The Lord wants us to live peaceful and quiet lives. This message is all over the Bible, including in the promise He made in Isaiah 32:18 - My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. 1 Timothy 2:2-3, also notes that God wants Christians to "live peaceful and quiet lives in all goodness and holiness".
If that is the goal, why is it that for many of us Christians, our lives are far from that reality?
One reason for this is the fact that satan is on a warpath with Christians. The Bible states that it is like a lion, seeking whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The devil constantly looks for ways to lead God's children into sin and do things that do not please Him. As such, we should not make it easy for our enemy to accomplish its goal. It is therefore imperative that we become serious about the instruction contained in 1 Thessalonians 4:11 - "...make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands..."
God expects His people to stay out of drama. This means we have to avoid creating problems, contributing to problems, or stepping into the problems created by others. This does not mean that we cannot help others solve their problems, after all, the Bible provides examples of God-fearing people who provided solutions in their day. Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon, and Jesus in Jerusalem each received insight from the Lord to solve the challenges of both individuals and nations. Just as God gave them wisdom then, He continues to give His people wisdom today.
We also need to seek that wisdom and apply it so that we do not contribute to anyone else's problems. To achieve this, each of us must learn to mind our business instead of looking to be entertained by other people's issues. If, for some reason, we are drawn into someone's problems, our focus should be to draw God's goodness and solutions into the situation. Not the opposite. This is partly why we are to take the role of prayer intercessor seriously because that way, we can bring God's hand directly into the complex challenges people face. In so doing, God will be glorified and the person will experience His power.
Believers are also called to remain busy with the works of their hands. This means that whatever work a believer is doing, they should do it with zeal as if they are working for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). It is when our hands are busy that we can expect God to bless what they produce (Psalm 90:17). When a believer is occupied with their Kingdom Identity, their profession or business, instead of being a busybody or being lazy, there is less opportunity to become embroiled in 'mess'. This is why the saying goes, "idle hands are the devil's workshop.'
It is not a sin for believers to enjoy themselves or have fun. The Bible records countless moments of His people doing just that. However, we need to be more intentional about how we entertain ourselves and spend our time. Are we striving to live quietly or be involved in drama? Are we aiming to mind our business or be messy? Do we stay busy doing what we are charged with or do we allow ourselves to be lazy? In each of these scenarios, the latter option is contrary to the will of God for our lives. And in that case, we must prayerfully request and receive God's guidance. The more we prioritize His approach to things, the better off we will be. And as we commit to live as 1 Thessalonians 4:11 instructs, the Lord Himself will help us, teaching us how to become better. He will also reveal ways to avoid the pitfalls striving to ensnare us.
Let us each trust in God to transform us for the better.
For more on the Royal Law, please see:
From PBS
Shout out to sis M22 and her family given their recent blessing.
The Worship Version -
The Gbedu/Get Down version -
(originally shared on July 14, 2023)
Back in April of 2022, I remember the Lord clearly telling me to mention to all of us that there was a need to pray for our mothers. I would regularly put our mothers in prayer and call on God for His mercy and grace.
I got a similar message on Tuesday this week (July 11, 2023) but with everything going on, I neglected to share it. Lord, please forgive me because a couple of things have happened this week to Peppers that reminded me of the need to not just share this message to individuals but with the entire group.
Ladies and gents, the Lord wants us to seat ourselves by the well of living water so that when the dry season arrives we are already well-positioned to draw and drink. What does this mean? If you are already in right-relationship with Jesus, then when the challenges of life come, you are well-positioned to lean on Him for the solutions.
If, however, our walk with the Lord is lax, then when the problems arrive, we start scrambling to get right with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We start listening to the devil's lie that 'it's been so long since you took the Lord seriously so He won't take you seriously.'
Such lies are immediately eradicated and powerless if we are already walking with God and going to Him daily, doing the things He wants us to do. If we are spending time in His word and being intentional to create time to hear Him speak to us. Not just talking at Him all the time. I mean think about it. Who likes that person who's always talking at them but never slows down to ask and hear what you think or want to say?
Let's get into the habit of investing in a relationship with God so we're not scrambling when the storms of life hit us.
That said, I praise God that He is happy that you come to Him period. Be it before or after the issues arise. He will help you. Nevertheless, it is always best to be prepared than to have to react to things. God is happy to give us that opportunity so let's take advantage of it.
God bless you!!! If you've got questions on how to achieve this, please don't hesitate to ask. No inquiry is stupid - we are all at different stages in our walk with the Lord and we need one another to grow.
God, I am grateful for another P&P. I am grateful for all those who read/will read today's message. I praise You, Jehovah, for all who participated/will participate in honoring You by giving You the glory and interceding for others. Thank You for the lives they will touch and thereby exalt You in the process. Be Thou highly lifted up, oh Lord.
