One of the greatest things about the Christian faith is that believers have access to unmerited grace. It is a grace that none deserve but has been made available to all who believe in Christ and proclaim His Father, Lord. This grace provides access to forgiveness even when we sin and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23).
And the way to receive such forgiveness and grace is to confess and repent for our sins. The Lord has promised to forgive all who do so. 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
However, repentance is not the mere act of telling God, "oops, my bad. I messed up." In fact, saying "sorry" does not necessarily equate to repenting. True repentance is discussed by John the Baptist in Matthew 3:8 - Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God (NLT). This means whenever we truly repent for our sins we must start to live in a way that shows to the Lord that we have rejected the sin we confessed.
There is no question that doing this is not easy. Nevertheless, when we are confronted by our sinful ways and repent for them, we must do all we can to not continue the behavior. We do not want to be like the foolish person spoken of in Proverbs 26:11 - As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.
So how do we not return to our sin? How do we live like those who have truly repented?
It is crucial for us to confront our sins and the reasons why we commit them. Do we tend to gossip when around certain people or places, be they online or in person? Do we lie when under pressure? Do we use foul language when we're hungry and/or haven't slept? Do we fornicate when we haven't been spending time with the word of God? We need to be honest and keep track of the triggers that cause us to sin. We need to look at our lives with a critical eye and eliminate the people, behaviors, and other things that are common factors causing us not to please God.
Most importantly, we must call on God for help in identifying and removing the triggers that cause us to fall cheaply into satan's snare. The devil wants each of us to sin against God and it works hard to accomplish its mandate to steal, kill, and destroy lives (John 10:10). Our objective is to not be punked by satan. God is faithful to help us overcome the evil one. He is also invested in helping us not succumb to sinful thoughts and behaviors. It is therefore key to invite Him into the fight against sin, rely fully upon Him, and watch Him bring victory.
Finally, having acknowledged our sins, we must actually hate them. We can't expect God to help us with sinful behaviors that we don't want to get rid of. If we sugarcoat our iniquity, we won't want it gone and thus, we won't be able to truly repent. We can't ignore what God says is sin because the world says it isn't. Consider Romans 12:9 - Love is to be sincere and active [the real thing—without guile and hypocrisy]. Hate what is evil [detest all ungodliness, do not tolerate wickedness]; hold on tightly to what is good (AMP). Sin is evil and unrighteous and these are the things we are to HATE so we can truly turn away from them.
Be aware that we will make mistakes and sometimes, we will need to repent again. God is gracious and He sees our efforts to be better. Although that start and stop cycle may be discouraging, don't give up! Remember that nothing of value comes cheaply. Even Jesus had to resist satan more than once so expect to resist your sin more than once too. Yet, as long as you've tagged God into the match, be rest assured that He will help you overcome and live a life of true repentance to His glory.
Thank You, God, for showing us great mercy. Thank You for teaching us the importance of true repentance as well as the steps we can take to achieve it.
I pray today for all those who came to fellowship in Your presence. I thank You for their lives and what You will do with them. Take all the glory, Lord and be glorified through them.
Please bless Your children, help them to remember that You are gracious but want true repentance. I pray they are empowered by You to do just that when it is time and that You will be pleased and place Your gracious hand upon them, IJMN, Amen.
It is hard to truly repent if you don't take an honest look at your life and call on God to help you turn away from sinful behaviors. The Lord is more than able to help us conquer sin and walk righteously before Him.
I heard someone share what they'd learned from another minister - that the reason why we continue to return to our repeated sins is because we love the sin more than we love God. That was hard for me to digest, if I'm to be honest, because I can't argue against it. There is truth to that assessment.
And yet, I just have to thank God that even when I fall all the way short, He shows me great mercy. He gathers me up in His hands, dusts me off and sets me back on the way He wants me to walk. He loves me and keeps His covenant to me even when I've failed to keep mine to Him.
That God is doing the same for all of us. He grants us unmerited grace and forgives us even when we don't deserve it.
Let us spend the last 10 minutes thanking that very God for all the grace He shows us. Let us praise Him for being forgiving and merciful. I mean, imagine if someone keeps doing the same thing to annoy you and they apologize every time. Yet, they keep doing the very thing they've apologized to you for repeatedly. How would you react?
We do that to God all the time and His love for us endures. As does His mercy.
Praise the Lord, people!
Lord, there are so many news reports of how the weather is negatively impacting lives in a variety of ways. Father, I still want to thank You for You are the creator of the earth.
Psalm 65:7 - who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations.
