When God wanted to free the Israelites from slavery under Pharaoh, He instituted plagues, split the Red Sea in half, and then used that same sea to swallow up their enemies. Then, while in the wilderness, He ensured that the people had water, food, and security as He led them to Mount Sinai where He actually met with them. There, He invited the elders, Moses and Joshua to spend time in His presence. He also spoke directly to the Israelites, introducing Himself to the entire nation. At that meeting, the people committed to having Him as their only God and promised to never bow to any idols.
How was it then that despite all these miraculous events, which happened within a span of weeks, these same people quickly built an idol to worship?
The whole thing seems so ludicrous when one takes the time to read the entire series of events. However, it will shock most of us modern Christians to realize that we are no better than those Israelites of old. And, in some ways, we may even be worse than they were.
Why do I make this claim? Simple - at that point in time, the Israelites were fresh in their walk with the Lord. They'd spent over 400 years in Egypt and though they had heard of the God of their ancestor, Abraham, they were more familiar with the false gods and practices of Egypt. As such, returning to what they knew - idol worship - seemed like the logical option. Plus, they only asked for the construction of the idol - the golden calf - after waiting for Moses to return from spending time with God. He'd been gone for over a month and they doubted that he'd ever return.
Fear drove them to make the mistakes they did. That and their inexperience with the Lord. While many of us can claim fear as a reason why we are making mistakes, can we claim inexperience?
When we look at our lives, we can admit that we have tasted God's goodness. Remember that problem that was miraculously resolved after a brief plea to the Lord, for instance? What about the issue you went into prayer and fasting on, then saw God work things out for you? We can also acknowledge that we've heard and seen God's might through the testimonies of other people. And despite all this, when the trials arrive, we doubt whether or not He'll come through. We shove the evidence of His faithfulness to the side and create our own solution to comfort ourselves. Just as the Israelites did when they built their golden calf.
Unlike them, we cannot claim to have inexperience with God and must, therefore, lean into our previous encounters so that we don't take steps that are contrary to our commitment to Him. By doing this, we will not break faith with the Lord and will instead rely on our 'Jericho Moments' as well as His stated promises in the Bible. Additionally, we'll be uncaging our faith and putting it to work, which will always result in more being poured out unto us based on Mark 4:24.
Do not let fear cause you to forget your experience with God and what He has done in the past. Never allow the spirit of fear to make you ignore His capacity to solve the problems you face now and in the future. Our God will help each of us, IJMN, Amen.
Heavenly Father!!! You deserve all the glory and all the praise.
Thank You so very much for bringing us to the end of another Praise & Pray. Thank You God for the mercy of this fellowship. For everyone who gave of themselves to You, please impart upon them a double portion of favor and fruitfulness. Let them experience miracles as You express Your perfect zeal for them, IJMN, Amen.
Take all the glory and all the praise, Jehovah. Your word tells us in Hebrews 6:10 - God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
Do not forget that Your children prayed for others as instructed in Ephesians 6:18. Do not forget, Lord, that Your children exalted You as required in Jeremiah 30:19 - From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdained.
Thank You Lord for You watch over Your word to make it good so we know that for their participation in Praise and Praise today, You will add to them, bring them honor and so much more. IJN, Amen.
From BI - My Abba Father, I pray for Your children suffering abusive relationships and domestic violence. Protect Your children from violence and hatred. Grant them safe passage and shelter away from their abusers. Protect them with Your Spirit and cover the with the blood of Jesus. Lord, comfort hearts and transform brokenness. I pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire families to create homes where there is love, peace, unity and where each person is respected IJMN Amen.
Let us return to today's message. The Israelites failed at Mount Sinai because of fear and their inexperience with the Lord.
As we look at ourselves, do we have those excuses to explain away some of the mistakes we are making in our walk with God?
Listen, none of us are perfect, and thank Jesus, that we serve a God who is merciful and compassionate. If like me, you've ever forgotten to rely on Your knowledge of God instead of allowing fear to cause you to fall short, let's pray...
Merciful God, I confess that I've allowed fear to cloud my thoughts and understanding of who You are and who I am to You. For that, I am sorry and repent. Lord, I receive Your forgiveness in faith and I also receive new strength and oil to stand firm when next fear comes knocking. Help me God, to remember all that You have done in my life, and the lives of others around me, as well as Your great feats in the Bible. I pray and commit to remember that You are faithful and will get me through whatever comes my way. And I know that with You, I will not fail next time. IJN, I pray, Amen.
