If there is one thing the Lord keeps teaching me as I walk with Him, it is that there is so much I don't understand and need to learn. I thank Him for the opportunity, though I wish I didn't have to make so many mistakes in the process. One such mistake occurred recently. I was running some last-minute errands with my entire family. They went to one store while I moseyed over to another shop for some window shopping.
At the back of the store, I saw something that would look great in my kitchen - a utensil holder for my cooking spoons and other knick knacks. It retails for over $50 but was on sale for $8. Now, I've learned to pray and seek guidance before purchases (this might seem like much, but it keeps me from doing what I'll later regret). So, I prayed and asked the Lord if I could have it. The response was affirmative and so, item in hand, I went to pay. Then, I recalled that I wasn't there to buy anything. Plus, given the season, I'd spent quite a bit. Since I live on a fixed budget, I really didn't want to spend on something non-essential. So I returned the utensil holder to the shelf and met up with my family so we could go to our next stop.
The following day, my thoughts occasionally returned to the item I didn't buy. There was a sense that I'd missed something about the experience. When I get that feeling, I know I need to check whether there's something God wants me to know. So, I turned off the distractions, worshipped, and let the Lord know I wanted to hear whatever He had to tell me. I was shocked by what I learned. He noted I hadn't trusted Him in that store. Color me confused! From my perspective, I thought purchasing the kitchen item was optional. The problem, however, was that I didn't purchase it because I was anxious about certain upcoming bills.
There I was thinking I had been a good steward of my resources, but in fact, my choice stemmed from fear. The Lord had to remind me that He'd promised to help me with each bill that was on the horizon. He also pointed me back to every other issue I'd faced where He'd come through with a miracle. I needed to trust that He wouldn't have me spend $8 only to leave me high and dry when the big bills came due.
All I could do was repent for allowing fear to creep into my life. It had morphed into a form I couldn't readily identify and when God tried to help me overcome it, I swatted His hand away. I put myself in His shoes, knowing it would hurt to not be trusted by someone I cared for. Someone I'd helped repeatedly. Once again, I said I was sorry and committed to do better next time.
'Next time' came sooner than I expected. As the day wound down, the Lord told me to return to the store. This came as a surprise because I thought the issue ended with my repentance. Alas, it didn't. I soon understood that I needed to go buy the utensil holder. I confess that I got a bit stubborn and had numerous excuses for why I should stay home. One, it was cold and dreary outside. Two, I still had things to do. Three, I had planned to stay home until after Christmas so I could avoid last-minute shoppers. And four, surely, the kitchen item was long gone. Nobody would have walked away from such a deal. Yet, the more I tried to rationalize things, the more the Lord gently insisted I should get in the car. Then, I recalled my promise to obey and knew this was not the time to repeat my error. I threw on my coat, grabbed my bag, and started the drive. When doubt made me wonder whether the utensil holder was still in the store, I resisted and said out loud, "My God will prove Himself."
The store was crowded but I weaved through focused shoppers to the clearance section. "Lord, will I find this thing?" I wondered as I walked to the back of the store. And there it was! Exactly where I'd left it! How had nobody seen it? Without wasting time, I snatched it up and got in line.
Here are the lessons I learned from this experience. Firstly, the spirit of fear can mask itself in a way you might not readily comprehend. When this happens, we could end up disobeying God. In my case, I truly believed I was being fiscally responsible until God shifted my understanding so I could see from His perspective. Secondly, God is very merciful. Despite my disbelief that the item would be waiting, there it was. He proved Himself despite all my disobedience, fear, and unbelief. Thirdly, He is the God of the second chance. God will provide an opportunity to rectify a failure on our part. In such moments, it is crucial to cooperate and obey.
The Lord was kind in teaching me these things and I am grateful for His patience. He is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11) and therefore, He will be just as kind and patient with the rest of His people who submit to correction and training. Never forget that God will only discipline those who belong to Him (Hebrews 12:10) so we must be willing to receive such correction. I plead with you to simply obey Him at the first instance. Do not make a mistake similar to mine. However, if you do, repent, let Him discipline you, and allow Him to guide you on the do-over. My prayer for everyone reading this message is that God will do all this and more in your life. I pray that God's faithfulness, lessons, and miracles will be a constant fixture for you, IJMN, Amen.