God, You are He who has complete control over everything for the earth is the Lord's and everything in it (Psalm 24:1). Lord, I submit the weather across the world to You. I plead for better weather. Remember, Lord, Your Son spoke to the waters and the winds, commanding them to be still. I call on You to speak, Lord. I lift up Your word to still the waters, the heavy rains, the winds, the fires, the earthquakes and other weather effects that cause loss of life and property. Have mercy, Lord, IJMN, Amen.
From BI - Lord, I lift into Your capable hands those struggling with depression. Replace the dark clouds of depression with Your joy giving light. May their tears be replaced with laughter, their despair replaced with hope and their sorrow replaced with joy. Lord, teach them to cast their cares until You. Help them to have faith in You and the future You have for them. Be their comforter and strength Oh Lord. I pray that they experience the warmth of God’s love and His transcending peace in their lives IJMN Amen.
Lord, thank You for teaching us on this issue of true repentance and thank You that we don't have to rely upon our own strength but can rely upon You to achieve true repentance. Thank You that You have committed to help us each step of the way.
Lord, forgive us for every time we repented halfheartedly. Forgive us for all the times we went back to our sin. Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for not treating us as our sins deserved but instead showing us repeated kindness and mercy.
Father, help us from this day onward to overcome every thing we do that stands in the way of our relationship with You. Help us by granting us grace and clear ideas on what we can do to not fall cheaply for the devil's tricks. That we may remain on Your path of righteousness to Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen.
From 6S - Thank you JESUS, for allowing me to open this thread today! I’ve been BLESSED by YOUR WORD and my Sisters/Brothers for sharing and being willing to pray for others, AMEN!
P.S. not sure if this is the appropriate place to request, but I would like to ask for prayers for my Dad, who very likely has a form of cancer and waiting to get a biopsy. Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for lifting him in prayer!
Let us take the next 25 minutes to pray for people. You can pray for people in your life or for strangers. You can pray about an issue or situation you learned about on the news or elsewhere.
The Lord will help you to pray aright for others, IJMN, Amen.
Psalm 91:1 - Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Lord, thank You so much for placing us under Your shadow. Thank You for Your protection and Your mercy. I thank You for covering us in Your love even when we have fallen short of Your glory.
Praise the Lord
From BI - Thank You Lord for my clients and all You are doing in their lives. A lot of them do not know You and still You show them mercy and grace. There is no Father like You. You Lord are worthy of all glory, honour and adoration. Thank You Baba mi!
Thank You God for loving me. Thank You that You've said in Isaiah 43:2 - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
I have to say that I am grateful that no matter what I've experienced, I don't look at it. You have shielded me and beautified me. All by Your grace and to Your glory!
Father, I praise You for being the creator of the heavens, the earth, the seas and all that is within them. Thank You for being the Alpha and Omega. The I Am that I Am.
You are wonderful and will always be wonderful!
The God who proves who He is!
Thank You, Lord, for being the God who proves Himself. Thank You for not allowing me to wonder about Your might and power. Thank You for moving in inexplicable ways to ensure that Your word is fulfilled.
Glory be to You oh Lord!
From BI - Thank You Jehovah Overdo for health, wealth and love. Thank You for Your forgiveness, compassion and generosity. Thank You Abba for always watching over me. Thank You for making me more than a conqueror. You are wonderful, loving and kind. I have returned to say thank You for yesterday, today and forever. Glory be to Your Holy Name IJMN Amen.
Let us give glory to the Lord for He is worthy.
Take the next 25 minutes to praise Him with zeal.
Praise the Lord!!!
From C - Lord I want to uplift Jess’ mom into your hands for ringing that bell and winning her fight against cancer, lord we prayyyy that she remains cancer free for the rest of her life, that you continue to heal her and restore her, over my professor as he recoups from surgery heal him Lord, I pray over the young lady at church with her baby that you order and direct her steps in all her needs Abba that you are God, I’ve Mrs C and her ministry that you cover her and help her, over the exams coming we pray for victory in your mighty name. Lord we will all look back, see and testify of Your goodness and grace. Thank You wonderful God for all you’ve done are doing and will do IJMN Amen
From PP - Amen.
From C - Psalms 103:4-5 NIV
“who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
From CD - Good Morning Everyone!!!
From C - Blessed and wonderful God thank You for this day you’ve given us, for all the blessings you’ve poured out for us, Lord our cups are filled and overflowing. Lord we want to commit to you and to your will today, praying and hoping that You the great I am will come to us to renew and transform according to your will. As we are the clay Lord mold us and shape us so that we lead a life that glorifies your name. Bless this P&P and all that will attend it . IJMN Amen
From EC - Amen and good morning ladies!