It's the season to be merry and gift-giving is common at this time of the year. Often, presents are wrapped up in brightly-colored paper and a bow is placed on top.
Those colorful packages draw us in. There's something so attractive about them, right? Some of us will do almost anything to get our hands on one of them. It's the same mistake so many of us make in life. We look at someone or something and fall hook, line, and sinker for their 'packaging'. We are influenced by their look. However, Christians are commanded to see past the physical appearance of a person. John 7:24 - Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.
We examine a person's clothes, bags, home, and car and we think they've got it going on. Alas, those things are all superficial. They are not a true marker of how a person is actually doing in the physical and definitely not in the spiritual. Many have chosen to 'fake it till they make it', living a life of lies and shadows that will come crumbling down in an instant. We should not envy such people or even want their lifestyle of deception (Proverbs 24:1).
Instead, we are to focus on the fruits produced by their life. "By their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:20). What impact does this person have on yourself and others? Do they display godly fruit such as bringing joy to others? Or is this person the one who gets everyone gossiping or riled up? Does this person's life act as an example that God would use to highlight how you should be living or is it the opposite? As you ponder these questions, please note that the standard at issue isn't the world's. The standard to be met is God's.
As we look at other people's 'packaging', let us also be conscious of our own. Do we present a pretty box to observers while our interior is anything but? Do both our private life and public persona align with God's word? Or are we just pretending for others? Never forget what happened to Ananias and Saphira who pretended to be pious but were revealed for their deception by the Holy Spirit. Jesus taught in Luke 8:17 - For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Praise God that through Jesus we can be the complete package - pretty on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. Through Christ, we can produce good fruits that serve God and give Him glory. He wants this for us and when we submit our lives to Christ, we get cleansed from the sin that once made us filthy. From that point onward, the Holy Spirit helps us to live a life pleasing to God with nothing naughty hiding out of sight. This is because the blood of Jesus washes us and makes us new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). And as we rely on the gift of the Holy Spirit, we start to live lives free from the stifling burden of sin (Romans 8:2).
Take a good look at your 'packaging' - the public face you present. Is it godly or do you think the Lord would want to change it? Ask Him to help you represent Him to the fullest in public and honor Him to the fullest privately. He will surely help you because He loves you and wants the best for you.
I have a strong sense that many of the recent messages we've received in P&P are meant for someone.
There is somebody who reads these messages that has been resisting God on something. He wants you and is gently seeking you out. I implore you to open the door to His knocking. Jesus said in Revelation 3:20 - Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Whoever you are, I believe you need to say the prayer included in the Altar Call post (Post #2) and mean it. You need the Holy Spirit to help you with something. God wants to help you but you struggle with disbelief and it is a seed that the Lord didn't plant in you. Let Him uproot it, please.
We've been going over the same and similar messages and that tells me there's somebody God is trying to reach in our midst. I pray that you will read this message and genuinely ask Jesus to come into your heart to stay.
Please submit to Him. I can freely testify that since I made that choice I have been living in an atmosphere of miracles for years. I've seen God do what others thought was impossible. He literally changed the law for me based on a simple proclamation I kept praying. I'm not kidding. And that's not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the things I've seen God do for me and for others. Why deprive yourself of that experience?
Please, stop delaying. God is patient but He operates on a schedule that no human can understand. Even Jesus acknowledged there are things He didn't know. Stop stalling and fully submit to the Lord. Let Him help you!!!
God bless you.