We've learned that spiritual adultery involves a so-called Christian putting their false gods and idols above or on the same level as God Almighty. Today, we consider some consequences that arise from such behavior.
Spiritual adultery creates separation from the Lord. The Bible states that nothing can separate us from the love of the Father (Romans 8:38-39). However, our choices can bring separation. One such choice occurs when someone puts false gods above or on the same level as the Lord. He considers this a great sin and Isaiah 59:2 tells us, But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
For instance, God told Ezekiel that abominations were being committed by those who claimed to serve Him. Abominations serious enough to drive Him away from the Temple which He'd chosen as His residence among mankind (Ezekiel 8:6). Through a vision, the Lord revealed different groups of people all worshiping a variety of false gods. All this was happening within His sanctuary. No wonder Ezekiel also received a vision showing that the glorious presence of God left the Temple in Ezekiel 10. God could not remain among those who would worship other gods.
Their spiritual adultery led to death, destruction, and captivity. In due time, many of these same people were slaughtered while some were captured when Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and destroyed it. Nevertheless, the Lord protected a remnant of people - those who had not participated in spiritual adultery. These individuals, including Jeremiah, Baruch, and many others, were not taken as captives to Babylon (Jeremiah 42).
The defilement of God's temple with idolatry and false god worship brought deadly consequences for the Israelites of old. Such repercussions await Christians who claim to honor God but serve His enemy, satan. They do so by wearing the evil eye for 'protection', burning sage for 'cleansing', and doing rituals, spells, and baths for money, influence, or beauty. Then they think they can call on the Lord and He will answer because in their minds those activities do not separate them from God. Alas, the Bible clearly shows that it does.
Many modern Christians forget that they are supposed to be God's temple. Through Jesus Christ, the Lord lives within each person who truly submits to Him. This is why Jesus said nobody can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6 ). Everyone needs to give their life to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer and thus makes them God's temple on earth. A consequence of spiritual adultery is that God cannot live in those who commit this grievous sin.
Spiritual adultery also leads to curses upon a person, a group, and the generations to come. In the Ten Commandments, God said He would curse three to four generations of those who bow to idols and other gods. He noted that such people hate Him (Deuteronomy 5:7-9). The curses for this are laid out glaringly in Deuteronomy 28. Many Christians would never say they hate God, but their actions say different in that they do not obey His word. Jesus said in John 14:15 - If you love me, keep my commands. We cannot claim to love Jesus Christ, from whom we get our name - Christian - if we do not obey His teachings and do not obey the teachings of His Father, the Lord God Almighty.
This is not just an Old Testament matter as the issue of other gods, idols, and spirits was addressed in the New Testament. Firstly, Jesus said He did not come to abolish the Laws of Moses in Matthew 5:17. Thus, the Old Testament remains relevant. Secondly, if admixture with other gods, idols, and evil spirits were righteous, Paul would not have cast out the spirit of divination from the slave girl in Acts 16. She spoke accurately about who he and Silas were, but she gained that knowledge through other gods, and the evil had to go from her. Thirdly, if witchcraft was godly, why did the Ephesians confess their sorcery as sinful and burn all their sorcery tools when they learned about Jesus Christ in Acts 19? Fourthly, why did Paul have the authority to blind Elymas the sorcerer in Acts 13:11 if his practices were tolerable?
Just because the consequences of bad behavior and sin have not arrived does not mean they do not await. It's like Vashti who discovered that she would never again be able to say no to King Xerxes, despite him being her husband. God loves people and particularly, His children. But, if those who are meant to serve Him choose to serve other gods and bow to idols, then they will experience His punishment. Scripture cannot be broken and we must all heed it (John 10:35).
Yet, God's word states that He longs to redeem even those who have made wrong choices. So that is the key—seek His redemption—desire to be free from the consequences of turning away from the Lord. Receive the fullness of life, sound mind, and other blessings God guarantees His own.
God is not interested in simply pointing out flaws. He is invested in correcting and saving those who desire to be changed. Hosea 10:12 - Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you. Seek God in prayer and repentance. Choose to live righteously and sow seeds of faith and love all around you. He has promised that all who seek Him earnestly will be saved in Hebrews 11:6 and Joel 2:32. He will heal you of everything that causes spiritual adultery when you commit not to cheat on Him anymore.
To learn more, please read:
From eatnauhs - Answer this…How do we all arrive on planet Earth? How do we get here?
Let me help you out. You MUST go through a woman to get here. Everyone’s passage to Earth is through a woman. Do you understand how powerful that statement is and what it truly means?
