When Jesus walked the earth, He trained disciples to share His word wherever they were sent. He empowered them to cast out demons, heal the sick, cure diseases and tell everyone that the Kingdom of God was upon them (Luke 9:1-2). Luke 10 tells us He sent out 72 disciples and when they returned, they rejoiced, telling Him that demons submitted to them at the very mention of His name. Instead of joining them in their jubilation, Jesus corrected them. Luke 10:20 - However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
If I had been one of those disciples who'd seen the power of God flowing as they did, I too would have been overjoyed to know that I was capable of doing such in Jesus's name. And yet, we know that was not what the Savior wanted. He wanted them to not focus on the power but on what that power represents - that God had deemed them worthy to be included on a list in heaven.
Just as those disciples needed to refocus, so do we. If we truly believe in Jesus and are His disciple today, we need to ask ourselves, are our names written on heavenly lists?
The answer to this question is only known to God. Nevertheless, because of His revealed nature and word, we know He wants us to be on those lists. The people on these lists enjoy certain privileges that other do not. For instance, when they proclaim His Son's name into any situation, the devil and its demons must fall back. All the power of the Almighty backs up such individuals. No matter the circumstances, He will show up to favor them.
God said as much in Malachi 3. There, He'd spoken to His remnant in Jerusalem and instructed them to stop withholding their tithes and offering. Those who feared the Lord gathered and agreed to change. These people pleased Him so He ordered the angels to write a scroll of rememberance with their names on it (Malachi 3:16). Malachi 3:17-18 - “They will be Mine,” says the LORD of Hosts, “on the day when I prepare My treasured possession. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.”
And we should want to move in that reality because that is what God desires for us. Hebrews 11:6 states that He is a rewarder of them who eagerly seek Him. When we do this, our names get added to heavenly lists. This goes beyond saying we are Christians. It is about being a Christian in every facet of our lives. We must therefore voraciously consume His word, fervently stand in the gap for others, give Him our worship, fast per Isaiah 58, and listen to the Holy Spirit as He changes us to become more rooted in Christ.
Therefore, let us pray to be a vessel through whom the gifts and the power of God flow for His glory. And as we do so, we shall cry out to Him to make us the sort of person whose names are in the books of heaven. Today, we shall ask God to show us how to become those whose eternal spirits will reside forever with Him. We shall allow Him to teach us how to live, yield to His direction, obey His commands, and be ever mindful that this world is not our home. The lists of this world are inconsequential. Heaven is all that matters.
To learn more, please click the hyperlinks included in the message. God bless you.
From FFJ - Thank You Lord for breathing life into us this morning. We are so grateful for the gift of life and You giving us another day and opportunity to get closer to You. Thank You Lord for leading us into this fellowship to praise Your Holy name and pray for others. Your grace and mercy are immeasurable. We thank You Lord and we praise You. IJMN. Amen.
Thanks for today’s message sis @FFJ. This message reminds me of The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13; 3-23. Jesus shares that there are 4 categories and we all fall under one of them. The categories are 1) Those who hear the message of the Kingdom of God but don’t understand it and the enemy comes and snatches the seed planted in their hearts. 2) Those who hear the message and joyfully receive it but this joy is short lived and they turn away once they start to experience persecution for believing God’s Word. 3) Those who hear God’s Word but the things of this world have them more captivated than the message they received of the Kingdom. 4) Those who truly hear and understand God’s Word and produce plentiful fruit from what was planted as a result.
I pray that we all strive to end up in category 4 as that is the only category that leads to heaven. I was watching a sermon and the minister touched upon these 4 groups of people and said the only people that fall into the right group is group number 4. We must seek God with all of our hearts. Thirst, hunger and pursue Him. Our souls depend on it. As @FFJ mentioned, this life is fleeting but our spirits are eternal. There are only two places we can go heaven or hell. I pray that everyone strives for heaven and to be written in the Book of Life, like our lives depended on it because they do!
Another hour of fellowship has come and gone, oh Lord. Worthy is Your name! You who brought us together for Your purpose. You who have given us an opportunity to worship and stand in the gap for others. Thank You so very much!
Thank You for those who came in here today. I pray for all of them that the message You wanted them to receive will sink into the very marrow of their bones. Lord, I submit them to You and call on You to have Your way in their lives. All by Your grace and to Your glory. Also for their good, my King.
Thank You for those who will encounter this message at another point in time. May even they be touched by Your presence and may they seek to be included in Your heavenly books.
May this message spread to the four corners of the earth and turn hearts to You. May scales fall from eyes and ears be unblocked. May Your light destroy the blinding darkness and the loud silence. God, have Your way in all the earth and everywhere else. IJMN, Amen.
God bless you folks, and I pray to see you on Friday by His grace.
If you didn't read today's message or need to glance at it again, now's the time.
Let us go into prayer based on whatever prayer points you gleaned from the post.
Jesus taught us that operating in spiritual power through His name is good. It brings freedom to people when they are set free from what keeps them bound.
However, He stressed that more important than that is to rejoice because our names are in heavenly books.
Pray to be in God's books. And pray to be written in the right books.
Once you have prayed, give praise!
The word tells us that God will answer the prayers of those who call on Him. We also know that God enjoys hearing us pray for the things that please Him. So thank Him for the opportunity to pray for this good thing and remember Matthew 7:9-11 - “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
It is well.
