If you've ever purchased a home, you'll be familiar with the term 'escrow'. An escrow account is used by a potential homebuyer to deposit money. It is an act of good faith to reassure that they've committed to buy the property and will move forward with the process. It is not unusual to seek reassurance in our human relationships and it should not be abnormal to respectfully seek reassurance from the Lord. Particularly when He has promised you something. Such promises can be specific to you or general, as contained in the Bible.
Abraham sought reassurance in Genesis 15. The Lord had promised him the land of Canaan and we are told in Genesis 15:8 - But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” He essentially asked how he was to trust that the Lord's word would come to pass. Now pay attention to what God did next - He entered into an unbreakable covenant with Abraham. He instructed Abraham to bring some animals for a sacrifice. Abraham obeyed and God brought the fire to burn those animals. Through a sacrificial offering, God, therefore, entered into an eternal agreement with Abraham, swearing upon His own name to do what He'd promised. He gave Abraham even more details on how he'd come to possess Canaan (Genesis 15:9-16). These details came to pass and continue to be true today.
Has God told you something but you're not sure it'll come to pass? It could be because you can't see how such is possible or because it's been such a long time since receiving the promise. Listen, God is not a liar, so if He's made a promise, He will bring it to pass. Your job is to believe and continue to walk with Him till that promise is fulfilled. After all, Hebrews 11:1 tells us, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. We therefore have to tap into our faith to get us through and indeed, it is best to believe blindly. Nevertheless, God knows that we are human and we struggle. This is why Jesus told us to at least believe in His miracles and the works He's done. These works are evidence of God's faithfulness and act as something trustworthy that we can hold onto.
And now, we also know we can ask the Lord to reassure us of His promises as He did for Abraham. God performed a miracle, providing the fire that burnt the sacrificial offering. This was evidence of His power and might. It reassured Abraham that the same God who miraculously provided the fire to complete the agreement would do what He'd promised and more. Similarly, King Hezekiah asked the Lord for a sign that His promised healing would arrive in 2 Kings 20:8. God displayed His might by making a shadow go backwards, just as the king asked. Also, Gideon had God reassure him that he would indeed be the one to free his people as God had promised (Judges 6:36-40).
Before you get on your knees to ask God for His reassurance, please keep the following in mind. First, for each of these examples, the men who sought reassurance were at a relatively early stage in their walk with God. If you've been walking with God for a while and have seen proof of His might in your life and that of others, this approach may not walk for you. God expects believers to walk by faith and not by sight, after all (2 Corinthians 5:7). Second, each of these men asked for reassurance after receiving a promise from the Lord. If you want God to reassure you of a self-motivated request - one driven by you - and not His freely given promise, please don't quote me. Third, the men above all received immediate signs of God's power not the immediate fulfillment of the promise. This is a key for us to ask God to reassure through the display of His might. We must therefore look to see how He does so and once He does, we must not only praise Him for indulging us but thank Him for His blessed assurance.
A key scripture to ask God for reassurance of His promise is Psalm 119:49 - Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. And when you are in the proverbial valley, struggling to see the mountain top, plead with Psalm 85:7 - Show us your unfailing love, LORD, and grant us your salvation. That love He has for you, will translate into something happening. There is also 1 Corinthians 10:13 - No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. God is faithful to not let the expectations of the righteous be cut short (Proverbs 23:18). You can thus ask Him for reassurance by providing a way to endure the wait until His word is fulfilled in your life.
May the Lord hear and answer your request for reassurance as you wait on His promises to come to pass, IJMN Amen. See you at Noon EST.
In the main message, I noted that God's promise can be specific to you or general as those included in the Bible.
The Bible is the best way to learn what promises apply to you. This requires you to read it so you not only become familiar with the promise but also the conditions that need to be met to qualify for receipt. Yes, each promise has conditions but praise God, they are all doable. Also, not every promise applies at the same time. Some may kick in during certain periods of your life while others apply at a later time.
Personally, the more I studied God's word, the more He revealed opportunities for blessings that I could claim. I felt that the time invested in the Bible was and continues to be valuable because I understood that I needed to know God's covenants for my immediate benefit as well as the future of my loved ones.
I'd like to encourage you to do more Bible studying. As you read your Life Manual, God will also reveal obscure opportunities for blessings to you that will transform your life. And, He'll give you very specific promises that you will witness in your lifetime and those who come after you will enjoy as well.
God bless you!
Heavenly Father, thank You for today's Kingdom Key. Thank You for teaching us another way to approach You as we walk in relationship with You.
Lord, we pray that by Your grace, we shall each grow to the point in our faith where once You give us a word there is no more doubt. We pray that once we receive Your word, we will know in every part of our body that Your promise is forthcoming. We cry out like the man in Mark 9:24 who said, "I do believe; help me overcome my disbelief!"
Thank You for You are kind and full of mercy. We submit to Your training whereby we will no longer seek reassurance but fix our faces like flint, knowing that Your word shall come to pass and we shall never be put to shame once we believe in You. IJMN, Amen.
We've looked at this issue of asking God for reassurance. I would not mention this if the Lord hadn't instructed me to teach on this subject. I thank Him for I have had the privilege of not only asking the Lord to be reassured but I have also received His promises to reassure me on several things over the course of my walk with Him.
As such, I not only believe in this prayer approach, I have been opportuned to see it work.
Therefore, when seeking reassurance, focus on God's promises and not your self-motivated desires. Also, ask God to reassure by showing His might and when He comes through, be sure to rejoice then wait on Him to fulfil His promise to you. While waiting, treat His promise like money placed in the bank. You don't go each day to verify it's there, right? Know that your promise is secure in God's vault, and it will be evident in your life at His appointed time.