No, you don’t because you wouldn’t be so quick to believe GOD is a Him and we must give all praise to Jesus, also a Him…Why is God always a He? One of the most powerful things (if not the most powerful) a person can do is bring life into this world and guess who does that??? Not a Him or a HE.
Men have always been jealous of this and have treated women poorly and disrespectfully since the beginning of time because they can’t do this. How dare you tell me to praise a HIM or HE when HIM or HE can’t give LIFE. That is why men are always trying to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies and shaming women for things men are praised for, and mutilating young girls and depriving them of their rights to womanhood and robbing them of ever being capable of experiencing pleasure...all because they're jealous and they know they need us.
And we don’t need to perform the act with a man to create life, we just need to collect your specimen. If all men disappeared and women still had access to sperm banks, the world would go on…But if women were to disappear there would be no hope for humanity, the population would die off. That's how important we are... and I am not a lesbian or bisexual who hates men and only wants their sperm to reproduce. I am married and straight and have brought life into this world.
To get here you must go through one of us! How dare you push this on people without actually thinking logically about your creator...
From M22 - God bless you all for the birthday prayers and wishes. I appreciate this wonderful community!!! Happy weekend folks!!!
I'd like to implore us to look at the prayer points people listed today. If you can take some additional time over the weekend to return to them and lift up prayers for those in need, I would really appreciate it. Even if just a few.
I'm also certain the Lord will bless you for your labor of love.
The extra time to pray for these ones is so necessary.
God bless you and please have a wonderful weekend!
Thank You Lord!
Who are we that we will not glorify Your holy name!!!
Glory be to You, Heavenly Father, Mighty King, Sovereign Lord.
I pray IJN, for all of us who gathered this day to honor You. Lord, remember us and include our names on a scroll written in heaven. That scroll of rememberance like the one from Malachi 3 where You promised that those on the list would be treated with Your compassion and not experience harm on the day of Your judgment.
Malachi 3:16-17 - “On the day when I act,” says the LORD Almighty, “ck burnerbe my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.
Thank You, God Almighty!
Glory to the Lord, we've arrived at the last 10 minutes of today's fellowship time. Hallelujah!
Having worshiped and prayed for others, it is time to turn our attention to ourselves.
By now, you should have read the message and considered the consequences of spiritual adultery as reasons to stay clear of this sin.
We've learned that idolatry can sneak up on folks. On Tuesday, sis Mimz pointed out that when we submit to certain emotions - fear, for instance - we are idolizing the spirit of fear and putting God on the backburner.
I recommend folks take another look at On Fear & Inexperience again as it is a great reminder of why God is worthy of putting Him first.
That said, let us pray -
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy upon us and our loved ones. Thank You for looking upon us with kindness and patience when we have put other things and even people before You or on the same level as You. Father, forgive us for this great error. We repent and place ourselves at Your feet for mercy.
Dear God, we call on You for help, discernment and wisdom as we turn away from the idols seeking to take Your place in our lives. We call on You to make us sensitive to Your Spirit as He guides us away from the things that can cause spiritual adultery. Strength to listen and obey, oh Lord. Strength to submit and cooperate with You as You steer us toward the day of our Lord Jesus, when we shall be blameless in His name, Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for sis @FFJ . I pray that you will continue to replenish her as she continues to pour into this community. I pray that you will continue to bless her and her loved ones. I pray that you continue to increase her in supernatural wisdom, knowledge strength and favour IJMN Amen
From JIR - “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.”
1 Corinthians 12:12-13 KJV
I pray for the Body of Christ to harmonize and be one with each other. I pray the Body of Christ is successful in touching the hearts of many through the Holy Spirit. I pray that we bear plentiful good fruit - 30 fold, 60 fold or even 100 fold. I pray that we remain rooted in You and endure to the end, Lord. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I submit myself and my twin as we celebrate our birthday tommorow. All we ask is for you to strengthen, transform and prune us for you purpose and glory. Help us to spiritually mature in prayer, fasting, studying your Word and in fellowship with the Church of Christ. We look forward to what you have in store for us this new year. We exalt your name IJMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I want to thank you for myself and my siblings. Thank you for how you are taking care of us and watching over us. I see your hand in our lives daily and how much you love us. I bless you Father for your grace over us. I thank you Lord for how you are guiding and directing us everyday. I submit our needs, wants and desires at your feet and ask that you fulfil them according to your will for our lives IJMN Amen
Glory be to God in the highest. King of kings. Lord of lords. He who fills mouths with rejoicing. Hallelujah!!
