Many of us are familiar with Prophet Elijah and his successor, Prophet Elisha. Elisha became a son to the prophet, going everywhere with him. However, did you know Elisha was Elijah's second assistant? Someone else held the position before him. While the Bible doesn't tell us this man's name, we know he helped Elijah check the sky for evidence of rain during a prayer to end a three-year drought (1 Kings 18:43-44). And when Elijah ran after learning wicked Queen Jezebel planned to kill him, we are told the prophet dropped his assistant off at Beersheba (1 Kings 19:3).
This man never made another appearance in Elijah's story again. Instead, he was replaced by Elisha who went on to receive an inheritance that was the double portion of Elijah's spirit. Have you ever wondered why? I know I have.
The answer is simple. Elisha did something the first assistant didn't. In 2 Kings 2:2, Elijah told Elisha to remain behind while he went to do something for the LORD. Elisha's refused, saying, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." Unlike the first assistant, Elisha didn't leave Elijah's side. He knew his assignment was to serve the prophet and he took his job seriously. There was no reason he would abandon his post. Even when his boss permitted him to.
How many of us could be so devoted? How many of us have shown such commitment to someone other than ourselves and our personal interests? I freely confess I can't claim to be so dedicated.
And that, ladies and gentlemen is a reason we struggle to reach the finish line on many of the challenges we face. We just give up. And, I'm not saying that doing so isn't understandable. Can you imagine how Elijah's first assistant felt? There he was, serving the great man of God and suddenly, there was a target on his back. Jezebel wasn't just going to stop at killing the prophet, right? Surely, such an evil person would kill his servant as well. I can literally imagine him saying, "Nah man, I didn't sign up for this."
Alas, that's exactly what we all signed up for when we chose to follow GOD. We chose to never leave His side the same way He has never left our side and never will.
As mentioned earlier, Elisha got a double portion of his boss's "spirit." That meant he did double the spiritual signs and miracles Elijah did. All it took was him being steadfast and unwavering in doing the job that the LORD gave him.
What has GOD told you to do? Is it to praise Him more? How about pray more? Don't you want to reap a double portion? Or even more? Elisha teaches us to stay in service to reap the blessings of the LORD. Don't give up. It might not seem like it, but you're doing a good job, so keep it up! God bless you and see you at Noon EST for Praise & Pray (for others).
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*from C* - Thank You Lord for this day, for your presence in our lives. Lord we uplift all we are into your loving hands trusting Your will in our lives, your goodness and mercies renewing us day after day. Bless us with unwavering faith and trust in in. Thank You for all. Amen
Lord, You get all the glory and the praise. I am grateful to You for Your kindness and grace upon us as we gathered in Your name this day.
Lord, I lift up those who were able to participate in today's fellowship and I call on You to remember them for honoring You this way. I pray that You will meet them at their points of need and that You will move in their lives even more than they've been privileged to experience thus far.
Lord, Thy will be done for them, here on earth as in heaven. As Jesus came to destroy the works of satan, I declare over them, that the works of satan against them are destroyed IJMN, Amen. That You Lord will be glorified in and through their lives. Take all the praise, my King, IJN, Amen!
Let us use this time to meditate on the Lord. Did you see a prayer that touched you? Or a praise point that's still on your mind? Was it a Bible verse that speaks to something you're going through?
Take it and recite it. Personalize it by placing your very name into it as you speak aloud. Expand it to fit your personal needs. This is the time to focus on what we want from our Redeemer.
*From SN* - Father, thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
You have kept all of us sane and in our right minds through every struggle the enemy has tossed our way. I love You beyond words. And I thank You for all the ways You are about to bless and honor our faithfulness to You.
Big God, Grand God, He who is worthy of all praise;
I thank You for using Your might and authority to grant justice all around the world. You, My Lord, stand up for the rights of both big and small. You punish the wicked even up to the 3rd and 4th generations but place blessings on the righteous even up to the 1000th generation. (Numbers 14:18).
My Lord, it is written: "_The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance_" (2 Peter 3:9).
My God, You are great. Your faithful character never changes. Lord, please forgive Your children for not always being steadfast despite Your faithfulness towards us. Surely You are "_slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion_", but You cannot leave the guilty unpunished (Numbers 14:18). I pray that You would shine Your light on the hearts of Your children so that they are not the wicked ones visited with punishment. Thank You Abba for Your just acts and just ways seen all around the world.
*From T1983* - Thank you God for everything!! Especially for what you’re about to do!
