As we endeavor to walk in our Kingdom Identity it is crucial to consider what the Bible outlines as practical ways to accomplish this feat.
Colossians 3 provides a road map of things the believer needs to do. In Colossians 3:2 we are instructed to focus on the things of God and not earthly things. By keeping our gaze on heaven, we can set our needs aside to pray for others, for instance.
Becoming more heaven-focused requires us to intentionally move away from certain behaviors that were once normal before we came to know Christ. These include "sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry" (Colossians 3:5). These are commonplace among the people of the world but should not be common in the Body of Christ. Thus, each believer must strive to remove such attitudes and resulting actions from their lives. Colossians 3:6 tells us that such activities bring God's wrath and given what we know of the Lord's holy anger, we should do all we can to not provoke it.
As believers, we are called to let go of "anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language" (Colossians 3:8). Plus we are not to lie to others (Colossians 3:9). Instead, we are to allow ourselves to be "renewed in knowledge in the image" of God (Colossians 3:10). Such renewal can only happen when we cooperate with the Spirit of God and submit to the building the Lord aims to complete in us.
We are to be compassionate, kind, humble, gentle and patient. We are to express the forgiveness, grace, and love we have received from the Lord to others even when they make mistakes (Colossians 3:12-14). Those who believe in the Father and His Son, are to let the message and the peace of Christ rest in their hearts and be thankful (Colossians 3:15-16).
These instructions may seem very far from who you are today. And if so, that's okay. Just know this - God will never ask you to do something impossible. No matter how tough it looks. He is more than able to help you achieve everything He wants you to do. The key is to cooperate with Him and let Him transform you inside and out.
The Lord calls us to come to Him as we are. Alas, many believe that when they come to Christ they are permitted to remain the way they were. However, God is in the business of changing people for the better. As you remain mindful of who He expects you to become, you'll be able to make wise choices that align with your Kingdom Identity and the Kingdom Position He has created for you.
From M22 - Abba Father I surrender my all to you. I pray that your will be done in my life. I pray that I will continue to find my strength in you. I pray to receive supernatural strength and consistency to keep going. I pray for supernatural healing, clarity, direction and discernment. I pray the same for everyone else struggling mentally IjMN amen.
From M22 - Happy weekend Folks!!!! I pray that we all rest in God's comfort and authority always amen.
Thank you sis, for another powerful lesson. God bless you and all that concerns you and have a well rested Sabbath.
Father, thank You for taking the time to teach us certain specific ways that we can walk this world wearing our Kingdom Identity. Thank You for bringing us together to worship You and intercede on behalf of others.
Lord, we cry out for testimony reflecting the fulfillment of our prayers for our subjects. God, let things happen in a way whereby it is clear it could only have been You.
Bless those who participated today in fellowship. Bless those who will participate at a later time. Take all the glory, God. Increase as we decrease and be Thou exalted always, IJMN, Amen.
Stop everything you're doing right now.
Quiet your mind.
Open your mouth and say, PRAISE THE LORD.
Say those words loud enough to hear them.
Then say it again - PRAISE THE LORD.
Why am I asking you to praise God right now? Because we are told to give thanks in every circumstance (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Let us glorify the Lord as we walk with Him through life. As He builds us up for His glory, transforming us to be more like Christ.
Give the Lord a praise knowing He is capable. He who has called You unto Himself will do it!
Sovereign Lord, You are the Creator of heaven, the earth, the seas, and everything in them. Hallelujah to You, my King. All glorious God, I give You all the praise.
Heavenly Father, the Bible teaches that Jesus died to set every captive free from the chains of satan, sin and death.
Given that Christ already paid this price, I stand on that knowledge and the authority in His name to declare the freedom of those who continue to be bound by the devil. I decree into their lives that the blood of Jesus speaks and pray that their eyes will open to the ransom paid for their souls. Father, lead out those with eyes who are blind, who have ears but are deaf to what has been done for them (Isaiah 43:8). Every soul is precious to You and so I cry out for the deliverance of those that the enemy is rubbishing due to their lack of knowledge of the freedom that has been paid for on their behalf, IJMN, Amen.
