The Bible teaches that God's thoughts are nothing like ours. It also tells us that His ways are drastically different from ours (Isaiah 55:8). And not just that, His ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9). We also know that He can do whatever He likes. He's called the "Sovereign Lord" for a reason, after all.
Therefore, it should be no surprise that He can stir up the spirit of an individual to do what He wants. God has been known to have people do things they never imagined and there are countless testimonies to this fact. For instance, the Lord might give someone a word of knowledge about another person's life. And that information proves to be exactly what is needed to solve a problem that has dragged on for a long time.
God can equally stir individuals to do what He needs. In Haggai, the Lord stirred His people to restore His temple. Haggai 1:14 - So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua son of Jozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of the whole remnant of the people. They came and began to work on the house of the LORD Almighty, their God. On this occasion, He stirred up the entire population to work together for His great purpose. And once that happened, the work began. Seeing how the people submitted to Him, God made them a promise - to take them from insufficiency to abundance (Haggai 2).
As believers, we should be willing to be stirred by the Lord to achieve His goals here on the earth. And when His stirring comes upon us, we should not resist. To prepare for this, we should take seriously the word in Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (NLT). We should be consistently walking with God in obedience, being led by His Spirit. That way, we will move with little to no hesitation, hurrying to obey Him the way Philip ran to catch the Ethiopian's chariot when instructed in Acts 8.
Just as God can also stir up the spirit of men for good things, He can stir up people to bring His punishment. For instance, the Lord warned the Israelites to stop worshiping false gods and get back to honoring Him alone. They disobeyed for four hundred centuries and became wicked. Murders were rampant and justice was non-existent. The Lord stirred up various nations to take them into captivity. The final straw came when He sent King Nebuchadnezzar as the instrument of His punishment. By then, all that remained was the city of Jerusalem under King Zedekiah. Nebuchadnezzar broke the city's walls, destroyed the temple, plucked out Zedekiah's eyes and marched the survivors to Babylon.
This should be a warning to each of us. God loves us and yes His mercies endure forever. However, if we abuse His grace and kindness by flagrantly ignoring His word, a time may come when He stirs up the hearts of people or institutions against us. We cannot afford to become the very wicked whom He has repeatedly said He detests and will punish. We must not be like the people of Jerusalem who hated the word of Prophet Jeremiah whom God sent to repeatedly warn them to change. We must turn away from the behavior He despises and let Him transform us.
The Lord wants to stir us up so we are equipped with what we need to serve Him. He wants to stir up our spirits so that we are fashioned into temples for His dwelling. It is better to be stirred up for His purpose than to be the one He stirs others against. May the Lord stir up our spirits for His glory and our good, IJMN, Amen.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 - The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
From M22 - By God's grace, I will be here on Friday to fellowship. The Lord is my strength. Amen.
From M22 - The devil is a liar. My phone fell accidentally and started to mess up than before right when I was on the site ready to pray. God came through and I am glad I joined today despite the delay. I trust him to bless me with a new device in his timing. Amen!!!
Holy God. Creator of the heavens, the seas, the earth and all that are within them. Take all the praise for this blessed hour of fellowship.
Thank You, mighty God for those who were able to participate. Bless them Lord. May the oil upon their head never run dry. May their hearts be roused for You.
Stir up their spirit for Your great purpose. May they do great exploits in Your name.
May You be glorified through them here on earth and may generations point to what they did in honor of Your Holy Name.
Thank You Father. Take all the glory, great King, now and forever more. IJN, Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for people that have been struggling in their walk with you. I pray that you destroy every stronghold of the enemies in their lives. I pray that you continue to transform and prune them till they become more like you and are fertile grounds for your dwelling place. Father Lord I pray that you help them heal from whatever has kept them from surrendering to you fully. May they experience you in ways beyond their imagination IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray that you put an end to the cycle of war in nations. Father Lord I pray that you touch tht hearts and minds of leaders, governments, institutions to do right by citizens. I pray that you help rebuild and you restore everything they have lost in thousandfold. Father Lord I pray that you accept the souls of the departed in your bosom and you grant their loved ones to strength to process their grief. Father Lord I pray that these nations will experience your everlasting peace and that their leaders will come to peaceful resolutions that will end the war for good IJMN Amen
fROM m22 - Abba Father I pray that you fill us up with the spirit of gratitude. Father Lord, life has been lifing and we pray that you forgive us being ungrateful in any way. Father Lord have mercy on us. We thank you for the big things and even the smallest things. Father we pray to be content even though we seek you for more. I pray that we will never be ungrateful no matter the circumstances IjMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray that your hand will continue to be upon sis @FFJ and this wonderful community. I pray that you continue to use us as your vessels to propagate your gospel and also be ambassadors for your kingdom. I pray we will lead people to eternal life snd to truly experience you in every possible way IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray that you bless families experiencing financial difficulties in this season. I pray that they experience your abundant provision beyond measure. I pray that they have more than enough to cover their expenses in this season and beyond. IjMN Amen
From M22 - Thank you Heavenly Father for today's message on you stirring our spirit. I pray that you help us walk in obedience with your word. I pray that as you stir your spirit. We will keep pressing forward no matter the opposition. IJMN Amen
Have you taken the time to meditate on today's message? You really should.
