I first gave my life to Christ at the age of eight at a neighbor's place. There was something about hearing how Jesus died for my sins that compelled me to become born again on the spot. Sadly, I didn't know what I was doing and with little guidance (the person who'd led me to Christ went back to school), I returned to living for myself and not the Savior. Nevertheless, God was gracious, walking with me, and keeping the worst of things from coming to pass.
Eventually, something terrible happened and I knew I needed a deeper connection with God. With the prayers and advice of friends, I turned my attention fully to God and it was like we'd never parted ways. He did miraculous things and I haven't looked back since. I regularly heard from the Lord, felt the presence of His Spirit, and was strengthened as a believer.
Although my walk with the Lord remained steady, I noticed a few recurring issues. And I wasn't alone. Even the people I ministered to displayed challenges that made me wonder how believers in Christ, who are born again and strive to obey God could still face certain attacks and dominions from the devil.
The Lord kindly pointed me to John 3:5;7 - Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit...You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ A light bulb flicked on in my mind and I knew it wasn't enough to only be born-again without having been baptized in water. My baptism in the Spirit was essential but there was an element I couldn't overlook.
Further study of the Word was encouraging as it revealed that Jesus's ministry didn't truly start until He was baptized in the water by John the Baptist. At the time, John didn't think it was appropriate to baptize the Son of God. However, Jesus said His baptism was needed to fulfill all righteousness (Matthew 3:15). And there, in the River Jordan, God publicly acknowledged Him, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17).
Then I listened to a minister teach that many Christians deal with recurring defeats at the hand of satan because they hadn't completed the instruction Jesus gave to be baptized in the Spirit and in water. This made me more determined to get dunked to God's glory. Plus, in the early church, it was common for new Christians to believe and immediately be baptized in water. The experience of Paul and Silas's jailer in Acts 16 is an example as is that of the Ethiopian Eunuch whom Philip evangelized to in Acts 8.
I also understood that just as Pharaoh and his army couldn't follow the freed Israelites through the Red Sea, so also would the army of my enemy be unable to rise from the baptismal waters after I arise anew. That became my prayer - that I'd step into the Red Sea and the proverbial 'Egyptians' would drown behind me. I committed to obey Jesus's instruction in John 3 and similarly be water-baptized to fulfill all righteousness. That, like Christ, I'd step into a new dimension of faith and journeying with the Lord.
The results were more than I bargained for. As my toes touched the baptismal waters, joy washed over me and I giggled like a toddler. I arose and things were different. My mind was clearer, my mouth tasted different (not because I swallowed the water) and my joy increased.
In my opinion, my water baptism was the start of a closer relationship with God. Granted I also noticed the devil attack more consistently but God helped me see the patterns so I am not overwhelmed. I am learning that this is another role that the Holy Spirit plays: providing a magnifying glass to see the attacks satan intends to have a cumulative and destructive impact upon me. Honestly, I wish I'd taken this step years earlier but I am grateful I was able to honor Christ's instruction in John 3:5.
Are you a born-again believer who is unsure about getting water-baptized? I pray my experience will speak to whatever question or concern you've been struggling with on the issue. Are you a believer who has received the Holy Spirit and has also been through a water baptism? If so, please share your experience and the reasons why you chose to be born both in the Spirit and in the water. Finally, if you are yet to give your life to Christ and become a born-again believer, I encourage you to read the post that follows this. It contains useful information explaining why you should make this choice.
The Lord told me to share my water baptism testimony and so here it is. May the Lord's grace rest upon all of us who read this message and I pray that each of us will fully submit and obey Him. IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Thank you sis @FFJ for your consistency. I bless God for strengthening you to bless us with powerful messages. Knowing I have P&P to look forward to every week keeps me going. It's a responsibility I am happy to bear for as long as God wills it. I look forward to testifying this year IJmN amen.
From M22 - I pray that this year 2024 we will all have the cause to testify. I pray that this is our year of testimonies, victories, blessings, breakthroughs IjMN amen.
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 - With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is my prayer for today's participants, dear Lord. To You be all the glory forever, IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for @B2 that you will continue to perfect you will in her life. I pray that you will continue to perfect your healing in her life. Abba I pray that you will continue to transform her heart from the inside out. I pray that you will supply her needs and that of her loved ones through your glorious riches. I pray that she will have every reason to thank you every waking day. I pray that every tongue that rises against her shall fall IjMN. I pray wherever her name is being mentioned, you will continue to speak for her and hers IjMN amen.
Lord, I thank You for being the King of kings. The God who sits upon the throne. The Almighty One. The Sovereign Lord.
Glory be to Your Holy Name.
I lift up sis FJ. I call on You God to remember her for the sacrifices she has made. I pray You will put her heart and mind at ease and guide her toward Your blessed rest in all things.
I pray that she will experience the blessing of Jabez. 1 Chronicles 4:10 - Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.
Hear her prayers and answer her requests for others as well as herself. Be Thou glorified and let it be known that You alone are her God, IJMN, Amen.
Father, thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for being our loving Father. Indeed You have promised in 2 Corinthians 6:18 - And, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
It is on this basis that I lift up M22. I pray that she will experience Your fathering. Lord, father her in a way that causes her to blossom and grow in a deeper relationship with You. Father, lift her up to be the head and not the tail. May she be blessed in her going and coming. In the city and in the field.
