While on earth, Jesus was very concerned about the spiritual condition of people because their spiritual condition had physical implications. This is why He often cast out evil spirits from people to ensure their freedom from disease. He also taught people how to live in alignment with God's expectations, for that strengthened them spiritually and in the physical. Finally, He died so all who believe in Him could also ascend to Heaven when their time on earth comes to an end.
Jesus knew that all who would come to believe in Him would be mere humans and therefore imperfect. Despite this, one of the many promises He gave is in John 17:22 - I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one. This statement tells us that all who believe in Him are recipients of God's glory. He did this so that each believer would have spiritual unity with God even while living in the physical realm.
This promise - that mere humans could receive the glory of the Almighty - was so important to God that even before Jesus uttered it, the Lord used Isaiah to pronounce it. Isaiah 60:1-2 - “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
It is almost impossible to believe that the Creator of the Universe would share any of His glory. Yet, Jesus specifically said that He'd given us the glory that the Lord gave Him. However, what does that mean in a practical sense? How does that affect believers from day to day? Imagine what it means for God to be glorious. He is powerful and capable of so much more than we can ever understand. And this same glorious God wants to bring believers into some of that. We can never be as glorious as He is, but in His loving kindness, He wants all who believe in Him to walk in that shine.
Look at Isaiah 41:15 - “See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to chaff. It tells us that when God's glory is upon you, you become a powerful threshing instrument in His hand. You become a battle axe that He uses here on earth to effect His will and His word. This way you become an agent of godly change in your family, you neighborhood, your workplace and everywhere else.
God's glory gives authority to exact His written word. It also empowers you to do the things Jesus did and more because the Savior Himself said in John 14:12 - Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. In this case, the scripture becomes a living, breathing thing in your life. The Lord will point you in the direction of a verse and you will see it work in the physical just as you know it has worked in the spiritual.
God's glory also brings His favor into your life. The things that stop others will barely slow you down, because God's glory brings His grace and the capacity to do what others deem impossible. His favor grants success and protection. Remember how Elisha provided the widow with a miracle that multiplied the little oil she had into vats of oil that she sold to get out of debt (2 Kings 4:1-7)? That's what God's favor brings - fullness of life and miraculous rescue from everything trying to spell disaster and failure.
However, there are conditions attached to fully living in this glory, in this gift. You must submit to God's Spirit (Proverbs 3:6). For it is through the Spirit of the Lord that God's glory fully descends upon an individual. The Spirit of the Lord comes through accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Therefore, it is not enough to say you believe in Jesus. You must receive the Holy Spirit and walk with Him in submission. He is the Voice of God who reminds you of what Jesus taught (John 14:26). He instructs you which way to turn (John 14:26). He tells you where to not go because as stated in Romans 8:14 - For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.
The specifics of this submission might look different from person to person but the overall effect will be the same. It will mean making God the head of your life. Choosing Him and what He wants before your personal desires (Matthew 6:33). And over time, you'll realize that your desires increasingly line up with His (1 Peter 4:2). His glory upon you makes that and so much more happen.
If you believe in Jesus, have submitted to His authority in your life, and are allowing Him to build You into a vessel for His purpose, then you need to believe that He's given you God's glory. You might not feel or see it yet but let the Lord show you. Let Him build you up to the point where you'll see the promise of Jesus at work in your life. Till then, tell God you want to see His glory to come upon you today.
See you at Noon EST for P&P fellowship when we'll worship God, intercede for others then turn our attention to making sure we align with the Lord in order to confidently say, "His glory rises upon me."
Thank You, Heavenly Father for another blessed hour of fellowship at Your feet. Thank You for the opportunity to worship with others and to intercede for people in need of Your mercy and grace.
Father as we go our separate ways for the weekend, I call on You for Your protection to surround Your Peppers. Cover them with Your wings and frustrate every evil scheme seeking to interfere with Your purpose and plan in the lives of Your children.
I pray that each of them will have fresh encounters with You. That they shall receive the fresh oil of Your anointing on their heads. That their lives in You will set the house of the enemy into sheer confusion for Your Kingdom is here and in Your people's lives. Tongues of fire upon their heads, oh God.
I speak over Your Peppers - of whom You alone know who they actually are - that Your glory rises upon them, IJN, Amen!!!
Your word says that You give judgments to bring the people to repentance.
I pray over the nations of the world who are going through 'birth pangs' and end-time events.
"the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned." (Matthew 4:16)
Let Your light shine God so that the works of Your hands will testify to Your glory. IJMN amen.
Hallelujah! What a blessing for the glory of God to rise upon us as His faithful ones! All because we believe in Jesus Christ and have submitted to His authority in our lives!
Don't you want a life where you operate with the power of God in your hands? This and so much more are at your disposal. You should be excited!
These blessings are for those who would come to believe in Christ because of His disciples. Many of us say we believe in Jesus but aren't actually living like we do. Today is the day to change that. So, are you ready to not just say you believe in Jesus but to have your thoughts words, and actions sincerely align with that belief? That's what the Holy Spirit will help you to achieve.
It is time to claim the glory of God that is your inheritance and submit fully to Him. Let us pray...
Lord, I repent for not consistently living in a way that reflects my belief in Jesus and the Gospel He brought for my sake. From this day, I commit to live in a way that aligns with Your word and Your will, receiving Your grace to achieve this for I know I need it. I proclaim Christ as my Lord and Savior, I receive the Holy Spirit, and by Your grace, I declare that the glory of God rises upon me! In Jesus's name, Amen.
Abba I thank You for being the God of victory.
You are faithful and true, just in all Your ways.
I thank You for the victories You have brought forth in my life and that of Your other children.
