Isaiah 49:16 - See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.
These beautiful words were uttered by God through His prophet hundreds of years ago. But if there is one thing we know about the Lord, it is that He does not change (Malachi 3:6). Yesterday, today, and forever - His word remains the same.
So, just as He committed to the ancient Israelites in the time of Prophet Isaiah, He's making the same promise to you. Just as He covenanted to pay attention to them then He's paying attention to you today. Your life is important to Him. What you think matters to Him. What you experience each day affects Him. When you cry, He is sad. He doesn't want you to experience pain and has given you the wisdom of the Bible to help you avoid such.
When you are elated, He wants to share in your joy and looks forward to you inviting Him into your happiness with your praise, thanksgiving, and worship. When you do that, He can't wait to make you smile again and again, knowing that He will be a part of your rejoicing.
When the storms of life rock your boat, He is a gentleman who waits on you to invite Him in so He can steady things. He also wants you to call on Him even when the sky is blue and the birds are singing. He desires to spend quiet and peaceful times with you too.
God wants you to call Him into every aspect of your life. He wants to walk through every moment with you. Call on Him to be your guide and watch how much He'll do. See how He'll prove to you that there is no aspect of your life He'll ever leave to chance. Let His plans for you go off without a hitch. He's the God who holds you in the palm of His hand for your good and His glory.
(PS: If you aren't convinced of the above, please consider reading the testimonies in the Testimony Thread. Many have accounted for how God stepped into the boat of life with them and turned everything around. God bless you.)
To learn more, please read the following messages as well as those hyperlinked into today's post:
Great is your mercy, Lord.
Great is your faithfulness.
The well that never runs dry.
The One whose love endures forever.
Almighty Redeemer, we have come to the end of another hour of fellowship and we are grateful.
Mighty God, we place ourselves at your feet, thankful that You enabled us to gather to Your glory. Please protect us all and bring us together on Friday again. Cover us in your grace and great protection as we navigate this earth. Thy will be done forever in our lives and all around us, IJMN Amen.
From AW - Father God, I pray you will please bless my dear friend LS with the perfect job opportunity. Father, she has been laid off for several months now, and finances are dwindling. Your word says we should not worry (Matthew 6:28) and that we know You have a purpose for LS's life (Romans 8:28). We know You are still in control. Please grant LS favor with the right recruiters. Bless her with the confidence to conduct herself well in interviews. IJMN, Amen!
From S - Thank you, Father, for your continued coverage, carrying me, and for loving me through the storms and the sunshine. I thank you again and again!
Can we be honest? We don't always feel as if we are in the palm of God's hand. There are days that are so tough, you might wonder if God's upset with you because in that moment, it doesn't feel like you are experiencing His love.
However, if you accept that God is not a liar (and this is a key component to understanding today's message) then you will accept that the promise of Isaiah 49:16 (today's anchor scripture) applies to you.
Yes, you aren't perfect. Yes, you are struggling in your walk with God.
But, the beauty of God is that He still holds on to you. He won't let you go except if you make it abundantly clear you don't want Him anymore and even then He's waiting for you to change your mind and give Him a try. If you believe in God then let me encourage you with the following, He loves you despite your sin and if you let Him, He will cleanse you of all iniquity and guide you into a proper relationship with Him. David was a murderer and adulterer and yet when he repented God looked past all that and said of David that he was pleasing to Him. Abraham disobeyed God and failed to wait for the child God had coming. Nevertheless, God guided him into repentance and the promise - Isaac - came.
All I'm trying to say is please don't let the devil's lie convince you that you are too dirty for God. He loves you more than you can imagine. He's in the business of cleansing the filthiest. That's why Rahab, who was a prostitute, became the foremother of Christ when she chose to believe in the Lord.
So, please take a moment to thank God that despite your flaws and sinful ways, and despite how you might feel, God is holding you in the palm of His hand.
Thank You, God, for being our glory. The lifter up of our heads. Thank You for being our Father. He who watches the road for His Prodigals to come back home. You hear our pleas of repentance and gather us up in Your arms. A Father who just wants His kids to come back home. Thank You great and mighty King. Hosannah! We lift You high! IJMN Amen.
And if you are yet to give your life to Christ, tell Him you want a new life with Him right now. Ask Him to come into your heart and transform every inch of you. Embrace Him and watch what He will do for you.