Lord, You are the God of provision and I thank You for Your kind mercies. The Bible mentions that You have all the silver and gold and it is You who gives all good things.
As such, I lift up @M22, bro S, sis FJ, R, O, T, and others who are in need of funds to pay for school.
Father, stretch out Your gracious hand to make miraculous provision available for their needs.
Our Father, You are the God who gives exceedingly and abundantly more than can be asked for. As such, I am calling on You to provide the needs of these ones to the absolute fullest. And please pour out more. For Your word in 2 Corinthians 9:8 states And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in every way, always, having all sufficiency, you may abound in every good work.
Therefore, may their needs be met with more pouring over for them to do good works to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
From AC - YWHW Rapha, Thank You for divine healing, through the Holy Spirit. I lift up JAD, EL, MD, and Auntie S in prayer and I plead for your healing power upon them. For those with upcoming tests, treatments, and appointments, I pray for victorious outcomes, reports, and results. Deliver them from all health alignments, sickness discomfort, and pain. Strengthen and heal all systems, cells, bones, organs, tissue, nerve endings, and vessels. Eliminate the spirit of fear and cover them with Your transcending peace and comfort. In Jesus' I pray name, Amen.
Father, I thank You for being the Mighty Man of War. The El Gibbor. Jehovah Sabaoth.
Lord, I lift up the situation between Israel and Hamas. God, on a Sabbath and on a holiday to Your glory, Israel was attacked, leading to the deaths of many. Several hundred were kidnapped. Father, You see all and You know all. I invoke Your word in Isaiah 45:17. You have declared an eternal salvation for Israel and IJN, and I know that You Jehovah Shalom will ensure that peace comes sooner rather than later.
I want to also pray for the innocents in Gaza who have been affected by the choices of Hamas to bring war to their land. There are too many children and others being killed and Lord, I pray for them as well that as is promised in Psalm 65:7, You shall still the turmoil of the nations. Let Your mercy reign, my God. Father, remember the miracle You worked for Rahab. All around her, the city fell but she and her loved ones were made secure because of her faith in You. For Your faithful in both countries, protect and cover them. Lead them to safety.
God, I also call on You to send angelic help into this situation. When Daniel prayed, You sent an angel, but one of the chief princes, Archangel Michael, had to help him fight his way to Daniel. As such, please send your angels to fight against every prince of Persia and every evil coalition intent on causing more bloodshed and chaos. Remember that You do not abide the stirrer of conflict and You have reserved a bloodbath for those who do not shrink back from spilling human blood (Ezekiel 35:6). Be they in the physical or the spiritual. Lord, let Your way and Your word quickly come to pass, IJMN, Amen.
From sis FJ -
Dear God,
I exalt You as the creator of the universe. I ask you to be Jehovah Jireh to Your people. Give them hope and progress towards their requests. I know that those who serve the Lord will lack no good thing, so please remember them for their labors of love. Thank You God for defeating the enemy for their sake, amen in Jesus name.
Creator of the Universe, we call on You to do the heavy lifting and meet the needs of the poor, the thirsty, the hungry, the sick, the weary, the oppressed, the brokenhearted, the orphan and the widow (Jeremiah 22:3; Isaiah 1:17). We also call on You dear Father, to meet the needs of those who are new to the Faith and Your Word.
You are the God who parted the Red Sea and the River Jordan. Word of Your feats for Your children weakened their enemies. Lord, let Your power and promises be fulfilled in the lives of those some consider to be the least in this world. Hold them up and lift them from the dust heap. Transform their lives. I pray that they will recognize You as the source of all they need and turn their eyes to You, IJMN, Amen.
On Tuesday, I'd prayed for people seeking funds for school...
Just want to thank God as one of the ladies who I listed as a prayer subject is now halfway to their goal!!! They just found out right before P&P started today.
Lord, thank You so very much for being the prayer-answering God. I believe You have taken care of this issue and the rest of the funds she needs will quickly roll in. For You always finish what You start, my God.
