None of us like to entertain the thought of defeat. We imagine ourselves as winners and we should, particularly as children of God. He has won every battle on our behalf so we can bask in the glow of victory. And yet, despite identifying as children of the Most High God, we still encounter defeats. How is this possible? And why should such a thing happen?
We've previously discussed several potential reasons why a child of God might not see their expectations fulfilled. Sin could stand in the way through fornication, unforgiveness, unrepentance, disobedience, and hypocrisy. When it comes to sin, the list could be long but God is faithful to reveal what stands in the way of His blessings in our lives.
We have also examined that God sometimes uses suffering and pruning to strengthen His children. Although they encounter defeats, those experiences will increase their faith, bring God glory, and bless others.
And it is in this vein that we look at Joseph, the son of Jacob. A man who'd received a dream from the Lord that spoke of his greatness only for him to see the exact opposite. Despite the glory that was to come for him, Joseph was hated by his brothers and sold into slavery. He went from the favored son of his father to a slave in Potiphar's house. Although he excelled in service and was put in charge of his master's home, a false accusation sent him to prison. There, the Spirit of Excellence remained on him and he again rose to distinction. Yet, he languished in captivity, forgotten even by those he helped leave the prison.
But one day, the God of Suddenly remembered him and brought him out of prison. Joseph had continued to serve and believe in His God, so when the opportunity came to display God's power to an unbeliever, he was supernaturally ready. And his life was never the same after that. He catapulted from slave and prisoner to Egypt's second most powerful man. Even Pharaoh deferred to him.
Joseph's story is an important reminder that the defeats we experienced were not for nothing. God used his defeats to prepare him and bring him to victory. This is exactly what God can and will do in the lives of those who completely submit to His authority.
Defeat and suffering are not supposed to crush our spirit. They can be the stepping stones - the launching pad - to greater heights. If you are a genuine child of God - being led by the Holy Spirit and obeying what Christ taught - and you are experiencing life's troubles, please realize that God might not be punishing you. He may be building you up for His purpose - training you for greater things. Take a moment. Take a deep breath. Thank Him for the defeats and declare that you submit to His will for your life. Show Him you trust Him to usher you to great victory. A victory that will reflect His greatness and cause others to praise Him for what He's done for you.
And if upon self-reflection you can admit that you have not been living your life for Jesus, then it is time to do the needful and recommit/give your life to Christ. Repent, return to God, and be restored by Him. That way, you will experience what Joseph did - your defeats will lead to victory.
Take all the glory, Lord!
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Next week is a blessed week for all of you. If you have the time, read Haggai 2 on Christmas Day, December 25th. The Bible highlighted that day as a day of blessings (you have to use the Hebraic calendar to find the right date each year). God actually promised to bless on that day in verse 19 - But from this day on, I will bless you.
So, if you think you missed out on a blessing this year or if you are still waiting for something from the Lord, start reading Haggai 2 and make declarations upon yourself so that you reap the blessings He freely gives out on that day.
And when you get your blessing, be sure to praise God. Make sure you testify so others and also bless Him for what He did for you. Share with others from your blessings - give to the poor and the needy, the orphan and the widow, the oppressed.
Once again, God bless and keep you till we return here to commune next Tuesday by His grace.