What comes to mind when you think of the word 'fool'? Many of us think of fools as silly, harmless people. We may even jokingly call a funny person "a fool", not as an insult, but just as a form of normal conversation.
But did you know God sees fools differently? To Him, a fool is a dangerous and evil person. Here's what the Bible says about such characters in Isaiah 32:6 - For fools speak foolishness and make evil plans. They practice ungodliness and spread false teachings about the LORD. They deprive the hungry of food and give no water to the thirsty.
Look at the highlighted text. Does such a person seem harmless? These are the sort of people believers are to stay far away from. Remember what we recently learned about Psalm 1? Those who neither spend time with the wicked nor behave like them will be blessed with prosperity. In addition, Proverbs 22:3 teaches that The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. A foolish person is thus the very danger you must avoid so as not to experience negative consequences.
More important than keeping fools at bay is that believers must not display or harbor Biblically foolish tendencies. Ask yourself, do you speak worthless words? If you're not sure what those are, imagine the things you say online, hidden behind your internet persona. Would your pastor approve? Your grandma? What about God?
Are you someone who makes evil plans to harm or hurt others? Even if that wasn't the original intention. Do you do things God calls ungodly such as adultery, fornication, occult practices, gossip, lying etc? And, do you speak falsely about God thereby spreading false teachings about Him? Can you see the hungry without your heartstrings being tugged? Can you walk by the hungry and thirsty without looking for something to give them? Certainly, there could be times when you're not in a position to be of assistance but when you are always unwilling to help? If any of these are things we currently do, we must decide to change and take steps to keep turning away from what displeases the Lord. In so doing, we will not be among the foolish.
This is just to remind us all that as we wait on the Lord to make the difference in our lives, let us see our waiting period as the time to allow God to change us for the better. Let's wean ourselves from the foolish things we did and grow from spiritual babies to those who consume something other than spiritual milk (1 Peter 2:2). It is not easy, but the Lord has promised to help. He will make us aware of the little changes we can make every day. God wants to give us His best. He knows all our struggles and He knows how we can overcome them. We just have to rely on Him as He helps us avoid the ways of the foolish and instead live a more righteous lifestyle.
The benefits far outweigh the negatives. Plus, the Lord wants to build us up to be the vessels He uses here on earth for great things in His name. May we all move closer to Him as we choose to let go of the foolish things we did, and start doing more of what will please Him on our journey to receive the fullness of life He's promised, IJMN, Amen.
See you at Noon EST for fellowship. God bless you!
Father, there are so many things we don't understand. So many areas of our life that are influenced by the ways of the world instead of being touched by the knowledge of heaven.
Thank You for being the God who is always teaching and giving us His wisdom. Thank You for shifting our perspective on fools and foolish things, that we will be cautious to avoid them. What is man that You would be so mindful of us, Lord? Thank You for caring for us.
As You love us, I pray that everyone who participated today will be blessed for it. I ask, dear Lord, that You give them an encounter with You where they see the fool or the foolish thing and can choose to step away. Please, cover them in Your grace, protection, and mercy. That we may meet again next week for fellowship feeling refreshed and revived in our spirits, IJMN, Amen.
*From T1983* - Sorry peeps that I haven’t joined lately,my mental health was in a little bit of a funk lately but I’m feeling better… Thank you God for healing my arthritis and continue to do so… most importantly THANK YOU GOD FOR LETTING ME LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER BIRTHDAY… Thank you for giving me the strength to keep going,forgiving me for my sins.
I pray that having read today's message, you can see a few things in your character that you are willing to do differently so as to stay far away from fools and foolish things. I know I did.
None of us is perfect and God knows this. Yet, once we make the commitment to walk with Him, He starts helping us to be better than we were before we took His hand to do this thing called life. He wants to make us shine and have others look at us and wonder what makes us so different.
One way He does this is by stripping us of the things holding us back from enjoying the fullness of His blessings. So if today's message highlighted something you want to change about how you do things, please don't leave fellowship and then forget to make that change. Take some time right now to jot down what's come to mind. Even if you're not so sure, just write it down and ask God to give you more understanding of if that behavior or person is one that you need to let go of. He who called you onto Himself is faithful to answer the questions you have.
Now, let's pray together, shall we?
God, thank You for opening our eyes to Your perspective on fools and foolish things. You alone can help us so we don't qualify as foolish and so it is to You we come today on this issue. Lord, we repent for the foolish things we have done in the past. We understand now that those things do not please You. Help us to recognize and stay away from such. Also, help us to recognize the things we do that make You smile that we may do more of these things to Your glory. Surround us with people whom You have chosen to help us in our Godly purpose and make us the sort who are lifting others to fulfill the purpose for which You created them. IJMN, Amen.