Father, I place these ones before You, confident that Your will shall be done in their lives. I thank You for blessing them and for covering them in Your love. I praise You, awesome God for all that they shall testify concerning Your might and power in their lives and those of their loved ones.
Thank You, God. IJN I pray, Amen.
Today, we learned that God expects us to seek a quiet life, mind our business, and avoid being idle. If you are yet to start that journey, let us join hands to pray. Even if you are already walking in this direction, please join the rest of us in praying. God is working on all of us and leading us to His expected end. So let us pray to walk with Him in submission.
Father, God. Thank You for being the God who wants the best for us, His children. Thank You for teaching us with the word in 1 Thessalonians 4:11. Truly, it is because You love us that You want the best for us. We call on You to take us by the end and lead us in the way we should go. Father, we submit to Your teaching that we may honor not just this scripture but all of Your scripture. Help us, Lord, for there will be times when our flesh will rise up. Help us to quiet all flesh and focus on what You want instead. Thank You for hearing this prayer. Thank You as well for answering it exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ask or imagine, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I submit myself to you. Please help me calm my mind and put an end to any back and forth mental struggles I am dealing. Abba please help me increase my faith and uproot every form of negative emotions in my life. Help me to seek you diligently no matter the circumstances.
Fellow Peppers, I would really appreciate your prayers as it's been quite tough mentally and emotionally for me since March started. I do my best everyday but sometimes it feels like my best is not enough. I pray and study through word every day but it feels like I am stuck. I really look forward to positive change too
Oh, Heavenly Father. Thank You for being Jehovah Rapha. You are the God who heals and I worship You for this greatness. Glory be to Your Holy Name!
Lord, Your word states in Jeremiah 30:17 - But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’ Your word also states in Isaiah 38:16 - Your words and your deeds bring life to everyone, including me. Please make me healthy and strong again (CEV).
Good God, we know that the enemy wants Your children to fear but Your grace is sufficient to cast down such imaginations and thoughts. And when armed with Your word, we are armed with Your promise, a covenant You cannot break for You are He who cannot lie.
I speak Your word over those looking to You for healing. Lord, You have promised to restore Your people to health and to heal their wounds. As Your people call on You to make them healthy and strong again, I say thank You in advance for Your healing grace upon their lives. Good Lord, You alone shall get the glory for what You have done for them, IJMN, Amen.
From PBS - Hey Peppers—praise the Lord for another day! :rose
((Hugs to everyone)). :heart:
Praying for those needing healing and deliverance…
‘Father in the Name of Jesus, we plead the blood of Jesus upon all seeking healing and deliverance. We know that You are mighty to deliver! Therefore, we boldly come before Your throne asking for breakthroughs and healings within and upon all.
Take over as our Holy Counselor, to instruct and guide us, and every Surgeon, Technician, Doctor, Nurse, Helper, Therapist, and Care provider. Work through the bodies, minds, thoughts, emotions, plans, feelings, education—of us and everyone involved.
Let Your wisdom, understanding, knowledge, discretion, discernment, compassion, safety, respect, and love reign. We rebuke disrespect, mismanagement, gaslighting and improper treatment right now in the name of Jesus!
We declare and stand firm on faith, no matter the situation, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We are overcomers by the Blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimonies—that by Jesus stripes, we are healed!
Lord, we have seen and read about Your mighty works of healing, breakthroughs and miracles. You are God, and You change not!
In fact, Your Word does not return to You void, but always accomplishes what it’s sent out to do. Thank You Lord!
You are the Rock of our salvation, and we confidently rest our hope and trust in You. We put You first before every care provider and ourselves, and cast all of our cares unto You, in the name of Jesus!
At the sound of Your Voice, and the at commandment of Your Word, you rebuked death and destruction off of Lazarus. You also, Father, pulled Jesus up alive on Resurrection morning!!!
Remove every heavy stone that is blocking your beloved, just like you did for Jesus and Lazarus. When others show up wanting to mourn and wail, let the healed declare that in Jesus Name, the tombs are empty and the grave clothes are gone!!!
In the Name of Jesus, we bind all sickness, disease, and dis-ease right now!
We loose the healing and triumphant resurrection power of Christ to flow through every body system and function, in every cell and nerve, every thought and feeling, every organ, in every and all parts of our being—spirit, soul, and body—in the name of Jesus!
We bring forth anything that is hidden to bow its knees NOW and submit to the mountain moving power and authority of Jesus Christ!
It’s Resurrection time—those whom the Son has set free are free indeed!
Glory to God!
Lord, let your holy servants, our angels, go forth to fulfill your assignments to assist us.
