Earlier this week, we discussed that there are promises tied to you that are not for you. We understood that such promises are waiting to be fulfilled in the lives of our descendants as was the case for Abraham and others in the Bible.
Today, we look at this issue once more. However, we consider an additional perspective. Can we imagine being stepping stools for future individuals who are not related to us genetically? See it is easy to accept that we need to lay a foundation for our biological descendants. After all, the Bible states that a good person leaves an inheritance for his children's children in Proverbs 13:22. Yet, as Christians, we also need to keep in mind that we are related to our brothers and sisters in Christ. These are individuals with whom we likely will never share DNA, but we will always have the blood of Jesus Christ in common with them. We have a duty to also leave them something they can build upon.
Many of us are incapable of looking beyond ourselves and our loved ones to consider our responsibility to future generations of Christians. We also struggle with accepting that there is a role we are to play in the promises that are to come for them. We don't realize that God seeks to use us as part of a chain to transmit His wisdom to the world today and in the future. These are the types who are referred to in Hebrews 11:39-40 - These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. Think about the likes of Abraham, who had to wait for us - a people of the future - to receive the promises that they received on our behalf. People like Him left a legacy for us to learn from and build upon.
We don't even have to go all the way back to Biblical times. Think about the great men and women of God of years past. Those who triggered God to move with their piety and their prayers. Some ministers wrote books and recorded teachings sharing what God taught them in the Bible and through miraculous encounters. They left examples of how to live and move as people of faith who impacted the world around them by what happened in their quiet time with the Lord. They understood their responsibility to leave something behind for those who were to come. Those who would experience the promises that had eluded them.
Take an honest look at the Body of Christ today and ask this question - will we collectively leave things better or worse for future believers? Now let us turn our attention to ourselves and ask, are we making choices that will help those who come after us to stand firm in the knowledge of God and His word? Are we teaching our children about God and speaking of Him with reverence? Are we breaking faith and displaying examples of disbelief instead of unflinching trust? Are we speaking falsely about Him to others who need to be encouraged? Are we sharing testimony to His glory? Are we carrying ourselves in a way that future generations of Christians can emulate? Or will they despise us for not leaving them a nest egg that they could build upon as they waited for the promises of God for them?
We have previously learned that God's people have a responsibility not just to their fellow believers, but even to non-believers. Now, we understand that the responsibility extends to future generations in our family and in the family of Christ. It all might seem daunting but we serve a God who is more than able to help us every step of the way. He has accepted responsibility for us and is committed to ensuring we are successful on these issues and many others per Philippians 2:13 which states For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him (NLT).
We, nevertheless, have to put in some work. We have to cooperate with Him, His word, His Son, and His Spirit. We have to let Him lead us so that we will be the ancestors in Christ that future believers will praise God for. They may never know our name or our face, but our contribution to them can and will make a difference if we become intentional about laying the groundwork with love and faith for future Christians.
We are the beneficiaries of a great faith that God crafted with His hands over the millennia. He used Individuals and groups to build up a collective understanding of who He is and what He is ready to do. We cannot relinquish our role in getting future generations to step into that faith and experience the promises that await them. That role may seem miniscule, but that doesn't change its significance.
The Lord God will help us all.
From M22 - Happy weekend Folks! This community keeps me going and accountable when I struggle with my faith. I thank God for sis @FFJ and everyone of you. Everytime I struggle, I remember that there are others like me going through the same and praying for them pleases God most importantly. God bless you all. Amen.
Thank You, Jehovah for bringing us to the end of another Praise and Pray. We are grateful for Your mercy and kindness upon us.
Father, be magnified through our focus on You and our desire to honor You in this way.
Be forever exalted through our words and deeds. Be forever exalted in our hearts.
