Have you ever wondered if anything in your life is hindering your prayers? It's not a comfortable issue to confront but self-professing Christians can't ignore this point.
We recently considered this subject on August 25, 2023, with the post, Let It Go. We return to this topic because many of us still don't realize that there are things we have done or are doing that stand in the way of our prayers being answered.
Take Naaman for instance. He was the Kingdom of Aram's war commander. Despite his wealth and influence, he suffered from a debilitating disease - leprosy.
However, an Israeli servant girl noted that her master could receive healing if he met with the "prophet who is in Samaria" (2 Kings 5:3). The prophet in question was Prophet Elisha and he lived in Samaria, the capital of the Kingdom of Israel.
Taking a chance, Naaman journeyed to Israel. He, however, didn't get to meet Elisha because the prophet sent a messenger with a simple instruction - “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.” (2 Kings 5:10).
Naaman was incensed! How dare the prophet not come to greet him properly. How dare he send him to the filthy River Jordan when there were cleaner water bodies back home. How could he, the warrior of Aram be treated this way?
His staff convinced him that he'd come so far and might as well do this most simple thing. Soon, he agreed and did as Elisha said. As he came out of the river the seventh time, he was completely healed.
Like Naaman, each of us has a problem that requires God's direct intervention. And like the war commander, we have to submit to the Lord to get what we need. Only He has the solution, and we must choose to obey Him in order to overcome.
Often, we think that praying repeatedly is all we need. However, there are times when God expects us to do something specific in addition to our praying. Typically, fasting will quiet our minds enough to hear God's instruction. Or, the Lord will use someone else to point us in the right direction. Whatever approach He uses, we need to be desperate enough for God's solution and we must obey in order to see light at the end of the tunnel.
What stands in our way could be certain lifestyle choices, sin habits, or ungodly attitudes. Yet, once God shows us what needs to go, we must commit to eradicating it.
We don't know what it was about Naaman that contributed to his ailment. But clearly, God wanted to show him that there were things about him that needed to go. His pride, his lack of fear of the Lord, his worship of false gods, his condescending attitude...the list could likely go on.
What is it about you that God is pointing to as a problem that keeps your prayers from being fulfilled by Him? The Lord wants to wean you and get you free from everything that stands in the way of Him granting your heart's godly desires (Psalm 145:19). Are you willing to let Him show you what needs to go? And, will you let go of whatever it is?
To learn more, please read
Father God, I thank You for You are God.
In Your authority, You provided the opportunity to gather today for Your glory. Thank You God.
I pray for those joined in for fellowship - “The blessing of the Lord be on you; we bless you in the name of the Lord.”
IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling with homelessness and poverty. Lord you are the divine provider. It is not your will for anyone to lack or face desolation so Abba I pray that you touch the heart of individuals, churches, governments , housing authorities and organizations to help this individuals in needs. Touch their hearts and minds to improve the standard of living and quality of lives for them IJMN amen.
From LB - God, may you continue to watch over everyone who just needs a little love in their life. May you be the guiding light they need to push forward and triumph over any adversity. And God, bless those of us who may be suffering through loneliness. May you comfort them and be the friend that they need to reassure them that they are never alone. Amen!
From M22 - Abba I pray for people struggling emotionally and mentally. I pray Abba that your peace in Phillipians 4:8 will guard their hearts and minds. I pray Abba that you will relieve them of every pain they feel. Help them eliminate every form of confusion, doubt, anxiety, depression and fear. Conquer the battlefield in their minds Abba. Amen.
From LB - Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here! I just want to give Thanks to the Lord for waking us up to see another beautiful day today! Let us rejoice and be glad in the Lord's creation and beauty.
I just want to say that God has been very good to me. Despite all the ups and downs I have been through this past year with the financial hiccups, the flood/water damage in my home, the mental health setbacks, etc., I still find time to just give Thanks to God because he has brought me through all the bad times. I just want to say Thank You to him for what he has done and what he continues to do for me in my life. God is good all the time and is an on time God! Just thank you God for your Grace and Mercy!
I hope that everyone continues to have a good week this week and continue to just look to God for guidance and assurance during this season of Thanks and rebirth. May God Bless you all and keep you steady throughout your walk with him! Amen!
To God be the glory, Amen!
From M22 - Abba I pray for families that cannot afford to celebrate Thanksgiving. I pray that you make a way for them. I pray that you compensate them beyond their expectations this holiday seasons and many more celebrations to come IJMN amen.
From BI - Lord, watch over first responders, rescue workers and all who dedicate their lives to providing help to Your children. Protect them and their loved ones. Please direct them to the people that need them the most. Grant them patience, conviction and resources to keep doing what they do. Abba, meet them at their points of need. Grant them safe return to their loved ones IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people stuck in abusive and violent situations. I pray that you recuse them from this situations. I pray Abba that you send help in form of communities, organizations, law enforcement and individuals to help these individuals. I pray that you move them into communities where they are loved, taken care of and provided for. Abba please restore their sense of safety, confidence and trust IJMN amen.
Yes, it is indeed possible for a person's lifestyle choices, ideas, and actions to stand in the way of their receiving God's blessings. We don't like to think about this, and yet it is a straightforward concept in the Christian faith. Consider James 4:3 - When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. This verse clearly illustrates that not every prayer will be answered.