Praise the Lord!!!
Keep your eyes on the Lord. The strategy you need will surely come from Him. It might not seem to make sense but when you apply it, you will witness victory.
A fellow Pepper recently shared a testimony with me about following God's strategy. I tapped into her testimony and also experienced God's strategic blessing as I dealt with a client.
God works, sis.
So, intentionally ask Him for the strategy you need to navigate the issue you face. Remind Him how He gave war strategy to Moses, Joshua, Jehoshaphat, David, and others. Remind Him that He is no respecter of persons, so you seek His perfect strategy now. Sit back, receive with rejoicing and apply in obedience.
He will surely guide you and don't keep your testimony to yourself when it's all done.
God bless you!
From M22 - Happy Holidays Folks! See y'all on Friday!!
Matthew 7:15 - “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
Isaiah 44:25 - who foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, who overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense,
Lord, I join Your daughter in calling on You to foil the signs of the false prophets, the foolish shepherds and the worthless shepherds. May they no longer cover themselves with the fur or be fed from the flock. Place Your sheep in the hands of the True Shepherd as You promised in Your word, IJMN, Amen.
God, You are the Mighty Conqueror. From beginning to the end You remain the same. Thank You for teaching us today that we need to believe in You and not allow fear to make us disobedient. Thank You for teaching us that even when we make a mistake through sin, You are kind and willing to give us a chance for a do-over.
Help us to remember to be faithful to You for You are faithful to us. Help us to remember to love You, for You loved us first. Help us to hold onto You even when it is very tough to do so. May we overcome all fear and resist the devil as our belief in You grows. All to Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen.
Enjoy the rest of your day and the holiday season, Peppers! God bless you.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for today's word on focusing on you and not doubts or fears. Help us Lord to lean on you and rest in your comfort and authority. When fears starts to creep in, help us to be reminded of your word in 2 Timothy 1:7 that you have given us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I thank you for me and my siblings. Thank you for being our father, mother, shield and buckler. Thank you for holding our hands through this year. Thank you for strengthening our faith even in challenges and good times. Thank you for everything that you are doing for us and will continue to do through us IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray that you will continue to perfect your healing in the lives of folks that are sick and recovering. I pray that you will continue to coordinate the eyes and hands of surgeons across the world to perform successful surgeries. I pray that the blind will see, the lame will walk, the deaf shall hear, the mute shall speak IJMN amen !
From AW - Father God, we know that times are tough and money is tight. We don't always understand why things happen the way they do, but we know that you are in control. We ask that you provide for those who are struggling financially. Give them wisdom on how to spend their money and how to save for the future. Guide them in making decisions that will benefit their financial situation. Help them to be content with what they have and not to compare themselves to others. Thank you for being a loving and faithful God. IJMN, Amen!
The Lord is faithful and will take care of everything.
It is hard to remember this when fear and other negative emotions cause you to forget.
Nevertheless, keep your eyes on the Lord and be willing to receive His training and discipline.
Why don't we pray together for help on this?
Dear Lord, thank You for being the God who is faithful and will take care of everything that causes me to forget Your might and Your desire to help me. Please forgive me for those moments where I've allowed anything but faith to make me take actions that don't please you. I pray for Your mercy and grace. I also ask You to help me get better at hearing You, being led by You, and obeying You in all things. Please fill me up with Your Spirit and the understanding I need to navigate life with my hand in Yours. IJMN, Amen.
From sis FJ-
Almighty King! I exalt You. Your ways are higher than my ways, and Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. You who formed the eyes can see, and You who formed the ears can hear.
Almighty God, it is written that Your light shines and the darkness cannot comprehend it.
