Have you ever heard a voice trying to convince you that God won't come through for you? Maybe you read other people's testimonies and that annoying voice told you that God can do those things for others but not you. Or you see something in the Bible that sparks a prayer point and as you fire your petition a voice interrupts with all the reasons why you don't qualify for the blessing you're seeking.
Next time you hear that voice, say two simple words - PROVE IT!
Yes, demand that the voice prove the doom and gloom it predicts. Then immediately start proving why you're going to trust the Lord by declaring His word. Remember God has proven Himself more than capable since the beginning of time. Think about the times that He got you out of trouble in an inexplicable way. How about that loved one who was going through a tough time but you saw the impact prayers had on their situation? Throw that as evidence of God's power and might.
That voice trying so hard to dissuade you is none other than the serpent who lied to Eve and got the rest of us in trouble. It is the devil speaking, trying to shut down any well of hope that could flow in your heart.
The devil wants you to focus on the things you see and feel in the physical instead of keeping your eyes on Jesus the way Jairus did. If he'd taken his gaze off the Savior, he would have buckled under the false bad report that his daughter was dead.
Like Jairus, tap into the testimonies you've heard about and declare that the God who did it for those people will do it for you too. Open your mouth and declare your Jericho Moments - what God has done for you before. And, fling wordstones - God's word - into the situation.
The devil will tell you that you're not worthy. However, the devil's native language is lies. You can't believe a word it says no matter how true it sounds. At the foundation of everything it says are deception and falsehood.
So, challenge satan to prove its lies and immediately establish your reasons for trusting God. Resist satan with the word of the Lord and send it packing. God can and will prove Himself over and over again. This is because He cannot lie and never will.
fROM M22 - Abba Father I pray we will continue to seek you above everything else. I pray that we will focus our gaze on you. I pray that you remove everything that doesn't align with you from our lives. I pray that you remove every blockages from our lives and give us permanent freedom IjMN amen