How many of us realize that when we signed up to have Jesus as our Lord and Savior we also signed up to be a part of an army? As believers in the Lord and what He stands for, we have joined the Army of God. You likely didn't understand that your choice meant voluntary conscription into military service but that is exactly what has happened.
The devil knows this only too well, however. And that is one reason why it attacks you in numerous ways. Its goal is to weaken you on the battlefield and remove you from the equation (John 10:10). If you become an ineffective soldier, the area you were meant to defend suddenly becomes susceptible to the devil.
This is why many people report that their lives got worse when they chose to walk with God - when a person truly commits to the Lord that the enemy sees them as a threat. Once that happens, it will do everything it can to get that individual to give up their position in God's army. That way, the territory under their protection is left undefended and is easy to attack. That territory could be the person's family, their office, their neighborhood, or even a specific individual God wanted them to cover with the anointing upon their life.
Do you see why it is so crucial to keep forging ahead with the Lord even when things get difficult? Think about the countless lives that will be affected if you drop your spiritual weapons and walk away from your duty post. Job experienced this. The devil wanted him to curse God and turn from Him. If Job had submitted to satan's will, his friends would not have been blessed when he prayed for them. Additionally, he would not have received the double restoration God had waiting (Job 42:10).
This should remind us why praying for others is so important as opposed to just praying for ourselves and our loved ones. Each of us has someone or something God wants us to prayerfully watch over. He has given us the authority to wield the weapons of our heavenly warfare and determine the outcome of situations for individuals, families, nations, and even generations (Psalm 149).
Are we going to let satan punk us out of our assigned position? Shall we go AWOL from the battlefield abandoning the vulnerable that need us? Will we leave our fellow Christian soldiers undefended? Will we let the enemy win?
This year, we have to be mindful of our status as soldiers in God's army. He has strategically positioned us to bring His light into dark places. Put on your uniform, Christian soldier. Pick up your weapons of prayer, praise, fasting, evangelism, and intimate time with God's word. Strike the enemy down wherever it is trespassing, knowing that this earth, along with everything in it, belongs to the Lord (Psalm 24:1). Remember that Jesus has given us great power. Luke 10:19 - I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
We are well-equipped soldiers in God's army and cannot be harmed by the enemy. Plus, no weapon formed will prosper, by His grace. So, sign up for the Lord's army today, and don't quit. Don't let the enemy convince you to give up on God and His plans for you. Be on the offensive, using Your spiritual weapons to wage war as Your Commander instructs. Onward, Christian Soldier. Onward.
From M22 - Abba, I pray for regions affected by war, natural disasters and man made disasters. I pray for restoration in this regions. I pray that you will restore everything citizens have lost in thousandfolds. I pray that you will send them every aid neccesary to receiver IJMN. I pray that you will accept the departed souls in your bosom IJMN! I pray against every reoccurrence IjMN amen!