Mighty King, there are many wicked people planted among believers whose goal is to steal kill and destroy Your sheep. They portray themselves as angels of light, but You know they belong to the darkness. Great Shepherd, please have mercy on Your sheep by uprooting these false leaders. I shine the light of God upon every servant of satan that is present in any of our fellowships. Especially if they are a false leaders, because that means they are deceiving the innocent. Dear God, for the sake of Your name which is great, let Your fire root out and destroy the wicked from among us. We want to give You pure offerings of fellowship, so what fellowship does light have with darkness? Forgive us for ever permitting or welcoming wickedness into our camp. But in Your mercy, expose these people of depraved minds, because their folly will be made clear and they will not last long -- as Your word promises.
Thank You God for uprooting false sheep from our various churches, fellowships, friend groups, and other spaces that we frequent. In Jesus mighty name I pray, amen!
From M22 - Abba I pray for people stuck in abusive and violent situations. I pray that you send them rescue. I pray that you touch tht hearts and minds of individuals, communities, churches, mosques and leaders to do everything neccesary to put an end to abuse and violence in homes, schools, workplaces and every settlement possible. I pray that you help people restore their sense of self, safety and trust. IjMN amen.
From M22 - Abba we thank you for sis @FFJ and every single message shared in this community. Thank you for the impact that you are working through her in this community. Thank you Abba for granting her strength and consistency to move this community forward. Thank you for her life, her family, her job, her ministry and interests. Thank you for everything you have in store for her this new year! IjMN amen.
From M22 - Father I pray for children cross the world. I pray that you will continue to shield them from abuse, harm, starvation and violence. I pray that you will continue to nourish and nurture them so they can fulfil their destinies and advance your kingdom here on earth!! Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people mourning the loss of their loved ones this year. I pray that you will help them as they process their grief. I pray this new year, they will have every reason to be joyous IJMN amen.
Father, for the sick, the weary, the brokenhearted, and the mourning in our midst, I call on You to place Your joy in their hearts. I pray they shall seize the garment of praise made available for them and give You worship. In that way, they discard of the spirit of despair (Isaiah 61:1-3).
I also cry out to You to resolve the issue creating their sadness and displeasure. You are the Fixer of all things, so please take control in their lives, all by Your grace and to Your glory IJN, Amen.
From sis FJ - Father God, I thank You for parents who train their children in the way of the Lord. I thank You because that helps their children to become adults who make a difference in the world through spreading Your light everywhere.
God, in the Bible, Your desire for parents is that they bring forth "godly offspring"
My prayer for children is that You would teach them and "great shall be their peace". Let righteousness rise up in this generation. "Preserve them till the end", as You promise to do for Your children
Thank You God for believers, please continue to strengthen them in the faith and let Your righteousness multiply over all the earth. Let godly ones increase
Father, I call on You to please help Your children to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Build them up, and teach them that You are the God who can always be relied on. Give Your children encounters that refresh and reassure them of Your loving kindness and deep affection for them.
Bless them, Lord. That the ends of the earth might fear You, IJN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for single sisters this season. I pray that as they wait for the right relationships, connections and even spouses. I pray that you help them to focus on their self development and growth. I pray you help them to focus on serving you in any capacity you have instructed them to. Help them know that they will never wait in vain and when the right timing comes, they will have the cause to rejoice IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for everyone that is getting to know you, I pray that you will open their eyes and ears with ease. I pray that you will help them to navigate your word with ease. I pray that you will lead them to wonderful churches, fellowships and prayer groups where other believers can help them as they grow in their relationships with you Abba. I pray that their hearts will be committed to you and you alone. Help them to focus on you and not the distractions of this world. I pray that you purify their foundations in you. Amen.
Lord, You are the great and mighty King. The one to whom we come and make our requests. Glory be to Your Holy Name!
Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Though the enemy tries to challenge Your authority, there is no competition, for You will always be God.
Today, Lord, I lift up the hungry, the homeless, the oppressed, the weary, the wrongfully imprisoned, the orphaned, and widowed. I also call on You to be the shoulder leaned on by the brokenhearted, the stranger, the foreigner, the sick, and the thirsty.
Heavenly Father, please, meet them at their points of need in accordance with Your word in 2 Chronicles 9:8.
IJMN, Amen.