, we do not war alone.
To learn more about today's topic, kindly read
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.