Our review of occult practices and how they violate God's precepts continues with a look at specific things we have all done or are doing that create separation from the Lord (Isaiah 59:2). When this series began, we looked at the need to avoid the occult at all costs plus some consequences of failing to do so. Since then, we reviewed scripture which stated God's punishment for those who choose to disobey His command to not serve anyone or anything other than Him.
Consider the mantras and affirmations people listen to in order to manifest their self-motivated desires. These include desires to get rich, be beautiful, attract/repel a specific person etc. Now, this is the toughest issue for practitioners of the occult because their 'religion' is founded on self-actualization and self-determination. There's no room for God's plan and purpose for them since they see themselves as gods. However, the Bible tells us we were predestined for God's purpose and He knew us before we were born (Ephesians 1:4). Therefore, His children must submit to becoming what He intends for them to be. Does this mean you can't ask God for the things you'd like? Of course not, it just means that you ask knowing God will provide those things because He has the power to do so. Not you.
Another example is sage burning. I confess I have grown sage on occasion and kept some in my house for cooking purposes. I also confess that I found it confusing when I learned people were wasting seasoning to deal with evil. Especially people who say they are Christians. Yet, the practice of sage burning is presented as a means of 'cleansing' places, people and things of spirits. But why choke on smoke when a brief prayer in Jesus's name would suffice? In fact, the mere mention of that name makes demons flee in fear because of its power (Philippians 2:10). And if the spirits dare persist, double down the way Jesus taught in Matthew 17:21 - But this kind of demon does not go out except by prayer and fasting (AMP). Plus, prayer, and fasting, are free and accessible to all.
Same with crystals that are supposed to 'shift energies'. Why not find God's word on peace (or whatever issue you have) and proclaim it? It actually takes less energy to search the Bible online with the word 'peace' than to study the many new age recommendations on the topic. Or pay for the books, consultations, stones or other items that should work but somehow years pass, and those who believe in this 'fix' are having to keep spending for a solution that doesn't seem to work. God, on the other hand fixes problems permanently. When He says it is finished, it is indeed done.
Then there's yoga. It stems from a region where idols and many other gods are worshipped. Hinduism, for instance, potentially has up to 33 million deities. Yoga is deeply woven into the gods they serve over there and, therefore, not just a form of exercise. How, then, can your practice of an 'exercise' that is tied to the gods of that land not constitute the very thing God is warning you to stay away from?
So many of us believe we need yoga to be mindful and to relax, but do we? God rested on the seventh day so we would know that even we need to, and can, relax. Consider going for a prayer walk. Craft time to observe the Sabbath by shutting off some, if not all, electronics. During that time, sleep, read, eat well, have a glass of wine (but please don't get drunk) and acknowledge the Lord your God in meaningful ways. I assure you, you'll come out of the Sabbath rested and rejuvenated. Besides, God gives rest to His beloveds (Psalm 127:2). It is a covenant promise He must keep. If you love Him and genuinely live like you love Him, He has to give you that precious rest.
And with that, we have come to the end of this series on understanding how occult practices, idol worship, and the worship of satan via other gods disobey God's word and will for all whom He created. I pray that the Lord will touch you and show you how to walk away from anything that might qualify as detestable to Him, IJMN, Amen.
I'm also sharing a personal 'story time' on how the Lord showed me how the tentacles of occultism touched my life. I have never knowingly been a dabbler or practitioner and thought occultism was a problem for others. That was until God showed me it was nevertheless an issue I needed to address. I pray my story edifies you and helps you move closer to where God stands on this subject. To view the post, click here. You will be taken to my site outside of this website.
See you for fellowship at Noon EST. God bless you.
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Great Light, Highest Power, The Fear and Dread of all creation -- You are the Lord God almighty.
It is written: no purpose or plan can stand against the Lord. Over the leaders of nations, You say that the heart of the king is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord, who directs it wherever He desires
I command Your will and justice upon the leaders of nations. Let people begin to love righteousness and let the King of Kings be pleased with the decisions of the nations. After all, I have been given authority to trample snakes and scorpions, and nothing shall by any means hurt me. So, Lord, I thank You for the authority You have given me, and use it to command Your will to come to pass in the nations. Amen, in Jesus' mighty name.
Great I am, He who has predestined His own, The Lord almighty --
I declare Your word over all the loved ones of my fellow P&Pers, that "who the Son sets free is free indeed". The Bible says that if we decree a thing it shall be established, so I declare salvation upon all those loved ones of ours who need Your saving grace. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Almighty Creator, He who formed the earth, its land, and the 7 seas, King of Kings and Lord of Lords --
I bring before You Your word about your saints:
This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus. (Revelation 14:12)
Oh Lord, I call for perseverance to enter your righteous ones and that the Holy Spirit will blow them forward and cause them to receive the promise fulfilled. IJMN, amen.
God bless you 🌶️🌶️s !!
Praise reports:
- Testimony from earlier this week: I was going through my email and found a message from an old website I used to participate on (for art business), reminding me to withdraw my earnings from the site. I just did so and it came through to my PayPal quickly! I appreciate it because they're unexpected funds, and have been sitting there -waiting for me- for a couple years!
- I finally did another task I've been meaning to do for a while (giving to the gospel)
- I look forward to dinner tonight
- The sun was pretty as it was rising this morning
- Wisdom and childlike faith at work