May Your glory continue to rise upon her and may she bask in Your splendor, IJMN, Amen.
We've reached the last 10 minutes of fellowship.
Today, we're going to pray for each other. So, pick one person who stopped in for fellowship and lift them and their needs to the Lord.
Please pray for someone the way you'd like to be prayed for. That means to pray seriously for someone else. God bless you!
From sis FJ - Almighty God, I come before You. You are the Father or Fathers. The God from whom every family derives its name.
Lord, I appeal to Your mercy seat.
Please intervene in schools and classrooms where people lord their power over others. Please consider the children and give them teachers/subs/principals/coaches who fear you and are submitting to You. Whether they believe or not, "God cannot deny Himself". So Abba, just as You used secular kings to perform Your purpose, please also use teachers and school authorities to make positive impacts on the students on their care.
Let there be no yelling or inappropriate behavior. Father, let it simply be a good environment. For the sake of the righteous in the land. I also rebuke also mischief and rebellion from the children, let Holy Spirit touch them.
IJN I pray, amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for anyone struggling with their faith. That you help them navigate one step at a time. Help them know you see their efforts and the steps they take to come closer to you. It is in our weakness, your strength is made obvious. Help us to be reminded of your love and promises for us IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for everyone considering water baptism, that you will provide the resources necessary to take the steps. I rosy that your will be done as we bring it to you in prayer! Amen!!
Father, You are the Builder of Everything. The Giver of Life. Lord, we give You all the glory and praise. We worship Your Holy Name.
Lord, we come to You on behalf of those in difficult work situations. Your word tells us Psalm 127:2 - It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones (NLT). As such, Lord, we rely on You to ensure that we work in a way that does not waste our energy so we enjoy the rest You have guaranteed to us.
That said, Lord, we know satan is always trying to make our lives difficult. But, Hallelujah! You are the God who covers us in His anointing and grace. You shield us from the devourer and You restore what the cankerworm has stolen.
Lord, wherever the enemy is trying to put undue pressure on Your people in their workplace, we cancel that scheme IJN, Amen. However the enemy has forged a weapon against them, we decree the weapon moot and ineffective. It destroys the enemy instead.
We now call on You to give Your children the understanding needed in Your word on how to navigate their careers in a manner that gives You glory. Show them Father, how to be a Daniel, a Meshach, a Shadrach, an Abednego, and an Esther in the midst of pagans. Show them how to align with Your divine plan so You are glorified in that workplace and their names are met with favor that hallows Your Holy Name. IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I commit my siblings in your hands. I pray that you will continue to transform them from the inside out. I pray that their hearts will be fertile grounds for the fruits of the spirits to flourish in. I pray that your will be done in their lives IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for the sick and recovering that your healing power permeates their cells, blood vessels, organs, systems. I pray that you grant them their healing miracles in your due timing. I pray that you guide their hands and eyes of surgeons so they can operate successfully IjMN amen.
Father, You are Helper, Provider, Covenant Keeper, Oath Maker, Healer.
Good God, You know the needs of Peppers, their secret prayers, their unspoken desires.
Lord, move for Your children. Hear my prayer contained in Psalm 27:5-6 - For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord.
Answer this prayer for Your children, sweet Father. IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Heavenly Father I pray for countries affected by war and natural disasters. I pray for restoration in these regions. I pray that you will continue to protect and shield them as you repair their regions. I pray that you will accept the departed souls in your bosom IJMN amen.
From M22 - Heavenly Father I pray for children across the world. I pray that you will continue to nourish and nurture them. I pray that you will continue to shield them from violence, harm and abuse. I pray that they will fulfill your purpose for their lives and they will be burning vessels for your infinite glory. IjMN amen.
From sis FJ - God I praise You for the breakthrough of sunshine today! God I also praise You for the sudden influx of opportunities
From M22 - Heavenly Father I pray for orphans worldwide. I pray that you will fill the voids in their heart. I pray that you will fill the parental security they are missing in their lives. I pray that you will guide and direct their paths IjMN amen.
Lord, I lift up the nations of the world before You. Great King. Your name is Righteous. You are Holy and True. Eternal and everlasting God.
God, Your word tells us Your dominion is everlasting over the nations. The destroyer roams about trying to destroy the foundations of the nations, a foundation that was created by You as You oh Lord are the Builder of Everything.
But, Lord, we Your children, sanctified and called onto You, we know that Your purpose can never be thwarted. We know that what You plan and what You state have already occurred no matter what we see around us to the contrary.
And so, Father, You who still the turmoil of the nations, still the turmoil. Send Your breeze of peace - the Spirit of the Lord across the four corners of the world. Let Him follow our Savior Jesus Christ who goes ahead to encounter those whose lives need change. Let there be revival across the nations that stuns chaos agents. Let Your people stand underneath You, tall and strong that the upright may save their nations to Your glory and by Your grace, IJN, Amen.
From M22 - Heavenly Father I lift up Peppers into your care! I pray that you will continue to strengthen us as we continue to walk with you and devote ourselves to you. I pray that you will cultivate the fruits of the spirit within our hearts. I pray that you will purify our hearts, minds, bodies, spirits and souls. I pray that you will supply all of our needs throughout glorious riches IJMN amen.