Christians have learned that struggles are a part of their journey. Many have experienced challenges that stretched them and caused them to grow in the Lord. As a result, it is well-accepted in the Christian community that challenges can be for their own good.
However, there are times when certain people will face challenges but for God's gain. Apostle Paul is one such example. While detained in Rome, he wrote in Philippians 1:12-13 - Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.
He was imprisoned because he believed in Jesus and that ruffled certain people's feathers. He knew that his time in Rome would lead to death because the Lord had told him and his fellow Christians had prophesied the same. Despite knowing this, he ensured that his period of captivity served God's purpose - that those unfamiliar with Christ would be introduced to Him.
Every believer can learn something from this attitude. Amid troubles, we can ask - how can the Lord gain from my season of suffering? That is not a natural question to ask ourselves but Paul's words challenge us to not squander any opportunity to serve God and achieve His objectives. This can be achieved through the words we speak and even the way we carry ourselves as we interact with others. Regardless of whether we are happy or being treated unfairly as was the case for Paul. During trials, we have to set our anger, disappointment, and pain aside so we don't buckle under the pressure of our suffering.
As our relationship with the Lord develops, we can no longer just focus on what we are meant to learn in our season of suffering even though such knowledge is crucial for our spiritual development. We must also seek out how the Lord's Kingdom can gain as well. And like Paul, we can become the type of Christians who leave the sweet fragrance of Christ wherever they go (2 Corinthians 2:14). This will be one way that we accomplish Christ's instruction to all believers in Mark 16:15 - "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
The Lord will help us to be so mindful of Him that we seek to achieve His objectives no matter what circumstances we are in. By His grace, we shall show and tell others why they should choose our God, IJMN, Amen.
To learn more, please read:
Father, I thank You for Your grace and mercy upon all who participated in today's fellowship.
My prayer for them is contained in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 - May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
IJMN Amen.
From CD - Family,
I feel like I am taking a comprehensive exam, LOL. I have a new team reporting to me (all adults) and I am finding myself addressing things that I feel I shouldn't have to address such as how a "work day" is defined, when jeans can be worn, requesting time off, time & effort, etc. And let's not leave out the petty antics and games and Lord, I take up my cross daily and resist the urge to match petty because I have been known to say that I have never met anyone who could out petty me...but Lord, I am a new creature and that is no longer a part of my ministry and I rebuke that petty spirit.
Heavenly Father, I am going to make you proud by choosing to represent you and see you when I look at and interact with them. My assignment in this season is to encourage growth and development, foster an environment of trust and transparency and I will continue to speak the blood over not just my team, but also my organization, industry, and each and every person I come into contact with, seen and unseen. Because doing so furthers my growth and development.
Lord, I know that it's because You knew you could trust me with this assignment and I accept. I will continue to hold Your hand and follow Your lead and walk into the places we discuss, IJN!!
Think about Job. He went through a lot. Yet, his experiences - his challenges - served to glorify the Lord and today, we can look at his life and learn so much. Have you ever considered that some of what you have been through is for God's glory? Or that someone, somewhere, will learn from it and be drawn closer to God?
None of us want to suffer. I suspect that is because Adam and Eve were meant to live in a paradise - the Garden of Eden. Sadly, their disobedience meant that all who came after them would deal with some sort of struggle.
But, for Christians, our trials never have to be in vain. Especially when we recognize that God can be exalted through them. Let us pray for this grace.
God, help us to see things from a different perspective. Help us to understand that there may be times when our struggles can be of gain to Your Kingdom. Help us to rest in this knowledge and to allow You to have Your way in our lives, be it in the good times or the bad times. Lord, strength to serve You no matter what and to live lives that display why others should get to know You, IJMN, Amen.
Lord, You are the Almighty. Sovereign in all You do. The God of Jeshurun. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Father, Your word instructs us to ask that we may receive (Matthew 7:7).
Today, I lift up PEO's project and call on You to kindly bless the outcome. Good God, I know the devil will always try to frustrate the things that are tied to You and that can bless others. But, the desires of satan are always subject to Your authority and Your purpose can never be thwarted. Hallelujah!
Father, I pray that through that project, You, oh Lord, will be glorified. That people will bless Your holy name and be greatly edified. IJMN, Amen.
From sis OD - So true.… funny enough this is something i read this morning in a different way.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
It is time to pray for people. Remember to pray for others. This is not the time to pray for ourselves.
God bless you.
Dear God, I thank You for bringing people together to worship You for You are incredible in all You do.
Take all the glory, Jehovah.
Father, I thank You for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. From generation to generation, You never change and I am grateful.
Thank You for being steadfast, oh God.
Sovereign, Lord. You are great.
Thank You, God for for everything You have done.
Thank You, God, for all that You are doing.
Thank You, God for all that is to come.
Father, You are worthy to be praised and so I join all of creation to honor You with my worship.
Thank You, Lord!
From Amanda woodward - Thank you, Father God, for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me and my family. I praise your name for the love, protection, and guidance you have given us through every season of our lives. Your grace has been ever-present in our joys and sorrows, leading us to trust your divine plan.
I am grateful for the ways you have shown your favor towards us, whether through answered prayers or unexpected blessings that remind us of your faithfulness. Your provision has never failed us, sustaining us in times of need and granting us strength to face each new day with hope and courage.
May our hearts be continually filled with gratitude for your goodness and mercy that follows us throughout our lives. As we lift up our voices in praise to you, Father God, let our lives be a living testament to your glory and grace. IJMN, Amen!
It is time to worship the Lord. Remember to give Him praises. Rejoice in Him.
From sis ML - Thank you Sis, may all we do or go through give glory to our Father and God.
*From EC*- Amen and good morning ladies!
From WIW- Let me do praise and pray for 25. I have to build up some resilience first.
Oh I’m glad because this site has so much noise, fun at times but I need to focus.
I have something important going on so prayer is welcome. Any tips are welcome too.
*From M22* - Thank you Abba Father for another beautiful fellowship day. We bless you for life, mobility, the air in our lungs, your grace, love, joy, generosity, protection and provision over our lives. We glorify and worship you Father amen!
Thank you for today's word sis @FFJ . Today's word was insightful as always. Paul was truly an example of not letting challenges stop his God given purpose and I pray that we receive supernatural strength from heaven to accomplish much more in our walk with God. It's easy for our challenges to overwhelm us that we sometimes forget how mighty and sovereign our Father is. I pray that we focus on fulfilling his objectives for our lives and Kingdom Journey no matter circumstances or season we find ourselves in. I pray that we will continue to overcome no matter the circumstances we are facing in our lives. IJMN Amen!