From sis FJ - Ancient of Days, You are the most wise, and You sit enthroned in heaven. You are surrounded by light and power and You shine brighter than any jewel on earth. Great King, I ask that Your hand of mercy would guide lost souls back onto Yourself. Let the Holy Spirit activate fire in the hearts of Your servants so they allow You to work through them to reach out to others. Almighty God, in Your power, please remember that the Bible says "no one can pluck them out of My hand". Please send help to rescue from darkness those who You have marked as Your own. After all, it is written, "even the lawful captives of the mighty will be set free and the prey of the terrible will be delivered". Let the darkness be defeated, as, "the gates of hell will not prevail"
From M22 - Abba I thank you for sis @FFJ thank you for guiding her in leading this community forward and sharing your word to strengthen our faith. I pray Abba that you will continue to increase her in supernatural wisdom, knowledge, favour, clarity and the anointing of the holy spirit. I pray that you will bless her, her family, her loved ones, her businesses and interests. IjMN amen.
Abba, I humbly bring before You the concerns surrounding Sister OD and her mother and pray for Your divine intervention in the issues they are currently facing. Please touch the heart and mind of OD’s mother with Your gentle guidance. Grant her the wisdom and willingness to adhere to the health plan and take the prescribed medication, so that Your miraculous healing can take course in her life. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Lord, Apostle Paul sought prayers in Romans 15:31-32 to be kept safe from unbelievers and that the message he carried would be well-received by those You sent him to. He also asked for prayers in Colossians 4:# that You would open doors for the Gospel to be shared with others.
As such, Lord, I lift up the men, women, and children You send out all over the world to share the miracle of the Good News. Father, please keep them safe. Cover them in the blood of Jesus. Remember Your covenant of peace with even the beasts of the wild places, ensuring that Your people can lay their heads down to rest anywhere.
Father, where there is opposition to Your word, let a great and effective door be opened instead. Remember how You did it for the Apostles when Elymas tried to interfere with their ministry. You used Elymas as an example and Proconsul Gallio came to know and fear You as did others in that city. God, come down, make Your name known to Your enemies, and cause the nations to tremble before You (Isaiah 64:2). Let those who stand opposed come to see Your might and confess that the finger of God is mightier than anything they know.
Thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering this petition, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for the sick and recovering. I pray that your healing power permanently radiates every inch of their bodies. I pray that you will put an end to cycles of affliction and pain in their lives. I pray that they will continue to experience comfort and stability moving forward IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for your supernatural peace and favour over me and my siblings. I pray that you will speak for us where we have no voice, I pray that you will open the heavens over us. I pray that you will Continue to transform us and step then our faith. I pray Abba Father that you will raise divine helpers to help my brother with his debt. I pray that your will be done over his studies and upcoming graduation IjMN amen.
From sis FJ - Faithful Father, I give You thanks. You are holy and highly lifted up. Thank You for "guiding the feet of your godly ones" (1 Sam 2:9). Thank You for the kind things You did for me this week: much better experience with the family I'm babysitting for, enlightening me to new techniques to do my job better, good grades on my exams, more free time, new friends
Father, I want to lift up those in our midst who are dealing with the loss of loved ones. Good God, You are a loving God, so please wrap these ones in Your arms. Comfort them in their mourning and show them Your compassion for You are He who longs to be compassionate toward His people.
Lord, turn their mourning into dancing. May they receive Your joy and lift their voices in praise, even through the valley of pain. Strengthen them and give them understanding that will usher them out of the sadness. IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you will continue to shield and preserve children from harm, violence and abuse. I pray that you will continue to nourish and nurture them in your ways. I pray that they are rooted in their kingdom identity and position always. I pray that they are burning vessels for heavenly exploits. I pray that you will increase them in supernatural wisdom, favour and the anointing of the Holy spirit IjMN amen.
El Gibbor, I lift Haiti in prayer during this hour of violence and conflict. Please cover the innocent with Your protection, provisions refuge, comfort, and strength. Raise up wise, capable and righteous leaders with a heart towards peace and uproot the evil and wickedness wreaking havoc on the island. Please touch all sides in this conflict, and usher in a new dawn of Shalom and stability in Haiti. In Jesus’ Mighty name I pray. Amen
The Lord is my Savior
So why should I doubt my victory?