I have learned over the years that not everyone who smiles in my face can be trusted. I've also discovered that not everyone who treats me nicely is actually a nice person. In some cases, the Lord has graciously allowed me to learn these lessons from a distance. By this I mean I got to see things play out in another person's situation. Nonetheless, I've had experiences where I discovered the significance of letting God determine who my friends are and create the rules for these relationships.
In understanding friendship, the Lord has consistently pointed me to His word in Proverbs 18:24 - One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Notice that a friend can either be unreliable, and thus lead a person to destruction, or so loyal that they become more than just a friend. The latter will not lead a person to ruin but will instead bless the other person in the short and long term.
This sort of relationship is exemplified through David and Jonathan's friendship. The Bible introduces us to their relationship in 1 Samuel 18:1-4 - After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.
Jonathan was the king's son, while David was a young man whose family rejected him. He'd been relegated to caring for his father's sheep, a job his father's servants could have handled. If you recall, when Prophet Samuel came to David's house and asked for the sons of the house to be presented, his father, Jesse, didn't think to have David called back from the pasture until God informed the prophet that a son was not present (1 Samuel 16). His older brother even called him conceited and wicked when he inquired as to what the reward would be for killing Goliath (1 Samuel 17). This is to show how others saw David.
Yet, none of that mattered when he met the king's son. By this time, David was known as the giant slayer and Jonathan instantly knew that David would be more than a friend but a brother to him. So much so that the Bible states on two occasions that Jonathan loved David as he loved himself (1 Samuel 18:1 & 3). And to illustrate this, Jonathan took the very hallmarks of his princely rank - his robe, sword, bow, and belt - and gave them to David. He gave his friend the things that identified him as a prince of the kingdom. Whatever status David once had in his family was changed. Plus, when David's life was in danger because the king was jealous and wanted him dead, Jonathan went against his father. When he discovered the conspiracy, he informed his friend of his father's wicked plans and protected him from falling into the trap.
This is the sort of loving care that is absent from romantic relationships. Yet, it was on full display in the Bible between two friends. And it didn't end when Jonathan died. Instead, when David was king, he remembered his covenant with his friend. It became the basis upon which Jonathan's only surviving child, Mephibosheth, rose from poverty to become a member of the king's household years later. And when the remaining descendants of Saul were to be killed because of a curse their forefather had brought upon the land, Mephibosheth was spared.
Godly friendships carry a lot more weight than you realize. When the Lord brings a friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister in your life, that person must be treated well. They must be treated the way you would like to be treated. You must realize that such a friend is not defined by whether they can bring you more social clout and influence. They are not to be defined by whether they will confirm your biases and say whatever you want to hear. A true friend from God will consider your best interest at all times. And because they are subject to the Lord, they will speak God's wisdom to you even when it hurts. They will make sacrifices for you out of the fear of the Lord. They will even go against their family to support you if need be. Such a person loves you and will step into the physical and spiritual battles of life with you. For this reason, they leave the realm of friendship to enter the realm of family. Both parties will surely benefit and it won't be a one-sided relationship.
However, you have to let God pick and send these people into your life. You can't decide who they are on your own and then go seeking them out. Instead, you should fast and pray for God to send God-fearing people whom He has chosen to walk on the journey of life with you. Not just as friends but as brothers and sisters in Christ. That He may be glorified and that your friends and yourself may be blessed. And, you must pray to be this very type of person to the ones He has called you to befriend as well.
See you at Noon EST for fellowship.
Thank you God for this message. Funny enough I have been struggling with friendship lately and this is a timely message for me to study and apply into my life.
I appreciate the friendship that are like true siblings to me. That support, uplift, honor me, allow me to be my authentic self, prayer partners, and fill me with laughter.
I don’t take them for granted. I thank God for them daily.
Lord bless my true friends you provided to me and anyone who is not my friend, pls remove them from my life.
Thanks you for my P n P family. May you guide and protect them. Create genuine friendships in this family as we serve the lord weekly. Amen