Isaiah 60:17 - Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler.
Lord, the wealth of this world is Yours to do with as You will. This despite the fact too many of the devil's acolytes seem to hold onto it.
However, You have declared that the wicked will hoard and You will disperse their wealth to those who are pleasing to You.
Therefore, Lord, let the wealth of nations come to Your own. Great Provider, open doors of provision for Your children. Provision that they understand as Yours to be used for Your purpose and not their desires, IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for people struggling mentally that you will bless them with a sound and alert mind. I pray that you will destroy every stronghold of doubt, fear, depression, low self esteem in their lives. Father Lord I pray that you help them to experience your abundance and love more than ever. I pray that you will give them the strength and clarity to be vulnerable in your presence and allow you carry their burden. IJMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for couples waiting for the fruit of the womb. I pray that you turn their waiting into fruitfulness. I pray that you will bless them with beautiful healthy babies that they will nourish and nurture in your ways. I pray that you will put an end to failed IVFs, miscarriages and difficult adoption processes IJMN Amen
From JIR - Please Lord, place Your hands on those who are terminally ill or sick. We know that all things are possible through You, Lord. Please bless the doctors and surgeons performing the surgeries on the terminally ill or sick with knowledge and wisdom and with sharp eyes, steady hands and support from their teams to be successful in their surgeries. Please bless the patients to pull through and be able to live full lives ahead of them. All things are possible with You in the midst, Lord. Please bless them with miracles to extend their lives. IJMN! Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you destroy and expose every network of kidnappers, traffickers and negative elements harming people. I pray that you dismantle their connections and networks and set free the people they have kept captive. Abba Father just as you drowned the Egyptians in the sea on behalf of the Israelites, I pray that you disrupt the activities of these ones and set your people free IJMN Amen
Father, You are the Builder of Everything. The Giver of Life. Lord, we give You all the glory and praise. We worship Your Holy Name.
Lord, Your word tells us Psalm 127:2 - It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones (NLT). As such, Lord, we rely on You to ensure that we work in a way that does not waste our energy so we enjoy the rest You have guaranteed to us.
That said, Lord, we know satan is always trying to make our lives difficult. But, Hallelujah! You are the God who covers us in His anointing and grace. You shield us from the devourer and restore what the cankerworm has stolen.
Lord, wherever the enemy is trying to put undue pressure on Your children, we cancel that scheme IJN, Amen. However the enemy has forged a weapon against us, we decree the weapon moot and ineffective. It destroys the enemy instead.
We now call on You to give Your children the understanding needed in Your word on how to navigate businesses and careers in a manner that gives You glory. Show Your people, Father, how to be a Daniel, a Meshach, a Shadrach, an Abednego, and an Esther in the midst of pagans. Show them how to align themselves with Your divine plan so You are glorified in their workplace and their names are met with favor that hallows Your Holy Name. IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for children across the world that you will continue to shield them from harm, violence and abuse. I pray that they will fulfil their destinies by your grace. I pray that you touch the hearts and mind of parents, caregivers, guardians and teachers to nurture and nourish them in your ways IjMN Amen
From M22 - Heavenly Father I lift up the residents of California affected by the wildfires into your loving arms. Father Lord you see how deeply affected they are by their loss. I pray Father Lord that you comfort them beyond measure. I pray that you will replenish and restore all that they have lost in thousandfold. Help them to fix their eyes on you as you steer them forward. I pray that you destroy every cycle of afflictions that may want to roar it's ugly head in their lives again. Father Lord I pray that you connect them to agencies, organizations and individuals that will help them move forward from this and start a fresh IJMN Amen
Please put your own prayer requests to the side. I know they are pressing and hard to ignore, but during the next 25 minutes, it is our responsibility to pray for others and not ourselves.
God will not forget your needs just because you took a few minutes to focus on someone else's prayer point. You showing love to someone by praying for them will actually endear you to the Lord. He does great things for those He is pleased with.
We must first give to receive in the Kingdom of God. This requires great faith.
Put your faith to work right now, no matter how small it seems. Believe that as you take time to bless others with your prayers, your own needs will not go ignored by God Almighty.
Be selfless.
Intercede for someone in prayer.
Father, I thank You for Your mercy and grace.
Thank You for showing me great kindness and understanding.
Lord, I am very grateful that You are faithful.
2 Samuel 22:17 - He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.
Lord, what is man that You are mindful of him? The son of man that You would care for him?
God I thank You for caring for Your own. For being the steadfast Protector. The Holy One. The Rescuer. Our Salvation!!