Glory be to You! He who was, who is, and who is to come, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I thank you for sis @FFJ. Thank you for empowering her to love this community forward. As she obeys your will for her and this community, I pray that you will continue to prosper her in all her ways. I pray that you will bless her, her family, her loved ones and all that concerns her. May she never grow weary in her walk with you. IJMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for my siblings. Thank you for being our father, mother, shield, buckler, sanctuary and hiding place. Father Lord thank you for teaching us, transforming us and renewing us. Father please help us to heal from past hurt and pain. Help us to move forward and grow in your love and everything you have in store for us. Abba Father I pray that you remove every stumbling blocks and help us overcome every difficulties in our lives. I pray that you help us know your will for our lives. Thank you Abba for helping my baby sister finish her exams today. Thank you Abba for i trust you will take care of my brother, his mental health and help him pay off every unsettled debts. Thank you Lord for my twin and helping her navigate her graduate studies. Thank you Lord for what you have done, you will do and will continue to do. May your name be exalted IjMN Amen
From JIR - Heavenly Father, please look over those who have lost hope in life. Please bless them with love, comfort, peace and hope. Please rebuke any lies from the enemy causing them to be hopeless and in despair. Please rebuke their depression and bless them to turn to You for comfort and love. Please bless them to open their hearts to You. Please bless them with faith and belief and the tenacity to turn to You with open arms and build a relationship with You so that they may no longer feel hopeless. IJMN. Amen.
Does today's lesson seem strange to you? Don't worry, I felt turned inside out when the Lord helped me understand that I have a role to play in the future of God's people on earth and the promises they will receive. Think about those in the past who used scripture in a way we now see as improper. Those people were walking with limited knowledge and if we are to be honest, we are similar except that God in His mercy has made more of His wisdom available to us. Thus, there are certain things we now have a richer perspective of.
That will be the case for future Christians as well. The question is will they receive a legacy of faith and Christian conduct that they can build on? Are we setting them up to boldly step into the promises God has established for them in the future? Each of us has a responsibility, not just to our loved ones and descendants but also to God's other children who are yet to be born. We have to live and walk in our faith as we wait for the miracles we will never see but they will enjoy.
Let us pray together -
Lord, please forgive me for being ignorant of my responsibility to my future brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank You for bringing this concept to my attention and taking the time to teach me. I know You did this so I can be more responsible and more aware of my potential impact on others. I call on You to keep me mindful of my role to future generations of Christians. Even if I impact only one person, I pray to do so in a manner that honors You and stretches through time to bless that person. I know there is no distance with You. You who spoke in the beginning and Your word still works. Please hear me as I pray today and answer this prayer for whoever I will affect in the future. All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
Lord, You are the great and mighty King. The one to whom we come and make our requests. Glory be to Your Holy Name!
Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Though the enemy tries to challenge Your authority, there is no competition, for You will always be God.
Today, Lord, I lift up the hungry, the homeless, the oppressed, the weary, the wrongfully imprisoned, the orphaned and widowed. I also call on You to be the shoulder leaned on by the brokenhearted, the stranger, the foreigner, the sick and the thirsty.
Heavenly Father, please, meet them at their points of need in accordance with Your word in 2 Chronicles 9:8.
IJMN, Amen.
From AC - Lord, I lift in prayer the regions of our world gripped by violence and turmoil. I plead for Your mercy upon the innocent, that You will cover them with Your divine protection, provision, refuge, comfort, and strength amidst the chaos. May Your hand bring forth justice against the perpetrators of evil and corruption, rooting out the wickedness that sows havoc, destruction, and death. Raise up wise, capable, and righteous leaders with hearts towards peace, that will usher stability and healing to these troubled nations. In the mighty name of Jesus, I offer this prayer, believing in Your power to bring about transformation. Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for people that are sick and recovering. I pray that you will heal them beyond medicine ans technology. I pray for those worried about paying medical bills that you will provide for them to pay their bills. I pray that finances will not be a barrier in improving their health IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for people struggling with homelessness and poverty. You are Jehovah Jireh. I pray that you send help their way. I pray that you bless them with beautiful accomodations and better standard of living. I pray that you direct them to people and opportunities that will change their lives for the better. I pray that they will find their provision and security in you Abba! Amen.