Beloved, let us bask in the healing, power, grace, favor, protection and love of our Savior Jesus!
Thank you Father, in Jesus name, for the great things you are doing, will do, and are doing even now before we see them—spiritually and naturally.
We hold fast to our faith and confessions, and stand firmly in patience that we shall see the goodness of the Lord!
To You Lord, be all the Glory, Worship and Honor, forevermore!
Thank You for healing and deliverance, in Jesus name, Amen!’
Almighty God; the Chief of Chiefs that watches over the whole world;
Lord, I lift You up and I praise You for the grace that You show to people every day. Thank You for the close calls and miracles that You grant.
But, God people are being attacked by evil principalities and they are suffering under bondage, sickness, and abuse. They are not experiencing the "fullness of life" that You sent Your Son for. I understand that they have to choose to come under Your son so that in Your covering You will keep them safe.
I call on You, Heavenly Father, to send Your hand of salvation to scoop lost souls out of the darkness. "Even the captives of the mighty shall be set free, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered". So let the people You have destined to be Yours come to You, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
God, I pray for those gathered here today. Thank You for the grace and mercy You have shown them. Lord, I call on You to rest Your glorious and merciful hand upon them. I call on You to cover them in Your hedge of protection. May that shield of salvation extend to all that concerns them. Strengthen them in their inner man by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Teach them to hear You and walk in submission and obedience. Help them to look to You, keeping their eyes on the hills from where their help cometh. I pray that You contend with the enemy who contends with them. That accuser of their souls. I pray that in Your mercy and grace, You will always send Your angels to lift Your children up so they never hit a stone.
I praise You, God. I thank You, Lord. I glorify You, King of Kings and it is IJMN, I pray, Amen.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for sis @FFJ . Thank you for taking care of her, her family, her job and loved ones. Thank you for increasing her in supernatural wisdom, favour and the anointing of the holy spirit. Thank you for expanding her territory and this wonderful community. May her words, thoughts and decisions continue to honor and glorify you IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I thank you for me and my siblings. Thank you for what you are doing, you have done and will continue to do in our lives. Thank you for constantly renewing and transforming us. Thank you for taking care of our mental health and helping us heal from past hurt. Thank you for strengthening us when we feel overwhelmed. Thank you for coming through for my brother and sisters. Thank you Abba as I look forward to you coming through for me IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people struggling in their faith. That you will continue to pour your spirit into them according to your word in Ezekiel 36:26-27. I pray that they can turn to your Word when they feel overwhelmed. I pray that your word in Phillipians 4:7 comforts them always IjMN amen
From M22 - Abba Father I thank you for couples seeking the fruit of the womb. Thank you for turning their waiting into fruitfulness. Thank you for putting an end to miscarriages, failed IVFs and difficult adoption processes. Thank you Abba for blessing them with healthy beautiful babies that they will nourish and nurture in your ways. Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for children across the world. I thank you for nourishing and nurturing them in every ramifications. I thank you for increasing them in supernatural wisdom, favour, knowledge and understanding. I thank you for helping them reaffirm their kingdom identities in you. I thank you for your limitless love over them IJMN amen.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for all my fellow Peppers! Thank you for transforming, renewing and pruning us. Thank you for strengthening our faith and increasing us continually. Abba Father I pray you continue to expand us on all sides. I pray that you help us to lead peaceful and quiet lives that honor you. I pray that you will continue to supply all of our needs through your glorious riches IJMN amen.
Father, You are the God who we call on to bless the works of our hands. Psalm 90:17 - May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.
Although satan claims it has authority, we know from reading Matthew 28:18 that all authority is in the hands of our Savior Jesus Christ. We also know that You have complete power over all that is in the Earth (Psalm 24:1).
As such, dear Lord, I call on You to show favor to Your children in their endeavors and to bless the works of their hands as they seek employment. Guide them toward the place You want them to be in and may they submit to and receive Your directions, to Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for all my fellow Peppers! Thank you for transforming, renewing and pruning us. Thank you for strengthening our faith and increasing us continually. Abba Father I pray you continue to expand us on all sides. I pray that you help us to lead peaceful and quiet lives that honor you. I pray that you will continue to supply all of our needs through your glorious riches IJMN amen.
And now, we get to pray for others. We often forget that we've been beneficiaries of someone else's prayers. Our moms, grandparents, dads and other loved ones have prayed for us. Even strangers have lifted prayers up to the Lord on our behalf.
Now is the time to give to others, but the way we do so is to pray for them.
Know someone dealing with a problem? Write a few words of prayer that mentions them and their issue. Or call on God to bless them in one way or another.
Put your own issues to the side and focus on somebody else, okay?