Further, I must encourage us all to remember that although we can pray for reassurance, God expects us to have faith in Him. Never forget that the walk with God is primarily one of faith. You have to move without knowing everything ahead but instead trusting that God, who knows all, will lead you safely. That faith must not be flimsy for we are warned in James 1:6-7 - But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
If your faith needs some maturing, that is fine. God's desire is to build you up but the key is that you need to let Him. That will require submission on your part and accepting that you will go through tough spots, all in an effort to grow your faith and other spiritual muscles. It is because your faith is still growing that the Lord will reassure you. He's invested in bulking up your faith to ensure you trust in Him. He wants to blunt the impact of the devil's lies. Once you ask for reassurance, don't let your faith waiver. Trust Him to show His strength in some way or another.
God bless you!
You've been faithful Lord, from the ages past. That is why Your name is forever more. Glory be to You El Shaddai!
Isaiah 38:16 - Your words and your deeds bring life to everyone, including me. Please make me healthy and strong again. (CEV)
Father, the enemy enjoys seeing people sick and dying. However, You pleasure in healing the sick and raising the dead. You have proved this through Your servants who came before and after Jesus, including Christ the Lamb of God Himself.
And so, it is with this knowledge that I lift up my prayer subjects who are in need of healing. Jehovah Rapha. Jehovah Ropheka. The Great Balm of Gilead. The Mighty Physician. I lift up the words of King Hezekiah, a king You lived so much that You heard his anguish and not only healed him but extended His life.
Lord, work that miracle in the lives of my prayer subjects. Please make them healthy and strong again. And restore to them the good health they've lost and need. Remember You are He who has promised fullness of life, good health is an intrinsic part of that promise Messiah. And so it is to You I come with this request in gratitude that You would indeed hear and answer.
Strong and Mighty God, I give You praise because I will hear word of miracles and the bedridden rising from their beds. Miraculous healing that stupefies science, doctors and naysayers. Testimony that acknowledges that my God is the only God. IJMN Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, please hear my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Please give people a desire for You. Whet their appetites for more of You. Let hearts clamor for You. Pour out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer, IJMN, Amen.
I'm so confused as I have been posting my comments here - is this the wrong place? https://www.themiraclealley.com/post/receiving-reassurance-of-god-s-promise-tuesday-praise-pray-for-others-may-2-2023
Jehovah Sabaoth! You are the Head of the Heavenly Armies. The Commander in Chief. The Mighty Man of War. The El Gibbor!
Isaiah 64:2-3 - As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.
As Your children take that leap of faith to seek reassurance of Your promises, I ask that You will move in a mighty way. That they will witness Your great power and be refreshed in their spirit. That their trust in You will grow and that their doubts will diminish and disappear. Do the unexpected, Heavenly King. For the earth is Yours to do with as You will. Stun and awe. Put the enemy on notice that when Your children cry out to You, You will shift the very systems of man, mankind and nature itself to ensure that no one discounts You.
IJMN, Amen.
Glorious God. You are He who makes promises. You are He who keeps His oaths. Thank You for being trustworthy.
Matthew 7:7 - “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Lord, the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy the hopes and expectations of your children. It whispers lies, telling believers that if You were truly going to honor Your promise, You would have already. But, God, I thank You that You are He who keeps His word forever. That is why the promises of Abraham continue to be fulfilled even in this day and age.
And so, I pray for Your children who are recipients and heirs to the promise. God, strengthen them as they wait on Your word. I decree that dry bones in them rise and are covered in sinews of faith, flesh of belief, and nerves of trust. I decree and prophesy that the breath from the four winds brings certainty in You into them. Pushing out all doubt, erasing every of the enemy's lies.
IJMN, Amen.
*From WF* - Thank you Father.. for you know our hearts and all things that pertains to us. You care for us so…. Thank you Father.
Father, You are He who makes promises and keeps them.
Thank You that despite the fact You do not need to, You kindly reassure us and gently lead us to Your promises.
Thank You for being merciful. After all, despite our shortcomings, You never fall short.
Amen, Hallelujah to the Alpha & Omega. He who reigns!
Praise be to the Sovereign Lord.
The God who sits up high.
The God whose dominion is complete and eternal.
The God who cannot die.
The God who is, was, and will always be outside of time.
Thank You for being the only God.
I am a witness to Your might and power and I am thankful.
The God who poured out His Spirit on flesh. This despite us being mere mortals. Thank You, God, for being He who reveals Himself. He who teaches. He who shares His thoughts and secrets. Thank You, for Your Spirit and everything You have given of Yourself.
Psalm 25:1 - In you, LORD my God, I put my trust.
Thank You, Papa! I put my trust in You. The God who no matter what we do, remains faithful, for You cannot deny Yourself (2 Timothy 2:13).
You are steadfast and true.
The same today, tomorrow and forever.
Glory be to You, my King!
What are your reasons for thanksgiving? Has God done something for you recently?
Even if He hasn't, the fact we get to breathe is a blessing from above and we should be grateful.
Remember, Psalm 150:6 - Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.
Give Him thanks, folks.
*From EC* - Amen and good morning ladies!
*From SN* - Here I am, Lord!!
*From MM* - Thank you!
*From BI* - Thank You Abba for being a wonderful Father to me, never leaving or forsaking me. Thank You Lord for letting me see the month of May. Thank You for Your boundless love and mercy. Thank You for being a God that keeps promises whose Words are Yes and Amen. Your Word Never returns to You void and I am forever grateful.
Thank you sis @FFJ for letting God use you to share His Word. May we never get too impatient whereby we forsake our faith in search of a quick fix. God will never forget us and His gaze is everywhere. I pray that the Lord grants us strength and courage to remain in Him for at the right time, we will receive answers to our prayers. By the grace of God, it will end in praise IJMN Amen.
*From WG* - Amen…. Thank you for this reassurance