Good leaders are harder to find nowadays and truly godly leadership seems even rarer. Nevertheless, the more we familiarize ourselves with the word of God, the more we will recognize good leadership and appreciate godly leaders who can bring blessings - instead of curses - upon the land and its people.
Apostle Peter wrote a letter delineating the characteristics a godly leader should have. Although the guidance in his letter was directed to the early church, it frankly, applies to every other area of life. 1 Peter 5:1-3 - To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
The characteristics Peter highlighted are things we should look for in our religious and political leaders. Politicians should be shepherds. Imagine the shepherds of Biblical times. David told King Saul that God regularly delivered him from bears and lions (1 Samuel 17:37). This was because he stayed out in the wilderness taking care of his father's flock. As a result, he was exposed to the same environment that the animals under his care experienced. That is what a shepherd does. He or she must know what it is like for those they lead. No wonder many of the servants God chose to lead were shepherds. Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Elisha were successful servants to the Lord and shepherds to His flock.
This letter also encouraged church elders to prioritize caring for others and not their personal gain. When David's family and the families of his men were kidnapped from Ziklag, his army of 600 gave chase (1 Samuel 30). However, 200 were too tired and remained behind to watch the army's supplies. Once the battle was done and the spoils of war had been collected, David insisted on sharing with those who did not fight. He cautioned it would not be good to deprive them given their role in protecting the supplies. David could have agreed that only the fighters should receive from the bounty. He would have received a larger amount for himself. Knowing that would be wrong and thus dishonest, he chose the opposite option.
Peter also cautioned the elders not to lord their position and responsibility over those they lead. By this, he meant they were not to behave as if they were superior. Instead, they were to stand as examples that others could imitate. Jesus did this masterfully. Although He was the Son of God, He had no airs to Him. Anyone could come close, so much so that the woman with the issue of blood could hold onto His garment and pull power from Him for her healing (Luke 8). He even related with those His community despised, such as prostitutes and tax collectors. And though He didn't like the Pharisees and others who acted pious but were not, He still reached out to them, teaching them so they could become more godly.
As the United States goes to the polls to vote, I encourage us all to pray for leaders who display the qualities Peter wrote about. We need more people like this in positions of power at the White House, state capitals, schools, churches, and workplaces. Plus, doing so is better than being anxious about the impending results. And it is not just this nation that needs such leaders. Indeed the entire world would benefit from godly leadership that genuinely puts God's desires first, treating people with dignity and the love of the Lord. Besides, believers were told to pray for kings that would allow them to live peaceful and quiet lives (1 Timothy 2).
It may seem impossible to ever have the sort of leaders Peter wrote about. But we serve a God who has told His people to ask to receive (Matthew 7:7) . The early church in Jerusalem applied this strategy and God sent an angel to miraculously free Peter from prison and certain death (Acts 12). That same God can hear the cry for this nation and the world at large if His people would just pray.
PS: This message is not an endorsement of any candidate or political party. Also, I will not be able to participate as I normally do today but will be checking in during fellowship. God bless you.
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From AW - AMEN!
Thank you for this timely word @FFJ ! I'm not fearing the election results tonight because God is in control!
Father, we thank You for another opportunity to gather in Your name.
Take all the glory Lord.
Bless Your people for participating. To You be praise now and forever more, IJMN Amen.
Pray for your nation.
Ask the Lord to bless your country with God-fearing leaders.
Ask the Lord to help you recognize and appreciate godly leaders.
Pray to be such a leader yourself.
From JIR - I pray for the leader of this nation to be just and merciful. Please draw them to You Lord and guide them in being the best servant for You that they can be. Please bless them to humble themselves, fear You and turn to You for all counsel and guidance. Please bless them to lead this nation with righteousness and integrity. Please bless them to carry out Your will and let Your will be done no matter what. IJMN. Amen.
I pray for all those dabbling in the occult and call upon You to kindly forgive. So many are aware while others are ignorant. Your words are clear that we are to put no gods before or beside you and we are to serve no idols.
God, the enemy has lied to people and made them think they have power to craft their existence outside of You.
Let them see the light. Let Your light drive out the darkness than keeps them blind and bound. There is no other God but You.
