What would you do if a serpent came up to you and started speaking? Many would pull out their phones to record for viewers on the internet. And because we've watched so many movies, many of us would be thoroughly curious to hear what it had to say. And if it uttered what we wanted to hear? Say, it spoke of riches, power, and ways to get other things we wanted, people would likely kill to possess the snake.
The snake in the Garden of Eden was no different. It went right up to Eve and with very few words changed the course of history. To Eve's credit, a talking snake was probably not abnormal. After all, God literally walked in the garden and spoke to both Adam and Eve in a way no other humans have experienced. Essentially, life on the garden was amazingly different than we could imagine.
Genesis 3:1 - Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
Eve responded with the warning she'd received and the snake followed up with “[y]ou will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5).
She ate from the forbidden tree, shared its fruit with her husband, and unlike what the serpent said, she did actually die. The death wasn't immediate, but the everlasting life she and Adam were to enjoy, came to a screeching halt. All because she was tempted by the lie and momentarily forgot God's truth.
Unfortunately, Eve didn't recognize the snake for what it really was. And there's a reason. The Lord had given man dominion over all the creatures of the earth in Genesis 1:26 and so she assumed the snake was another harmless animal that herself and Adam had complete control over. In fact, it was a more sinister creature. One older than she was. One that had been a sly liar and murderer from the beginning. One that could never speak the truth because there was nothing truthful in it. One so twisted that lies were all it spoke, for that was and is its native language (John 8:44).
Eve didn't recognize how satan speaks. The question we must ask ourselves is - do we? If we were in her shoes, would we be able to spot the devil's lies? Or would they sound good to us? Would we whip out our phones to record and share its untruths? Would we parrot them back to others?
Before you dismiss those questions, ask yourself if you've studied the word of God to distinguish it from that of the serpent? As you ponder on this, remember that Eve was used to hearing the Lord and being in His presence. Yet, that wasn't enough to keep her from succumbing to the enemy's lies.
So, how would you do?
For the next few weeks, we'll look at how satan speaks in an effort to learn how to isolate and dismiss its lies. Unlike Eve, you and I have the weapon of God's word in the Bible to help us recognize the snake for what it really is. If, however, you do not regularly spend time with God's voice as freely given to us in the Bible, you may not gain the best out of this series. Nevertheless, by God's grace, it will help you spot the serpent a bit more. The devil speaks even louder in this day and age than it did in the time of Adam and Eve. Alas, the majority of us have little to no experience being in God's presence and being familiar with the cadence of His voice. The result is that lies sound sweeter than the truth and we readily gobble them up.
May the Lord help each of us to hear and listen to the voice of the Shepherd and not that of the stranger, IJMN Amen.
If it's been a long time since you read the story of the serpent in the garden, you might want to take a quick look at it. It's in Genesis 3.
See how satan deceived Eve with little effort. Before you condemn her, remember that Eve had never been lied to. The only defense she had was God's instruction and once she discarded it she was open to the influence of God's enemy.
Pray this weekend to be armed with God's word and His voice for that is your defense against satan's native language. Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and ask the Lord for His armor.
God bless you and I pray you'll return for the next part of the series. We'll be looking at the story of Job and how the enemy spoke there.
Once again, Lord, You brought us together to fellowship in unity at Your feet.
Thank You, God.
Thank You also for starting us on this journey to learn how to distinguish the voice of satan from Yours. We've been so conditioned that the serpent's voice often sounds more familiar than Yours. Please forgive us for this error and help us that our ears open fully to Your frequency. That Your voice becomes more familiar and innate to us. We declare in the name of Jesus that we are Your sheep and therefore we hear only Your voice and not that of a stranger. Amen.
*fROM m22* - Heavenly father I commit every folk that is sick into your hands Abba, I pray that your healing power radiates their cells, organs, systems and blood vessels in Jesus mighty name. I pray that you direct the medical team in charge to carry out the right procedures and administer the best drugs IJMN amen.
*From M22* - Thank you Abba for being a loving Father. I bless your name for helping me grow everyday to love you and understand your nature.
.I give you glory for every Peppers online and offline.
When satan spoke to Eve, it used few words but those were enough. It casually dismissed what she'd been told and made it seem as if God was unfair for trying to keep her from eating from the tree.
This is a common tactic used by satan. It wants you to see God as mean and unkind. However, everything God tells us to do is for our own good not to keep us from somehow enjoying something that He enjoys, which is what satan suggested to Eve.
Actually, the opposite is true - God wants us to enjoy all that He does. It is the reason why we are invited to come live in heaven with Him. It is why even before that time comes, God wants us to walk fearlessly and in His power and victory during our time on earth.
The key is to depend on His might, not our understanding. Eve listened to the serpent, then her logic set in. Genesis 3:6 - When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
What the devil said made so much sense, she disposed of God's word. However, no matter how good something sounds, we must always measure it by the word of the Lord. Isaiah 8:20 - Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn.
If you are told something but it doesn't abide with God's word, it is best to ignore logic and hold fast to the Lord. Eve neglected to do so and the consequences remain with us today.
Ask the Lord to help you with this issue. Pray for His grace, to remember His instructions and not be distracted by the serpent's seductive lies.
Great God, thank You for sending Your word to the farthest corners of the earth. Thank You for planting Your word deep in the hearts of all You created.