We serve a God who stirs up the spirits of men to achieve great things. He can do this to bless or punish.
Regardless of the reason, He does this so humans operate as His vessels on earth for His purpose.
So what is it going to be for you? Do you want to be stirred up by the Lord?
Pray that the Lord stir up your spirit. Ask Him to take control of your inner man for His glory.
Go ahead and do it. Don't be afraid.
There is nothing God does that will not benefit His children. Jeremiah 29:11 states[f]or I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Now, pray.
Lord, I pray IJN for the nation of Syria. Father, there is political transition happening there too. I pray for the sake of the redeemed in that land that what comes next is better than what was before.
Father, Let Thy will be done in that nation. Let the godly rise. Let scales fall from eyes. Let ears open. King of the harvest, send forth Your workers to reap.
May the leaders that step into power be those spoken of in 1 Timothy 2:2-4 - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
May Your people live peacefully, enjoying godliness, holiness and all the fruits thereof. And may those who are yet to be able to come to a knowledge of You, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for those with severe disabilities. Please Lord watch over them and take them under Your wings to shield them from the evil in this world. I pray that You place them under the care of those with love and compassion to help them with all their needs. I pray that they want for nothing and are well tended to, to the point of being filled with so much joy that they overcome any worldly stigmas associated with disabilities. Please shine Your light on them Lord and wrap them in Your love. Please bless them with Your presence so they know they have You as their Refuge, Fortress and Rock. IJMN. Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - Please Lord look over all widows and orphans. Please turn their mourning and sorrow into joy and gladness. Please bless them to take You as their refuge. Please take them under Your wings Lord and shield them for those looking to take advantage of them. Please bless them with the oil of joy for mourning. Please touch their hearts Lord to turn to You and rely on You for strength and guidance. IJMN. Amen.
Father, thank You for being the God of the universe. The One who was, the One was is, and the One to come. Hallowed be Your Holy Name.
Lord, Your word teaches that You are He who will restore hearts to You. So much so that You will pour out Your flesh on all men and will replace hearts of stone with hearts of flesh.
God, the devil wants to convince people that when they walk away there is no hope. However, the Bible shows that when the ancient Israelites turned from You, You beckoned them back and told them what to do to change from their wicked ways.
You oh Lord have promised that for all who turn back to You, You will welcome them back. David, was forgiven when he genuinely repented and sought Your forgiveness. Peter denied Jesus three times and in Your wisdom, You ensured He was restored so that he would indeed be the rock upon which Christ built His church. Even Your friend Abraham backslid when he lied and when he committed adultery. Yet, You restored him to You by Your great grace and mercy.
And so, God of mercy, I pray for those who have backslidden from You. All those who have walked away and have believed the devil's lie that there is no redemption available for them.
Lord, Jesus died to bring salvation for sinners and so I cry out to You to reach the backslidden. Pull them out of the darkness. May Your word, which is the truth, sanctify them. May they receive Your gracious mercy and compassion and step into the light, washed clean by the blood of the Lamb and set free from the shackles of hell, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for those who are living their lives for You Lord and going through any suffering as a result. I pray that You bless them with strength, courage, comfort and zeal to get through their circumstances and endure till the end. Please bless them to look at their persecution as a blessing as Paul did. Please bless them to keep persevering, keep seeking Your face and keep their focusing on You to get them through the storm. IJMN. Amen.
Lord, thank You for this great nation. Thank You for being the God who created this land and established it for Your purpose and glory.
Father, this country is in a period of political transition. Thank You for this grace.
I call on You, Sovereign Lord, the One who pulls one up and drags down another, to have complete control as to who steps into any positions of power.
I pray against the plans of the enemy to place people in positions where they will serve satan and contend with You.
Lord, Your word is clear in Proverbs 29:2 - When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.
Lord, let the righteous thrive. Drag down the wicked. Uphold the city and nation for the sake of the righteous. Have mercy and preserve positions of authority for Your purpose alone, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for all prophets and servants sent by You, Lord, to remain obedient to You. I pray that You bless them exceedingly and abundantly for their obedience to You. I pray that You take them under Your wings and shield them, protect them and cover them from those who mean the harm or have ill-will towards them. Please Lord bless them to be forceful and spread the good news of the kingdom with zeal and boldness. IJMN. Amen.
It is time to pray but not for yourself. Instead, turn your attention to the needs of others.
Stand in the gap and petition the Lord on their behalf.
There are many who just can't pray for themselves and need you to intercede for them.
From JIR - Lord, You are the Light of my life. Thank You Lord for shining Your light upon me. You deserve all the praise. All glory is Yours. IJMN.