Father, they need only come back to You and rely on You. Please, be patient and provide opportunities for them to recognize the errors of their ways, repent and come to love You.
From O213 - Please join me in prayer for the lives of Ailisha, Freddie Mae, and Bernice
Abba Father,
All praise and honor and glory are YOURS! Speak to our hearts as we go out and vote today. Let our decisions bring honor to You for we know that You choose leaders for your purpose (Romans 13:1 -7). Give us clarity and guide our votes in the direction You choose - for all things are done according to Your sovereign will.
Father, I lift up my sister in Christ, Ailisha who has been injured, and I ask that you restore her beauty on the inside and outside from what was taken from her in the accident. Fill her with the joy of the Holy Spirit, as she gradually recovers from her injuries. Jesus, You are the Great Physician and we put all trust and faith in You to heal and restore that which was loss. I pray for Freddie Mae and Bernice, asking for your comfort and healing in their lives as they both battle cancer. Father, only You know the timelines of our lives, and only You have the authority to call us home. I pray for peace in their hearts and for their families who are on this journey with them. Thank you that we can find the peace that surpasses all understanding in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that You would touch and heal the hearts of all those who have lost loved ones to cancer.
Your love never fails us, Almighty GOD! We love You, we need You, and we seek You at this time. IJMN, Amen.
From JIR- I pray for the terminally ill and sick. Please Lord place Your healing hands upon them and remove whatever ails them. Please bless them with compassionate doctors and surgeons. Please bless those doctors and surgeons with wisdom and knowledge, a supportive team, steady hands and sharp eyes to provide their patients with the treatments and surgery needed to heal them. Please bless those affected by severe conditions to be able to live full lives and put their illnesses behind them. Please bless them to turn to You Lord and seek You with all of their hearts and give You all the glory and give their lives to You. IJMN. Amen.
Lord, we call out for leaders that honor and serve You. That they will not be like Jeroboam whose actions brought curses upon their people. Let our leaders - be they in the family, at work, in government, in all areas of authority - not be like those described in Isaiah 9:16 - Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray.
This way, God, we won't experience Your anger but will instead be filled with Your peace, Your blessings and Your grace, IJMN, we pray, Amen.
Lord, the Presidential Election takes place today. Once again, we place the political sphere of this nation in Your hands, knowing that You alone are in control and know what is best for us.
Thank You Father for bringing us this far. Thank You for keeping people safe in this tense climate.
Lord, protect poll workers and staff across the country. Father, keep polling places safe as well as the citizens who will be present in them.
Dear God, we speak the word of God when we say that the plans of the devil for the elections and the future of this nation are destroyed. We call down on the fire of God to burn everything exalted to satan's purposes for this nation.
The purpose and plan of the Lord for these United States shall surely be fulfilled for He is the Sovereign Lord, who created the earth, the seas, the heaven and all that is within them. Lord, Your dominion is forever, IJMN, Amen.
Lord, the earth belongs to You. Everything we see and don't see is subject to Your dominion. Hallowed be Your Name.
Dear God, election day. Lord has arrived, I submit the nation to You and say the word of Your Son - Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
Father, give us the leadership You choose at every level of authority. It is by You that kings reign and create just rules. We need leaders who serve and honor You. Those who fear You.
I pray for leaders who put You first. Who will be like David that strove to care for His people out of a desire to please and serve You. I pray for leaders who are not swayed by ego, pride and the plans of the devil. I pray for leaders with godly wisdom who believe in justice and will not surround themselves with or strive to unduly benefit the wicked.
Lord, still, not my will but Yours be done in this land. IJMN I pray, Amen.
It is time to act as intercessors. This means we lift the needs of others before the Lord, putting our prayers on the backburner.
The Lord knows what we need, so let us use this opportunity to honor Him by helping others in prayer.