From JIR - Lord I pray for my pastor and his wife. I pray that You keep Your hand on them and relieve them of any stress they may be experiencing. I pray that You bless them with a sound mind. I pray that You bless them with the zeal and strength needed to be great spouses, parents and leaders to the church. I pray that they remain true to You Lord and true to spreading the Gospel through the Word of God. IJMN. Amen.
from JIR - Lord, I thank You for answering my prayers and sending relief in the form of rain to California in lieu of the wildfires. This is a wake up call for us all. I pray that we humble ourselves, seek Your face, pray and turn from our wicked ways. I pray that we turn from any ungodly activities that occupy our minds and we shift our focus to You and You alone, Lord. Only You alone can save us. I pray that You stir our hearts to turn to You and we seek You with all of our hearts and realize that the calamity going on in this world would cease if we turn to You. Only You can bring us true peace. Only You can help us. IJMN. Amen.
Lord, we thank You for being our everlasting Father.
Lord, we place workplaces before You and call on You to remember the school where Ms. E's daughter works.
Father, the devil wants it to seem like Your presence cannot transform dysfunctional and toxic work environments.
But God we know that nothing is impossible with You. Jeremiah 32:17 - “Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.
We pray for the release of Your light into such places so that the enemy's plans are foiled. You are He who foils the devices of the crafty. Almighty God, put the plans of satan to steal, kill, and destroy at work places to shame. Let Your light go into the deepest and darkest places to redeem and bring Your victory, IJMN Amen.
From JIR - I pray for all believers to read the Bible everyday and not only read the Bible but also live by the Bible. I pray that we all put ourselves in the shoes of those in need and eagerly give the shirts off our backs and the shoes off our feet to those who need our help. I pray that we are generous in our giving and give to those in need on a consistent and persistent basis. IJMN. Amen.
Lord, thank You for being our Holy God. The One we can turn to no matter what is going on or how we feel.
Father, Your word states that those who seek You will find You. You do not hide Yourself. You are accessible to all. Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
God, the enemy - the accuser of the brethren - works overtime to make it seem like nobody can reach You. It wants to make it seem like You are not God.
So, my Daddy, I too pray for sister @Byrdee today. You know her inside and out. You know what she needs. I pray that You will meet her. I pray she will be caught by You. You are He who arrested Nebuchadnezzar. You stopped Saul in His tracks and turned him to Paul. Jesus had the Centurion stop to acknowledge Your power and might. Even the Jewish and Roman leaders wondered about You when they were in proximity with Your own.
God, You know exactly how to touch her. You know how she needs to experience You. I pray that she will taste and see that the Lord is good.
Thank You, Father, IJN, I have prayed.
From JIR - Lord I pray for my mom and dad. Please have Your way with them, Lord. I pray that You stir their hearts to yearn for You. I pray that You reveal Yourself to them in a way that can’t be denied. I pray that You touch them to humble themselves and seek You with all of their hearts. Please Lord bless them and wrap them in Your love. I pray that they exalt You to the highest place in their lives. I pray that they fully give their lives to You Lord. IJMN. Amen.
Lord I want to pray for Tina. Firstly, I thank You for Your loving kindness and mercy upon her. Thank You for ushering her through the storms of life. Continue to be her strength dear Father.
Lord, You know that satan seeks to steal, to kill, and to destroy. However, what satan wants is irrelevant because Your kingdom rules over all, Hallelujah!
And so to You do I come with me petition for Tina. I call on You Father to have mercy upon her. Please usher her into a season of ease and rest round about. I pray that she will experience an overflow of Your blessings and grace. That her life will be a testament to Your power and an example of Your love. IJMN Amen.
From JIR - God bless you BY. I pray that God showers you in His love so that You can experience how wonderful and beautiful He truly is. I pray that you turn to Him and submit yourself to Him so that He makes the intangible no longer seem intangible. I pray that He stirs your heart in a way which shows His undeniable presence in Your life. I pray that He gives you a hunger for Him to continue seeking Him so that You can truly see how awesome our God truly is. I pray this all In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.
Pray for other people. Remember, you have all day and all week to pray for yourself. But, when we come to this fellowship, we put the prayer needs of others above our own.
Please, don't forget this.
When God directed me to do P&P, this was the instruction He gave and I follow it strictly except where He gives leeway to do otherwise.
I encourage you to do the same and be blessed.
Thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross.
I'm very grateful.
Thank You for paying the ultimate price to set me free from all the devil wanted for me.
Thank You for sacrificing so I could be restored in right relationship with God.
From JIR - Lord, I need You and can’t be without You. You are who I look to. I bow at Your feet in all of Your Majestic Holiness and thank You for all that You do. My life is meaningless without You. Your love for me is undeniable. I thank You for always being there to life me up. You are my hope. IJMN. Amen.
God of Jeshurun.
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The whole world is full of Your glory.
Everywhere we look, we see Your mighty hand at work.
Thank You Mighty God. Sovereign Lord.
Thank You, that there is nothing You cannot do.
From JIR - “Then Hannah prayed: “My heart rejoices in the Lord! The Lord has made me strong. Now I have an answer for my enemies; I rejoice because you rescued me. No one is holy like the Lord! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.”
1 Samuel 2:1-2 NLT
From JIR -
Glorious God. Thank You for being the unchallengeable God.
Thank You for being from beginning to the end.
Thank You for being God alone.
Thank You for being the One we bow to.
The One we give our worship.
You haven't asked for money. You've asked for us to give ourselves to You.
That You would want what is made from dust and cherish us so much is amazing.
Glory be to You, my King!
From JIR - Thank You Lord for being my light. You give me hope. No matter how challenging things may be. You are always there to pull me out. You are amazing. You are wonderful. I look to You for strength and guidance. Thank You Lord for always watching over me. I praise You and worship You. All glory belongs to You. IJMN. Amen.
Worship God, your Creator.
Worship Him with all your heart and with all your might.
It is time to give sincere praises to the Lord.