*From BI* - Loving God, I lift up in prayer men and women in ministry. I pray that You bless them with wisdom and direction. I pray that You grant them good physical and mental health. May they persevere in faithful labour and not grow weary. May they always seek counsel from God as they give spiritual guidance to others IJMN Amen.
Father, I want to pray for children everywhere. The Bible said that [c]hildren are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him in Psalm 127:3.
Lord, protect children. The world is working overtime to overwhelm and destroy them through depraved acts, images, thinking and structures.
You give children to be a blessing. Please hear this prayer seeking Your blessed covering over them. IJMN, Amen.
"O Lord send Your fire, that they may know that You are God"
Mighty God, the King of Kings, the God who is greater than any other;
Lord, You are already lifted up higher than any other. My God, I cry out to You rain Your fire upon the camp of the enemy. I ask this because it is written, "they will gather but not by Me, they will scatter for Your sake." Also Your word says, "when the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise a standard against them."
Arise O Lord, let Your enemies be scattered. Let all who hate You flee from Your presence. Amen, in Jesus mighty name.
We bring broken bodies, minds and souls to You, Father. We lift these individuals wherever they may be for Your healing grace.
Your word assures us that it was by the stripes and suffering of our Savior that we - mere dust, mere sinners - were healed.
Lord, we stand in the gap for those seeking Your healing. We call on You to hear our cries on their behalf and respond by sending out Your word as promised in Psalm 107:20. We say this prayer believing that it is to Your glory and we call on You that Your will - and Your will alone - be done here on earth as in Heaven.
Lord, have mercy and fix what needs to be fixed in the people this prayer is permitted to extend to. We thank You for hearing us, IJMN, Amen.
*From BI* - Loving God, I lift up in prayer men and women in ministry. I pray that You bless them with wisdom and direction. I pray that You grant them good physical and mental health. May they persevere in faithful labour and not grow weary. May they always seek counsel from God as they give spiritual guidance to others IJMN Amen.
We have reached the point where we set our needs aside and pray for others.
Who are you praying for today? Not sure? Pray for your neighbors, your boss, your friends, and ask God to help them for they surely need God's help in their lives just as you do.
Not sure what their needs are? Ask God to meet whatever needs they have. He knows everything and will do the needful for them.
Let's pray.
Father, I want to thank You for fulfilling Your promises to me.
I thank You for keeping Your word.
Covenant-Keeper, You have been steadfast and true.
You said You would do it and so You did.
Thank You, Jehovah!!!
I can testify anywhere that it pays to serve You and for that I am grateful.
Dear God,
Thank You so much for joy, wisdom, and restoration!
Lord. I want to thank You for being the way maker. You are He for whom nothing is impossible.
So I want to thank You in advance for the goodness You have poured into the lives of Peppers. I believe there shall be testimonies to Your glory of the great things You have done for them.
Praise be to the Lord!!
*From BI* - Thank You Lord for all You are doing in the lives of people around me. Your mercy truly knows no bounds. Thank You God for healing and caring for Your children. You are a wonderful Father that neither sleep nor slumber. Everything You do is for our good. King of kings, I hail thee!
Psalm 97:12 - Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name.
Father, we Your children are gathered today to rejoice in You. For You are our great and mighty God.
To You alone belongs all of our praise.
Glory to our God!!
From PBS - Hallelujah, Lord, You are the only God of the breakthrough! In the Name of Jesus, mighty and righteous Father, dear Lord, please remove every mountain to be cast out and destroyed. May Your Power continue to break through and set the captives free. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—Let the blind now see, let the deaf now hear, let the door knocks now be answered—to Your Glory. Every need that’s been prayed for and faith stood upon to be released to receive the answers—financial, healing, security, protection, love, favor, wisdom, understanding, joy, peace, comfort, goodness, mercy, forgiveness, wholeness, discernment, provisions, etc—breakthrough and rain down DOUBLE PORTIONS on Your children right now, in Jesus Name, amen!
*From BI* - Thank You my Abba Father for providing for me. Thank You for Your steadfast love, enduring mercy, grace, forgiveness, kindness and so much more. Thank You for being the God of yes and amen. You are God all by Yourself and there is none like You. I will praise Your Holy Name forever. Thank You Baba God.
Psalm 97:9 - For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.
Hallelujah to the Most High God!!
Father, I come before You this day in worship. You are the God who breaks all impossibilities. The One and True Lord.
Glory to the Most High over all the earth!