Thank You, Lord. All glory belongs to You and You alone.
Mighty God, Your word promises in Isaiah 32:5 - No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected.
May we witness this transformation, IJMN Amen. May our children see a time when the fool is seen for their true nature and people are rescued from the scoundrels.
Psalm 90:16 - May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children.
IJN Amen.
*From AC* - Abba, thank You for the precious gift of children and loved ones of all abilities that bless our lives.I lift up those with special needs and their families before You. Regularly there are emergencies, financial burdens, overwhelming mental and physical fatigue, isolation, hopelessness, and fear that these families endure on a daily basis. Refresh them with the strength and courage they need to get through each day and fill them with Your transcending peace, steadfast hope, and patience during their moments of struggle. Bless the families who lack resources and access to quality healthcare, education, and therapies, and lead them to economic opportunities and services that will provide adequate care for their loved ones with special needs.
Abba, help children with disabilities to know they are loved and they matter to You and the world. Cover them with your love and protection and eliminate the cruel stigma towards them. Bless them with supernatural abilities and elevate their position in this world. Pour Your mighty healing powers upon them, for Your Glory. In the Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Heavenly King. You sit on the throne and have eternal and everlasting dominion over things seen and unseen. You are Holy Lord God Almighty.
Psalm 72:1 - Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness.
Father, I pray for leaders who lead in righteousness and justice to come into positions of authority across the world.
IJMN, Amen.
*From BI* - Lord, I lift up in prayer the homeless. Lord, You are forever our refuge and strength so I call upon You to provide warmth, shelter and strength for the homeless. I pray that You ease their fear and fill them with peace. Let them feel Your divine presence and know that they are not alone. Lord, help us to see Your face in every homeless person we come across and offer what we can. I pray for an increase in resources to tackle homelessness so everyone can have a warm and safe place to sleep IJMN Amen.
*From AC* - EL Rapha, I plead for Your supernatural healing power upon JAD, Mama K, Auntie S, @k, @AW, @MFC, GrandmaFC, and all others here and their loved ones, who seek Your healing. Deliver them from all health alignments, discomfort, and pain. Eliminate the spirit of fear and fill them with Your transcending peace. Strengthen and heal all systems, cells, bones, organs, tissue, nerve endings, and vessels. Bless them with easy access to quality healthcare and guide the hands and minds of the medical team entrusted with their care. Please grant them a healing victory for Your almighty glory! In Jesus' Name, Amen
From sis OD - Tomorrow is my bday, I ask for prayers that I align to what expects of me. May the lord guide, bless and protect me in my life, at my job, my businesses and with family/friends.
Let's turn our attention to the needs of others right now. Please start praying for people. Call on God to help your siblings, friends or coworkers.
Pray for people who are going through tough times. You likely read something recently you can pray about.
God bless and guide you as you do.
*From BI* - Thank You Lord for seeing me safely to the end of April. Thank You Lord it did not end the way the devil planned. It has ended in praise all to Your glory.
I exalt You Lord.
Thank You for the great things of this week.
Thank You for the not so great things that happened.
Your plan and timing are perfect in all things.
I submit to You now and always for You are my only God.
My Fortress.
The Ancient of Days.
My Salvation!
Lord, You are worthy to be glorified. From the beginning, all of creation has praised You.
I join the chorus of creation in giving You my worship!
Praise be to God!!
*From AC* - Thank You Abba, for Your providence and for taking care of all of my needs this week, and for blessing me in abundance. Thank You for resolving these issues in more ways than I could have imagined. Thank You for me teaching me that Your ways are higher than mine - even when I don't understand I know that Your will is perfect. Forgive me for not coming to you sooner on certain issues. I am so grateful for Your mercy and patience towards me. You are such a kind and gracious Father and I praise Your Holy splendor. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
*From UNCG* - We have made it through another work week - TGIF! Glory to God!
Thank You great and mighty God for bringing us all to the end of another work week. Thank You for preserving us, taking to and from. Thank You for giving us food to eat and water to drink. Thank You Lord for the comforts we enjoy. Many around the world don't have consistent electricity, water, and the other services many of us enjoy.
Thank You for taking care of us.
*From BI* - Thank You my Abba Father for being a light unto my path. Thank You for every air that I breathe. Thank You for not leaving me nor forsaking me. Thank You my Lord for granting me Your mercy, grace, forgiveness, kindness and so much more than I can ever count. Thank You for all that I have and all that I dont’t have for everything happens in Your own time. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
From sis OD - Praise the lord…Praise his holy name