1 Corinthians 16:9 - because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.
God, I pray for missionaries taking the word of the Gospel throughout the earth. I pray for their safety for as You have opened an effective door of faith for them, there shall surely be opposition.
But Lord, I know You can do all things and Your plan can not be thwarted. So, as these ones march, armed with Your word, I decree that the weapons forged to prevent Your good work all come to naught, IJN Amen.
Lord I also lift up Matthew 9:38 - Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Send out even more workers, lord of the harvest. For the field is ripe but the workers are few. May Your troops assemble at dawn and reap for Your glory. Grant them a double harvest, IJN Amen.
Jehovah Rapha, I thank You for the healing testimonies You have performed through Your mighty hand. In this season of healing, I decree Your word: "bless the Lord oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits ... who pardons all your sins and heals all your diseases". Let the healing You have already placed within and allocated to people start to come to light. Let this be done so that all glory for their healing goes to You. Thank You Lord in Jesus name, amen.
Abba, I thank you for the word You gave at P&P today. I thank You for giving knowledge and wisdom to Your children. Lord, I pray for my fellow Peppers and I come against the works of the snake in their lives. It is written: "whoever digs a pit for another will fall into it; whoever rolls a stone against another will have the stone roll back on them". Dear God, remember the snake in their lives and remember the evil deeds it has done against Peppers. Be exalted my God, the Defender of the needy, the God of divine retribution, as You perform Your justice. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
- thank You Jehovah Jireh for sending provision just in time this week
- Thank You, my Shield and Buckler for keeping us safe
- thank You Jehovah Rapha for giving me a speedy recovery
Great God. You sit high above everything. Nobody can come into Your presence without Your permission. All of creation joins the Heavenly hosts to sing Your praises.
Lord I lift up families in conflict and call on You to grant them the unity You blessed the nation of Judah with during the reign of King Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 30:12).
Father I call on You to break all discord and bring reconciliation and peace under Your authority. I break the chains seeking to keep the yoke of disunity and pain intact in these families. The enemy's plan is clear as revealed in Matthew 12:25 - Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.
The devil seeks to divide households in an effort to keep families from having the unity You have with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. To make it seem that such unity and peace is impossible. But it is Your purpose that prevails, my King, so I lift Families up to You that they receive Your peace, holiness and quiet IJMN Amen.
*fROM bi* - Lord, I pray for those that are spiritually lost. I pray that they are able to be saved. I pray that You turn their faces towards You as You are the source of life, love, truth and all things good. Remove from their lives whatever is keeping them from knowing You. Lord, I pray that You send the Holy Spirit to them to be their guide. Lead them on the path of righteousness. May their word, thoughts and deeds reflect You and Your kingdom IJMN Amen.
Jehovah Rapha, You are the Balm of Gilead. The Rose of Sharon. The One who speaks and His word brings healing to all things.
Jeremiah 33:3 - Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
Lord, I call on You that You will answer and provide the unknowable answer to the medical concerns and issues faced by Your people. That You God will shine a light on the things creating illness in the body, in the mind and anywhere else in the lives of Your children. IJN Amen.
*From BI* - Lord, I come before Your throne of grace asking for Your healing hands to cover JO, CE, CS, sis @kety, sis @MFC and her loved ones, sis @Bs2. I pray You heal them and give them a testimony to share. Give them strength and power to not lose hope. Lord, You are our mighty Physician and we trust in Your goodness. Grant them peace in their hearts and let them be assured of Your miraculous intervention. Lord I pray that You protect them, bless them, keep them, guide them and grant them serenity IJMN Amen.
At this point, we will pray for others because each of us is called to be intercessors. Jesus is our Chief Intercessor, standing at the right hand of God to petition for us. Plus while He was on earth, He tirelessly paid attention to the needs of others.
And since He said we'd do greater works than even He did while on earth, why don't we emulate Him by prayerfully addressing the needs of others?
God, You are love.
You show us through Your constant care that Your love is never-ending.
Thank You for loving each of us whether on our best or worst days.
Thank You for being merciful and kind even when we don't deserve it.
Thank You for loving us past our shortcomings and patiently guiding us to be better so we receive Your best.
Praise the living King. The Upright One. He who is Holy and Righteous.
Thank You Heavenly Father for being our Jehovah Nissi. Thank You for being our ever present help - Ebenezer!
You are He who is from everlasting to everlasting. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End.
You are God forever.
*From BI* - Adonai
El Shaddai
King of kings
Lord of lords
Alpha and Omega
The Great I Am
Lion of the tribe of Judah
Rock of Ages
Righteous One
Living Water
Lord of hosts
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
Thank You God for being He who is truthful. You never lie to us for You are He who cannot lie (Titus 1:2).
Thank You, Lord, for loving us so much that You tell us the truth even when it hurts. You don't do this to cause us pain but to help us pivot from wrong to right so we don't miss out on the eternal life that is our inheritance.
Glory be to You oh God!
*From BI* - Thank You Lord for the life of AS. He did not suffer in the end and for that I thank You. I thank You for the memories he was able to create with his loved ones. I pray that You grant his family and friends comfort and Your transcending peace during this difficult period IJMN Amen.
Welcome to Praise & Pray (for others). It's about to be a praise party!
By now, you should be singing along to the worship music you're listening to. Or you are belting out praise to God Almighty.
Whatever the case, you should be lighthearted but heavy in appreciation for God, who He is and what He's done.
Let's drop our praise points, shall we?