And to all who prayed along with that prayer point, God bless you!!! The rest of the folks on that list are waiting but our God is a good and gracious God. He has already made a way and did so when we prayed. Now we await God's favor and grace for them too.
Praise the Lord with me, somebody!!
From BI - I pray for peace in Israel and that You Lord will take control. I pray that justice, truth and love will prevail in Israel. Lord, grant courage and hope where hearts are fearful. Where there is anxiety, grant Your reassurance and shalom peace. Lord, grant strength to the weak. I pray that weapons will be placed down and for cessation of hostilities. Abba, seize control of Your holy land and restore what is broken. I pray for the rebuilding of ruined homes, businesses and communities. For those that have suffered loss, grant them the warmth of Your comfort IJMN Amen.
It is time to transition to PRAYER.
Let us use this opportunity to act as intercessors for others. We have several things we want to ask the Lord for but we put them aside now to cover others in prayer. Abraham, Nehemiah, Amos, Daniel, Jeremiah, Moses, Esther, Solomon, and others interceded for God's children in prayer. Note, they are men and women we recognize as being held by the Lord in high regard.
We join them in doing the same right now IJMN, Amen.
Let us pray....
Revelation 4:8 - ...“ ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.”
If the four living creatures say this to You nonstop, then, so will I God.
You are Holy and Righteous oh Lord. Thank You for being this and so much more.
Glory to You and You alone!
From AC - Mighty God, how honorable and splendid You are! I marvel at Your magnificence for there are no boundaries to Your greatness! You can never be praised enough!
Thank You for deliverance
Thank You for breaking the Spirit of fear which seeks to imprison us
Thank You for healing
Thank You for freedom
Thank You for breaking strongholds
Thank You Lord for what the enemy meant for evil, You turned it around for good!
Glory Hallelujah!
Genesis 28:15 - I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Father, the Covenant-Keeper! Lord, I thank You for mercy and grace. I thank You for being He who will never leave us. You will never abandon us. And because Your promises for us are for eternity, we know You will always be by our sides.
From BI - Thank You my King of kings for ruling in my favour. Yes, I am alive. I went to sleep and woke up. I have something to eat and drink in the comfort of my home. I have clothing, job, wages and so much more. You are too good to me Lord. Thank You Thank You Thank You El ROI, the God that sees me.
God, we are very grateful for what You have done for us. You have walked with us in the fire, shut the mouth of lions in the lions den, and brought us, in praise, to victory.
Glory belongs to You and You alone!
You are the only God. There is none other and there will never be another. From the beginning You were and to the end You will be.
From AC - Happy Friday Peppers, I pray it has been a blessed one thus far.
Thank You @FFJ for today's powerful and timely word. I wrote about this subject just yesterday in my journal and also reread a message you had written last year on Dec 13th regarding the box of fear. Despite all of my victories I still struggle with my fears, but I praise God for His patience and strength because He has been gently helping me to confront these them. Today's P&P message was confirmation.
Abba I am so grateful for this new day You have made and for the ability to fellowship with Your sons and daughters today. We praise you that through Jesus, we have victory over the Spirit of fear, for He has empowered us with a Spirit of power and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). May You give us all the strength to stand firm in our faith, stay rooted in Your Word and lean on You alone. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen
Father, I return to express my gratitude for P&P 300. I am so thankful for those you brought to worship you. I am also very grateful for those who took the day's assignment seriously and prayed for their fellow Peppers.
Lord, none of that could have happened without You.
So, I take this opportunity to thank You and praise Your name for all You did for us on Tuesday.
Glory be to You, our ever-present God. He who reigns forevermore.
From BI - Thank You Lord for supplying my every need. Thank You Abba Father for granting beauty instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning and garment of praise in place of the spirit of heaviness. Thank You for uprooting out of me all You did not plant in me. Thank You for all You have done for me, all You are doing and all You are going to do in my life and destiny. May Your Name be hallowed infinitely.
Alright brothers and sisters. Are you ready to give the God Almighty the praise and thanksgiving He deserves?
He has brought you through rivers, fires, and other calamities. He has kept you from entering places where satan was waiting to destroy you. He has covered your family throughout this year. Even when times were hard, He ushered you through. You've lived to fight another day with Him by Your side.
Let us join to express our gratitude to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 - give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.