From M22 - Father I pray for children across the world. That you will continue to shield and preserve them from violence, intimidation and abuse. I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of their parents and caregivers to nourish and nurture them in your ways. I pray that they love up to your purpose for their lives. I pray that you help them to fulfil their destinies in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Glory be to God in the highest. King of kings. Lord of lords. He who fills mouths with rejoicing. Hallelujah!!
Isaiah 60:17 - Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler.
Lord, the wealth of this world is Yours to do with as You will. This despite the fact too many of the devil's acolytes seem to hold onto it.
However, You have declared that the wicked will hoard and You will disperse their wealth to those who are pleasing to You.
Therefore, Lord, let the wealth of nations come to Your own. Great Provider, open doors of provision for Your children. Provision that they understand as Yours to be used for Your purpose and not their desires, IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for people struggling with their faith. I pray that you help them develop in their character and faith. Just as you taught and promoted Job. I pray Father that you open the hearts and minds of these individuals to your teaching. I pray that you refine theit faith and character according to your will. IJMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father you are Jehovah Jireh. You take care of the birds of the air and the fishes in the sea. What more we humans that you have made above these creatures. Father I pray that you supply all of your needs through your glorious riches. I declare your word in Deuteronomy 28:12 over us all. I pray that our cup will never run dry. Father Lord please open us up to opportunities beyond our expectations IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray that you will break every protocols attached to our favour, upliftment, breakthroughs and victories IJMN Amen
From M22 - Thank you Father for rhe opportunity to worship with my fellow Peppers today. Thank you for teaching us, transforming us, and renewing us for your glory. Thank you Yahweh for making a way where there is no way. Thank you for removing every stumbling block against our advancement. Thank you for supplying our needs. Thank you for blessing us beyond our expectations. Thank you Mighty Father for contending against those that contend against us. We bless you Lord that we can depend on you in any circumstance. May your name be glorified IJMN amen
1 Timothy 2:1-4 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Father, we pray for good leaders who give You glory in their positions of authority. We call on You for leaders at all levels of society who are guided by You and strive to serve You. You want us to live in societies that have good government so as to live quiet lives that are godly and holy, and so others become saved and come to know You.
Please hear and answer this petition to Your glory and by Your grace, IJN, Amen.
Let us turn our attention to prayer and cover others via petition and intercession.
Please remember to put your prayer needs to the side and pick up the issues of others. Please pray fervently.
One look at the news and you'll see there's more than enough for us to pray about because so many are struggling. Our role as children of God isn't merely to ask for blessings upon ourselves. One of our most important roles is to take the power God has given us in prayer and use it for the good of others to His glory.
Please, let us come together and pray on these and so much more, believing that where 2 or more are gathered, the Lord is with us (Matthew 18:20). And where the Lord is, there is freedom from whatever we pray against (2 Corinthians 3:17).
It is time to intercede.
From AL - You continue to show up in my life right when I need You most. Thank You for keeping me covered by Your Grace and beautiful Mercies. I Love You So Much!!!
This message is timely. I was just talking to my therapist about church hurt. I want to return to fellowship so bad, but the hurt is real. I remain connected to The Holy Spirit, but I sure do miss the body of the church. Turn it around, Jesus. 💔❤️
Thank You God!!!
Surely, there is none other like You.
You exist alone. Have existed alone and will always exist alone as the only God!
I praise You, Jehovah, for stepping into the lives of my prayer subjects. I thank You for the testimonies shared with me. I thank You for the privilege to see You work things out BIG TIME for people.
I am in awe of You, my King. Thank You for being He who answers prayers. Nothing is difficult for You. No obstacle can keep You from flexing Your might on behalf of Your people and to Your glory.
I rejoice in You, my Lord. I rejoice in You, the God of gods!