God, as we bring our prayers subjects and their issues to You, please hear us. Kindly remember the words of Your servant that He spoke in Your presence at the temple oh so long ago - 1 Kings 8:37-40 - "When famine or plague comes to the land, or blight or mildew, locusts or grasshoppers, or when an enemy besieges them in any of their cities, whatever disaster or disease may come, and when a prayer or plea is made by anyone among your people Israel--being aware of the afflictions of their own hearts, and spreading out their hands toward this temple--then hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Forgive and act; deal with everyone according to all they do, since you know their hearts (for you alone know every human heart), so that they will fear you all the time they live in the land you gave our ancestors.
Lord, You have allowed even one person to intercede for others who can't or don't know they need to come to You for their needs.
God hear us and answer our prayers as we stand in the gap for others, IJN, Amen.
Thank You for being the God who answers our prayers. Your word tells us in Matthew 7:11 - If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Glory be to You Almighty! You are our provider and You take the time to hear us when we pray and come to our aid. You take our concerns seriously. We see how even when Jeremiah complained to You, You simply gave Him the steps He needed to ensure that no matter what people did or said, his life would be protected. Praise be to You, oh Wonder God!
Just as You did for Jeremiah, we thank You for keeping Your word to us as contained in John 15:7 - If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
Hallelujah to the Lord our God! Thank You for being our Prayer-Answering God!
From JIR - “I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: So shall I be saved from mine enemies.”
Psalm 18:1-3 KJV
Father, I thank You for the blood of Jesus which speaks for us. That blood that paid a steep price for our souls to re-establish the relationship between God and His children (1 Corinthians 7:23).
Great Man of War! That wonderful blood of the Lamb refreshes, revives, redeems, restores. Thank You for the blood oh Lord!!!! It does so much for us and we can't even imagine.
Isaiah 44:22 - I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.”
Thank You, Sovereign Lord!
From JIR- Magnificent, amazing and incredible don’t even begin to describe You. My King, my Lord. You give us hope. I thank You for Your guidance and everything You have taught us thus far, which is more valuable than all the money in the world. Your love, which is priceless and indescribable. Nice cars, nice houses, society’s standards of beauty don’t amount to what You have done for us. Don’t amount to Your love. Don’t amount to this feeling I have as I type this. I can attest that knowing You is the greatest blessing one could ever ask for. Not even close! I trade in everything I have for You my God. I can’t imagine life without You. Thank You for loving us the way You do and bringing me as far as You have. My mind is blown. Thank You Lord. IJMN. Amen.
Thank You Glorious Father, for Isaiah 30:18 tells us, Blessed are all who wait for Him.
Father we thank You for the opportunity to wait on all You have coming for us. We know that You perfect all things concerning us (Psalm 138:8). We wait on You to cook it up perfectly, Mighty God!
Excellent Jehovah! You are the Lord who does not allow the enemy to gloat over us. Indeed the word tells us in Psalm 41:11 - I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me.
Who can say that our God is not mighty enough to bring us out of the miry place? Even with our shortcomings. I thank You for there is nothing that is difficult for You and as such You go over and above to bring us to the finish line and get the win.
Thank You for giving us victory. Thank You for making us more than conquerors! (Romans 8:37).
From JIR - Thank You Lord for Your grace and mercy. Your love is beyond words. It is such a privilege getting to know You more and more each day. The more I am drawn closer to You the more beautiful, loving, merciful, gracious, fair, just and faithful You become to me. I am in awe of You and bow before Your throne to say thank You for removing the scales from my eyes the more I get to know You. I am Your slave, Your servant. I thank You for never giving up on me and bringing a sinner like me into the light. I don’t deserve it and thank You for always loving me. All praises to my King forever. I worship You and all glory belongs to You. IJMN.
It is time to bow down before our God in worship! Let us enter into His presence with praises on our lips. He is God of gods. Because of Him you are alive. Because of Him, you can smile. It is by His grace that you have anything. He is the one who fights for you whether you realize it or not. Satan wants to erase everything that the Lord made and that includes you. However, God declared that you were fearfully and wonderfully made and off limits to the devil.
Psalm 139:14 - I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Let us thank the Lord who deserves our love, our respect, our fear!
From Beautyinside - Hi I’m a Christian but have never posted on this forum. I want to start posting on here from today.
God thank you for another day of living and breathing, I pray this mont will be a good month. I pray that everyone here will have a good relationship with you. Thank you father god. Amen.