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for sis @FFJ . Thank you Father for blessing her and helping her to be consistent in holding this community down. As she prayed over us all. I pray that you will bless her, her loved ones and everything that concerns her. I pray that you will continue to expand her territory. I pray that you will increase her beyond her expectations IJMN Amen
fROM M22 - Father I commit my application for this season unto your hands. Father Lord I pray that you cover up my errors and bring out my strengths during the review process. Father Lord I pray for your perfection and completion over it. I pray that I will get an acceptance by your grace. I pray that your will be done above all else. IjMN Amen. I look forward to testifying Abba. IjMN Amen
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for the terminally ill and sick which include G and A in this prayer. Please Lord place Your healing hands upon them and remove whatever ails them. Please bless them with compassionate doctors and surgeons. Please bless those doctors and surgeons with wisdom and knowledge, a supportive team, steady hands and sharp eyes to provide their patients with the treatments and surgery needed to heal them. Please bless those affected by severe conditions to be able to live full lives and put their illnesses behind them. Please bless them to call out to You and seek You. Please bless them to draw closer to You, Lord. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for couples waiting for the fruit of the womb. I pray that you will turn their waiting into fruitfulness. I pray that you will bless them with beautiful babies that they will nourish and nurture in your ways. I pray that you will put an end to infertility, failed IVFs, difficult adoption and surrogacy procedures IjMN Amen
God, the Bible says You lift up one and pull down another (Psalm 75:7). It is by You that kings reign (Proverbs 8:15).
Thus, it is to You I come on behalf of this nation and the issue of leadership.
Father, the earth is Yours and everything in it bows to Your command (Psalm 24:1). All who dwell in it are subject to Your desires. For You alone have everlasting authority and dominion over everything (Daniel 4:34).
Lord, please bring forth the leaders You desire and choose in this nation. Let Thy will be done here on earth as in heaven, Heavenly Father. Select our leaders in politics, in businesses, organizations, schools, churches, families and everywhere.
You reign forever, Lord. And it IJMN I pray, Amen.
From M22 - Ebenezer I pray for countries experiencing elections or preparing for elections. I pray that you touch the hearts and mind of citizens to vote the right candidates into power. I pray that you dismantle every spirit of greed and indifference that aims to disrupt elections and nations IjMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray that you put an end to war and bloodshed in this world. I pray that you expose and destroy every element of chaos, war, terrorism and bloodshed. I pray Father that the hearts of leaders worldwide come to experience you in every possible way. As you directed Joseph to rescue the land of Egypt during the famine period. I pray that you will direct these leaders to amicably resolve every conflicts hindering their countries from experiencing peace and abundance. I pray that you will help them rebuild and restore everything they have lost IjMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for people struggling financially. I pray Father that their cups shall overflow. I pray that you will continue to supply all of their needs through your glorious riches. Father Lord I pray that you connect them to the right people and opportunities that will boost them financially. May they never know lack again IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for children across the world. I pray that you continue shield them from violence, harm and abuse. I pray that you will touch the hearts and minds of their parents, caregivers and guardians to nourish and nurture in your ways. Help them fulfil their destinies and your purpose for their lives. Increase them in supernatural wisdom, favour, knowledge understanding and strengths. Block every negative influences directed to disrupt their lives IJMN Amen
Lord, I come against every disease that affects women and their reproductive health. I decree against all fibroids, every sign of PCOS, anemia, and anything else presenting as a disease but is a weapon of the enemy to bring ill health and impact the reproductive capacity of your daughters in this group.
Father, I decree that I bind each and every of these diseases in the mighty name of Jesus. As they are bound here on earth, they are bound in heaven in accordance with Your word.
Jeremiah 30:17 - But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’
God, I speak life and good health. I loosen on earth Your healing grace and transformation of bodies to Your glory and by Your grace. I decree that these diseases are healed and canceled IJN, Amen. I decree that people shall experience Your healing and the attempts of the devil against them in this way - such unauthorized touches are destroyed - through Christ, Amen!
From M22 - Thank you Father for seeing us through the month of July. As the month is steadily going to an end. I pray Father that you continue to see us through. I thank you Father for this wonderful community, thank you for holding us in the palm of your hands. Thank you Father for blessing us in unexpected ways as we honour you bi-weekly. IjMN Amen
It is time to pray for the people you know. You can also pray for strangers.
God You have done me well.
You have shown mercy and favor to my prayer subjects. You have shielded them from the enemy's schemes.
Thank You for being the great lover of His children. He who goes above and beyond. The One who does exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or imagine.
Hallelujah! I worship You!
From M22 - May we continually have the Mind of Christ always. I am sharing a word sis @FFJ sent to me. I have learnt to meditate on it daily and I hope it helps anyone struggling with their thoughts.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I have the mind of Christ.
I received a sound mind.
I will not worry, because the Lord will take care of everything.