Our failure to obey God will always keep us from certain blessings. Not all, of course, because the Lord is merciful. We might be blessed in several other areas, but until we submit to whatever God wants in that moment, what we seek will elude us. Naaman, mentioned above, was a successful war commander and the second most important man in his nation. Yet he was a leper and no other treatment worked except Him obeying God's word as delivered by Elisha.
Let us pray to shed whatever needs to go so there is nothing holding us back from the fullness of life that God has promised each of us who believe.
Father, thank You for all You have done for me. I confess that despite how well You have treated me, I have fallen short of Your glory through my sin. Please forgive me. I repent for my sinful ways and call on You to kindly have mercy upon me. I also call on You, my King, to teach me what I need to know about what You want gone from my life. Whatever lifestyle choices, thoughts, and actions in me that do not honor You, I want them gone, Lord. Uproot what You did not plant in me. That I may be in good standing with You and not miss out on anything You have for me. Because every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord and I want them all, IJMN, Amen.
Don't forget that you said this prayer. If you notice things start to change in your life in inexplicable ways, don't fight it. God may just be weaning you from what needs to go. Please do not go back to what He is separating you from. Remember Proverbs 26:11 - As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly. That shall not be our portion in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for couples struggling with the fruit of that womb that you hear their cries and bless them with beautiful babies that will be nourished and nurtured in your ways IJMN. Amen
From PBS - Thank You Lord for another day and every day—filled with new mercies and blessings! ❤️
Father in the Name of Jesus, we lift before you all who are bound and in situations that are oppressive. In the Name of Jesus, we command every devil, enemy, persecutor, abuser, stronghold, oppressor, opposition, dictator, and everything and anyone abusing their position of power—to bend their knees and be destroyed right now.
For at the Name of Jesus, every knee must bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and we exercise our authority to speak His Name.
Every deceitful weapon used to physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually bind, we declare that they are removed and broken up in Jesus name. We declare that the Lord and His Will take over and heal those who have been victims.
Father, please hear both the loud and silent prayers of those needing escape and breakthrough. Cover them with the wings of your protection. Comfort and lead them out.
Lord, set up ways of escape into Your safety. Send the angels out to unshackle the chains and lead your beloved and those needing your salvation, out of their imprisonments.
Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy! Thank you for the new lives of peace, prosperity, and salvation that have opened up. Thank you for sending Your Light, which overcomes all darkness.
In Jesus Name, Amen!
Heavenly Father our Sovereign Lord. We put children before You. Father, Your word in Matthew 18:10 - See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.
The devil wants to destroy the lives of innocent children early so they never trust in You and so they never step into the purpose You have for them.
Dear God, Hallowed be Thy Name. For we know the word in 1 John 4:4 - You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
God, we pray for innocent children being oppressed. We seek their freedom from oppressors and the hands of the wicked. Please work miracles for enslaved and maltreated children everywhere, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for children across the world. I pray that you protect them from harm, abuse and violence. I pray Abba that you continue to nourish and nurture them IJMN amen.
From sis FJ - Dear God,
I thank you for the merriment that will happen in this season.
Abba, You are the God of the family unit. All creatures on earth look to You for for food. I cry out to You to please intervene in homes this holiday season. I also rebuke agents of mischief and disaster that would try to cause harm in this season. It is written, "the righteous will live in peaceful dwellings" and "by the blessing of the righteous a city is exalted". I plead the blood of Jesus over my city and vicinity. I command angelic help from heaven to guard this territory. You promise to rebuke the devourer for my sake. I bind with fetters of iron every evil principality that desires to wreak havoc in this season. Let there be mighty explosions/testaments of Your power. In Jesus mighty name I have prayed, amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for those that have been a help to those in need. I pray Abba that you supply their needs according to your word in Phillipians 4:19. May their pockets never run dry. May they receive help as they help Lord. May their hospitality and generosity continue to be a wonderful and sweet offering to you Abba. Amen!
Exodus 14:19-20 - Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them, coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to the one side and light to the other side; so neither went near the other all night long.
God, You literally stood guard over Your children. We know You continue to do this today and we call out to You continue, IJN, Amen. Be the pillar of cloud and the wall of fire that rubbishes the enemy and secures the lot of Your people. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.
Embolden Your children in this blessed season so they don't succumb to the schemes of the devil, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
From AC - Abba, please uplift Your sons and daughters with disabilities. Let them know they are loved and that they matter to You and the world. Cover them with your love and protection and eliminate the cruel stigma towards them. Bless them with supernatural abilities and elevate their position in this world. Pour Your mighty healing powers upon them, for Your Glory. In the Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
From BI - Abba Father, I pray for divine visitation for all who are in coma. I pray that You Lord will breathe life into them. I pray for a miraculous healing and an awakening from state of unconsciousness. By Your boundless love and mercy, touch them and guide their steps so they walk in perfect health. May their body be revitalised, their thoughts clear and may their mouth declare the goodness of God IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Everlasting Father, our Prince of peace we plead your power over every conflict and war in this world. Abba I pray that you end every conflict and war, lives are being lost and I know it's your will that we abide under your shadow always. Abba I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of the warring/conflicting parties to settle peacefully and end the violence. Thank you Abba for settling all this conflicts. IJMN amen
From M22 - Abba, I pray that your protect this world against natural disasters. Abba I pray that you protect towns, villages, cities, provinces, territories and countries. I know Abba is not your will for disasters to come in proximity to your children. I pray that you Abba will create hedges of protection around this world IJMN amen.