The Bible helps believers become familiar with God's word and His voice. When this happens, it gets easier to identify satan's voice and works in this world. The Savior said as much in Matthew 22:29 - Jesus answered them, “You are deceived, because you don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God. (HCSB).
The failure to be conversant with God's word makes us prey to satan's schemes. This makes sense given that God Himself stated that people are destroyed by their lack of knowledge in Hosea 4:6.
There is something else that opens people up to satan's deception and that is the ignorance of God's power. Many today are in this very category. They don't believe that god can still part the seas or heal the sick. To them, the God of the Bible either doesn't exist or is on vacation, not worried about the affairs of man.
People with this attitude have become like those warned of in 2 Timothy 3:5 - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. This verse explains how a self-professing Christian can believe that the occult practices of the New Age somehow don't violate God's word. This is how an individual who 'grew up in the church' has no issue with stealing or lying without hesitation.
These individuals are neither attuned to God's word nor aware of His power. They therefore do not genuinely live in the fear of the Lord and so take actions without concern for the consequences here on earth and in eternity.
Are you one of these people? Are you ignorant of God's word? Do you not know of the power of God Almighty and its capacity to grant you favor or to act as a mighty arm that rains blows on you? So many of us want to imagine the Lord is a caricature of Santa Claus - fat and jolly with bags of toys. But, we aren't to act like impressionable children when it comes to spiritual matters. We are to get familiar with God's word and His power. The knowledge of both are available for free in the Bible. We can tap into both through fellowship with Spirit-filled believers, books written to edify and testimonies to His glory. We can't continue to live in error. We can't be 'lukewarm' with our thumb touching the things of God while our remaining four fingers are rooted in the things of the world.
Revelation 3:16 - So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust]. (AMP)
Just as ignorance of the law is no defense, ignorance of God's word and power can't be a defense when the day of our Savior comes. May none of us gnash our teeth and be left outside, uninvited from the banquet, IJMN Amen.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for teaching us, Your children, this day. Thank You for being so mindful of us that You want us to be more aware of Your word and Your power. For then we will not be in error and we will not be unaware of the devil's schemes.
Lord, we pray for grace to remember today's message. That it sink into our marrow and guide us for the rest of our lives here on the earth and in heaven with You, IJMN Amen.