Abba, Your word says:
"We have overcome them by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony."
I wield my testimony about the victory You gave me yesterday, and declare a breakthrough into the lives of Your children. Let them experience breakthroughs in every case/matter/situation/report that does not align with the favor and victory that You have given them.
In Jesus' mighty name, let Your will be done here on earth as in heaven. Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, please hear my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Please give people a desire for You. Whet their appetites for more of You. Let hearts clamor for You. Pour out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer, IJMN, Amen.
Excellent God! Thank You for being He who has given us His word to proclaim with authority as Your royal priesthood on earth.
Jeremiah 30:17 - But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD...
The devil seeks to deprive people of good health in many areas of their lives but You God came to give people the fullness of life that You promised in John 10:10. This offer is for all for that is why Jesus died.
Lord, I lift up Your word for those seeking Your healing. Be it in any area of their life, Lord, I pray that Your word will bring them the good health and rest they need. For Jesus came to destroy the works of satan and thus, it is done. And it shall be to Your glory IJMN, Amen.
*From BI* - Lord, I pray for those seeking employment including M, M and D. I pray that You walk them towards success in their job hunt. Relieve them of their anxieties and fill them with hope. Help them to persevere and put their trust in You Lord. Open new doors and grant them divine favour during job interviews. I pray they are blessed with good jobs with good wages that meets and exceeds rising costs IJMN Amen.
From sis FJ -
praise report!!!
Last week I mentioned that I was going through a situation. I prayed that because I had shown up to the fight, may God cause me to win.
Yesterday, I got the good news -- I won!! Hallelujah
Lord, praise be onto You, Jehovah Sabaoth. The God of the Heavenly Hosts.
Father, I come against witchcraft in the lives of the members of this fellowship and their families I speak against every attempt to control, destroy and ensnare with such arts, IJMN, Amen. I know satan's modus operandi is to steal, kill and destroy the glorious destinies of Your people by enticing them with slickly-packaged, deceptive messaging that blurs the lines between what is godly and what You have specifically forbidden Your people to get entangled with.
Nevertheless, I thank You Father, for You are He who has all dominion (Daniel 4:34-35). You are the Sovereign Lord. And no matter what satan's desires are, no matter how much it flexes and roars, it is Your purpose and plan that shall be fulfilled to the last letter (Isaiah 14: 24 & 27). Hallelujah!
I therefore pronounce Your word upon these wicked practitioners of witchcraft, necromancy, and other dark arts. As they are used against your people, Ezekiel 11:21 applies. Repay them, Lord, as promised in Jeremiah 16:18. Let Your word in Isaiah 45:16 be thoroughly fulfilled for them. Hit them with the mighty blows of Your arm, oh Lord (Isaiah 30:32).
Thank You for Your word that satan itself is less than nothing and those who choose it are detestable and nothing just as the power source they rely upon (Isaiah 41: 24 & 29). Expose them, Father. Drag them out, pull them down and bring them to ruins, Lord.
For the Kingdom of God is of power not about talk (1 Corinthians 4:20). Oh my God. I look forward to seeing the fulfilment of this prayer pronounced to Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen. Let me see what will happen to who will stand against You, my Lord.
If you believe in God and in the Gospel, then, you are instructed to pray for all people in 1 Timothy 2:1.
Now is the time to pray for others and lift up their needs to the Lord. Be an intercessor. Pray with zeal.
Do not pray for yourself, however. Focus on somebody else and do pray for more than 1 person.
You are my Great Help and Helper. My Shield and very Great Reward.
I don't have enough language to adequately praise You but I make my contribution to the chorus of creation which honors You with worship.
I pray that You smile because You have caused me to smile, to rejoice and to dance.
My Reassurer!!
*From CUR* - Lord I praise You for Your wonder and glory! I praise You for drawing me near to You this week and being my comforter. I'm so grateful for Your Holy Spirit that has lovingly corrected and convicted me.
Psalm 147:9 - He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.
You are the God who feeds the cattle and answers the call of ravens. Amazing!!
If you would do this for animals, what would You not do for those made in Your image?
Great are You, Lord.
What a mighty God I serve!
*From HC* - THM Yah, you see the world around is changing. If we look at the news, it’s falling apart. Prepare a Goshen place for us. One where we can dwell safely. Help us to be like Joseph and prepare for the famine in advance so we may be a blessing to others in these last days. Please stock up our spiritual and physical store houses. In Jesus Mighty Name amen
Psalm 146:7 - He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous. The LORD watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.
Father, this is who You are! The God who cares for the needy. You neither slumber nor sleep and consistently contend with those who contend with Your people.
Thank You for You are creating solutions for the needy and turning their lives around.
*From HC* - Thank you Father for a new season. We ask that you bring forth wisdom, new and profound understanding, blessing that overflow. You do all things well. Thank you in advance for your grace and mercy. Help us to dwell in You. IJN
My Holy God. You are beautiful and worthy to be glorified.
I worship You, my mighty King.
*From HC* - Thank you Father for this day. Thank you for your provision and your protection. We praise you The Most High!
*From BI* - I thank You King of Kings for letting me see another day. Thank You for giving me the chance to praise Your Holy Name. Thank You Lord for showing Your glory in my life. Thank You Lord for the encouragement, protection, provisions, forgiveness, mercy, love, grace, favour and so much more more. Thank You Lord for making me more than a conqueror. Thank You that nothing can ever separate me from Your boundless love. All glory, honour and adoration belongs to You my Abba Father.
Psalm 145:1 - I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.
Glorious God. Thank You for being my Father. I praise You for being Father for all.
You are He who I praise forever.