I remember when I started to walk in earnest with the Lord. Some days were great, but then there were others that were beyond trying. On those days, a random person would be rude for absolutely no reason or, a loved one would say the wrong thing. And before I knew it, all that I'd learned would fly out the window and I'd be right back to my Before Christ days. By the time I got on my knees to pray at the end of the day, I'd be filled with so much remorse.
The Lord had to teach me to accept that such things would happen. That as soon as I learned some new way to change and grow for Him, the devil would fling obstacles to keep me from being better.
Nevertheless, I had to understand that my mistakes were the lessons that prepared me for the next spiritual level. Although I didn't enjoy the failures, God showed me that they strengthened me so I could oppose the enemy the next time it attacked. With time, I discovered that through each failure, God wanted me to learn to identify how satan thought it could attack me. Slowly and with the Lord holding my hand, I got better at recognizing snares and hearing God's caution to stay far away from them. Sometimes, I'd want to be stubborn, thinking that I have enough of my Father's grace to go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. However, the Lord taught me a simple truth from His word - Proverbs 22:3 - Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later (GNT).
This taught me that I should only go where the Lord sends and that not every place or issue requires my attention or presence. I also learned that every soldier in God's army needs their training before they can step into battle. The failures will often qualify as training. So, skipping those lessons is never wise.
Are you looking at your life and hoping to step out of the 'stage' you are in? Are you getting tired of the failures and feel ready to move to the next phase in your walk with God? This is very normal and yet I implore you - please don't seek to skip the lesson God has for you right here in your journey with Him. The Israelites needed 40 years to discover how to properly relate with the Lord because despite how much of His love and might He displayed, they still doubted Him.
It is better to ask God to help you learn the lesson of this season so you step into the next well-armed. This is the key.
Lord, help us to learn the lesson You have for us in this season that we may apply it for Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen.
See you at Noon EST for fellowship where we'll worship, intercede and call on God for the lessons we need to learn.
As you wait for fellowship, consider reading the following previous P&P messages:
Trust God - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) June 30, 2020
Wait on God - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) May 18, 2021
But, can you wait? - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) June 17, 2022
Patience: A Fruit of The Spirit - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) July 6, 2021
Faith vs Trust - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) September 10, 2021
Patience - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) October 5, 2021
Hold On - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) November 16, 2021
_Hear oh Israel, The Lord our God, the Lord is one._ (Dt 6:4)
_The Lord, the Lord, compassionate and gracious!_ (Ex 34:6)
Abba, You are the King of Kings, the wise Creator of all things. No rival of Your will stand, but You will stand forever. The mere mention of Your glory melts hearts, and You are exalted forever.
My Mighty One, I pray over my fellow Peppers, those You've connected to them, and the places they go.
My God, it is written that You have already given them all they need for life and godliness (2 Pt 1:3). Let that Spirit that You have placed with them, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, be activated in them. Please guide them so they do not run into traps by running ahead of You. Be their Father, let them walk hand in hand with You. Amen, in Jesus' name.